I'll Make You Famous…




Miley Cyrus in Bed Selfie of the Day

Everyone makes a big deal about celebrity “personal pics’, that I am a firm believer should be considered “public domain” because the celebrities have made a shitload of money directly off the public. It’s not like they sold us anything practical or something we needed to better our lives…they sold us their smut, polluted our minds with their gossip, and really anything they do should belong to us. I believe that if this was the 1500s, they court jester would get mauled for a bad joke by a group that wouldn’t go to jail because he deserved it…

That said, everything these people do is smut…it is selling their soul for morally devoid values…

So Miley Posting this in bed selfie….is no different than a spread vag shot…and Miley singing one of her songs on the radio we all have to listen to..is far far worst…

All this to say, at least Miley’s putting her smut out there and not crying about it like Kate Upton the other gang of selfie narcissits nude pic taking harlots…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Rita Ora’s Possible Nudes of the Day

I saw this screenshot from someone’s computer of Rita Ora nudes. I am going to assume that they were shot anytime over the last 5 years, before she managed to trick the world into knowing who she was…because she knows how this world works, not to mention she knows how big the Rihanna nude scandal was before she got beat the fuck up, many years ago, when she went from popstar to superstar…and Rita Ora’s whole purpose is to be the next Rihanna….

I can only assume there has been a lot of dick that’s gone through her to get to this point in her career, and I don’t slut shame, I figure if you’re going to slut, you might as well do it for fame and fortune, I mean I know girls who slut for a bump of cocaine, totally skewed priorities…when you really think about all the sex going on in the world…

I am sure if these are legit nudes, I probably won’t be posting them, I’m bored of the fappeniong, celebrities bore me, I’m all about the no names…before I can hate them for being lame as fuck…because the world is filled with hoteness getting naked, and I don’t need a girl to have a record deal or 10 million dollar a month mansion to get off to her…I just need butthole pics.

Posted in:Rita Ora




Kesha Peen of the Day

I could have gone through life without seeing these Kesha Peen in panties pics…But I guess, in a lot of ways…that’s what makes them amazing…

I remember a bunch of years ago, she had some leaked nudes dropped, I’m not too sure if anyone cared…I mean it was in the time when her BFF Katy Perry felt guilty for getting famous and gave Kesha her own chance to follow the leader – so long as she didn’t quite hit as big…and she didn’t because she was too busy being big…I’ve seen the bikini pics – I am not a fan…but that doesn’t mean this hipster turned popstar – LA scene kid story of fame and fortune – isn’t amazing as a person – it just means – she should keep some pants on.


Posted in:Kesha




Dakota Johnson in a Bikini of the Day

Here’s some Dakota Johnson in a bikini – her mom is Melanie Griffith…her dad Don Johnson – or as I like to call him – one of the many men Melanie Griffith rolled through and got impregnated by during her stint as an LA rich kid, daughter of an actress, with a trust fund…in an era before the Internet was really documenting her LA rich kid behavior, before strapping down and establishing a career of her own, thanks to contacts and the fact that acting requires no talent at all….

Anyway, here’s the third generation doin’ it…50 Shades of Grey skin in a bikini styles…just how mommy and I guess Grand mommy taught her…and at least her Miami Vice ass is worth lookin’ at…because all ass is worth looking at.


Posted in:Dakota Johnson




StepGIRLS vs Creepettes of the Day

We have a situation with our friends over at CREEPSTREET …where we rival their “Creepettes” with our stepGIRLS

I’m aiming for a giant wrestling match in space…you know to make this really matter, but as long as she’s dressed like this, laying in bed, I’m all about it…and kind of not even into sharing it….

Her name is AYEE BEE , her real name is who we I have posted before because I love her for OBVIOUS REASONS ….her actual name is Alexandra…but when she is built like this….does her name really matter….

I guess I am a bit of a pervert….or maybe I just like having a good time with fun things…

Posted in:stepGIRLS




Selena Gomez in Car Cleavage Selfie of the Day

Selena Gomez is taking wholesome pics for her social media….because she is a wholesome girl. I mean you’re some kind of pervert to think there is anything inappropriate going on here. I mean its just a girl with some fresh implants, not the offensive kind, but the model kind, wearing a shirt on a hot fall day in California. To think this is erotic may make you a sex offender – you know the kind of guy who finds sex in everything things – like school girls, or mom’s with cameltoe, or girls with no bras and hard nipples…I mean it’s just cleavage people, and possible only the skin is hers….the rest is smoke, mirrors, plastic and harnesses….but for some reason…a reason i call perversion..I am all about it…

Posted in:Selena Gomez




Alice Aufray by Mark Drew of the Day

Her name is Alice Aufray …she’s a model you’ve probably never heard of because she’s just starting out – at least that’s what I am assuming by her underrated instagram…

All I know is that when I look at her…she’s the only thing that matters…and should have all the followers in the world. I am a romantic like that. I would totally wait for our third facebook messenger date to ask for asshole pics…she just has that affect on me…is this what love is?!

The photographer’s name is Mark Drew…look him up, he’s obviously a pretty good talent scout…or even matchmaker you know since he found me my wife.

Posted in:Alice Aufray




Kaley Cuoco’s Toilet Pic of the Day

There is a video of Kaley Cuoco flashing her vagina after going to the bathroom as part of the recent hack, I am sure it’s available online somewhere, I am just too lazy to look for it. I don’t even think Kaley Cuoco sent her legal team after the leaked pics, because I didn’t hear from them, and she’s been making social media jokes about it since they happened…I guess she has a sense of humor and realizes that most people think seeing her naked is exciting, I don’t really care for her, I don’t watch her show, I don’t really get off to girls who pretend to be the hot chick amongst the nerds, and who act like the hot chick amongst the nerds, because the nerds are loyal and offer a lot of male attention. I am more into girls who have no self esteem…

That said, I guess this toilet selfie is just a play on the nude leaks you’ve probably masturbated to…and I encourage any girl who embraces the opportunity to be a slut, without blatantly being a slut…

Not to mention, girls taking shits is totally my fetish…usually I opt for the face…but toilet works…as long as it smells….I mean…at least I would be into that if girls actually shit…but the girls I’ve been with don’t…but that’s because they are on a meth diet..boom.

Posted in:Kaley Cuoco




Creepy Masks for TREATS! of the Day

TREATS! put out these pics of some hot models in masks. I didn’t really bother looking up the photographer or really anything about it – because I was up on some ISIS kick and into girls wearing masks – because as a mask wearing weirdo – I understand the plight of the masked person – you know no one right swipes you on the internet, no one wants to be friends with you, girls don’t want to send you nudes unless they see your face…but I also know the beauty of telling a girl “No one will know it’s you if you put this on and let me take pics”…so masks are less a fetish and more a tool to get girls who otherwise won’t get naked..naked…and that works for me…whether artistic, or done on my cellphone…I just care about the tits.

Posted in:Treats




Nina Agdal Catalog Bikini Pics of the Day

There are two things I am not a fan of…one is catalog pictures in any and all circumstances, they are photoshopped weird, they celebrate clothes that I want nothing to do with, and they most importantly, showcase no pussy definition or nipple, which is really the only reason I am looking at catalog pics in the first place…you know a tribute to the 70s when I was self discovering in shitty catalogs that couldn’t afford photoshop or what they called “air brushing” since photoshop didn’t exist…I’m old…It’s like I’m not going to be purchasing any of this shit, show me the fucking cameltoe…

The other thing I don’t like is Nina Agdal’s face. If I was into it, I’d be working as a volunteer at the severely retarded center…you know trying to prevent them from masturbating everywhere we fucking go…but their big brains have figured out that they can get out of working and spend their days masturbating by playing dumb..clever fucks….unless they are Nina Agdal, who’s ego forced her out of the institution and onto the pages of SI…

I still love her body though…I’m not all negative…I got love in my soul

Posted in:Nina Agdal