I'll Make You Famous…




Karissa Shannon in a Bikini of the Day

I have ripped on Karissa Shannon a lot, without giving thanks to the fact that what she does is needed in society…it is what a lot of my fun is based on…and without sluts with hot asses…we’d be in a very uptight, unexcited world…that’s not to say I love her porn work that much…but it is to say that I’m glad it exists and that I can reference the shit, rather than living a life without bitches fucking black dudes on camera to piss off their dad for molesting their twin sister instead of them….Getting naked, whoring yourself, and all the other shit she does is good and I shouldn’t laugh at her obvious attempt to get famous, I should encourage her and tell her she’s one sex tape away from amazing….you know to get her worthless and useless ass back into production…

To See The Rest of the Pics
Follow THis Link

Posted in:Karissa Shannon




Marisa Miller Fake Tits for Esquire of the Day

I think Marisa Miller is over-rated. She’s old. She’s got implants. Sure she’s got a tight body, but sometimes, is that really enough….I mean I guess it is…but I don’t think she should be celebrated the way she’s being celebrated when really she’s just a stripper who was put in took the wrong course in life and ended up a millionaire supermodel…it maes no sense…but I guess she’s hotter than any bitch you’re fucking…and maybe that’s all it takes…but if that was the case…the one legged, one-eyed retard down the street who won’t fuck me would be in in Esquire too….

Either way, here is Marisa Miller in Esquire….

Posted in:Marisa Miller




Rihanna’s New Music Video of the Day

Rihanna has a new video. It’s not one of those videos that’s really worth jerking off to, unless you are a romantic and emotional masturbator and you like to feel like a 90s singer song writer when cumming on your thigh.

This shit is some screechy sounding shit, proving that even when edited in post production, Rihanna is still a talentless teenage prostitute who fucked the right dude at the Barbados Kareoke bar…

This is like some dying cat that I wish was actually a dying hooker back in that barbados karaoke bar…then we wouldn’t have to bother with this nonsense.

To See The Video
Follow This Link

Posted in:Rihanna




Cheryl Cole Hot Ass in Purple Pants of the Day

I love Cheryl Cole and her prison tattoos that fucked their way to a record deal, but more importantly, I love her ass.

She’s a fine specimen of a popstar you’ve only heard of because she married a soccer player and because she’s hot and not because of her actual pop music….she is the reason this new X-Factor is going to blow American Idol out of the water….


Posted in:Cheryl Cole




Russell Brand is Gay of the Day

Everyone knows jet skiing with a dude riding tandem makes you gay, especially when he grabs your ass as you get off your jet ski, you know while the paparazzi watches probably hoping to either start rumors as jokes, cuz when you’re famous, all the paparazzi and tabloid stories gives them something to laugh at when sitting on their piles sof money, or maybe cuz Russell Brand’s boyfriend is trying to get the attention he deserves, cuz he’s tired of being on the backburner, like some kind of mistress who gets pregnant on purpose demanding you leave your wife for her, when the fun in having a mistress becomes a stressful job…instead of a stress relief….all over the bitches face….

All I gotta say, is if you were married to Katy Perry for business, you’d go faggot too, especially when you were one in the first place…can’t hide behind those tight pants, long hair and poofter accent for ever….

Posted in:Russell Brand




Blake Lively Tits for Fashion of the Day

Here are some pictrues of Blake Lively trying to show off her little tits at some fashion event, because I guess she’s trying to secure her position as a fashion icon, thanks to the stylists of Gossip Girl….and for some reason all I see is her hard as fuck face…seriously, this bitch looks worse than some 45 year old chain smoking mother’s on welfare….I don’t get it…but let’s celebrate her as a fashion icon, cuz that’s what they want us to do….and by that I mean, let’s stare at her cleavage cuz we’re really fucking lame.

Posted in:Blake Lively




Rihanna Loves Showing Off Her Nipple Ring of the Day

Rihanna is like a stripper who just got a set of Breast Implants, all fucking proud of her shit that she puts it on blast, you know so that everyone and their mother knows, that bitch has a nipple ring.

I don’t know if it’s her cheap marketing hustle, if it is her island girl, laid back, teenage prostitute hustle, or if her small tits just don’t need a bra, but she’s been out advertising that she’s got a nipple ring the last two years, and shit’s as boring as seeing a cheesy chachi dude drinking out of a magnum of goose at the lame high end club, wearing a beater so everyone sees his tattoo sleeves….

I just hate people who show off some of dumb shit, if Rihanna wants us jerking off to her, bitch better show her fucking clit.

Posted in:Rihanna




Katy Perry’s Bad Legs Performin of the Day

I get a lot of hate mail because people don’t understand, pointing out the obvious flaws on a cunt bitch who annoys me through song has no corelation to whether I’d fuck her or not, and it has nothing to do with the fact that I’m not fucking her, and getting those emails is getting boring…

“You think she’s sloppy cuz you’re jealous of her money, success and fame”.

“You say mean things cuz she won’t sleep with you and would never sleep with you”.

“You’re mean to my idol cuz you hate yourself for never being able to be her”….

Not true. I’d fuck uglier bitches than Katy Perry everyday, all day. I can just focus on the obvious, and that is that she’s a set of tits, used to distract from being a talentless, sack of shit of a woman.

She’s got back legs. Bad skin. Can’t dance. But she’s a lot of fucking noise to divert from those facts.

Here she is in concert, clownin’ out.

Posted in:Katy Perry




Lady Gaga See Through Shirt of the Day

Here are some disgusting pics of Lady Gaga in a see through shirt for attention, cuz that’s her bullshit hustle….

I’m not sure what’s more disgusting, her man tits, the pit stains or that face…I just know combined as a package it just blows me away, in a bad way and can’t believe it wasn’t killed off when it crawled out its mom’s vagina.

That said, my friend made me watch the Lady Gaga Monster Ball on HBO last Saturday night at 5 or 6 in the morning after a lot of drinking….

She irritates me more now than she did before….

I saw her first show back when 500 people or less showed up to see her. I am guessing two years and 3 concert and albums cuz she’s a manufactured machine ago.

I had a free ticket and I knew the opening band, who ended up telling me all this shit about how she was created for the gay market by her label, how she’s a tool to reach those gays and by default the fat chick and loser market, to be the new Madonna, to give them a new icon.

She had theatre background, connections, and was never this “Artist who made it” that she pretends to be. Real artists never make it. She’s just manufactured bullshit…but she proves how shitty the fucking world is, when it is a place where these lies can succeed the way she has…when really she shoulda been left in the fucking dumpster to die at birth.

I should live blogged watching her concert, I was full of jokes about the shit, but it’s monday and there’s nothing funny about this, it is just offensive.

To See The Rest of the Pics

Posted in:Lady Gaga




stepNEWS of the Day

It turns out that even if I ignore the news, stupid shit still happens. It’s like turning a blind eye to retards, not actual retards, but people who act like actual retards, but are accepted in society as our equals, will continue to go on…It’s like the number one American natural resource or export….you stupid, ignorant, uneducated, inbred, Walmart shopping, hicks….no offense…cuz trust me, I know there’s idiots everywhere…it’s an international thing…how exclusive…

Caught on Tape: Racehorse jumps into crowd
Two people have suspected serious spinal injuries after a horse rampaged through a crowd of spectators at a race meeting in Australia, the Herald Sun reported Thursday.

Nobody cared about this woman
A 65-year-old woman training for a half marathon fell and was seriously hurt along a busy road in Garland. Despite her obvious trama, no one stopped to help her for some time.

‘SlutWalks’ Sends Provocative Message
This social movement really gets around.

Man Arrested In Craigslist Rent Scam
A man named Samuel Ferraro was in police custody Friday night in connection with what they say is a Craigslist scheme.

Beating Near Old City Bar Caught On Tape
Cameras were rolling when a group of people beat up a man outside a Philadelphia bar.

Posted in:stepNEWS