I'll Make You Famous…




AnnaLynne McCord G-String for Attention of the Day

I don’t give a fuck about AnnaLynne McCord….at all. She’s so low on the totem pole of relevance…that she just doesn’t fucking matter on any level…even the show she is probably not paid to be on is a remake of 90s garbage that we were forced to watch cuz we only had 10 channels….you know the kind of smut designed to fill time now that there is constant time to fill in this digital world….

Seriously, she could be spread assed wearing a mask….and I would look but not care…and spread ass in mask is my fetish….that’s just how irrelevant this trash is….

Here she is showing off a G-String…that she either wears for this purpose, or because she’s on her period…or because she has a yeast infection and doesn’t want her treatment to stain her whore jeans….

For More Pics of Her PDA and G-String For Attention….
Follow This Link

Posted in:Annalynne McCord




Mila Kunis is Pretty Amazing for Esquire November of the Day

I am going to call bullshit on Mila Kunis being the sexiest woman alive….because she is not the sexiest woman alive…that’s a bold fucking statement….making me wonder what the motives are here….

Is it an ad deal for one of her upcoming movies?

Is Ashton Kutcher an investor in Esquire, or a friend to Esquire and would he trick the editors into making his girl the sexiest woman alive, since it makes him feel good about himself…and his possible small penis….that I would assume he has based on the amount of constant attention he draws on himself…..

Maybe Esquire is run by her publicist who told them choose Mila or we’ll cut off the information supply…cuz before this photoshoot…Mila Kunis was never sexy….she was cute and nerds loved her…but even in bikini in movies she was like the girl next door with a nice face that Ashton Kutcher violates when not masturbating to granny porn…

Sure she’s hot, she takes a good photo and she looks fucking sexy with her shirt off and her ass all round and lovely in a bikini for Esquire…but I think this is the first time this sexy thing has happened for her…confusing me…but not making me complain too hard cuz she looks pretty amazing and I am a fan of amazing.

Here’s the video….

Posted in:Mila Kunis




Lady Gaga Throws Up on Stage Video of the Day

I can only assume that Lady Gaga saw all the Justin Bieber Puke Video and was jealous of all the attention he got…you know because getting topless, dressing up in meat, and pulling all the stunts she’s pulled has become played out, expected and boring and the only thing that will get us to notice her now is if she starred in a snuff film…

That’s why you gotta keep it conservative and leak the crazy slowly over time…

She’s the worst latch on who doesn’t deserve fame ever…but watching her puke on stage makes me laugh…so at least she’s good for something…

Here’s the video…of some serious projectile shit….I’m just impressed the gay dancer doesn’t run off screaming or start puking himself….even though that would have made it better.

Posted in:Lady Gaga|Videos




Zippora Seven Naked for Russh Australia November of the Day

Zippora Seven is naked for Russh Magazine…she’s a 20 year old New Zealand model with the coolest fucking name…who more importantly gets naked for fashion…something I support fully….

These pics are from the latest issue of Russh, but 4 years ago, the same magazine published pics of her topless at 16….what some would consider kiddie porn or inappropriate..but what fashion considers art, or high concept…perfect cover for all you creeps…

Posted in:NSFW|Zippora Seven




Eva Downey is Pretty Alright for Cosmo Australia of the Day

I am pretty hooked on Australian models right now….her name is Eva Downey, she’s in a bikini and I’ve never heard of her…but google tells me that she’s from New Zealand and Australia…she’s tall, she’s skinny and like all girls in my Australian fantasy, she’s probably into having fun, hard drinking and raging out like she’s not hot at all….you know sloppy like a fat girl at 4 in the morning looking for a dick to suck…but not a fat girl at all….but a model…from Australia…who just likes to have fun…

Maybe I’m wrong about Australia…and maybe the women are as leathery as the crocodiles Dundee hunts, but as far as I’m concerned they are beach living, blonde and better than my wife…which is not saying much but it is all I really need.

Posted in:Eva Downey




Eva Riccobono Titties for GQ Italy of the Day

Eva Riccobono is a 29 year old Italian model who I’ve never heard of but who has been in the game forever….and who probably has way better nudes out there than this GQ Italy November issue shit….of her looking at her reflection like it was a Disney Movie I wanted to fuck and that a young Christina Aguliera sang the theme song for…

She’s done ever major magazine, designer, and I’m so out of the loop on this Eva Riccobono it’s like I don’t even care about her…because I don’t…but I do care about her tits….cuz I care about all tits.

Posted in:Eva Riccobono




Catherine McNeil is Amazing in November’s Vogue Australia of the Day

It must be Australia Day because all my posts today have something to do with Australia….maybe I have some Australia connection I am destined to track down….you know like these women are sent as signs from the Australian Gods….who need me to travel there to rule their Australian kingdom….or maybe I have an Australia fetish…but I prefer to think there is a hire purpose to my nonsense….

This Australian is named Catherine McNeil…she’s 23, she’s an Australian model….who has been modeling since she was 14…which would seem criminal if the photo studio was in my basement and the photographer was Roman Polanski…..which would probably explain why she’s a lesbian engaged to an MTV Australia VJ…sure lesbianism is fashionable…but I like to think it comes from a darker child rape place.

Here she is modeling…lookin’ good.

Posted in:Catherine McNeil




Anja Rubik Titties for St Laurent Paris Formerly Knows as Yves St Laurent of the Day

Anja Rubik is a big model from Poland, who lived in Canada for a minute, but didn’t call me when she was here to fuck, which makes me hate her…but then again she may have been 10 when that happened.

She’s been in the game forever…or what feels like forever and she’s shown her tits before pretty much all the fucking time…

She’s done all kinds of model work from High Fashion shit to hipster fashion shit to the Victoria’s Secret Fashion show…

Now she’s part or at least part of her is part or at least her model tits I want to put in my hands and mouth while rubbing my limp dick all over them are part of Yves St Laurent rebrand to St Laurent Paris because Yves St Laurent is dead….

And here are the pics.

Posted in:Anja Rubik|NSFW




Suki Waterhouse Tits for Fashion of the Day

Suki Waterhouse is some UK socialite who pretends to be a model…and now pretends to be an actor…and that’s ok with me…because she’s not ugly…because there is nothing worse than an ugly socialite…cuz they still have the obnoxious socialite attitude and they still think they are the best cuz they have trust funds and daddy issues…and they still act like Divas….but their looks just don’t fucking support it…where Suki Waterhouse…can be all the cunt she wants…cuz I want her cunt…and the more cunt the merrier….

Posted in:Suki Waterhouse




What’s Contemporary by Patrick and Victor Demarchelier of the Day

Here are a bunch of models…their names don’t matter because they are pretty much interchangeable, replaceable, every girl wants to be a model and will get topless for it, since it is Society’s stamp of approval, you know letting them know they matter, that they are hot, and that they don’t need to work an actual job, here’s a ton of money to just sit there and look pretty….and for some reason, a reason I call hot girls….it is porn to me…

So here are models: Toni Garrn, Frida Gustavsson, Constance Jablonski, Monika ‘Jac’ Jagaciak & Liu Wen for some topless photoshoot….

Posted in:Constance Jablonski|Frida Gustavsson|Liu Wen|Monika Jagaciak|NSFW|Toni Garrn