I'll Make You Famous…




Selena Gomez Sloppy Ass Picture of the Day

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I don’t know about you but looking at this fat, dumpy Selena Gomez ass in fishnets being held the fuck together, pic she posted to instagram because she’s the most followed person on instagram, even more important than Kim Kardashian, which is so shocking considering Selena has been a Disney star with a huge following as a teen, then she dated Beiber the biggest Youtube star in our generation, to producing Spring Breakers a huge movie, all while producing shitty music, that people listen to…

While Kim K…just had a shitty sex tape and Ryan Seacrest produced reality show…

Shocking that someone who produces content and performs, not necessarily talented, but at least doing things more than being a vapid loser on permanent vacation…gets more love…

But not as shocking as her CHEMO ass, looks just like all the CHEMO asses of dying girls at the hospital…right…because Selena milks her Chemo for LUPUS harder than she milks her Taylor Swift friendship..

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Maria Sharapova in a Bikini of the Day

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The highlight of Maria Sharapova is that she was using performance enhancement medication that the Tennis industry didn’t even know were performance enhancing drugs for the last decade of her career, before it being banned because there are so many meds out there, it’s tough to regulate them…

But I believe her when she said it was preventative of her family history of Diabetes…seems legit, like when pro football players have ANGINA…while fat people I know don’t even have Angina or pre-diabetes drugs…

It’s a massive money making industry, and here are her massive thighs in a bikini…not exciting but still a cheater in a bikini which should be hot to at least one of you…and since there is only one of you out there…let’s hope for the best.

Here she is laughing at all you suckers who thought she was actually a tennis star and not a drug addict.

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Posted in:Maria Sharapova|SFW




Carmella Rose Tits of the Day


Carmella Rose is an instagram model, sugar baby and like all instagram models, she gets naked for free in lame photoshoots that are meant to look high concept, for people who are too dumb to realize it’s just bootleg shit that is easy to pull off thanks to digital cameras, because as long as the girl in the picture is half naked, it’s a good picture…to get followers.

Instgram models are the models who actually made money because brands like that they can treat models like “avon ladies” where they basically get them to promote and push their garbage product to their fans – hoping for sales…not caring what the models look like or if they are legit models or not…it’s not about concept – but rather sales….

In Mel With a Rose’s case, she’s got a great body and can pose well enough and has a following, so give her a modeling agency contract since there’s really no reason why she shouldn’t be getting jobs, even if she’s bootleg, short and not a model, but her eagerness in being naked or half naked on instagram for the sake of boners, is her real talent and the only talent that matters in this social media celebrity world we live in.

Posted in:Carmella Rose




Catherine Zeta-Jones on All Fours in a Bikini of the Day

I never write anything about Catherine Zeta-Jones because I don’t get excited by Catherine Zeta-Jones…and the only thing I know about Catherine Zeta-Jones is that her husband Michael Douglas, got HPV throat cancer, and that it’s possible he got it from her…but then again, he’s really famous and has been for decades, thanks to his dad who is also really famous, and a lot of pussy has probably rolled over his face…like Catherine Zeta-Jones is trying to roll over the beach chair…all old and a mom, on all fours…for a split second, but long enough for the fetishists who are into this kind of thing…thank god for photography and the ability to capture that VITAL moment…of an old lady in a bathing suit…in the right position.


Posted in:Catherine Zeta-Jones|SFW




Jessica Lowndes is Engaged to Jon Lovitz Publicity Stunt of the Day

I hate writing this post, because this is such as stupid fucking story, that really doesn’t matter in any level, but for some reason it is trending, which is precisely why these people are doing this…

The story is Jessica Lowndes, a Canadian slut who is trying to become an instagram celebrity by posting slutty pics of her and her fake tits, now that she can’t get work…

Is “dating” or “engaged” to Jon Lovitz and old man who is obviously down for the troll, prank, or even if this is real, the sex with a girl he’s probably been paying to fuck for the last year since she’s had no income.

If you’ve been to hollywood, there are rich actors who pay young actors who don’t make much money but who are in the scene for sex…just because they are on TV doesn’t mean they aren’t hookers, in fact, most of the time that is proof they are soulless and will fuck other famous people for career and to pay the mortgage.

So I know that even if this is a legit story, it’s a stupid story, and when a girl is so desperate to get out there, why not take any more famous name to leverage when the tit pics get less hits.

This is so fucking dumb…

Posted in:Jessica Lowndes|SFW




Saddest Lap Dance of the Day

This edit of a a plus sized girl doing a lap dance for her husband…who clearly hates his life, and wishes the humiliation would end, because he accidentally married this monster…because he was probably knocked her up after a drunk one night stand, and she’s not even one of those cool fat chicks who knows she’s fat and stays in the basement or the kitchen all day making good food for you, she’s the kind of loud fat chick who acts like a skinny chick and does shit like lap dances…or wearing plus sized lingerie, something that shouldn’t be made in that size…but is…because America is fat and celebrating fat it’s part of the Sugar company’s marketing campaign now that science is onto the fact that shit is addictive and killing us…so the new tactic is to just tell people fat is ok, even if it is dying…

Dying…but not as hard as his soul…

Posted in:Videos




Azealia Banks Has Bolt on Tits of the Day


Azealia Banks has always been on the fringe of famous. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t make money, or that she doesn’t have fans, it just means she’s never really hit superstar status, she’s more of a party girl with a record deal….

Based on me not knowing anything about music, I remember her as a girl who went head to head with the more famous, white version of her, by having some kind of lame “famous but not that famous” fight with a girl named Iggy Azalea, even though they have the same fucking name…you’d think they were just adopted useless, barely famous, sisters…

Well, clearly she knows how to draw attention to herself, whether it was calling a flight attendant a faggot, because they usually are, or her PLAYBOY FEATURE ..

Or this, showing off her bolt on breast implants to push a mix tape, to get back in the mix, because we like tits, these ones just haven’t quite settled yet and look weird…

I’m into this kind of marketing…

Posted in:Azealia Banks




Em Rat Cow Tormenting Me with Pugs of the Day


Emily Ratajkowski is a sensitive soul, at least when it comes to her, she hates being made fun of, while most of these self involved narcissists who love making duck faces and staring at themselves in the mirror. The kind of girl who you catch watching herself on her phone, staring at herself through her camera phone…and she’s made a lucrative career out of it…while most girls like her just expect it to happen for them…without work..all part of that thinking they are amazing, self love, bullshit…

I’ve made fun of her consistently since day one, but that doesn’t mean I hate her, I don’t even know her or care about her. I just see her as tits, who pull out their tits, which is awesome, but ruined because the tits aren’t given credit they deserve and she thinks she actually has talent beyond her tits, making for a very terrible place..

But It turns out that her family has a pug, and I have a pug, and I live for my pug, and love all pugs, to the point that when I see one I point and scream “PUG” like a 4 year old girl, or a retard, or a bieber fan in concert…you know what I’m saying…and that is for the first time, I’ve genuinely felt emotion beyond “I get what the whore is doing for attention with those tits” by looking at her pics, and I feel so tormented, but not really, as a pug lover I’ve known that Pugs make all situations, even shitty ones, perfect…but then you realize that the Pug is probably her pug she abandoned at her parent’s house when she decided to go get famous, and that just makes her a Pug abandoner and we hate those more than we hate pug haters…

Pugs are very important..

Posted in:Emily Ratajkowski|SFW




“Models” Have a Catfight and Other Videos of the Day

Free the Nipple 2015

Girl Does the Fuck Her Right in the Pussy

The Woman with a Bladder Infection Gets Arrested

Kids Fall Hard with Selfie Stick

Cops Charged This Guy for “assualting” them

Grooms Father Taken Out at Wedding

Dominican Women VS Cops

Idiot Falls Down Elevator Shaft…

Chick Fight of the Day

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day


Nothing says “let’s celebrate the resurrection of your son of god” like a good old fashioned smoked ham, some carrot cake, and a day of hiding colorful eggs around the house, to brianwash children with sugar into believing the lie…it’s actually not based on early Christianity, but more on the tactic used by priests to get kids to shut up about the rapes…”here’s poor orphan, eat this chocolate and have this toy and don’t tell anyone I make your asshole bleed”…

I guess that’s what Easter is all about…

Hugh Jackman Saves Drowning Kids

So Many Fit as Fuck Girls

Virtual Reality Strip Tease Prank

Nicky Whelan Booty!

Red Baywatch Bathing Suit of the Day

Goddess Phoebe Price Does Easter

Today in Wonder Woman…

Hot Babes in Selfies

How to Turn a Ferrari into a Fiat

Superman – the Golden Age of Animation

Candice Swanelpoel Lingerie

Posted in:stepLINKS