I'll Make You Famous…




Katrina Bowden at the Gym for Old Navy of the Day

Katrina Bowden had her moment at the top in American Reunion…where she played some bimbo who I don’t even remember if she got naked or not….but she was better to look at that Tara Reid…despite loving Tara Reid and being more that willing to lick off her genital scabs…the new blood is a little less haggard and doesn’t require stuffing her uterus back inside her half dead party body….

Well now she’s made the big move to pretending to work out in the weakest of ways for Old Navy…and like all girls working out….I am totally into watching….squat, sweat, stretch…..almost hot enough to make me go to the gym…but they don’t consider jerking off in the gym…a trendy workout routine…even if it is my only work out routine…

Posted in:Katrina Bowden




Miley Cyrus Puppy Fetish Continues of the Day

I have a crush on Miley Cyrus…I think she’s a lot of fun…or at least worth watching in pictures of her weird privileged brat…..you know childhoodless child star who daddy exploited to finance his one hit wonder life he was used to….but couldn’t maintain….you know cuz of the whole one hit wonder shit….

She’s the kind of girl I’d want to get pregnant….but not have to interact with….so I just jerk off on her pictures and tape them to my wall. I’m romantic like that.

She’s the queen of puppy and tight body girl erotica on social media…and here’s her latest puppy on her legs….her lean….lovely legs I’d leg to wear as a scarf as my mouth gets lost in her fleshy panty filler.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Carolyn Murphey Modeling Some Bikini Tops of the Day

Carolyn Murphey is a lot of fun….and I am just saying that because she was involved in a Sex Tape that is available all over the internet…despite her having a team of lawyers run after anyone who posts it….cuz the internet always wins when it comes to this kind of thing…because the world is too vast…and the nerds are too smart…that US Law can’t case after some server in the middle of a some African war lord run mountain chain….but these idiots celebs and models don’t get that…and don’t realize they shoulda never videotaped themselves fuckin if it wasn’t a play to get more exposure…when it is always a play to get more exposure…it just doesn’t always work out the Kim Kardashian way….making them scramble to erase the shit…and pretend it never happened….it doesn’t matter…what matters is that she’s posing in a bikini top for some eyeglass company….

Posted in:Carolyn Murphey




Francesca Fisher-Eastwood Bikini of the Day

The nice thing about being Clint Eastwood’s 19 year old daughter….is that you don’t need to be fit….or hot…or really talented to get work in the movies….but more importantly…you don’t even need to get work in the movies…cuz daddy’s probably worth 500,000,000 dollars or more…and that makes for a pretty relaxing life….a life I wouldn’t mind trying to K-Fed!

Here she is in a bikini….


Posted in:Francesca Fisher-Eastwood




Magdalena Frackowiak for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Magdalena Frackowiak is getting serious press lately…holy shit…you sign your soul over to the devils at Victoria’s Secret…and all of sudden you’re fucking everywhere…

I mean this has been a work in progess…she’s been with the company for 1 year….you know where they first gave her a taste of their power at their fashion show….which slowly got her addicted to their cult….making her willing to do anything for their cult….to one day be one of their angels and when she was really eager and desperate..they had their lawyers write up the contract…and here we are today….lookin at half naked pics of her….when just 2 years ago we were looking at full naked pics of her….cuz they’ve put some marketing budget into her….you know so she can be the new, younger Candice…cuz their stable of horses fall off and get old….and need replacement….with better, younger, more fertile models…and I think she’s a fucking babe.

Posted in:Magdalena Frackowiak




Eva Longoria’s Obama Ass of the DAy

I would have assumed that this self-hating, first generation, whiter that a white person, Mexican who was spoiled as a kid cuz her parents where just so happy to be in America….would be more of a gun totin’ Texas Republican….since that’s where she’s from…and more importantly…since as a self-hating Mexican…who is also rich…her initiative of choice is to crack down on illegals…unless they are willing to fold her laundry for 5 dollars an hour…cuz sometimes when you lose touch of the fact that your daddy jumped the fence…when you lose touch with reality…

But I guess that’s not very “hollywood” something she tries so hard to be a part of…..So what better way to show your political stance than to wear it on your motherfuckin ass….unless she is being ironic….who knows…but more importantly…who cares.

To See The Rest of the Pics

Posted in:Eva Longoria




Julia Lescova is Pretty Awesome for FHM France of the Day


Julia Lescova is amazing…I never heard of her before today…but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t matter…you see cuz me knowing about a babe and whether she exists or not doesn’t make a bit of a difference as to whether she’s a babe or not….you see I like to think I am God…at least when it comes to eating strange pussy…but I know there are millions of girls I would fuck….maybe even billions….of girls I would fuck…who I’ve never met….one man can only pull off so much….there are time and budget constraints here…

That said, she’s from Lativa, lives in LA, is the face of Guess, has been in Esquire, and now is doing FHM France….a little off the radar publication, that should be American Penthouse…but that’s ok…time always makes magic happen…especially when you’re just a little latvian in America with a dream….I think that was the premise of the show Perfect Strangers…but I can’t be too sure but what I can be sure of…is that she’s perfect.

Posted in:Julia Lescova




Beyonce’s Half Time Superbowl Rehearsal of the Day

I know during the half time, you’ll probably be taking a shit from all that chili and nachos and beer….you know while letting your wife sit on the couch and dance around….because everyone knows the half time show is a fucking fail….even when Timberlake exposes Michael Jackson’s tit.

But I figure I’ll post her rehearsal video that she put up on Youtube to pump you up about something you’re bound to miss game day….at least if you know what’s good for you….I mean maybe it’d be a good time to tune into CNN or Fox News to catch up on the news…or maybe a Simpson’s rerun or whatever you idiots watch…mainly cuz Beyonce is the devil’s juice.

Posted in:Beyonce




Today’s Victoria’s Seceret Shoot of the Day

Gracie Carvalho is some Victoria’s Secret, corporately owned, token blackish girl so that they are viewed as totally politically correct, in what I like to think of as the GLEE phenomenon….where it is just so PC it’s almost mocking PC…..because let’s face it…PC is a pile of shit….

They are in St Barts, the paparazzi was there, because they were hired to be there, as this is a huge part of the Victoria’s Secret marketing plan….make these girls celebs….celebs we own…alll for getting half naked….and we will sell more panties to women who wanna be them….

And luckily…that concept works for me.


Posted in:Gracie Carvalho




Harley Green is New Tits to Zoo of the Day

Harley Green is some new tits for Zoo magazine that I figured I would do a post on to encourage her in her first voyage into the land of international titty model….a place that is sometimes a little scary to fully jump into…especially if you were raised with morals and values and a dad who loved you….a place you never thought you’d be venturing into when you were growing up…cuz showing your titties is slutty and something you do for private time….before realizing that the money is easy, the fame is easy, and the whole thing just makes you better and smarter than girls working regular day jobs…too pussy to bother entering this amazing world…but resenting you for doing it….

Good luck on your journey Harley Green.

Posted in:Harley Green|NSFW