I'll Make You Famous…




Gigi Hadid Panty Flash for Vogue Japan of the Day


Gigi Hadid looks better since she’s lost weight, everything is better when it’s less fat…and these pics are borderline hot of her, they almost make me think that she deserves some of the attention she’s getting as a model, rather than just hate on her for being some entitled rich kid who bought her career thanks to digital marketing, but I am a weak person and skinny legs and expensive panty flashes, something I assume she dreamt about doing in magazines while growing up, you know “maybe one day the world will see my panties, since I have a trust fund and have nothing better to do with my time, plus they’ll pay me…unless it’s editorial, even though I don’t need to get paid cuz I’m rich as fuck…thanks to having a real daddy…not sugar daddy”…..

The point is…there is no point…just pics of her slutty enough for me but arguably not slutty enough for the attention whore she is….because it works.

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Elizabeth Hurley Social Media Bikini of the Day


Elizabeth Hurley is really trying to increase sales for the Elizabeth Hurley bikini line…a line that I guess makes her money of her own…to give her a little confidence in herself that at 50 she’s still hot enough to be half naked…especially when inspired by cash…because she’s done way worse than half naked in the name of cash…whether in actual cash, or lifestyle via men….because she was an original Sugar Baby, celebrity girlfriend who got herself famous riding the coattails….but now…today…she runs her own destiny…unless this new bikini hustle is her investor or partner demanding her to post half naked pics to increase sales…or he’ll pull the plug…because some puppets remain puppets forever…and when they look like Liz Hurley…even in her 50s…they are the kind of puppet you’d like to keep in a cage in your basement to fuck when you’re wife is at bowling on thursday nights…

Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley|SFW




Chloe Lecareux Nipple for Elle Australia of the Day


Chloe Lecareux is some French model who is from France, and that means her nipples are actually her bikini top, which is the very convenient and affordable way to bikini to, because you’re born with it…the French…what a practical people…not to mention they have proven based on all the French movies I’ve jerked off to, and pics of French beaches I’ve jerked off to, that the fight these feminists are fighting – involving the release of their tits for the world to see – to de-sexualize tits – does the fucking opposite and allows us to find out which tits are good tits and which tits are padded bra tits – basically doing the work for us…helping us sexualize tits…and that coupled with fashion doing the exact same thing is perfect for the pervert that is us…

She’s not very famous on instagram – despite being hot – and that makes me like her more…

Posted in:Chloe Lecareux




Dioni Tabbers Nipples of the Day


Dioni Tabbers is apparently and actual model, who can really tell. According to the internet, which is the source of all things good – including but not limited to me….but to all kinds of great information like that Dioni Tabbers is signed to TRUMP MODELS…the modeling agency your next President, or possible next President…because America is uneducated half retard….not that Hillary is any better…but TRUMP is the worst….owned…

That doesn’t mean she fucked Trump, it just means that his people recruited her from the Netherlands where she’s from, gave her a work visa, because he understands BORDER policy…and that is – LET THE HOT PUSSY IN….

She’s Dutch, not Muslim or Mexican, and her TULIP seem eager to get out there and really get a career going…..

She’s not famous on Social media, with under 20k followers, but that doesn’t mean she’s not rich thanks to fucking rich guys…or living the good life thanks to fucking rich guys…or even working and paying her own way, something that is doubtful but possible, using her tits she showcases…the way all girls trying to get ahead should showcase tit..

I assume she’s got a lot of other titty pics out there, but who’s got time to look in my archives for that…I mean I guess I do…but why bother…when wet t-shirt is good enough…

Find her on instagram, tag me @drunkenstepfatherdotcom in her comments, help her know I exist so that we can be friends for life….it’s good for my self esteem…because I feel so alone.

Posted in:Dioni Tabbers




Maria Menounos’ Old Lady Bikini Pic of the Day


The Maria Menounos’ most notable bikini pic that I post every time I do a post on Maria Menounos is these pussy flash of her Probably unused vagina, cuz she’s greek, and greeks use assholes as their primary pussy, that she flashed us on the beach once ….

It’s really the only thing I know about her, other than that she was a host of a shitty entertainment show people obviously watch, but shouldn’t watch, because these celebrity tabloid shows are fucking garbage owned by the celebrities to perpetuate their bullshit careers…it’s all a scam…

I like that I know she probably expected way more out of life than being the Mary Hart of her generation…because why else is she out there posting bikini pics like a low level famewhore…it’s pretty simple self promotion…something she’s obviously got figured out…having been the host of a celebrity owned tabloid show to perpetuate their celebrity existence…

That’s probably why I have very little to say about Menounos…that is interesting or new….fresh…but when dealing with a played out, old, washed up twat posing obnoxiously in her bikini…again…as repetitive as my commentary on her…I’m left uninspired…and interested at looking at cheesy bikini shoot selfies from girls just coming up – not girls who almost made it – in the lowest level way….not into it..but I guess she looks hot for an old lady…those looks are how she ended up on TV in the first place…but I’m thinking some FACETUNE photoshop went into the production of these pics…


Posted in:Maria Menounos|SFW




Bella Hadid’s Victoria’s Secret Casting of the Day

Here’s a shocker…Bella Hadid was cast to be a Victoria’s Secret model for their bullshit fashion show that I don’t understand….It makes no sense to me…I mean from “girls in underwear” front I get it…but there’s this thing called internet porn that has girls going the extra mile in their underwear….and this other thing called social media…where girls are in their underwear…who you can actually message and promise fame to and they’ll answer….social media…the thing we’ll assume is the motivator behind casting this Hadid, the younger Hadid, the hotter Hadid…who is making moves and not just on The Weeknd’s dick when he’s not fucking other chicks after concerts….because Victoria’s Secret just wants as much hype as possible, and figure get an “it girl”…whether she’s worthy or not…she’s got followers, people give her press..and that press gets her more followers…in this cycle of at least she wasn’t as much of Kardashian /Jenner groupie as her sister….she played the less annoying entitled girl, who rode the sister’s coat tails…and ultimately…she’s got great tits…but still fucking sucks…and is only getting work because brands like Victoria’s Secret want to rape her followers and sell them product going into holiday…good old fashioned made in CHina yet overpriced making a billionaire…panties…that I’d be offended if someone bought me…not because I’m a man, I’m all about panties…but because it’s a shitty fucking gift…and the fact people watch their infomercial…that they put on in primetime…like it’s the home shopping channel with less fun…with always blow my mind…but maybe they’re there to see Bella Hadid…I’m sure that’s what the brand is hoping…garbage..

Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Paula Bulczynska Titties of the Day


So Paula Bulczynska may not be Russian, but Polish, I’ll still call her Russian and say, it’s nice that she escaped the sex trade to become a nude model for fashion, it’s way better than pissing on command on a webcam show…in a room you can’t escape from because there are guards.

She seems to be based in LA, since models can get their green cards easily, American immigration, like all people, like hot chicks, and if you’re a hot chick, not only will your life be more prosperous, richer on all levels…from money to experiences…the quality dudes you end up getting knocked up by will be rich….so that you don’t have to deal with any of that ghetto shit non hot chicks go through…she’s probably American…

She’s a singed model with legit agencies, but that doesn’t really mean shit anymore, anyone can get signed as the agencies scramble to find people to fill campaigns on social media, and if you have a following from getting naked on the internet…that’s good enough, sign her up….it doesn’t mean she’s working as a model, or getting paid as a model, but she’s showing tit as a model…and that alone is better than actual work, or money….it’s more passionate even if intentions are GET PAID…or RICH GUY…something we can assume already pays her rent…if you’ve been to LA…all these bitches are financed….

Great tits though……


Posted in:Paula Bulczynska




Bar Refaeli Post Pregnancy Bikini in Luxurious Setting of the Day


Bar Refaeli recently had a kid, but she’s a bikini model, and bikini model she will do, because we live in an era of empowered women, where bodyshaming is illegal, and that fat girls can join the party they usually waited in the corner until 3 am to pick up loose ends…and having a kid, despite it ravaging the vagina…doesn’t kill a career like it should…and apparently neither does 30th birthdays….or acne…or anything…it’s the era of flaws…and I feel like I am an old man, because I am an old man, trying to navigate new territory….not because I don’t fuck disgusting girls…I have fucked real fucking disgusting girls…I just don’t like flaws when content is produced around girls who are paid to be hot…call me a perfectionist..with high expectations…except in every aspect of my life…but this isn’t about my life…this is the internet…and I want it to do better….and go back to saying “you’re old, you’re fat, shut the fuck up, or show us breast feeding videos…we like breast feeding videos…but do it without the baby..you know just lactating videos…yeah….”….

But I never get what I want…but apparently Bar does, as she dates rich guys and is on vacation in rich person places…being the arm candy that validate all the time dude spent getting rich…

She’s a Jewish icon…the jerk off material to the Orthodox Koshers who can only jerk off to jewish girls…and along with Natalie Portman…is probably top tier Jewish pussy…and that alone…is good enough…you know since they are the chosen ones…

I prefer her weird ass video…

A video posted by Bar Refaeli (@barrefaeli) on

Posted in:Bar Refaeli|SFW




Gwyneth Paltrow See Through of the Day


Apparently this is Gwyneth Paltrow in a see through outfit, I have never had any interest in seeing Gwyneth Paltrow in see through anything, I am pretty sure that I’ve seen at least one of her nude pictures, and it was uneventful…and back when she was in her 20s…an era where all these dudes who I just assumed were gay would date her like she was something special. I’ve always found her a lie, nepotism created, uninteresting…and entitled…and that alone prevents me from doing the zoom in to possibly see her old lady mom nipple…but she obviously has fans, people like her, and since I am accommodating…this is as deep as I’ll go into this…while being annoyed that I’ve gone this far into this…when really I should be doing more important things in life…like sexting…in real life…with girls…because going up to random girls and saying “send nudes”….is a social experiment that should be a viral video…but instead is something I do just for myself…because I think some things should be sacred…Gwyneth Paltrow is not one of those things…I mean…unless being sacred means being sacrificed…which would be ideal….rid the world of one more parasite…or try to find her nipple..

Posted in:gwyneth paltrow|SFW




Playboy Steps It Up a Little of the Day


Ashley Smith is some hipster Texan who must be 40 years old at this point, I used to interact with her on social media when she was just some hipster titty model before the whole hipster titty model thing really happened…..you know pre instagram…she’s that old…

I posted this shitty shoot for Playboy making fun of them while not giving Ashley Smith her Own Post cuz she sucks….but I like making fun of the new Playboy with the basic “they don’t do nude but everyone does nude, if anything nude is what they are known for, this is some sell out shit where advertisers control their vision, while fashion mags do nudity and still make money from advertisers, no one complains about that shit, yet Playboy, being a mens’ mag can’t pull it off”…

So in being non nude, they get the bitch bare ass and hard wet t-shirt nippled…which might as well be naked…is even more “misogynisitic” if that’s what they are avoiding…in their not sexualizing women because it’s an era of not sexualizing women…and the whole thing is as frustrating as Zooey Grossman’s photos that are all the fucking same, but that get her work because people like things that are all the fucking same…




Posted in:Ashley Smith