I'll Make You Famous…




Kim Kardashian Porn Nipples of the Day

Apparently, these are Kim Kardashian’s porno nipples in a see through shirt and a see through bra that I am sure weren’t worn intentionally. It’s like she’s got a team of stylists, she calls the paparazzi, despite pressing charges on the paparazzi who she doesn’t call, she has PR people and execs at the network, who’s soul purpose is to keep her relevant for one more year, since it makes a shit ton of money…definitely an accident…and accident that I thought would have better planned if another girl was being used. We’ve seen Kim Fuck…in her CELEBRITY PORN ….10 years ago…she’s profited nicely…she can chill the fuck out and not free her nipples cuz none of us want to see them really…use the publicity stunts for people who need them…

She also posted her Passport pic according to her instagram….

Here are her tits….

She’s the devil…let’s hope she gets eliminated from our lives…sooner than later.

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Drunk Girl Runs Into Bus Shelter Glass of the Day

Drunk girls are amazing. They are fun.

In fact they are the only girls I have ever really known or had sex with. Sober girls are just dull, boring, uptight, angry and not down to sit on my face on a park bench because I’ve convinced them I’m shooting an MTV pilot using my iPhone…you see drunk girls…along with running into things…are also very easy to convince to do things…naked things…and not feel like a predator…because I’m broke as fuck, it’s not like I bought them those drinks…they have to take responsibility for themselves…and their actions…and their intake…I’m just an innocent bystander with my own agenda that they don’t have to participate in if they really don’t want to…all I do is ask.

Either way, funny video.

Posted in:Videos




Ashley Smith and Dioni Tabbers for Agent Provocateur of the Day

Ashley Smith is a Texan model who moved to New York because she was tall, skinny, busty and had a gap tooth in an era when gap tooth models were in….

I’ve known about her for what seems like forever, she’s been making money at this, but she wasn’t a household name, she wasn’t a big deal, and for some reason – this past year something clicked, and she became more relevant…is booking bigger things…is getting a fan base…and I think she’s hot as fuck..in some big titty, party girl, crackhead…kind of way…

I’ve interacted with her at least once when she was not doing much…I tried to sing her vagina love songs – but she wasn’t having it. I guess she didn’t believe that we were soul mates as much as I did when staring at her tits…

She’s now in this campaign for Agent Provocateur that is hot….because Agent Provocateur is hot, even though I just assume they are owned by Victoria’s Secret.

She’s doin’ it with Dioni Tabbers…who has done a bunch of modelling, but I’m not lettinger her steal the show from the one who matters….Ashely Smith.

Posted in:Ashley Smith




Gisele’s On the Beach of the Day

I guess Gisele Bundchen spends a lot of time in Costa Rica, because she’s been here before and she’s there again…in a bikini…because that’s just the kind of place Costa Rica is and just the kind of girl Gisele is…

She was also doing fascinating things like:

1- Kissing her Gay in the Locker room Thanks to Team Initiation and Showers – Husband on his birthday.

2- Fucking with Horses in some Equis Erotica

3 – Abusing babies

4- Praying.

But most importantly…wearing a fucking bikini because despite the miracle babies her tranny uterus we call testicles had…she’s a bikini model..and that’s how we like her… To See the bikini Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Gisele Bundchen




Valerie Van Der Graaf is Good of the Day

Valerie Van Der Graaf is a Dutch model – who has been in a bunch of campaigns, the most mainstream being Sports Illustrated, proving that just because you are hotter and more amazing than Kate Upton, the general American public will always choose the American. It’s some racism and patriotic bullshit that may makes sense when applied to wear your clothing is made, but that doesn’t make sense when applied to women, because Kate Upton is not as hot as this…and that’s the end of discussion…

Now I generally hate Black & White photos, because I know most pictures are shot on digital and turned black and white, for effect…and I hate that shit…but I do like this babe naked, busty, and hot bodied…so I’ll just imagine it in color like I used to as a poor kid playing videogames one of my mom’s john’s gave her on our shitty Mexican TV…

But this isn’t about me…it’s about magical Valerie.

Posted in:Valerie van der Graaf




Lea Michele’s Armpit for the Perverts of the Day

Her name is Lea Michele. She had a fake relationship with a costar for marketing purposes, who ended up dying on her, leaving her to deal with having to pretend to mourn, but she’s a professional, and with being a professional, she snuck her actual boyfriends around. It would have been so much better for her to deal with all this if they just did a whole break up, but dying…that throws a real wrench in things. It’s not what she signed up for to get that year end bonus, but it was a good platform to make people feel sorry for her and propel, like Rihanna did when Chris Brown beat her.

It was like balancing when it was time to publicly move on – and positioning it so people didn’t hate her but felt sympathy for her trying to find love after loss…and the whole thing was a joke….kind of like her sex appeal…

But I found this one pic of her that I think at least one person can jerk off to, you know armpit fetishists, who aren’t so picky about the girls who’s armpits they want to fuck.


Posted in:Lea Michele




Some Miley Cyrus Smokin’ in a Bikini Top of the Day

Everyone’s favorite popstar rebel, who isn’t really a rebel at all, she’s just a reflection of what is going on in pop culture. Everything is cartoon and emoji like and she just happens to have branded herself the same way. It’s like seeing knock off designer clothes at Walmart. You know there is nothing legitimate about it…but then you are forced to question whether there is anything legitimate about anything at all. You see what makes Miley authentic, or not authentic is a matter of opinion. I mean being a Disney kid, raised rich, in a mansion, with a staff who coddled her, would make you think she was totally out of touch from the real world…but maybe being alienated from the real world…tapped into her inner pothead, performer with some insane vision that only she could pull off because it was expensive to do….Maybe I shouldn’t try to analyze Miley’s act. Maybe I should focus on what is important. A babe, that isn’t that much of a babe, but at least she’s not fat, in a bikini top – smoking weed. Works for me.

Here are some of her shitty tattoos…

Posted in:Miriam Adler




Sarah Stephens for Agent Provocateur of the Day

Her name is Sarah Stephens. She’s a model. She’s in the catalog for Agent Provocateur. She’s no Michea Crawford, who I posted yesterday and who you can see if you go back in the archives, but she’s still in amazing lingerie, posing…which counts for something, even though I can’t stand lingerie photoshoots. They always fucking suck.

Posted in:Sarah Stephens




Jessica Biel isn’t Wearing a Bra OMG of the Day

Jessica Biel wasn’t wearing a bra in a dress while showing off her fat round fit ass…and apparently – she wasn’t wearing SPANX either, because she had what looked like a baby bump, that I would assume was caused by sharing the same toilet seat as her “husband” Justin Timberlake, who farted out some semen left in him from his lover, because he’s gay, right? I mean maybe I’m just stereotyping frosted tipped hair on guys who like dancing a little too much, but I guess he probably realized that dancing gets you rich and rich gets you pussy…so maybe the real gay in all this is me assuming he’s gay…and that he only went for Biel cuz she doesn’t bitch and has a broad manly back thanks to lifting…

Who cares.


Posted in:Jessica Biel




Mom I Don’t Want to Fuck and Other Videos of the Day

The Upright Walking New Jersey bear – I Think It’s Probably Just Snooki

Shark Throws Up in a Guys Face

Some Guy Gets Suck Between Train and Platform – 50 People Rock The Train to Free Him

I don’t want to post this – but it’s hardcore – Burn Victim Telling Fire Challenge People They are Idiots

Russian Mom Won’t Move for Taxi

Driver of the Day

Gas Pump Hit and Run

Posted in:Videos