I'll Make You Famous…




Demi Lovato’s a Feminist of the Day

Demi Lovato's a Feministn with underboob

Demi Lovato’s full of shit, I assume anyone who knows anything about Demi Lovato, you’ll know that she’s full of shit.

You’ll also know that Feminist is a catch all catchphrase that means so much to so many people, but also means nothing specifically…because if you have a vagina you can apply the word to anything you do, from sex work, to egotistical narcisstic bullshit, girl power, that diverts attention from the fact that it’s straight whoring…

Demi Lovato also used to pull the whole no make-up, then the whole get fat, until your man dumps you, then get fit, then get half naked and braless, all because of feminism….because it’s that catch all term you need…to not necessarily justify your actions, you’re rich and a cunt, you don’t need to justify shit, but it makes for a nice angle…because people like angles…it makes them feel better out being whored out their entire life, being coddled to the point of pretending to be bipolar identity crisis….it’s all weird….it’s all lies…but retard kids with no attention span buy into it.

Lies to live by…

Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Chubby Sofia Richie in a Bikini of the Day

Chubby Sofia Richie in a Bikini

Sofia Richie is the real daughter of Lionel Richie, unlike Nicole Richie, but likely as spoiled and entitled, maybe a little less broken because her actual parents wanted to keep her and her actual parents are richer than god…and she knows like all adopted kids know that she’s by default the favorite..

She’s a fame hungry social media personality – even though she doesn’t need to be – but why not…so she fucks with the Kardashians’s 40 year old brother Scott Disick as part of the show’s storyline – you know get anyone relevant enough willing to fuck with you to fuck you and it works out nicely for him – because he’s a party guy surrounded by pervert young rich girls who want to fuck him – so he gets to bang them all out and move onto the next thanks to the Kardashians making him rich as fuck…

It’s a good gig if you’re into partying with young “it” girls and going to exclusive places doing exclusive things – life of luxury..

He’s like the K-Fed if K-fed was a cheesy LA scenester party boy…and really, I don’t think Sofia Richie is that hot or hot at all, but If I was into social media following, and “influencers” I’d be up on it, like he is, that’s where the market is…get your tabloid obligation bonus from the Kardashians and keep winning…

It must be nice to be pawn in an evil empire when your job is to solely find and fuck girls with over 1,000,000 followers on Insta…

Werido world….it’s all just fucking noise and for 19 – her ass is fucking garbage…I mean good enough for a 40 year old fucking a 19 year old…but overall as a whole..do some squats..


Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie




Delilah Hamlin Hot in a Magazine of the Day

Delilah Hamlin Hot in a Magazine

Delilah Hamlin is the celebrity daughter of celebrities who are barely celebrities but more porno looking face injected bitches from Aaron Spelling type shows, that are historically one step away from a porno set, and that step is on camera fucking…

Lisa Rinna…her mom…taught this young hot thing well, and like all the other social media girls before her, she’s on some hustle to be a bikini model from instagram and I encourage it because she’s young, hot, an skinny…

She’s not yet a Kardashian, but we can assume the mom’s ego is pushing for it, becuase all these 90s Hollywood type are keeping up with the joneses and proving that they can fame whore better than any Kardashian can…now that they’ve seen the light..

You see the Kardashians are the first to the plate, they paved the way, but not he real good DNA is gonna start pushing through..

You know the actual hot chicks with hot parents who were successful without porn carerrs..

Even though her mom’s career was pretty porn….TO SEE HER MOM’S PUSSY CLICK HERE

I’m a fan of all going on here…I may have posted them before, but I’ll post them again

Posted in:Delilah Hamlin|SFW




Monica Lewinsky Erotica of the Day

Monica Lewinsky Erotica

There is nothing hot about Monica Lewinsky….but there is everything hot about her being a naughty intern who sucked the president’s cock, who was a married President, and who publicly admitted to being fucked by a cigar, in what was an era of no instagram, when whores pretended they weren’t whores, and where getting naked for the world, or posing with your magic wand vibrator with a clever empowering quote about how it is better than any man – wasn’t a thing..

In the era of Lewinsky, the mistresses, the young eager girls willing to do anything for the man in power, the fame whores who would stick all kind of things in their asses, were secretive about it…

So in a lot of ways, this girl was a revolutionary…an innovator…a leader in women power…far more womanly and empowering to women than humanoid Hilary could ever be….

And for that…we celebrate an old and fat version of her, that’s really not all that worse than she was back when she sucked Bill’s Clinton’s Dick..


Posted in:monica lewinsky|SFW




Karreuche Tran Tight Pants Ass of the Day

Karreuche Tran Tight Pants Ass

Karreuche Tran is one of those beat up by Chris Brown Chicks…who has a far better ass that Rihanna, you know trade in the billionaire popstar from the Islands with an ego, who went nuts on you, forcing you to beat her up because you’re a fucked dancing sold by your parents closet case homosexual girls like to fuck…..with the hot ass girl who isn’t a a billionaire…or really known…other than being one of Chris Brown’s chicks…but who now gets work and drives a Maseratti thanks to being Chris Brown’s chick…because take some shit, and get paid motherfucker…

I don’t find battered wife erotica appealing at all. Even if girl did it to get famous. One could argue that Rihanna really blew up after she got beat up, while Chris Brown fell off.. I am more the kind of guy who like girls who can’t stand me, who disgust me, and with some coaxing end up having sex with me, because I am just that charming and into challenges, but am normally too lazy for challenges…

I do know dudes who are really into being aggressive with women, caging them, owning them, typical weirdo behavior…and I know women who are into that…

But I do not know anyone who is into bruising women, hitting women, and beating women, and any dude who does like seeing that, or is into doing that …. should be taken out back and shot…

Under any and no circumstance should a woman ever be hit or aggressed by a dude, it’s just not right..

But she does have a great ass..and I do like great ass..


Posted in:Karreuche Tran|SFW




Emily Osment Bikini Top for Instagram of the Day

Emily Osment Bikini Top for Instagram

I like to make fun of Emily Osment because I just assume she is Haley Joel Osment from the Sixth Sense after his sex change…in efforts to keep his youthful success alive…because everyone knows child stars are fucked in the head and do fucked up shit the second they aren’t cute anymore…you know dude was nominated for an oscar at 10 or some shit…and it went all down hill for him…peaking at 10 sucks…so he decides to reinvent himself as a chick and have a second stab at a career….at least that is what I assume happened…

Because TITS get hits, and people love tits, so showing up to the party with tits, will distract people enough from your face to know you see dead people…

I will not believe he is still around and not Emily until he does Dancing with the Stars like Malcolm in the middle.

Posted in:Emily Osment|SFW




Shanina Shaik Nipple of the Day

Shanina Shaik Nipple in a sheer dress

Shanina rhymes with vagina…at least the way I am pronouncing it…which is what matters because I am a self involved anti social who doesn’t talk to anything but the voices in my head….

She is Australian…but ethnically she’s from Lithuania, Pakistan and Saudi….which is proof that if you cross breed humans you can end up with designer labia, like the Cock-a-Doodle or the Godlie Poo or whatever the fuck else is cross bred with poodles in the dog world to create mutts you can brand and sell to rich people…

She’s showing her nipple, a nipple that male model Tyson used to fuck and my still fuck, and that’s all that matters in these pics..


Posted in:Shanina Shaik




Nadine Leopold Nipples in a Dress of the Day

Nadine Leopold Nipples in a Dress of the Day

Nadine Leopold is a nothing model, who booked Victoria’s Secret a few times, and I guess that made her feel relevant..

She eventually got fat….and Victoria’s Secret never officially signed her onto their fashion show infomercial, something that she needed to give her credibility as a new york prostitute model, but then she pulled back from eating all the food at the rich guy parties, and started doing model fitness, to justify why she was even in NYC in the first place, to no shit on the Work visa her immigrant ass was given, and to be a decent human being who shows nipples at fashion shows…because the paparazzi are there and it will prove she’s fashion industry – you know…because people are that retarded they believe anything you tell them.

And you know what…big or skinny, she’s still a woman and should be treated as such by masturbating to her porno she puts out there.

Posted in:Nadine Leopold




Alexis Ren Fully Strategic Naked of the Day

Alexis Ren Fully Strategic Naked

Alexis Ren posted a nude pic, that isn’t a nude pic at all, because the nude pic has no vagina in it, even though she’s not wearing clothing, no clothing, but I can’t see the cunt, but knowing the photographer saw her exposed pussy is a magical reminder that you’re a fucking failure…and that your life doesn’t deserve some low level girl with high level follower count from 4 years of being half naked, now full naked.

This is pretty aggressive, but her body is so rocking, she should be naked and we should be allowed to see, but the cock tease of the rockin’ body is still good internet marketing tactics.

I know if I was a top tier brand, this would be a girl I’d want to hire because I know she’d fuck me for the job.

Posted in:Alexis Ren|SFW




Naked and Dancing and Other Videos of the Day

Crazy Mooning

Crazy Neighbors

Naked Pinata

Chav Cause Crash

Dude says Kill Me – To The Vegas Shooter

Man Dresses as Woman to Avoid Arrest

Aggressive Guy on the Plane

Drunk Racist in North Carolina

Man on the Powerlines…

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos