I'll Make You Famous…




Kendall Jenner – No Bra – Cuz Bras are Lame of the Day


At least one person emailed me these pictures of Kendall Jenner is a see through enough dress, not wearing a bra, rocking some nipples, because she’s a girl and that’s how tits work…

Which means at least one person gives a fuck about Kendall Jenner and thinks she’s hot and follows her every move / publicity stunt….

Despite having seen her tits, or her publicly doing media discussing how she doesn’t want to wear a bra anymore – because little tits don’t need a bra – especially not in this hipster era of no one wearing bras…

This isn’t a Social Justice play – or innovative – it’s not even exciting – but at least one person liked it enough to send it into me…and I always encourage emails – it makes me think I still exist on the internet…when we all know I don’t….all thanks to people like Kendall and her gang of money making con artists and their scam brands buy into – acting like she is the face or representation of a generation – instead of just some rich kid from a slutty family with no morals or values..

The only thing good about this is that it encourages vapid young and dumb girls to follow her lead – which are tits I haven’t seen yet but am glad to see in the park and on the street everywhere…

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Stella Maxwell Nipple of the Day


Stella Maxwell has mastered the modeling industry…or at least the PR aspect of the modeling industry…and the stategic friends and fucking within the industry to land a solid contract in the modeling industry…one that pays more than most pay….because it’s some mall brand bullshit that makes a lot of money and needs girls to spokesmodel the shit like they are at a car show – but rather a panty show…

She was an awkard looking hipster model in NYC who shot naked with people like Terry Richardson, PRE TIT JOB – LOOK HOW UNEVEN THEM TITS WERE because she was eager and positioned herself, but somehow became friends or signed with the agency that Victoria’s Secret uses, then she made out or fingered Miley at Miley’s media peak for the paparazzzi…and all of a sudden she’s feminine, attractive, easier to look at…and topless in whatever this soft, beauty shoot is for…complete with nipples..

Good immigrant stealing American Jobs…reminding you that breast implant lives matter…

Posted in:Stella Maxwell




Lindsay Lohan Posted a Bikini Pic of the Day

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Lindsay Lohan Posted a Bikini Pic one hour ago…but I’d rather watch her tit fall out of her shirt while her Fiance wrestles her for his phone in what looks like violent as fuck women abuse but is actually just what you have to do when you’re dealing with something as crazy as a Lohan…the queen of my world…busted face, broken soul, and all….she’s the best…

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




LeAnn Rimes Cleavage for her New Album of the Day

LeAnn Rimes brought her tits out for her Christian fans in a concert because she has a new album..

I guess LeAnn Rimes is making a comeback, has some bills to pay….money to make…life to love and to live now that being a tired, washed up, tabloid fodder, reality star in her mid 30s who looks her age, who has seen some dark times, with some silly fake tits and years of boring low level scandal after low level scandal…

It’s time to strap down and go back to what she was exploited as a child by her family who saw talent and record execs who made a lot of money off her talent….making her hate singing enough to not do it for a decade….

But she’s back…and the only interesting thing in the story is not that a stripper looking, porn looking bitch can make it in the mainstream as a singer, because LeAnn Rimes was a barely cute singer in the mainstream before looking like a stripper or a pornstar…

The interesting thing is that Christian country music fans – are pretty fucking forgiving…even when their own are homewrecking, sex addict, vapid LA based twats that have zero connection to anything from the Heartland…


Posted in:Leann Rimes|SFW




Nina Dobrev Pool Party of the Day


Canadian Nina Dobrev looks like she’s in Cottage Country Canada hanging with her Canadian friends…connecting with her Canadian roots…despite having become a vapid LA based actress who only uses Canada when it can be used to her advantage…like when they need to film in Canada for some Canadian funded production to generate business in Toronto…but that needs at least 1 star to be Canadian to justify government throwing a million dollars at shit like the Flatliners remake…not that that is what Nina Dobrev is shooting in Canada, or that I even know who Nina Dobrev is, I just know what Canada lakes look like, even when they have LA cunts on their inflatables reliving Coachella weekends amongst the fucking pine trees.

They are in bikinis…I don’t know which on is Nina Dobrev…but if you’re into her you’ll figure it out…

Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Lucy Pinder’s Calendar Shoot of the Day


Instagram killed the Glamour model, but Lucy Pinder at 32, seems to keep going – and delivering for her creepy older fans, by producing a calendar and we know the kind of blue collar person who doesn’t own a smart phone or computer for his calendar needs and needs to buy some trashy, low quality, big monster titty babe in her 30s calendar to plan his very busy schedule of “welfare check” on the first of the month and “bingo” every Thursday…and diabetes appointment on the fifteenth…

My opinion of Glamour models is pretty basic, I like average looking girls who saw getting topless as an opportunity to get famous in the UK and for some in the world. The cocktail waitress who got topless for Page 3 before every girl got topless for the world on instagram.

Some of these girls made money, got into Reality TV, secured soccer stars and the good life….all of these girls showed their tits before showing tits was mainstream and feminist and back when showing tits took a girl with no dad, or a hippie nudist dad who may have made her walk around topless her entire life / raped her…to bite the bullet and get topless….which isn’t a big deal…but still meant you wouldn’t ever become a politician…most were average looking, but they all had tits…and when a woman is ranked and valued and based on her tits…from strip club to shitty men’s magazines…I remember the American dream…even if they are all from the UK….

Here’s her cheesy shoot for 2017….with them big Glamour Model tits…

Posted in:Lucy Pinder|SFW




Emily Osment Got Tits of the Day


Emily Osment is in a bikini showing off some tit….because I guess she wants to show the world her tits – because why else would she post a picture of her tits in a bikini – sure she’ll say it’s for her own personal collection? Her online visual and photographic diary that people just follow because they like her….but I don’t think anyone knows who the fuck she is…they barely know her more famous brother…

I like to make the same joke about Emily Osment because I am convinced she is Haley Joel Osment from the Sixth Sense after his sex change…in efforts to keep his success alive…because everyone knows child stars are fucked in the head and do fucked up shit the second they aren’t cute anymore…and the guys rarely carry their “cute kid” appeal into adulthood. Not everyone is Leonardo DiCaprio and those boyish good looks go into his 60s….

SO little dude was nominated for an oscar at 10 or some shit…and it went all down hill for him…so playing a chick after getting fake tits…doing some character acting…is all he knows, what his parents trained he to do…reinvent himself as a chick and have a second stab at a career….the family depends on him…

He would have probably had more success if he marketed the transition like a Jenner…

But people get bored when I keep saying the same thing…and stop coming back, even though you’re only here for the tits..

Posted in:Emily Osment|SFW




Hope Solo Naked for ESPN and the Olympics of the DAy


I watched the Olympics this weekend, it’s on everywhere, it’s like a worldwide event or some shit, you know designed to make billions of dollars off the backs of amateur athletes in obscure sports you know they don’t make money doing…I’m talking to you Shot Put guy…never in the history of anything has a Shot Put star existed…I mean unless there’s a video of some hot Eastern European Shot Put girl in a bikini – shot putting…whatever…

I guess the lesson learned from this Olympic weekend was that Rio, the most polluted, sewer filled city was pandering to climate change…but more importantly, that watching legs break on male gymnasts is more fun than trying to jerk off to Women’s Rubgy…not that we have proof they are actual women…

The highlight to some has been Hope Solo being BOoed for making ZIKA jokes, but the joke will be on her when she makes a small headed baby….

Here she is naked in ESPN’s body issue from god knows when – since I have a reason to post muscular, athletic, not necessarily my idea of hot, but not fat naked women….it’s just too bad I don’t have her sexts from her cell phone – since every girl has sexts on her cellphone…

Posted in:Hope Solo|SFW




Woman Moons Her Job when Quitting and Other Videos of the Day

Big Booty of the Day

Gymnast Who Broke Leg’s Stretcher Dropped

Wheel Falls Off While Driving

Idiot Jumps in Front of Train while Friend Films…

Dude Drinking in the Gayest Car

Cars Get Torched at Portuguese Music Festival

Woman Who Hates E-Bikes

Dude Throws Acid on 5 People

Sucide Bomb in Pakistan Kills 53 People an is Terrifying…..

Parasailing Accident

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day


Don’t tell a girl, especially not a loose looking girl you meet in a bar, with her tits out all braless and hard nippled in her tank top, sitting on her ass exposing shorts, that she’s too old and broken at 25, because some vagina is good to look at while others are good to fuck, and she’s more a one to look at….mainly because she’s not under 25….that’s not the kind of friendly tease that will get her to show you her vagina…especially not after you go on a rant about how in two years you’ll finally get to bang a girl born in the year 2000…Y2K….an exciting concept to perverts who thought the end of the world was going to happen Y2K….

It’s called self sabotage…the Jesus Martinez Story….where funny isn’t funny and doesn’t get you meaningless sex…

Here are some stepLINKS in the Morning…

Girls in Lingerie

The Gymnast Who Broke his Leg’s Stretcher was Dropped – FINAL DESTINATION

Britney Spears – New Video – She’s Hot

Hit and Run Footage

Emma Roberts – Hot Spandex

Ruby Rose – Wet

Skrillex and Rick Ross Made a Song Together

Batman VS Superman Behind the Scenes Footage

Stranger Things as an 80s Sitcom

Kanye West’s Favorite Noises

Motorcycle Cop Goes Down

Olympic Girl Swim Team Sings in the Car

Woman’s Guide to Changing a Tire

Hot Girlfriends Together

Posted in:stepLINKS