I'll Make You Famous…




Kim Kardashian’s Red Bikini of the Day

We live in a world where Kim Kardashian, along with her sex tape and the career that followed, is clearly celebrated as a sex symbol. People look at her and think “Oh My God, I want to fuck Kim Kardashian, she’s so hot”…yet for some reason, beastiality you know where you fuck an animal is illegal, looked down upon socially and completely wrong, even if you own it…even though it’s the same thing as getting off to Kim Kardashian, whether she’s photoshopped in her bikini or not.

She’s a monster.



Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Lindsay Lohan’s Red Lipstick on a Redhead Fetish of the Day

Lindsay Lohan’s old face having red lipstick applied to her gutter mouth that has had so much contact with random genitals…is porn to at least one person, and that person happens to be me…

I am a huge Lohan fan, watching her fade into obscurity has brought me great joy, I am just waiting until she really hits rock bottom and I can find her on some street corner and nurture her back to average at best actor who could win the Oscar for her roll in anything that involves her struggling, because the Oscars are a fucking scam and celebrate talentless hacks yearly..and Lohan…is no hack…she is the real fucking deal…and I may or may not be in love.

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan




Kylie Jenner for V Magazine of the Day

So the tween Kylie Jenner is now being exploited by her crazy stage mom, who has really gone crazy with this stage mom hustle, because she’s managed to rope in every single one of the kids shat out of her vagina, even the one from OJ, and make money off them.

Clearly tending to some inner insecurities in her own life, probably because she didn’t make it when she tried, forcing her to find a rich husband to whore herself to becasue the auditions weren’t working out and the Beverly Hills life is just so in your face when you are a starving twat trying to get pregnant with money…only to 25 years later…turn it around and make more money off that twat…because 25 years is long enough to get used to that world and to forget that you fucked your way into it….

I guess now that the other one is 18. She’s gotta get interest in the young one…and that’s why she’s in a bra in V magazine.

Posted in:Kylie Jenner




Alba Pistolesi & Gaia Repossi for Pop Magazine of the Day

I don’t need to know who Alba Pistolesi, Gaia Repossi are. I just know that my day isn’t complete unless I see at least one fashion magazine using models the way models are meant to be used….naked.

Whenever I see any models from these Victoria’s Secret chicks, to hipsters for instagram, I think to myself “Why Didn’t the dude who hired these girls use them the way they are willing to be used”.

It’s like taking a hooker on a date and not letting her suck or fuck you, but rather just have a good conversation. Because as it turns out, the last thing I need in life is a good conversations with a hooker…

Posted in:Alba Pistolesi|Gaia Repossi




Natalie Dormer for Hunger Games Poster of the Day

I don’t watch bullshit movies like Hunger Games. I don’t watch bullshit like Game of Thrones. I am too cool for that mainstream, mass appeal, shows that bring people together and that give people something to talk about at the water cooler, to add meaning to their otherwise meaningless lives. It’s just a distraction…

So I don’t know who Natalie Dormer is. I don’t know if she’s hot or not, because she’s looking average to me, but I guess that’s just the hollywood hustle, real hot girls are doing better things than acting, like bedding rich dudes.

She also did FHM….these are the pics….

Posted in:Natalie Dormer




Beyonce for CR Fashion Book of the Day

The fact that Beyonce think she is god. Or that she has been branded the queen. Or that she’s worth 500 million dollars. Or that she didn’t fade away like the lead singer in girl groups before her – offends me.

I feel like there is a huge flaw in the world, that she’s figured out the scam, and that people are buying into it…all because she’s an ego, who won’t just retire to raise her kid gracefully like she should, but instead releases a more hardcore album, with sluttier pics and a fitter body, in efforts to compete with one of the girls who made Beyonce’s husband rich as fuck…

I guess it’s like I said about the 80 year old I once banged, never too old to stick your dick into as long as it’s not horribly fat.

Here she is doing some fashion shit because she’s some kind of icon.

Posted in:Beyonce




Nina Dobrev Bikinis on a Yacht of the Day

Nina Dobrev is some chunky Canadian starlet from some show called Vampire Diaries, who I don’t think has any real business being on TV, but I guess has some decent connections that has brought her to the top….

Maybe I am just bitter because I am Canadian and never got asked to babysit her or pour maple syrup all over her, or take her beaver to the moose conference during Igloo festival, or whatever it is Canadians do…

Maybe I don’t think she’s all that hot…

Maybe I’ll still stare at her ass when wet in Spain in a bikini bottom.


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Top 10 Arianna Grande Showed Her ass on Today Show of the Day

I like the idea of making random top 10 lists, and really not bother with the whole list thing, it’s my clever clickbait strategy that will allow me to fit in with all the other sites doing it, because the general public are retards and love lists even when those lists are randomly thrown together because internet journalism is flimsy..

That said, I am into seeing this Disney chick flashing the Today show her panties on her big trying to get famous tour, but only because I know she takes massive black cock in whatever she’s hiding under her panties, you see because Big Sean leaked a nude years ago….and with that nude I can easily determine that she’s a size queen and her vagina is a monster….and nothing makes white dudes happy like knowing a white girl they jerk off to get ravaged everyday by huge black cock.

Posted in:Arianna Grande




Photoshopped Model of the Day

Some feminist magazine is putting some bathing suit company on blast because the model they hired to do the campaign, decided to exploit her client, who paid her well to be in their campaign, because she’s a fucking model and that is what they fucking do….by making a big deal about how they photoshopped her…

You know, because feminists are trendy now, and hating on photoshopped images to make a girl look better than she would not photoshopped is considered objectifying a woman and not celebrating her real form, false marketing like a push up bra…even though being a model to begin with is objectifying women and giving unrealistic images to the public….because unrealistic images are far more fun to jerk off to than some flawed picture of a girl…

The fact is that she looks better photoshopped…that’s why they photoshopped them…stop your whining you fucking feminists idiots. No one likes fat girls who don’t shut the fuck up about how badly the media treats ugly people and celebrates hot people…

Posted in:News




Miley Cyrus for V Magazine of the Day

Miley Cyrus is on the cover of V Magazine. People seem to care. I don’t really understand why, maybe it is because she is still considered an it girl and relevant, maybe it is because her socially media is a fucking cluster fuck of her looking like a pile of shit, or maybe it is because V Magazine has a good PR team…but all I know is that I want to see the rest of the pictures, because I’m hoping she’s naked in them. You know, since fashion is about nudity and since Miley’s already naked all over the internet.

I don’t have the rest of the pics, so this is just a boring fucking teaser..but I don’t have hobbies…so this is all the low level excitement I need.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus