I'll Make You Famous…




Adrienne Curry Tweets Her Fake Single Tits of the Day

So Adrienne Curry hates me. She went out of her way to tell me off on Twitter once for calling her out for being the garbage human that she is….and now she’s single…which is what happens when a bitch marries a motherfucker for the sake of continuing a reality career that eventually died and forced her to stick with him cuz it paid the bills when nothing else was….but thanks to twitter has now been revived letting her blossom as an independent woman so long as she posts tit pics…

I don’t know she’s garbage there’s no excuse for me posting or promoting her…

To See The Rest of the Pics
Follow This Link

Posted in:Adrienne Curry




Dad Drops Daughter at Dodgers Game of the Day

How the fuck did I miss this story…I know…it’s cuz I don’t watch the news or read other websites…but maybe I should…except for the whole not working in an office, wasting away everyday, looking for something to distract me from the hell I live, I just accept the hell I live, and don’t rent my time out to some unappreciative cock, so when I get bored I drink, or go to the park to watch fat chicks eating lunch and tanning in their bikinis, cuz they’re better to stare at than my wife….

But this is a clip of some dad choosing a ball over his daughter, cuz I guess a ball doesn’t talk back, makes for more interesting stories and doesn’t force you to work night and day for their shitty clothes, Justin Bieber tickets and food….

This dad is a hero, he chose freedom…next time he may want to try aiming a little more forward if he really wants to commit to this whole shitty dad thing…

Speaking of shitty parents, I was just in a park and some chick was taking extreme close-up dick pics of her baby. I shoulda called the cops…but for some reason, I was the only one weirded out by the whole thing….

To see the dad dropping his daughter video

Posted in:viral




Liv Tyler Models Lingerie of the Day

You know how it is when your dad denies being your dad all your life and eventually he is forced to accept responsibility….and in doing that he gives you a few acting gigs, calls on a few favors to a few friends cuz he’s a massive playing in the Entertainment industry, hoping the whole neglecting her her whole life blows over and his guilty conscious disappears, allowing him to go on with life with his other illegit kids…but I guess daddy issues don’t die easy cuz bitch at 40, with a family of her own and a lot of money to pay for therapists, is still doing the whole fucking cry for attention cuz daddy doesn’ love me by releasing nudes or semi-nudes cuz maybe some dude will….unless this is strictly a career move, like how her groupie mom got knocked up by a celebrity like some groupie trash looking for a paycheck….


Posted in:Liv Tyler




Hannah Holman Showing Nipple for Fashion of the Day

I’ve posted on Hannah Holman before …I wrote how she’s showing her nipple for fashion to get ahead in the fashion world cuz so many girls are competing to be in the same photoshoots cuz all these bitches think they are hotter than they are….

Luckily, someone was there to put me in my place….

Hey Asshole.

This girl is not a low-level model, and nothing she’s doing in this shoot is an attempt to get ahead, as she’s already making it big. She’s well known and respected in the fashion industry. She’s smart, sweet, making big bucks, and obviously has more class than you. It’s embarrassing for you that you have nothing better to do than trash a twenty-year-old girl whom you know nothing about.

You should do your homework before you spout shit like this out of your mouth pervert.

Thanks Steven….here are some recent pics from Metal #24 of Hannah Holman whoring herself for a photographer to stand out amongst all the other models also willing to whore out in front of a camera to get work as legit models….like the base level stripper sluts they’ve become…cuz working at Walmart or as a waitress fucking sucks….

Good times…..on a sidenote I used to go to school with a retarded kid…they had the same facial structure…I’m sure it’s not related…but it is weirding me out….

Posted in:Hannah Holman




Backdoor To Chyna Clip of the Day

Now here’s a dick clit we haven’t seen in a long fucking time….

This is one of those what happens when you were a celebrity wrestling bitch who needs money and attention because she’s fell off the map for the last decade or what seems like a decade…

She’s older, wiser, and willing to accept that she needs to fuck on camera to make a living, I mean she didn’t buy those fake tits for nothing…

She’s hard faced, looks like a dude, but it seems like her dick clit has been scaled back. It’s nice to know that our mocking and laughing at her paid off for some plastic surgereon…

I never thought watching wrestling was a very heteo activity and I never got why people thought Chyna had sex appeal, but I guess it was one of those closet case tranny porn does really well situations…

She’s back in porn, this may be disgusting to some and amazing to others, to me it is a nice balance of both…Gender bending isn’t my thing but comebacks from nowhere via porno tapes she’s willing to do and not staging as a leaked bullshit tape are and that for me is evolution of a woman…or whatever she may be…

This tape is gonna be HUGE….on all fronts…

To Find Out More Info

Posted in:Chyna




Richard Kern’s Panty Fetish Video of the Day

I generally avoid Richard Kern, because he works for VICE and VICE owes me 1000 dollars and never paid back when they had no idea how to make a website, relied heavily on their forum and needed me to drive traffic to them….ignoring my invoices like the useless 40 year old MTV Hipsters cashing out they are – FUCK THEM.

Recently, Richard Kern, the VICE photographer who takes erotic pics of young looking girls like he was American Apparel was in MONTREAL, the city I live in, and his press people hit me up, only to not invite me to his shitty shoot, where I just wanted to see young whores get naked….in fact they told me I wasn’t welcome, but that they really wanted me to promote it anyway….Fuck them.

But when I saw this video, I had no choice but to post it, panty in face is a simple yet genius concept. Lookin’ good.

Posted in:Amateur Erotica|Richard Kern




Morning Hangover Dumps of the Day

It’s not really the morning anymore, but it is in the West Coast and Hawaii…So let’s just run these for those motherfucker….It’s the shit going on the internet that I normally don’t get around to because I’m too hungover and making love to my toilet in a non sexual way….but for some reason today’s hangover wasn’t that bad….and I got up early, even though I was knee deep in tequila and inuit prostitutes with disgusting bruising on their arms…I make no sense to me.

Motor Cycle Stunt Backfires – VIDEO

Celeb Birthday

Free Cam Shows Because It’s Monday and We All Need a Pick Me Up

The 15 Sexiest Celebrity Geeks

Justine Timmberlake Got to Palm Mila Kinus’s Tits on TV amd I’m Jealous

Hot Teen With a Dildo

A Bunch of Stunts That Will Make You Say Holy Shit and Some of Which Are Probably Fake But Whatever

Check Out Kristina James

Web Sluts You Know Will Do The Job Right

Posted in:MHD




Lacey Banghard Topless in M Magazine June 2011 Like a Slut of the Day

I’ve never heard of Lacey Banghard, but apparently she’s some Page 3 Idol winner in the UK, working her way to the top of the Glamor model world….

She’s in line to be the next Katie Price and so many other busty, trashy, trailer park, molested as a child bitches who got topless to make more money than stripping locally…making her just another one of the sluts…

It’s a business that goes strong, probably because the UK is filled with industrial revolution spillover, you know men who work factories and machines, who chimney sweep and spend their days oil covered in need of their own “office” decor that comes in the form of a cheesy bitch with huge tits in Calendar.

She even named herself Banghard as a stagename and with a name like Banghard, it’s safe to say what kind of girl she is…one who seeks attention and is willing to get naked for it.

In other words, the best kind of girl. Daddy issues all over my dick and positive reaffirmations that she got addicted to and that gave her the confidence to show off her tits to get more attention as all girls should….

You know she’s subliminally making us think she actually bangs hard, when girls like this just don’t know how to fuck, they are too into themselves and putting on the show to suck fucking dick like they are supposed to…It’s a fact.

The bitches who strip and strive for attention just don’t fuck like a fat girl who thinks she sucks does…She has this false sense of importance…and she was in M Magazine Denmark this month….Goin’ to the Top….when she should really just work the tip.

She’s not a slut…she’s hiding her pussy! That’s how you differentiate the wholesome ones…

Posted in:Lacey Banghard




Webcam Star of the Day

I do a think here called webcam star – where I try to showcase a star who gets on webcam for either money, fun, attention, cuz she’s an exhibitionist, or cuz she just likes to have fun…since girls who get naked are the real stars…and not these Hollywood Bitches.

She says she’s a 90 year old from the Western Sahara. If that’s the case then I suggest all you motherfuckers hit up the Western Sahara, because 90 year olds are fucking easy, you know with their Alzheimer’s, being a widow, not having had sex in 4 decades since their husband died and dementia and shit…not to mention their amazing ability to make great cookies and a limited lifespan that makes getting attached not so much of an option…

However, I have a feeling this girl is lying…

What I do know is that she has “the dirtiest whore in the world lol” as her occupation and that she’s pretty wholesome, cute, and like the girl you’d see studying philosphy you want to fuck at Starbucks…

Who would have thought she gets naked on webcam in her spare time. Sometimes life’s surprises are awesome.

Unfortunately – She logged off before getting naked…..

To See Her Profile and Wait for Her To Come Back to Get Naked
Follow This Link

I really want to see her naked…and maybe that’s the reason she’s the Webcam star of the day…cuz she didn’t give it all up…she teased me and rejected me and for some reason…that always makes shit so much hotter….

TO Find your own webcam star to submit to me to make famous
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Posted in:Webcam Star




Mila Kunis Gets Felt Up By Justin Timberlake and Grabs His Crotch of the Day

I didn’t know the MTV movie awards were last night. I was too busy eating 50 cent tacos and drinking shitty tequila…I figure this celebrity shit is boring and does nothing for me…I’m never going to be a TMZ, so why bother polluting life with is, cuz seriously, I find it boring, uninteresting, and pretty much a waste of fucking time, which is saying a lot coming from someone who loves wasting time, gets nothing done, and enjoys all things with vaginas, whether commercially successful or just the cunt on the corner buying peanut butter I can only assume is for her dog to lick off, cuz that’s the only reason bitches buy peanut butter right?

That said, Mila Kunis got grabbed by Justin Timberlake, Justin Timberlake got grabbed by Mila Kunis. They played off that they were fucking…cuz mocking celeb gossip is great…and great for the fucking kids watching to see how to treat each other in the fucking school yard..

Posted in:Mila Kunis