I'll Make You Famous…




Madelaine Petsch in a Bikini of the Day

Looks like Cherry Blossom is getting pregnant in Hawaii…

Looks like Cherry Blossom is getting pregnant in Hawaii…or wherever the fuck she’s on Vacation now that the Riverdale show is done filming Season 2, something I have a feeling the executives at Riverdale did not expect to have happen, because if you’ve seen Riverdale and I have, you will know that the shit is so badly written, that it makes zero fucking sense, that is hardly compelling, at least not to an old pervert with a bit of a brain, sure it’s liquor soaked, waterlogged, half retarded brain, but clearly one far more sophisticated than the half retard, ADHD, kid addicted to porn who I assume they target in the show, who watches the show, who has made the show a hit….I blame a lack of hot chicks, as this one is the only hot one, and looking at her in a bikini is totally uneventful, because maybe women are just uglier than they used to be…the fake faces and all make them ugly…maybe the hot chick on TV is just a myth…social media a lie..the face filters and shit make them lazy…because I’m not impressed…

The hot chick from a well marketed and well distributed show…half naked…not looking hot…I feel so lied to…and no wonder this pop filled, garbage eating, flimsy generation….is so fucking confused about everything, including their own genders…it’s because marketers and producers are fucking lazy…

It’s the era of access to the most information, the most art, the most knowledge, the most porn, the most everything…yet the shit that works is Memes that a half retard would understand…..

Step it up people….and by step it up…I mean…pull down them bikini bottoms Cherry Blossom…and show us the gateway to your soul.


Posted in:Madelaine Petsch|SFW




Elsa Hosk’s Slutty Shoot of the Day

Elsa Hosk doesn’t really interest me, I mean she’s a 29 or 30 year old Victoria’s Secret model who is I guess the answer to Candice Swanepoel being pregnant for the last 3 years, they needed a replacement, because I guess Candice gave them some warning, and this one had the right look..

I mean she’s hot, and I remember her coming up and establishing herself, despite having a Victoria’s Secret deal, as a nude model, so we’ve seen her naked countless times before even knowing she was a contract girl….

Making pretty much everything she did after being naked so often…like all her catalog work as a promo model for a sweat shop produced product line of overpriced overhyped dog shit panties that American middle of the road women fucking love because they don’t have the mental capacity to understand consumerism, being marketed to, being manipulated by these billion dollar brands…

But I guess overpaid half naked Swedish women, who give women unrealistic body images, making them insecure because they aren’t 6 foot tall and thin, makes for a good contribution to society when we are in an era of everyone being fat…we gotta fight that…if we don’t want to live a life of throwing baby powder or flower on the women we bring home to find the wet spot…and if us commoners who aren’t rich dudes ever want to know what cumming on a toned stomach feels like….since the thin fit woman is a dying breed and may eventually be extinct…..unless more people like Elsa Hosk and her Swedish design like Ikea or Volvo help perpetuate the hotness of skinny…

I don’t dislike Elsa Hosk or her lame posing on a expensive car like a gold digger she likely is…because she can be….


How about a couple pics from her social media…

Posted in:Elsa Hosk|SFW




Jennifer Lopez in a Sports Bra of the Day

Jennifer Lopez psted a picture of herself 18 hours ago, doing a mirror selfie in some workout gear and it was almost erotic, not because it is J.LO an I’ve ever found her hot, but because it was shameless instagram selfies by narcissistic assholes, who even in their 50s, still like to look at themselves in the mirror and pose like some kind of sex worker, so much so that they share it with their loyal pervert fans that helped create them, even if they are marketed as high level, A List, high priced….they doing the same stunts eager whores are…because clearly this is how the world works….bitches like taking provocative selfies for people who like looking at provocative selfies…no matter what walk of life, bank account, color these motherfuckers are…forcing us to navigate through so much slutty selfie content, even slutty selfie content we don’t want to see, like a 50 year old J.Lo…who should just fucking simmer down and accept that she’s done alot, made a lot, and has fans that love her….she doesn’t need to be whoring like a Puerto Rican from the Bronx working at some strip club for Wall Street dudes in the 80s…like J.Lo probably grew up around back when she was 30 years old in the fucking 80s…

Posted in:Jennifer Lopez




Rosie Huntington-Whitely in Lingerie of the Day

The new mom I used to find ridiculously hot, despite knowing she was an uptight British cunt, but she’s old now, a mom now, and this campaign or shoot for her lingerie company is just fucking weird…

She’s doughy, her face mangled in what may be face injections, and I’m just not about this l at all..

There is a time when you are rich enough and can dip out and be forgotten in a classy way, burn out not fade away is a myth from a homosexual attention seeker, the life of the party, a song and dance man…

When really fading away is fine…

Posted in:Rosie Huntington|SFW




Evangeline Lilly Deep Stretch of the Day

Evangeline Lilly looks like she’s in some bunker, or maybe it’s a cargo ship, or maybe it’s a military base, or maybe she’s in Space, which would explain what the fuck happened to Evangeline Lilly….bitch disappeared and got old..

But not too old to be proud of her booty, or proud enough of her booty, to post pics of her stretching out her booty – like Some Kind of Pervert Exhibitionist – Stripper….

Posted in:Evangeline Lilly|SFW




Natasha Blasick Russian in a Bikini in Malibu of the Day

Natasha Blasick was born in the former USSR in the city of Odessa on the Black Sea. Her first language is Russian, She grew up in a Soviet style apartment that housed two families.

She Has 7 Movies coming out and I guess this is her PR tour…

7 Fucking movies, yet none of us have ever heard of her, because I guess thanks to digital technology, anyone can make a movie, it just doesn’t mean anyone will see the movie, unless it’s uploaded to some porn site and is a specific niche that enough people are into, but that the big players are targeting or producing content for, assuming that the kind of movies she gets cast for, involve what you’d expect a girl of this caliber, posing in this way, wearing this bikini would be doing….Eastern European / Russian Sex work…

Or maybe she’s just a Spy, or one of the girls your president Peed on that the Russians once threatened to release….who knows..

I just know she’s putting it out there, she’s hustling, and deserves you to notice….because so much less inspiring content is getting so much more coverage…because this is inspiring content at least to me…it looks like 1990s posters you put up in your dorm room, or shit you’d see in a beer commercial in the 90s, or novelty playing cards your dad had in the 90s….that you’d jack off to…

I guess what I am saying…is she reminds me of the 90s, and he probably doesn’t even realize she’s 30 years behind…and that’s what makes this strategic attempt at self promotion all the more weird as fuck.


Posted in:Natasha Blasick




Stella Hudgens Tits of the Day

Stella Hudgens is pretty fucking lazy, even a disappointment to the family, at least as far as I’m concerned, because unlike every other celebrity sister, she didn’t give it a go at being a celebrity, not a real go at least, she sort of just embraced her lazy route of not having to be on TV or hounded, while just being famous for being the person who is on TV and hounded, given all the same access as the one on TV being hounded, thanks to her last name….which I think makes her more appealing, especially since she was the bustier, and hotter sister…

All the other Celeb sisters we know were ugly versions of their sisters and basically humilated themselves in their quest to get some attention or fame riding them coattails…

From Ashley Simpson humiliating herself while being ugly, or Haylie Duff another monster sister, to Jamie Lynn Spears…there have been many of them….but it takes a girl secure in her tits, to say “fuck it, I’ll just ride this wave, and bust my fat tits out on social media every now and then, taking any spillover instagram campaigns I can get, because I have a following thanks to my last name”….pretty fucking easy….

So here’s her ‘bikini top’ big cleavage cuz she got big cleavage selfie…

Stella Hudgens, the sister, hotter than her famous sister, just livin the best life, tits out.

Posted in:SFW|Stella Hudgens




Elyse Taylor Topless of the Day

Elyse Taylor is nude of the day…

Elyse Taylor is a sexy Australian bikini model…who is probably best knows to the surf community as the face or tits in a bikini for O’Neill…..while to the rest the world she is known as the unknown, nameless girl who kinda looks like Miranda Kerr cuz like black people, and white people, all Australians look the same….in the Victoria’s Secret catalog….

But apparently she has gets naked, now that the Victoria’s Secret, get knocked up by a celeb, get knocked up by a billionaire hustle didn’t work for her, and instead she needs to work it harder, or more simplistic than other models…

Sometimes, the least complicated strategy is the right one, and you go “shit that was easy”…when it comes to modeling, keep it simple, just get naked and if enough people want to fuck you, you’ll get cast in some campaigns or a music video that will make you exist…

All this trying to navigate parties, traveling 300 days a year like Rita Ora, hustling…can be simplified with a – just get fucking naked…

So here she is….giving into that….to hopefully live the dream…

See how easy that was…..real easy…

Posted in:Elyse Taylor




Drunk Girl Pole Jump and Other Videos of the Day

Mistress Exposed

Coolest kid in town

Excavator Paddles Truck Down The Street

Pig Riding Grandpa

Mistress Busted

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

As a Canadian, I am neither hear nor there on Trump winning presidency, it’s old news and it amazes me that people are still obsessed and complain about it, while knowing he will likely win another term….

But what I do find fascinating about the whole thing, is how dumb people are when it comes to the internet…

I forget that I’ve been on the internet since 1995, I got over my internet addiction, you know spending hours and hours chatting and being sleazy and hilarious with people by 2000 or 2002, after 5 years of obesession, internet girlfriends, sexting, finding new girls to talk to, watching porn only to spend the next 16-18 years on the internet, but not on the internet like basic idiots all excited with the access to others and to information, but rather on the internet running this idiotic site…

So to me, my knowledge of how things work, is what I think common knowledge, forgetting that people are fucking idiots…

I would say that at least daily, one of my old timer friends who was never on the internet until the last 5-10 years, sends me an article that is totally fake or random shit, from sources like “entertainment today inside edition”…sometimes it’s health facts, new pills for weight loss, or other fully fabricated nonsense…and these motherfuckers believe it…and when I tell them it is fake news they say “but I saw the Shark Tank Episode They Were On”….and I was like “It never happened, you probably saw this ad or fake news three or for times programming you to think you saw the TV show they are claiming to have been on, because the interent is a fucking scam filled with scammers”…

I remember SPAM, penis improvement, super sketchy and unregulated shit…I remember identity fraud, people getting raped and killed, and seeing people putting out their life stories or sending me bullshit links…just fucking blows my mind…

You are all fucking idiots…and Here are some stepLINKS….of the Day

Sir Ian McKellan

Cyclist with a Knife Gets Knocked off

Claire Danes – Pregnant

Oscar Dela Hoya Fucking Spatulas…

The WOrld’s Fastest Backwards Runner

Inside a Tornado

Victoria Beckham Birthday Cake….

Posted in:stepLINKS