I'll Make You Famous…




Liam Neeson’s New Pussy of the Day

It seems like just last year Natasha Richardson died skiing in Montreal. Looks like Liam took her checking out as the opportunity to check out new pussy and stick his penis inside it…

Proving ….all guys are the same…when one of your whores dies, they go through a minute of adjustment and maybe even sadness, but luckily there’s always another one to stick your dick in around the corner, so you can divert from sadness by refocusing on sticking your dick in new pussy, and in Neeson’s case, her death was way cheaper than a divorce….it’s like a win win that everyone feels sorry for you about, meanwhile dude’s penis is partying on the inside when the news of the death blowsover…I mean you can mourn forever motherfuckers and why waste time when you learn that life is a precious thing that can be taken from you in a second, when your wife dies, giving you even more reason to rush that boner into new twat….even if her corpse is still warm…

Posted in:Liam Neeson




Rihanna’s Cool Shirt of the Day

I think it is safe to assume that Rihanna reads this site…firstly cuz everyone reads this site, it is like an amazing cult, next level content, innovative, interesting, funny, politically charged, riveting, thought provoking, and representative of the state of America, no holds barred coverage of all that is bullshit content….that no one actually reads….but secondly, cuz I made the obvious observation that she should be wearing heels…cuz her thick legs can’t support flats….and here she is wearing heels…coincidence…no way…obvious…maybe but I’d rather not think about that…cuz it is discouraging to the plight of the drunkenstepfather….

Posted in:Rihanna




Emma Roberts is Some Long Legs Boring Shit of the Day

These pictures were substantially more exciting when I saw them as thumbnails…I was thinking there would be cametoe, or see through, or pretty much anything better than this…I mean she’s skinny, has a decent body, and a deadbeat dad who gave her this acting career, while he was out back drinking himself silly, going in and out of rehab for never being able to relive his oscar winning career, by instead doing shitty movie after shitty movie, tormented soul that didn’t have energy to spend on his little girl…leading to or at least I hoped whould lead to a girl craving as much male attention as possible, but instead I’m stuck with this….miserable…but I’m posting it anyway, as I want you to go on this blogger journey with me…it’s part of the process.

These pics need a lot more daddy issues….and a lot more “Look at me, I’m in movies, guys want to fuck me, look at my nipples, vagina, bikini, panties, anything but this”….

Posted in:Emma Roberts




Leslie Mann in Leggings of the Day

Here’s Judd Apatow’s shitty wife in some Judd Apatow shitty movie….again….I wonder how she got cast for this one…and you know what…she doesn’t irritate me…she’s actually funny…far funnier than Judd Apatow’s frat boy bullshit is…

It seems fitting that Apatow would let his buddy Jason Segal man handle his woman, he seems like that kind of gay guy, you know in it for the “boys”, who was never fully straight, but went that route because he could never be a “fucking fag”…what would the frat boy mentality boys he always encourages to show their dick and fart on his face…with his dick and piss humor think…they’d never casually shove their balls on his face while he slept again and he couldn’t risk that…

It also seems fitting that her last name is Mann…you know…just a natural extension to his repressed homosexuality…

Not that it matters, here’s her fit hot mom body in leggings and I like it…for some sick reason I call liking all things in tight pants with a vagina…

Posted in:Leslie Mann




Rachel Bilson Crazy Person Shorts of the Day

What the fuck is wrong with this girl…she has the potential to take that sex appeal I know she’s got somewhere under those ridiculously large clown shorts…and give the public what we want…

I can only assume that Star Wars is behind this shit, cuz with all brain washing, telling a bitch what to wear is on the lowest end of the spectrum…I mean that’s gotta be the case…cuz he doesn’t want guys jerking off to his woman…and I guess he doesn’t want his woman getting more work and reaching her full potential as a slutty actress cuz he’s already reached his peak and is only downhill from here….but at least he’ll always have comicon, Mark Hamil shit….

Cuz any self respecting woman knows that jean shorts are supposed to be short, tight and not make you look like a little kid in her dad’s shorts trying to make everyone at the dinner party laugh….

Insane….or they are mocking us…either way…they suck..

Posted in:Rachel Bilson




Vanessa Pudgens Goes Goth of the Day

Looks like Vanessa Hudgens has gone fat, cut off her hair, is dressing in black, like some kind of teenage angst goth lesbian….I prefer her when she was taking self shot nudes and pics of herself doing lesbian shit at 17…back when the lesbianism was “experimenting” and not fully materialized into this….you know that window where the lesbianism isn’t offensive, angry and unattractive, but kinda hot and interesting to hear stories about when you’re fucking her later in life, cuz bitch chose to stick with dudes and accepts that as a phase of learning about her body, instead of buying the construction boots and embracing other pussy as if it was her own…if you know what I mean…

Posted in:Vanessa Pudgens




Julianna “Huff” Hough’s 23rd Birthday Bikini of the Day

I’m assuming the flat ass in the animal print is her mothers…cuz at 23, it’s possible her mom’s mid 40s….not that it would really matter if it was hers or not…cuz she’s spoken for…

I mean if you consider being a front who may occassionally fuck Seacrest up the ass with a strap on in exchange for promises of a TV career….even though he creepily looks a lot like her brother…just adding depth to this insanity….

Cuz you know Ryan Searest is the brain behind Keeping Up With the Kardashians…it is his monster that he made happen and nothing can be trusted that is from, around, involved with that fucking queer….

It’s all some kind of lie…

But she is 23, in a bikini, and I’m posting it, even though I’m just giving into the bullshit that I know this bitch is…and more importantly that without a sex tape she doesn’t deserve any of this…

Posted in:Julianne Hough




Best Parking Attendant of the Day

Here’s a fun little video of the best parker in the world….I think I take pleasure in it…not sexual pleasure you fucking pervert…because I was a valet at some ghetto hotel over a decade ago…and it turned out I was the worst fucking parker of all time, both when I was sober and wasted and in the 2 weeks I was there, I managed to drive 10 cars into the fucking wall, other cars and support beams…not to mention I think I got black lung when I was on the bottom level of the shit and the fucker was paging me to run up the stairs in exhaust ridden hell…before firing me….making this guy easy to relate to….

The life lesson I learned at the valet job was that people who drive brand new Porches and Ferrari’s generally aren’t anal about their cars, they’d leave them there running without a parking ticket, while junior execs who probably still lived with their moms, who drove Audis and BMWs were fucking insane about there shit and would inspect it with a walk around like you were renting a car cuz I guess it was there one asset…and that’s when I learned that rich people are laid back and relaxed, while the junior execs are the assholes you see at the bar acting up so that everyone notices them balling out….

Not that it matters, cuz I’m practically homeless cuz you fuckers don’t exist and advertisers don’t want to pay me millions to reach you. Jerks.

TO Watch the Video –

Posted in:Viral Video




Webcam Star of the Day

Her name is …she’s American and she’s 69 years old…but i am pretty sure she’s not that old…she’s probably just trying to be funny…cuz with a body like this…I have a hard time believing she’s older than 21….

I pretty much watched her in her panties with some good friends for over 45 minutes…and it was pretty fucking lovely…

Here are some of the comments that were said that I appreciated….

Camming while working is the best….

Show us how wet you are

Show Feet Baby

Pee Panty

Baby you’re even making my tongue hard

Better than cow sex

She was drinking Cab. We got to feel like we were in the room with her….this webcam shit has changed my fucking life….I have a webcam girl addiction…I want to find out who these girls are…where hey are from…what they do…and why they do this…cuz they give me a taste, but I need more….the shit is more entertaining that pretty much anything…from TV, to stripclubs, to escorts…I’ve done them all and I’m hooked on this shit…

Here are the screencaps of the amazingness…

TO Find Your Own Webcam Star
Follow This Link

Posted in:Webcam




Mourning Hangover Dump of the Day

I’ve decided to rename the morning hangover dump to the MOURNING hangover dump, because the concept of good morning doesn’t exist to me, it’s usually filled with disappointment, feelings of failure, a headache, sometimes vomit and everyday I am forced to mourn the dreams I once had, that have long gone, like being a billionaire oil tycoon with a herem in paradise, so I see the Mourning hangover from hard drinking my disappointment away the night before, appropriate…

Let me know what you all think…

Here is the hangover link dump…that smells a lot less like death than the other hangover dump I took about an hour ago….


Robot Dancers Start Things Off – VIDEO

The 20 Naughtiest Cheerleaders Ever

Free Cam Shows Because It’s Thursday and We All Need a Little Push to Make It Through the Weekend

4 Things Shannen Doherty Needs At Her Televised Wedding

Live Cam Shows That Will Make a Hot Day Even Hotter

I Think Her Fist Got Stuck – VIDEO

I Wanna Be All Over Emma Stone

Blake Lively Was Dumped By Leo Cuz She’s a Total Twat / It was a publicity stunt

Posted in:MHD