I'll Make You Famous…




Selena Gomez on Set of the Day


Selena Gomez was on set of a photoshoot the other day…and her nipple was hard.

Maybe that has something to do with her Lupus, you know a side effect of Chemotherapy – something she was milking a while back to justify her being chubby and having fake tits….to make people feel sorry for her and it worked, get the sympathy in to spin and make money….

Where this is the TITTY version where she’s compelled to post hard nipple pics to her social media casually, in what I call a soft sell approach to being an instagram slut, because not one wants to be an instagram slut, especially not Selena Gomez, who is famous without being an instagram slut, but being the instagram slut gets paid…stay relevant all because we’re basic and like to talk about tits….

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Shay Mitchell Ass in a Bathing Suit of the Day

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Canada’s own spoiled brat who went Hollywood Shay Mitchell – was in Hawaii where so took a naughty pic of her ass that she can pretend isn’t naughty at all but rather just showing off the scenery in her bathing suit – keeping it casual, but that is naughty, because she’s only posting this pic because her ass is in it to get more fans, even though she’s got a huge amount of fans, thanks to being on a huge TV show, because people still watch TV I guess, when they’re not watching youtube videos, snapchat videos all that other bullshit that doesn’t matter but that distracts from real life issues and I guess that’s important…in the dumbing down of the nation…


Posted in:SFW|Shay Mitchell




Ashley Graham for Cosmo of the Day

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I remember when fat chicks in Bikinis were part of a bigger punchline to a bigger joke…you know to get a cheap laugh…throw the fat chick in the mix, since fat girls doing anything, from Obstacle courses to aerobics to sex is just fucking funny…

The only way for fat chicks to make money, other than working at the cash at Walmart, or starring in BBW porn for weird fat chick fetishists….

But now, fat chicks are being taken seriously, because if you’ve met a fat chick, 10 percent are the outspoken kind, who are the loudest pig in the room, and not the insecure weirdo emotionally eating kind…like Ashley Graham who keeps on talking her trash because it’s paying out for her….she’s gotta be the ambassador of something besides overeating..

I believe in Body Shaming…but Politically Correct Fat America, with fat people doing fat things and fat people doing skinny people things, like they aren’t even fat at all, while being all fat, so it’s paying off for them….so instead of accepting their unhealthy ways, their fatness, their disgustingness, they are not turning it around to get healthy…but instead stripping down and saying “LOOK AT ME”….weird…

Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW




Kelly Rohrbach and Friends in a Bathing Suit for Baywatch of the Day

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Baywatch the Next Generation is the “Springbreakers” of this generation, while targeting old people who know what Baywatch is because it was all we were able to jerk off to in an era before porn…while the youth don’t even remember a time before porn…so Baywatch probably wouldn’t have worked for them, unless it was a youtube VLOG on the beach with style tips pulled out of Seventeen magazine, which seems to be what the youth are watching…

The reason I call it the “Springbreakers’ of this generation is because it’s a movie that is going to be heavily covered by the paparazzi, partially because The Rock is there, and everyone loves The Rock, who is really an interesting story from failed NFL payer to Wrestler who hasn’t died of a heart attack, to the biggest action star…,but mainly because there are girls, some who Leonardo DiCaprio has had sex with mainly this Kelly Rohrbach character who thanks to Leo now exists…and is the star of what will be the worst movie ever…


Here’s the other one who used to have big tits but doesn’t have big tits anymore from True Detective named

DaddarioBaywatch030516 (36)


Boring but 40 year old Baywatch fans are probably pumped, even though it’ll just end up like Fuller House.

Posted in:Kelly Rohrbach|SFW




Angelina is the CamWithHer Model of the Day


Her name is ANGELINA and you can see her naked if you want, because she’s the new generation of girls who have taken it upon themselves to own their sexuality, make a living off their sexuality, by finding an audience with their sexuality, and whatever the reason or motivation behind them getting naked, I’m talking regular, normal, girl who would have worked in a bar or restaurant or even as a lawyer or doctor, or whatever, that makes less money than being naked online..

I don’t care what the motivation is, or how girls rationalize things like getting naked, I am just glad that I live in a time where every girl seems to get naked….it makes life worth living, it’s one of life’s great joys…

Because as long as I get to see girl’s naked…all girls…I can go on another day…


Posted in:Angelina




Raica Oliveira for Vogue India of the Day

Raica Oliveira - Vogue India - March 2016_004

Here’s Raica Oliveira for VOGUE INDIA looking lovely for Vogue India…

Just kidding…here she is topless for French Revue de Modes…

LOL. Good One right….

Truth is, I don’t know who the fuck Rica Oliveira is, but she’s naked enough to matter to me….because naked speaks to my fucking soul…

That said, she’s Brazilian and has been in everything from Victoria’s Secret to Sports Illustrated swim, which is pretty much everything when it comes to instagram modeling, yet no one seems to care who she is…but they will now….they will now..

Posted in:Raica Oliveira




Maria Sharapova Drug Addict of the Day

Maria Sharapova does a very hardcore work out

Maria Sharpova is known for being a tennis player people jerked off to…but now she can shit on her entire career, that I don’t even know whether it’s that impressive of a career, but for a Russian who’s not working as a sex worker or Olympic weight lifter / gymnast is pretty good…

Because she’s a performance drug taker…The drug is called meldonium, she’s been on it of 10 years so her entire career and the drug became banned on January 1st of this year…she was taking it for “magnesium deficiency”…LOL…sure you were. I call it needing to make millions to send back to the family in Russia and to maintain the good life…

“Meldonium was reported to elevate the concentrations of ?-butyrobetaine hydroxylase in testes tissues;[5] in addition, long term (90 days) administration of meldonium was reported to improve sexual performance, sperm motility and concentration of testosterone in boars, although further studies are needed to confirm the potential of using meldonium as a sperm motility and sperm quality-enhancing agent”

I guess what I’m saying is that who cares, she’s old now, jacked with testosterone but here she is in some of her best work…


I have a thing for women’s tennis called sexual grunts and panties…sweaty pussy filled panties…dripping…sweaty pussy…

Posted in:Maria Sharapova|SFW




Miley Cyrus Does the Jodie Sweetin of the DAy

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This is brilliant.

I am a Miley Cyrus flip flopper, because I know as a celebrity or popstar who was groomed/created by Disney, it’s hard to take her seriously as an “artist”…or really believe anything she does is authentic….

But it turns out that nothing on the internet, or really in pop culture is authentic, no one is actually tying to make a statement, generate any provoking thoughts, they just want to distract people, confuse people, and feed them shit that’s got zero fucking substance…including the girls on Tumblr that Miley is ripping off. Everyone just wants to get themselves famous…

That said she gets naked, I’ve seen her vagina as a Disney Star, and she keeps getting work and growing, so in a lot of ways she’s just the product of what we want to see, a puppet, the basis of Disney…

But this, along with her nude work, made me laugh….she posted a picture of here doing the Jodie Sweetin from Full House, who you may remember as a child star who developed a serious meth addiction and became a fucking wreck…

So this is not really controversial, but she’s trolling Stephanie Tranner and for some reason, a reason I call celebrities never make fun of each other, not that Stephanie Tanner is a celebrity, but other than seeing a celebrity naked, seeing a celebrity make fun of another celebrity, is about as good as those vapid assholes get…

Good times..let’s make fun of other child star and their crashing and burning because it’s LOLZ…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Phoebe Price and Friend Titty Shake of the Day

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Like the concept of a “Blog”, versus running a social media account, because people are too lazy to type in a website name in their browser, and only like clicking through to things on their favorite Apps, Pheobe Price is representative of a simpler time in working the media for celebrity, notoriety, attention and all that good stuff….

Instead of posting compelling content and using the proper tags on her instagram, because instagram didn’t exist, she was out there where the celebrities were, getting the paparazzi to grab some pics of her because they saw her so often and figured she was interesting enough in her publicity stunt to grab a picture of….and the blogs were starved for content and wrote about her because she was making a spectacle for the paparazzi and that was interesting enough to dig a bit deeper into who Phoebe Price was…

But no one reads blogs, trust me, I know this first hand, so I guess she’s figuring out new tactics to get back out there in the media…because paparazzi alone can’t create you, you need a social strategy or to find that relevance.

She’s been at it for a long fucking time, and it is really who she is, partnering up with her friend to do self produced weirdness only makes sense…so she’s doing it by doing creepy, yet amazing, possibly too old to be doing this type of thing, videos for social media…with another girl who is always in the media called Ana Braga..

These ladies fascinate me…while I stare at their tits..because they are still doing this famewhoring thing…relentless, especially considering they haven’t done sex tapes yet!

Seriously, this is better than all these other instagram models naked in bed, bikini on beach, holding tea products…

Posted in:Videos




Kendall Jenner Punches a Paparazzi of the Day


I saw that Kendall Jenner was trending on the internet for having Blonde Hair the other day, which led me to tweeting “I can’t believe we live in a world where Kendall Jenner’s Blonde Hair is a News Story”…


I don’t care when anyone in my immediate life, which is a pug and a fat wife, get their hair done…why the fuck would Kendall Jenner’s hair be anything worth even talking about. What makes this “Truman Show” puppet someone people talk about, and why the fuck do anyone care that she’s changed her fucking tween brat hair…it’s terrifying.

The only time I’d want to see her trending is if she murder /suicided her entire family when she realizes that she was t

I mean it is a family that put one of the girls into porn to get ahead, to have the opportunity to whore every last one of them, in what would be considered abusive parenting, but I guess not abusive enough for the young one to lose her fucking mind and kill them all off..

Instead, she just punches the paparazzi to demonstrate what being a coddled, egotistical, narcissist who is totally unappreciative of the job or life she has, because it just happened for her…but maybe that internal rage should be internalized until she fucking explodes.

Would be more interesting if she was the martyr who offed the whole fucking family…

I like that GIGI is in on this, she’s probably saying “do you know who I am, do you know who my dad is”…to which 90 percent of the world said “no”…

Rich kids, who aren’t even that cute…must die.

Where’s the video?



Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW