I'll Make You Famous…




Frederique Bel Has her Old Tits in a Bikini of the Day

I don’t know who the fuck Frédérique Bel is, but I have the internet and it’s not only raped my mind, body and soul, but it’s also allowed me to figure out who this old set of tits in a bikini are…

She is 47 years old, and the tits are a nice reminder that the Europeans with their joy of life and their eating of actual food because they don’t allow all the poison they allow in the USA into the food, which has made all you SEED ONLY hormonally unbalanced cucks less manly than you’re supposed to be…

ANYWAY, she was leaving CANNES, with her CANS, because that’s what you do when you’re from France….

She’s an actor…..I don’t know what she’s been in but she got censored on FB for talking about Human Trafficking, so I like her…

Posted in:Frederique Bel




Charli XCX in a See Through Top of the Day

Oh god, Charli XCX is fucking ugly, I’m just over here trying to appreciate her use of her tits as a disctraction from the rest of her uninspiring, uneventful, mall brand, low level pop star bullshit, and I can’t even enjoy it because her fucking broken down face that even Amy Winehouse looks better than, and Amy Winehouse has been rotting for years, you see, because I am sure I wrote horrible things about Amy Winehouse’s face, not realizing the kind of ugly we’d be faced with and not appreciating the serious fucking impressive talent she was. RIP WINEHOUSE, she got out before the collapse of society.

What a fucking legend, and we’re here stuck with this dog shit, lie of a celebrity who doesn’t inspire, or bring anything uplifting to the table, just clickbait for a retard generation and her tits aren’t even hot enough to distract from that SHITTY face….

WHAT A DISASTER. Pop culture is dead…..

Posted in:Charli XCX




Vanessa Hudgens is Looking Old with her Tits Out of the Day

I don’t know how old Vanessa Hudgens is and I am not google or wikipedia, so I’m not going to look it up, I just use my old lady radar that when an lady turns too old, sirens go off, like I can smell their menopause brewing through their social media pics, and no matter how many fillers they get, or how hard they try to look like a gutter stripper or porn chick or REAL HOUSEWIFE OF BEvERLY HILLS, because that’s what they all look like, their progressive rot just can’t be masked….it’s like when you kill a hooker, but don’t dispose of the body because you don’t want to get caught or miss out on the fun of having a real life FLESHLIGHT…at a certain point, no matter how much lacquer or shellac you put on the fucking thing, it’s going to get rank and fall apart…we can live this fantasy or dream, where they all basically end up looking like Trannies living their best girl boss life, but THEY can’t fake it…..

Hudgens is getting to that point, but at least she’s using her tits, possibly after market tits to offset the impending END.

Posted in:Vanessa Hudgens




Jordyn Jones in Some Crack Den Stairwell of the Day

I don’t find Jordyn Jones hot, I only post her on here to talk about how she was sold from some shit hole white trash Michigan to the entertainment industry, so instead of turning tricks in trailer parks for meth or opiates, it’s an epidemic, she’s turning tricks in condos and teslas that she owns from her whoring in California……

But today, I saw the child dancer who we know still twerks, because all girls Twerk, they teach them in pre-school at Drag Queen Storytime, and this one considers herself a pro dancer, but yeah, I saw this one in some white slutty stripper outfit showing off her thick legs in some staircase that reminds me of a crack den, where you’d expect to take a piss while drunk and waiting for your friend to finish up fucking the crackhore, and the whole stylizing or production design of her fire escape staircase video is what boners are made of, assuming you have some 9/11 bulding collapse so you’re running down the stairs after some girl in a white stripper outfit fetish…..which I’m sure at least one person out there has.

Posted in:Jordyn Jones




Sarah Hyland in her bikini being scary of the Day

I am of the school of thought that Sarah Hyland is a weird troll with a genetic disorder that is similar to primordial dwarfism and that even her organs don’t want to hang out with her and pulled the suicide switch because when a bitch is rotten, her organs know best.

So over the years when she was marketed to the normies with no brains as some hot chick, I knew it was witchcraft or brainwashing and it disturbed me to see everyone mindlessly go along with it, but that was before the general public mindlessly went along with some many far worse things using the same marketing tactics that Disney ABC used with her.

Anyway, she’s older, not dead, despite her organ failure, because she’s rich and can harvest other organs and she posted some bikini pics shot by her gay husband who she doesn’t know is gay because he’s straight for pay and likes the celebrity endorsement of his cock more than he likes cock…

She posted bikini pics to show off her small, weird, sickly body and I figure people don’t care about her dying in front of them, so long as she’s half naked, which is really the logic I had when fingering old ladies when I worked at the old folks home, old ladies who looked more youtful than this mess…I mean look at that chicken neck….how is she not in her 60s….

Posted in:Sarah Hyland




Feminist Friday of the Day

I think most respectable women know that feminism is a fucking scam that sluts use to endorse their slut behavior like a get out of jail free card because ultimately, they’re not victim bitches who need to try to validate their slutty behavior with some bullshit political agenda, they just either own it, or realize that men actually think women are fucking queens, with this uterus that they can 3D print life with, it’s all pretty impressive, so impressive that we put up with REAL fucking bullshit from women to have the opportunity to get our dicks wet by those women, you know since they are the keepers of sex and therefore the people at the top of the food chain who can manipulate all the dudes of all level of power with their cunts…

The point is that I call this Feminist Friday because of bra burning, but I hope these aren’t self proclaimed feminsists fighting the patriarchy by taking off their bras and giving it something to jack off to, but rather just girls into showing their braless tits on the internet without making some annoying, oppressive, spectacle that is feminism, that is an actual attack on women and women being the heroes men think they are because they own the pussy…..

Point of the story, I should change the name of this post…because bralessness is just fashion baby, fashion I can jack off to if the stars align and my penis revives from the dead. I’m old.


Posted in:Feminist




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I like to think of myself as a sex positive, women positive, wrongfully labeled a misogynist, at least back when the site was on the radar and people would call it disgusting for reducing whore celebrities to their tits because everything else about them was bought, owned, fake and unimpressive….which really wasn’t anti-woman, but rather anti miserable opportunist women deflating the spirit of everyday women….it was some MARTYR shit…sacrificing myself for women…

So as a hero to women, I am here to say that FULL BACK PANTIES, which the media shat on harder than your grandma after mexican food after losing her ability to digest and control her bowels, are PANTIES too….

All panties are created equally, it’s the asses that wear the panties that aren’t, but I am all for looking at all asses in all panties and putting them under a ranking system based on fuckability, because that’s what WOMEN empowerment advocates DO.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Big Toy Girl and her Big Toy and Other stepNEWS of the Day

Hollywood is Satanic

Solid cinematic protest video

Kitty Litter cake

AOC is fucking NUTS

Designer Nipple Reveal in the Top Surgery

Pronouns Freak

Fashion Show Freak


Devil Robbery

Motorcycle Road Rage

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Buying Panties…and Other TikThots of the Day

Smelling her Own Ass

Another Ass Smeller

Interesting Body Building Chick

Girls are so Slutty

The Ass be Walking

Leather pants

Big Ass


Watch Out it’s Windy

The Squad

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




Fishnet Friday of the Day

I was just at a shitty coffee shop getting a hot beverage to keep me warm on these dark and cold wintery days and the girls working the cash, the BARISTAS if you will were wearing some of the tightest fucking leggings imaginable, and when they around to take my order, after staring at basically their pussies from behind, they turned out to be the most normal, nerdy, probably in college, probably good students, probably into reading or knitting or other hipster shit designed for 90 year olds that some of these younger people are into and not even because it is ironic, but because they are introverted nerds……and I thought to myself, these nerds are giving free fucking asshole shows to ANYONE who comes in and they don’t even realize it because their generation is so slutty, self involved, unaware, or totally aware, and I thought how great that worked out for me!

Now, I’m just waiting for leggings to be too tame and fishnets to be the pant of the future, so that one day, I’ll be getting served by nerdy looking girls in fishnets, because leggings aren’t revealing enough for me, which means they aren’t revealing enough for the trend setting whores, which will trickle down to the nerdy girls that in my era only wore leggings with oversized sweaters.

We have won as a society.


Posted in:Fishnets