I'll Make You Famous…




Miley Cyrus Cameltoe Has Lost its Appeal of the Day


Miley Cyrus’s cameltoe is annoying colored leggings have lost their allure – because she shameless put herself out there like a little rich kid rebelling – trying to piss off her parents with some secret tumblr account – or cam girl account – that was actually her mainstream music career branded to be edgy / hipster cool / naked…it was what was going on in the market, so I’ve seen her pussy a bunch of times…and a cameltoe…is apparently only exciting when the pussy eating the pants isn’t a pussy I can google to see free-standing without pants in the way of slit…

But she’s still Miley Cyrus, not too old to not jerk off to, if you have a Miley fetish and haven’t had too much of her screaming for attention during the last album and tour…and I guess with her whole being on The Voice…and I haven’t because I know Disney kids aren’t authentic, so their pussy flashing – is just marketing hook – which is the kind of infomercial level marketing tool I can get behind and ideally under – so that it can pee on my face.


Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Agent Provocateur Christmas of the Day


Becca Hiller is the model..Becca Hiller is some LA based Norwegian model who probably has her work visa because the US Immigration may not like Mexicans, but they hand out these O-1 visas for people with “exceptional” ability like it was fucking candy – to models….all they need is to be published once and to have a model agency, which is often times an escort agency…and that alone gets them into the country for 2-5 years, making them eligible for a Green Card…all for being hot…Becca Hiller is working it for Agent Provocateur Holiday…

Which makes sense because Agent Provocateur is the high end lingerie company that sugar babies fucking love – they think it looks good in their slutty instagram pictures – because lingerie is a thing to put out there on social media – so everyone knows how erotic, sensual, lovely, great, half naked and frisky you can be….but it’s not gratuitous – a cry for attention – a “please get me followers”….it’s for a “casual shoot for a fake magazine with some instagram photog”…that her parents are probably proud of…

Well this sugar baby is actually working for the brand…owned by the son of Sex Pistol’s manager…who was rich to begin with but deserves to be rich for doing high end lingerie girls like showing off like it is status – cuz I like looking at girls in lingerie…

Posted in:Agent Provocateur|SFW




Fat Bikini a Day Girl’s Side Pussy of the Day


It is amazing that a pig like this – who can start an instagram scam called Bikini a Day – thanks to photoshop – has been able to make a million dollars a year or more – all because people are retards and think “TITS”….

Their timing was on point, when instagram was easy to get popular on, the idea so basic – any pervert not wasting away from chronic jerking off could have pulled it off….girls in a bikini everyday of the week…one photo…365 bikinis a year…a lot of bikinis..but eventually people will follow because they like bikinis and bikini companies will pay because they will assume the follows are more than just dudes looking at tits…almost brilliant…but so stupid…

The real troll is that they did it when one of the girls doing it – the one with the tits – has a body that matches those tits…and she photoshops herself into another fucking person – even in this era of body shaming…she knows how to pose for the instagram filters to make her look like you want to fuck her…and I guess why wouldn’t you want to fuck her – you’ve seen her half naked and she’s got massive tits…something proven to make dudes ignore the fact that she’s got huge everything else..

You’d think she’d spend the day in the gym based on her profile concept – but she doesn’t have to…and still gets to spend her days counting her money…brilliant….so stupid…but brilliant…

Posted in:SFW




Genevieve Morton’s Nude Calendar for One More Hurrah of the Day


I wasn’t going to bother posting these pics, because I asked Genevieve to send them to me weeks ago – and instead she told me to buy her calendar, really bitch? You’re not that fucking important. but yet she thinks she is…and doesn’t realize she needs all the help she can get to be relevant in this tail end of her career…

She is old and desperate and I guess has been working out – because she’s far less fat – so she figured she might as well monetize or maximize her naked body – at 30 – before it’s too late for anyone to give a shit – since people already don’t give a shit…and she’s likely not making all that much money – so self produce a calendar with your photographer boyfriend and hope for the fucking best…and I guess we should all encourage her and be happy she didn’t wait until she was 35 to do this…

The fact is she looks better than ever and should be naked at all times – not because she’s a sex worker, even though bikini models are close to being sex workers, but because all women should be naked at all times so that I can stare at their clits….clits you can’t really see..in these pics…but I’m sure she made the fortune from all her fans buying these….very naked but still not naked enough – calendars in an era where the calendar is pretty obsolete…with pussy pics – with no pussy in them – TRAGIC…but I guess she hasn’t fully thrown in the towel yet, still has a few more fails to go before the sex tapes…I’m ready…and staring at the great tits until that happens…

Posted in:Genevieve Morton




Hana Jirickova for Vogue Netherlands of the Day


I find it interesting when Vogue, a fashion magazine / brand, is more fetish porn than Playboy, a titty mag…that doesn’t show tits…because I guess when you pretend shit is for women, or when 95 percent of your readers are women – it is artistic and romantic…but when it’s for men…it’s hardcore porn that breeds sex offenders….SEXISM is a two way street…that doesn’t really matter because if you’re resorceful and perverted enough – you will find pics of tits…pussy…you’re looking for…because women like being naked on camera…

Her name is Hana Jirickova have no idea where she is from, but she looks like it is from a communist place where her parents once waited in line for toilet paper..a country that thanks to organized crime has opened up and turned into a place with the most billionaires per capita….breeding a group of women even more obsessed with designer clothing and all things expensive….while also producing some pretty tall, strong, and lovely looking women…who may not have a soul, but who sugar baby as good as anyone…like Ballet and pretty much all Olympic sports…it is a national acitivity….just ask Irina Shaky…

Posted in:Hana Jirickova




Ariel Winter Big Tits of the Day

Ariel Winter is a monster….she’s on TV, and people are forgiving when it comes to people they see on TV, you know even though they should be more demanding on the quality of people they are forced to look at, because I know I hate on celebs for the most insignificant flaws, knowing they are disgusting humans…and in Ariel Winter’s case…weirdly shaped humans with weird heads and no neck…that are marketed and sold to the public…..when they should be sent back to where they drove in from with the dream of fame that has made them all fucked up thanks to fame hungry parents..while when it comes to regular women, with regular jobs, I don’t really care if they are disgusting, herpes ridden trolls pushing 400 lbs..I find beauty in everything but fame I guess….

That said, I still have eyes and can see big breast reduced, but still big, re-shaped tits on an 18 year old…and it doesn’t mean I like it…but I can see it..and sometimes just seeing it is all that matters..

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Rosie Huntington Whiteley for ELLE UK of the Day


Rosie Huntington Whiteley is so fucking boring in all she does, even when she gets naked, but the fact that she gets naked makes her less boring, but still boring….but for some reason I am drawn the fuck into her and everything she does – which is weird because I am not some bald guy using her as a beacon of hope that if I become an action star – I’ll get a Rosie Huntington of my own…I just think her and her British demeanor seem sophisticated and cunty and that alone makes wanting to cum on her face more satisfying to imagine…

I guess it’s the wanting what you can’t have, knowing if you ever crossed paths with her – she wouldn’t even acknowledge you – even if you saved her from drowning on some weird holiday swimming accident…because as you know the British can’t swim…no wait…that’s black people…same thing…

Here are some boring pics I love.

Posted in:Rosie Huntington-Whiteley|SFW




Lindsay Lohan has a Manager of the DAy


Lindsay Lohan recently posted her manager’s email.

I want everyone to email Lindsay Lohan’s manager who email she recently scott@scottcarlsen.com and ask him how much she costs for a cuddle session – no penetration – just a good wholesome cuddle…not that I am into cuddling – but figure once the cuddle is on…the anal is no too far away….especially when dealing with a crazy person…

It’s the Christmas season, little miracles happen people….That’s all I have to say about that…


Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Chrissy Teigen 80s Aerobics For Love Magazine of the Day

Chrissy Teigen is the fucking worst, her husband she wallet fucked is likely gay, their child probably not his…but I doubt she’d fuck that one up, she’s committed to him hard – for the long haul, because she spotted talented before he was super famous – and she knew to invest her energy into him, and it paid off because half of everything of his – which is alot – is hers…and that made for a good lifestyle considering she was only making 50k a year at her peak of being a model, before social media allowed her to get on a TV show…and run her annoying mouth off in different mediums…all while being a chubby busty ethnically obscure pile of shit…

Well, unfortunately, her LOVE MAGAZINE video is the best one they did, her eating junk food working out, not very Christmas, but compared to all their other videos this is the only one that has any substance…and not just her big tits 80s aerobic…but a joke, humor, a purpose, irony, whatever this is and that is so hard for me to accept…or admit…because I hate the Love Magazine campaign this year and Chrissy Teigen is the fucking devil…she is the fucking worst and her fans..who have lashed out at me at least once…are very fucking annoying….not to mention she wasn’t hot pre-baby, and this is post baby..so you’d think she wouldn’t be hot now….but I’m digging it and there is just too much going on in my head to grasp what I am thinking…other than that I want a burger.

Posted in:Chrissy Teigen|SFW




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day


I don’t leave my house in the extreme cold, and it is extremely cold, not that I like talking about the weather, I hate talking about the weather and when anyone asks me about the weather, I tell them to fuck themselves and learn how to ask relevant questions – that show genuine interest…if you want to know the fucking weather there’s apps for that…you piece of fucking shit….

That said, where are the tits, not anywhere near me because it’s the middle of fucking winter, and even when the cold presents you with hard fucking glass cutting nipples, that you will never see – because they are in all these fucking bullshit layers…COCKTEASING WHORES…

Here are some stepLINKS…

Jennifer Garner Busty Milf

Twas the Night Before Christmas in 27 Celeb Impressions

Kristen Stewart Fucked Mad Pussy in 2016 of the Day

Package Thief Gets Karma

Concrete Truck Disco ball

Anna Faris – Sideboob

Kids Eat Christmas Foods from Around the World

Still Tracking this Gold Digger…

Kids Try 100 Years of Candy

Johnny Depp Compound in South France is Gangster

Posted in:stepLINKS