I'll Make You Famous…




Stella Hudgens Titty Flash of the Day

Stella Hudgens is good for any of you with sister fetishes, which is basically anyone I know, because we’ve all been with the ugly sister and wanted to get with the hotter sister, in order to compare vaginas and to see what shopping at the offical fucking store, instead of the bargain basement version of said store is….you know the we want to go to the ice cream shop and not eat the ice cream we bought at the dollar store that we have at home…we deserve nice things…

Anyway, Stella Hudgens is the bootleg Hudgens, who despite her access to fame, will always be in her sister’s shadow, and I guess she was tired of the grind so she decided it was time to sell nudes to perverts like you, that I hope don’t subscribe to these scams, since they are cash grab scams, especially since you don’t give me money.

As the exclusive content goes, it’s a slippery slope to anal gangbangs, or two cocks in one ass at the same time, it takes a while to get there, but money can be pretty convincing to get a bitch there…

This is her rebelling, her living her true self, her saying “i can get fans too” and I guess it’s our chance to jerk off to tits because they are related to some hairy disney bitch we’ve seen naked over the last 15 years because she was one of the first to do nudes, clearly the family were molested or something to make them drawn to this shit….or maybe it’s just agenda pushing for their overlords…who cares…TITS!!

Posted in:Stella Hudgens




Denise Richards Gash Shot of the Day

I find Denise Richards pretty fucking depressing, whether it’s the terrible movies she probably still stars in, or her reality show bullshit, it’s like leave the hot chick we think of as Denise Richards in the past, in the archives, for the google searches, we don’t need to see the dying, dinosaur, possibly HIV positive, definitely blown out Denise Richards, no matter how many filters and photoshop strokes she’s put into a picture that is more a caricature or cartoon version of herself than a real version of herself….it’s depressing.

Luckily, depressing porn is my thing, big fan of the sadness that brings women to fill their piggy banks up using their vagina, so seeing this old lady gash that you know she’s doing for money, or attention, to these narcissists scumbags, the two are interchangeable….because I am sure she could afford to go off grid, or offline in some tropical place, never to be heard of again, but she’s not HAVING that. No way…

I’ll still look at the gash, you know because of the whole depressing porn aspect to it, and obviously my love for vagina in all shapes, sizes, age, level of biohazard, and fame….

Posted in:Denise Richards




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

As twitter works on taking the anonymity off their platform, because Free Speech only applies to people and people writing insane shit aren’t actually people, because you can’t hold them accountable for what they say, but they are instead internet trolls, and trolls must be taken out back and shot like the cancers that they are, even though I think trolling anonymously on the internet is the highlight of the fucking internet…but obviously we all know that those days would eventually end and they are doing it by presenting the anti-christ, puppet, owned by financiers, Elon to act like he’s not the anti-christ, even though he’s into AI and uploading your brain into the cloud, along with pushing the e-vehicle scam and so many other terrible things…but the truthers want hope and he is their hope…

Well, I think that the verification process for their 8 dollar blue checkmark that people are mad about, should be On/Off profile pics updated daily, because seeing a clothed bitch and her same day nude pic in the same location and same pose is some soul cleansing experience in an otherwise soulless, internet world…

These On/Offs are not for verification, but they should be, because when every woman online does her daily on/off, the world will be a better place while it collapses….


Posted in:OnOff




Amanda Cerny’s Foot Fetish In Tub of the Day

Amanda Cerny is the uneventful playboy chick who was smart enough to get onto Vine by being the hot chick to all the lame fucking nerdy vine kids that are all now billionaires…..

She’s probably made a shit ton of money, but money is addictive, apparently, I wouldn’t know since I haven’t figured out to way to scam people into giving me money or joining my pyramid scheme….but apparently some of these bitches have…

Anyway, she’s one back to producing her version of jerk off material for money, which I guess was the original dream, the oriignal passion, the Vine shit that made her hugely internet famous was just a means to get back to that I guess…

This is her in the tub playing with some chick’s feet and some other shit….not because I find her hot, but because maybe you do..

Posted in:Amanda Cerny




Rita Ora in the Gym of the Day

Here are some Rita Ora in the gym gifs, because girls who do fitness are hotter than sloppy bitches who don’t and for whatever reason, probably an attempt to stop the titty sag, Rita Ora’s been working out hard for a while and is looking fit as shit…which I guess is important when you have an important filmmaker husband in Hollywood you need to keep excited by you, in more ways than just having threesomes with him and that Tessa Thompson bitch, but that probably helps…

Working out is the slow the rot, build the muscle, get the hormones in check, and get an ass the girls need for support, because as they get more and more sloppy, Rita Ora needs more to fall back on…and unfortunately for you, it won’t be your dick, but you can pretend, it is the internet.

Posted in:Rita Ora




Feminist Friday of the Day

It’s always funny when you see girls pretend that selling their nudes to weirdo cuck simp pathetic dudes with credit card access is feminism….like it is funny for them to pretend that sugar baby-ing or selling sex to men is feminism….or empowering….when really it’s just whorin’…but I figure if you redefine words, you redefine laws, and you help build a foundation of this inverted world of two realities we live in, one with people who are still normal and the other with fucking weirdos…

I don’t know if these are feminist baiters, or people who think man hating or ripping off dudes to finance their lifestyle and call it feminism….you know empty narcissism, I just know that feminism is a fucking scam and an attack on women….

These are just braless girls, which could just be trendy, on brand, in fashion, like DYING SUDDENLY….and I like it, politicized or not.


Posted in:Feminist




Stefania Ferrario Washes Her Bush of the Day

Stefania Ferrario is marketed as some plus sized nude model, like it’s some kind of achievement or requires some sort of artist mind to strip down in photoshoots, but I guess when you want to intellectualize your nudes, to make it brand friendly, or to come across as higher concept you push whatever angle you can….

She is definitely plus sized by my standards, but I like anorexia and think the world is too fat, so fat that she’s actually not even built like an actual fat chick, we’ve all seen fat chicks and know they don’t look like this, but she’s European so we’ll assume this is morbid obese to them, just without a mobility scooter to get her footless diabetes around…

I like nudity, I like bush, I like tits, so nothing wrong with whatever’s going on here….

Posted in:Stefania Ferreira




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I don’t believe there’s actual panty discrimination out there, but at the same time the general population is pretty easy to mind fuck, and there was an era where the Full Back Panties were called granny panties, and played off as disgusting…so along with Bush, which was also played off as disgusting, even though no one I know thought either of those things were disgusting, but girls were still chicken skin shaving their twats, wearing thongs they hated, all because they were “ice bucket challenged”……

I mean I guess we’re in an era where people are manipulated to cut their own dicks off, so the idea of shaving cunt or blacklisting granny panties is pretty small time….

That’s about as extreme a thing you can do, in a “if your friends jump off a bridge, do you” moment in society….how about “if strangers from the internet encourage and validate you enough to cut off your own dick, and brands throw money at you to do it, do you do it?”….pretty fucking extreme…..”would you take 1,000,00 dollars to cut off your own dick”….only to think it’s right, a great idea, a future business plan, it’s crazy….and they arrested a girl for convincing her boyfriend to kill himself……


What are you, on your period or something?

What are you a whore giving the long term relationship experience or something?


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Panty Removal….and Other TikThots on Youtube of the Daay

Flying Ninja Yoga Pose

Volleyball Fan in Thailand

Dumb fucking dancer

Imagine it was Always this Easy to Get Famous…

Bikini Try On

Yoga Pose

Sheer Outfit

Mermaid in the Autumn Leaves

Pulling the Pants Down

Interesting caption on this Video

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




Fishnet Friday of the Day

It’s fishnet friday, you know, much like casual friday which was a corporate office concept that used to exist when people used to go to the office and not work at home, or not work at home but get paid to be working at home….putting on their on cam girl shows for their co-workers….and crying about Diversity and Inclusion and other nightmares…

There was a time when people used to present themselves as professionals when they went to an office, where they wouldn’t talk about their most personal issues, like their sexuality, or who they fucked, because social media made it ok to run their damn mouth off about some of the weirdest shit that used to be kept to your damn self, but that now requires an audience……

There was a time when you didn’t walk around in your pyjamas, or with your shoes off, it was a place of EMPLOYMENT where you were HIRED to be there, not a place you sat and waited to get paid while whining about everything and not actually working….

There was a time when casual fridays meant not wearing a damn suit, which is arguably where society started to FALL apart…..that and families stopping church on Sundays….because it became a fucking free for all…..

With that free for all comes girls stripping down for the internet and in real life, to get their fuck on, or to be jerked off to, sometimes for money, sometimes for validation, and the Fishnet is the critical lingerie item to make those dreams come true, so we celebrate the oldest lingerie item around, that is still relevant today, unlike me.


Posted in:Fishnets