I'll Make You Famous…




Rihanna’s Areola of the Day

Nothing makes me feel like a socially awkward virgin who doesn’t get laid, and who doesn’t see tits everyday of my fucking life, whether on photoshoots, stripclubs, or from hookers, than to point at some celebrity or pop star’s areola…I mean’t it is not even a fucking full nipple motherfuckers…it’s just the shit stain of the nipple…

Posted in:Rihanna




Kendall Jenner and Cara Delevingne’s Love Cover of the Day

Well…it is fashion not porn…even thought it is a pretty grey area..because fashion is porn to me…but I guess getting a little Kendall Jenner mounting bi-sexual Cara Delevingne “it” girl…is a perfectly appropriate cry for attention from both parties who fucking love attention…which is pretty good on Kendall’s part, considering she comes from a porn family…and this should be her getting fisted…based on the morals and values in the family…even though really, based on their money, should be her living off her allowance and not bothering with any of this shit, but her money hungry horrible devil mom would have none of that.

Posted in:Kendall Jenner




Anna Ewers for Alexander Wang of the Day

Well this is the hottest jeans campaign I’ve ever seen…

Her name is Anna Ewers and I am in love…even though she rhymes with sewers…sewers I would swim through and eat whatever I found floating like some kind of pervert Ninja Turtle, without the Athleticism, so more like a homeless person, just to convince her to move her hand…

Posted in:Anna Ewers




Natalie Gal is Amazing of the Day

Her name is Natalie Gal and I am in love.

She looks familiar, but maybe that is just because she’s Russian and I’ve been dreaming about a Russian wife for the last 2 decades…something that may be easy to pull off, but I’m more into real love…and eternal happiness…because there is just something magical about their amazing faces, and the fact that I am convinced they don’t really have a soul…thanks to communism, but I like to think that unlike other Russians this one has a soul, and it is my soul’s mate…at least it should be when laying around in beds half naked like this…

Posted in:Natalie Gal




Taylor Swift Polaroids of the Day

Everyone is excited about the biggest thing in Show Business, who crosses all borders and boundaries, who touches all people, and demographics, especially men and Victoria’s Secret models and here are some polaroids of her to remind you of the early days of sexting…before phones, when you had to leave dick pics in your neighbor’s mailbox anonymously to show them that you like her…and I guess they are kind of hot enough to remind us all the Taylor Swift, is a total slut..at least to me…and I am a fan .even if she’s marketed as a victim…because I love victims and clearly her team are geniuses..because I should have no interest in anything Taylor Swift – pretty much ever…

I think Ariana Grande is in the pics…because Frenemies…

Posted in:Taylor Swift




Faith Picozzi for Tamara Lichtenstein of the Day

Her name is FAITH PICOZZI ….I used to talk to her…but then she gave up on our love as all girls I talk to do within the first 4 minutes of talking to me…after I verbally and mentally rape them with my charm….but that doesn’t mean I don’t still love her and her amazing and beautiful redheaded body…that I think should be famous and that I am suprised is not famous…after being in the scene for what must be 5 years…

That said, I am in love with her and these pics by Tamara Lichtenstein are’t bad.

Posted in:Faith Picozzi




Naomi Campbell is Still Hot of the Day

Someone once told me that Black Don’t Crack…

I don’t know if that was a racist statement, or one based on the strong genetics of the black people, who never age…

But I do know that Naomi Campbell is still looking amazing, and she must be in her late 50s…which is impressive, but necessary in her seducing billionaire Russian husbands to sugar daddy her, because even rich girls need sugar daddies, it’s all part of the model psychology…

That’s all I have to say about that..

Posted in:Naomi Campbell




K Mart’s Pregnant Woman Dancing Porn of the Day

K Mart is being clever in their marketing, because they are K Mart, and no one gives a fuck about K-Mart, and if they do, they probably are too poor to have a computer to see their clever marketing campaigns, but they did throw something out there that’s a little more aggressive than the white trash ghetto bullshit you would assume they reach, unless you’re like me and you find pregnancy in general to be pretty ghetto…it’s like “bitch couldn’t afford the abortion”…right?

That said, pregnant girls dancing gets me in the Christmas spirt…because I know they didn’t get pregnant by me…

Speaking of ready to drop porn – here’s a Kourtney Kardashian showing her tits…because she’s a Kardashian and they’re whores..K-Mart grade whores…because the people who shop at K-Mart made them…

Posted in:Videos




Kristina by Jesse Koska of the Day

Jesse Koska is apparently a photographer, and this is a shoot she did of some Russian or Eastern European model who I guess is signed to an agency in LA, who should be showing more nipple for this stage in her career, but who is still half naked, dabbling with being half naked, and breaking hearts, or at least boners, in these pantyhose erotica that is probably not meant to be masturbated to, but should be masturbated, because everything deserves to be sexualized sometimes.

Posted in:Kristina




Lara Stone is Slutty for Versace of the Day

Lara Stone tried to sue me for posting honeymoon pics of her big tits in a bikini, when she’s normally got her big tits exposed for work, I guess it was her “private time” and they are just self-involved cunts who think they deserve privacy…


But this Versace weirdo erotica probably paid better…

Posted in:Lara Stone