I'll Make You Famous…




Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell are Some Old Timers in Bikinis of the Day

I will always be a Kate Moss fan, even if she’s over 40 and Doughy because she didn’t stick to her “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”…life philosophy to heart…I guess when you cool down the cocaine and limit it to once a week under doctor’s orders, and you’re not getting paid to be naked everyday, you start dabbling in food…and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, other than how old it makes me feel, because I remember the era when she was an it girl, when she was everywhere, and when she was hot as fuck doing it…I even remember an era when she’d never be caught in a bikini top…if she was on vacation, she was topless, her nipples everywhere – I even did a retrospective on WAS HOT AS FUCK IN PLAYBOY now it’s come to this…a bikini wearing Kate Moss…I hoped I’d never see the day…but it happened..and it’s not that bad….but I am committed to that dirty dirty rockstar fucking hipster bush pussy…and forever will…


Posted in:Kate Moss




Selena Gomez is Growing Out Her Tits of the Day

There are some Rumors that Selena Gomez wants to get new tits to keep Justin Happy, because her current tits aren’t doing it for him, and I guess that’s why she’s wearing this push up bra and showing tit, because when you get a story in the media, you massage that shit to keep it going so that people like me act like we care whether she has implants or not, because really all we care about is her tits…and I don’t even really care about those that much…

I guess the good news in all this is that little girls everywhere who follow Selena Gomez’s every move, or even Bieber’s every move, will now think their tits are inadequate, and for the rest of their lives, or until they save up 5,000 dollars, they will never be satisfied with themselves..

Good job Selena, teaching the kids what matter…and I guess my only question in all this is…why hasn’t she gone full topless yet…I think the public is ready and won’t even care….she better do it quick before she dies of her LUPUS…

Live a little more on the edge…

Posted in:Selena Gomez




Cameron Diaz Has No Nipples in Esquire of the Day

Cameron Diaz is in the August issue of Esquire, I’m not sure if these pictures of her are new, or recycled for some obscure market that licenses the Esquire name and pictures…I just know they happened…and I am not about to go through the History of Cameron Diaz to find out…because unlike Cameron Diaz, I firmly realize she’s around 40 and too old for this half naked modelling shit, too bad she had her uterus removed ,probably when she got her nipples removed, to not have kids get in the way of her egotistical life, because it seems like despite being rich as fuck from shitty acting work, she’s got nothin’ left….

Either way, she’s the worst.

Posted in:Cameron Diaz




Irina Shayk is a Scary Runway Model of the Day

I am guilty of saying that Irina Shayk is one of the hottest models of the year, or even ever at least on one occasion, because whether I was drunk or not, I was blinded, like the rest of the world by her intense soulless Russian face, that tricked me into thinking she was more than what she was, thanks to bikini pics…

You see, Irina Shayk is like a Russian hooker, a hot Russian hooker, who I guess wanted mainstream success in her Russian Hooking, so she tricked a Soccer player and his team to hire her as his beard, and in turn make Irina Shayk Happen…

But seeing her on the Runway the other day, makes me realize, she’s not a model at all. When photoshopped half naked in a bikini, she’s good, but when actually fashion modelling, she’s a fucking monster or a troll…

I guess what I’m trying to say here is – bitch, put your bikini back on or we’re sending you back to war torn Ukraine to live in your cold water flat with 18 of your relatives…

Irina Shayk is AMazing in Maxim

Here she is on the Runway

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Miley For Playing With Puppies with Terry Confuses Me of the Day

I find it interesting that Miley Cyrus will post pictures of herself, her vagina, her nipples for the sake of doing it…on stage, in paparazzi pics, with her cellular…but when she links up with Terry Richardson, who I am sure is her really good friend, because most 50 year olds and 20 year olds get along famously, when the 50 year old is taking half naked pics of the 20 year old in a basement somewhere…and shit turns out boring…

So she’s Frenching her dog, after her last dog got killed…but she’s fully clothed, that’s not like Miley or like Terry.

They are fucking with us…

To she her slutty in concert being slutty CLICK HERE

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Megan Fox’s New Face in Cosmo of the Day

Mom of 2, Megan Fox, hit Cosmo this month to show off her new Robotic face that she got in honour of not being cast in the new Transformers, but rather being replaced by a younger, hotter version of her for the second time, because Megan Fox was never a talented actress, and really she was never that hot…she just went viral and it wasn’t very sustainable, not when her 90210 creeper was locking her up and tampering with her birth control to trap her forever and destroy her career like he did to his own career….because that’s what getting them when they are young and brainwashing them is all about…

Posted in:Megan Fox




Kim Kardashian Loves Attention of the DAy

In case you didn’t know…Kim Kardashian loves attention…and I feel so stupid giving her attention, but then again, she’s made me money with her SEX TAPE …I’ve bought hookers with it…and booze with it…and I even went to Vegas with it…so in a lot of ways me and Kim Kardashian are business partners, and like all business partners, you eventually hate them for their antics when you don’t see them evolving to great heights, but rather doing the same old routine over and over and over again…paying the paparazzi to shoot stupid outfits…that she wore for her sister’s birthday and just to get noticed…when she should be using her fame to next level shit..

I mean if she wants a reality show, I want to see her getting pissed on, I want to see her shitty, I want to see her afterbirth…put your actual self out there for a fucking change…this scripted shit is just dumb as fuck…not that I’d expect much more from her, or from America that made her…she’s still the fucking worst…

Here she is in the dumbest Looking dress ever HERE

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Amber Rose and Courtney Love Kiss of Death the Day

I can’t imagine anything good coming from this pic for all parties involved…

I mean nothing good comes from Courtney Love’s mouth that has seen some shit…both back when she was a hooker sucking dick for drugs to when she’s an heiress of a fortune sucking dick for drugs…

Nothing good comes from Amber Rose because she only exists because she sucked rapper dick until it knocked her up…

I guess things do come from their mouths…that’s their whole purpose, I just don’t think any of you should come from this pic…because it’s gross.

Posted in:Amber Rose




Stella Maxwell Models for Love & Lemons of the Day

Her name is Stella Maxwell and she’s posing for Love & Lemons, which is pretty much one of the most popular brands out of LA right now…I know this because I masturbate to instagram and so many girls wear this shit…I guess they do bathings suits and lingerie, because when you’re rich and in LA and want a clothing line of your own to keep you busy…you can do anything…

Now I don’t find Stella Maxwell hot, or interesting looking. She has the LA hipster look, with the green hair, all skinny as fuck…but people are loving her…

I’ve posted her NAKED HERE and NAKED THERE before…and I still don’t get the appeal…

I mean pre-teen tomboy undertones is what I’m getting here, but I figure why not encourage her to continue her work, because hipster models always get naked and I like naked.

Posted in:Stella Maxwell




J.Lo Thinks She’s Miley of the Day

There comes a time in every middle aged popstar’s career where she throws in the towel and says “I’m too old for this, maybe I’ll just go on to sing popstars”….or she doesn’t….

I mean from what I remember, J.Lo was too old to be a popstar when she became a popstar in the first place, so this pretending she’s MILEY is just awkward…It’s like every time I see old bitches in AMerican Apparel with their tweens, competing to dress sluttier, I’m like, let the tween be tweens, and you bitch, you go put on that sweater…even when they are hot…I don’t who decides that the behavior is inappropriate…I just know it is…

Sure she has a good body, she can still pull it off, she makes millions, she doesn’t want to give up when there is money to be made and adorning fans to cheer her on…but she could do it with some pants on..

Save the old lady twerking for the dinner party that got too out of hand in your mansion or some shit..just because you can twerk doesn’t mean do it on stage for thousands…

I’ll still watch, because that’s what she wants, and I always give girls what they want, I am a gentleman and a pervert who likes train crashes like this..hey ladies…


Posted in:J.Lo