I'll Make You Famous…




Azealia Banks Got Good SHorts of the Day

Azealia Banks is a crazy person, but crazy people are entertaining and one of the more interesting stunts she’s pulled was some african tribal chicken kill in her closet that she posted about…nuts….She also pics fights with other celebs, like Rihanna and keeps herself relevant by being a fucking nutcase..and that alone is worth noticing….or paying attention to…since all these celebs are usually so fucking calculated…everything they do is strategic, fake, and boring. They all pretend to be friends while actually hating each other…because they are competing….which is why I never believe shit like Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift being soul sisters…fuck that..they all use each other…so when someone comes in and calls these idiots out…I approve of their message…

I also approve of her shorts..

Posted in:Azealia Banks




Kylie Jenner Weird Shaped Body of the Day

Kylie Jenner is so fucking gross to look at, it amazes me that people find her hot, follow her, buy garbage she tells them to, but they do…all it takes is a bit of TV and being in a family that has mastered exhibitionism and bullshit by exploiting themselves, each other, the people they date, all for personal gain…all to build a brand or “empire” of shit…which is apparently good enough for America….the country with the highest of standards…

She’s some dirty Kim Kardashian clone – but white and it is fucking weird…

While Kylie is a weird – urban market – plastic surgery ridden – lipposuction freak – Kendall Jenner is around doing fashion model shit…all luxurious covering all the bases with her nipples hanging out – good times….

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Georgia Fowler TITTY MODEL of the Day

Georgia Fowler is a New Zealand model, who unlike the hobbits that normally run around in New Zealand, is tall and amazing…

She’s been modeling since she was 12 years old….she’s now in her 20s…

To think of a girl becoming a model at 12 years old is really fucking creepy. Most 12 year olds are not being dressed up and having their pictures taken by people who may not be sex offenders…but while directing these shoots…are by default creepy as fuck….

But she’s not 12 anymore..and she’s an “it” name…showing nipple at some fashion week because that’s the foundation of high fashion….at least according to me who doesn’t actually care about fashion besides caring about the tits.


Posted in:Georgia Fowler




Katy Perry Week Old Big Legs of the Day

Katy Perry posted a picture of quinoa in her teeth…complaining about none of her friends telling her about the quinoa in her teeth…because celebrities are surrounded by suck ups who fear upsetting them and losing their positioning, so they just play it cool, tell tehm how great they are and would never say “you got food in your teeth”….that’s why celebs are so alone and weird in their existence….they can’t trust anyone, they are lonely, and all they have going for them is lots of money to distract from the emptiness that is their life….

Not so exciting, why look at her teeth, no one needs to see that dirty shit, when we’d rather look at her tits, because her large tits they make her really large strong legs in a revealing outfit at the Oscars before she cut off her hair…since that’s apparently a very important story in the media…because the media fucking sucks….

Here’s a video of her titty shake..

Posted in:Katy Perry|SFW




Mimi Elashiry Nipples for Attention of the Day

Mimi Elashiry is some instagram hooker…she’s got close to a million followers, I am one of her followers, but I follow too many people and don’t get all of them in my feed, and don’t really know why I follow people, or who the people I follow are…I just know that I was aware somewhere in my brain that she exists…I just don’t know why she exists or what she does….but people clearly care about her…and she clearly cares about getting noticed while at some event….tits out in a sheer top….pretty fucking exposed…but that’s the nature of this generation…tits out for attention…it seems so funny, yet amazing….and i come from a place where girls wouldn’t show their tits to get ahead…at least not the masses, they wouldn’t get work if they did, they’d get blacklisted as whores, so I appreciate every single nipple that comes my way…via the internet and the fact that it is mainstream and accepted to show up places like this…since tits are fucking wonderful.

Here’s a video of her doing her dances…

Posted in:Mimi Elashiry




Julianne Hough and Nina Dobrev on Yachts of the Day

Julianne Hough is apparently getting married because she’s basic like that, you know doing the whole rich and famous princess wedding for someone who I will assume is really fucking lame, uninteresting, entitled and bratty…totally something I don’t like from a professional dancer, I like when they are less hollywood and on tv and more broken, in strip clubs, trying to pay the bills for their shitty kids because they don’t live the dream life….they live a fucking nightmare…the way anyone who trains to be a pro dancer should be….

That said, she’s on her bachelorette party with her bff…Canadian herpes owner Nina Dobrev and the whole thing seems fucking lame as you’d expect…just basic women with too much money and celebrity…the worst…but in bikini…so not so bad I guess…


Some videos and shit..

Posted in:Julianne Hough|Nina Dobrev|SFW




Jean Campbell’s Nipples of the Day

I know what you’re thinking…is this Jean Campbell the same Jean Campbell who was a competitive Slalom Canoeist who won an Olympic bronze in the 70s….the answer is definitely not…but she could be her daughter….you know all these Olympians from the 70s and their shitty daughters becoming actual catwalk walking models….that seems like a lie, scam…..because rich kids get what they want…

I used to work in a party rental company, where I would set up weird games for rich kids, who had these over the top parties to outdo other rich kids, and they’d sing and dance with lame DJs like they were Britney Spears…in an era When Britney spears mattered…and those kids…are now in their 20s and their playing make-belief became legit work….

That’s not to say Jean Campbell is one of those rich kid models, but she’s a model, so we’ll just assume she’s as cheesy as they are…all showing her nipples for a magazine..works for me…and for you…and for us…and for everyone…a little joy in this shitty world…

Posted in:Jean Campbell




Rosie Hungtington-Whiteley is Great of the Day

I go back and forth on the whole model thing…part of me is a traditionalist and I like the elitism that comes with being scouted, making a bit of a career for yourself, landing an action star, and continuing to model here and there well into your late 30s…like Rosie Hungington…but realize that that despite being lovely as fuck, there’s no real difference from instagram models of today….if anything it gives her more ego and attitude because she didn’t have to build her audience, her agents got her work and it just happened….

While these instagram models, most are rich kids, sure, but they know how to not be total cunts, to not alienate their audience, because they only get work because of their audience…and even if they have teams updating their shit and strategizing…the idea that they did it themselves…rather than just lazily…even if they are all lazy…it’s modeling we are talking about…a fucking joke of a job….

I just think corporate controlled career has nothing on DIY career..if if doing it yourself is actually doing it corporately…

Point being, all bitches on camera are cunts who think they are hot enough to be on cameras..and Rosie Hungtington-Whiteley …is just one of them…

Posted in:Rosie Hungtington-Whiteley|SFW




Ella Weisskamp Nude Model of the Day

I follow Ella Weisskamp on instagram. I don’t know how long this one sided relationship has been going on. I just know that it’s a one sided relationship…like all my other one sided relationships on instagram…with something like 7500 women I follow, like and comment on…and they just ignore…because they like having the extra follower…but like all women..are using opportunistic cunts who think they world should be their fans like they are Britney Spears or some shit…when they aren’t much more than an instagram model..

That’s not to say Ella Weisskamp isn’t wonderful or an actual model…or to say she’s just shamelessly getting nude as these girls do for follows…she’s got an actual model agency and a small fanbase…so we can assume she’s the rare unicorn that is not getting naked for attention or marketing – but for purpose and ART…and mindfullness…right…that’s it…she’s naked for mindfulness…and I love it…cuz she’s naked…

Great fake tits though…unless they are real…which confuses me…but I like it.

Posted in:Ella Weisskamp




Nicki Minaj Shirt of the Day

I guess fat clown turned Nicki Minaj…the acting student white as fuck girl in NYC turned signed entertainer…who just ran with it…as far as she could take it…and as long as people were looking and paying her…she figured it was worth owning it….and eventually people started believing she was black, rapper, and I guess it worked of her…enough that she’s rich as fuck, famous, and can go to fashion events with her fake tit out – because when looking for some low level press – when all you know is low level press…this is what you do…

It’s not hot, but it’s weird and it happened, so whatever…I’ll post it…cuz more tits exposed in this world…is a good thing…even when it’s on some pile of shit like this thing…it’s a step in the right direction.


Posted in:Nicki Minaj|SFW