I'll Make You Famous…




Katy Perry Looks Amazing in W of the Day

As much as I hate to admit this, Katy Perry, the popstar who I have a target on her back for polluting my life with contrived bullshit music that is always on the radio and that I even know the words of, even though I have never actually consciously listened to a Katy Perry song…a girl who I don’t understand the appeal, from her bloated belly to bad skin, if this was another era, she’d never be packaged as a star, but for some reason she made it happen, a reason I’ll never understand, because no blow job is good enough to win this kind of lottery…she just not talented or hot enough to carry it…but these pictures…from W magazine…make her look hot and make me go back to the drawing board trying to understand what else I am wrong about…or right about…I just can’t figure out what is real or fake anymore…from being disgusted by a girl, to wanting to see more of her, despite hating her, is just too much for me to handle…so here are the pics…

Posted in:Katy Perry




Miranda Kerr Does Instagram of the Day

The best Miranda Kerr story I have heard from people in the fashion industry, I’m talking her management, is that she got fired from Victoria’s Secret, the company that made her, despite my original thought that she let her ego get the best of her and she didn’t want to be known as a Victoria’s Secret girl forever so she quit situation…

Well it turns out that last year at the fashion show, she had sex with Bieber.

Take that in for a second, the married, and marketed as happily married Victoria’s Secret model, who they all loved because she was a family woman with an A-List husband, banged Bieber…because I guess you can’t believe everything you read or see…in the media…it’s all fucking lies…

Now I don’t know if it’s true, but it sure as hell better be, because it makes for an amazing story…and whenever I see her with her kid or husband I laugh…but not as much as Bieber’s laughing cuz he’s been up in this…

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Lea Michele Kills Off Fiance – Increases Sex Appeal of the Day

If you’ve ever talked to virgin loser dudes playing videogames with each other at the Sci-Fi club in their college, you’ll know that people they are fans of, especially famous girls they relate to and have weird one-sided relationship withs, usually very sexual and even romantic, despite having never met, they get very angry when they find out that fantasy is engaged or married to some dude…in fact they always wish death on him…it’s the aspergers way….

So assuming, Lea Michele, despite being hard faced and manly, ever had fans that wanted to marry her, those fans would probably be the kind with no standards at the virgin corner of the cafeteria, who would wish death upon her Fiance, even if he was just a fiancé for press and publicity reasons…so to them that alone increased her sex appeal….and I guess he’s taking it to heart and really milking the single widow thing as she smiles in her skimpy dress like all Widows do…and she should because let’s face it, she’s never been hot before so she might as well leverage the 5 minutes 3 people think she is cuz she’s single. If you know what I mean…


Posted in:Lea Michele




Hannah Davis Shitty Lingerie Catalog Pics of the Day

I can think of a lot of things worse than Lingerie Catalog pics…but not much…they are boring, the photoshop out the good stuff, at least depending on the company, like this one who doesn’t believe underwear should be sold showing ass….because ass, despite being something we all have and sit on, is vulgar when in a low rise panty a company is trying to sell…

The whole thing is such bullshit, but this Hannah Davis chick, who probably made 1000 dollars shooting this is alright, I mean it’s not her fault the system is flawed, or that sex and sexuality is so confused that a girl in underwear needs to be modified to make it wholesome enough to put out there…what the fuck….

Posted in:Hannah Davis




Xenia Deli Covered in Mud of the Day

I am a fan of XENIA DELI , even if I don’t really know anything about her, other than that her name is silly and reminds me of a vile meaty vagina sent from middle aged mom hell to make me question my sexuality one night when too drunk to say no to the frilled meaty discolored disgusting….because the pictures of her in this C-Heads shit, along with every other picture of her, make me realize I’d get down with this even if it had a dick…cuz sometimes there’s that grey area of tranny, where they look so good despite the dick, that you just have to close your eyes and go for it, not that Xenia Deli is a tranny, but if she was, I’d like her pictures just as much as I do right now…

Posted in:Xenia Deli




Beach Brawl and Other Videos of the Day

This beach brawl video isn’t even that good, it’s just a ridiculous voice over edit that for some reason I thought was funny for the 10 seconds I watched it, a reason I call alcoholism and hatred for frat boy jock types who would find this funny, and the irony in this being one of their jokes and something you know they thought was genius while putting together, made me chuckle…or some shit…

The good news is that here are some other videos…an unexpected accident…

21 People Light Themselves on Fire

A Girl Vs a Vacuum Cleaner

Posted in:Videos




Izabel Goulart is Amazing of the Day

Izabel Goulart is the fittest model Victoria’s Secret failed on, and in a lot of ways I like that she got deported back to Brazil where she takes a lot of selfies of her working out, because I like seeing selfies of bitches working out, it’s better than me working out and it’s far better than me going to the gym to watch bitches working out, because any gym I’ve been to, the chicks working out are the ones who need to be working out and not the ones who already won from working out…if you know what I mean….and if you don’t just look at Izabel..cuz she’s won motherfucker….

Posted in:Izabel Goulart|SFW




Alyssa Arce Hot Model I’ve Never Heard Of of the Day

Alyssa Arce is Playboy’s Miss July….

I had never heard of her before seeing pics from this photoshoot, where clearly she’s fucking lovely, and I guess this means Playboy, a magazine that had fallen hard into the depths of horrible, because they had senile Hefner trying to determine who was hot enough for the cover, and in doing that chose all these horrible bitches, turning what was once a premium magazine, into some gutter porn shit…that people couldn’t even jerk off to if they wanted to because it was just fucking awful across the board…

Well, I guess until July, when Alyssa Arce exposed her vagina in it, because after seeing these pics of her, I approve of these titties…and it’s really all about what I approve…when it comes to billion dollar companies who do what I do better…right…

All this to say, who cares about Playboy, let’s stare at Alyssa Arce…

Posted in:Alyssa Arce|NSFW




Twerking to Beethoven of the Day

Over one year ago a Burlesque dancer put up this video of her doing an ass dance to Beethoven…that has been repackaged as a twerk….even though if you ask anyone who isn’t a 15 year old Miley Cyrus fan, who has been to a strip club at least once in the last 20 years….they will say “Oh that’s how the black girls and a few white girls dancing to hip hop do their thing”…it’s old news to any pervert into asses and the ability for asses to jiggle while they work….

Today, this video is going viral, and I know this because it has been emailed to me at least once and that usually means we’re in too deep…

So I figure let’s give this girl more attention because sometimes you’re ahead of your time and it takes Miley Cyrus to make a word trend, only for your video to get picked up…good times…cuz I am all about the ass jiggle, even if I think Burlesque is the fucking worst shit fat girls have ever done to us…

Posted in:Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I think the foundation of the East VS West hip hop wars was less about fake controversy started up by the record labels to get people talking about their artists, and everything to do with the time difference…

I mean shit, I’m just waking up and you motherfuckers are already done lunch…

Here are some links…

Betty White Does the Miley

Taylor Swift is Probably Pregnant

Today in Thigh Gaps

Fame Whore Engaged to Fame Whore After Fame Whore Proposal

Girls Still Have Tramp Stamps

Dogs Shaking in Slow Motion

8 Video Game Characters You Wish You Could Murder

Kim KArdashian is the Fucking Worst….

Live Nude Girls…Live Nude Girls….

Posted in:stepLINKS