I'll Make You Famous…




Hilary Duff Plays With Balls of the Day

Here are some pictures of Hilary Duff doing the low level celebrity publicity stunt where they hold two melons up against their chest like they are a set of novelty tits. We’ve been down this road, it’s been done before, Tila Tequila Did It , Heidi Montag Did It , even Traci Bingham did it….

I guess it’s good to see Hilary Duff in the company of such bottom feeding trash, it only means one thing and that’s Sex Tape Coming Soon, unfortunately both her and her husband are billionaires, so that may not happen at all, not to mention her husband is more into dudes to spend the time needed to fuck her, hence why she’s doing the melon tit hustle, but we’re all allowed to have dreams.

TO See the Rest of the Pictures

Posted in:Hilary Duff




Ali Larter’s Mom Body of the Day

I think Ali Larter’s super powers all you virgin losers fell in love with watching Heros was her ability to show off her mom tits after being flat chested her entire life…Here are some pics showing off that skill.

Posted in:Ali Larter




Tyra Banks Dressed like a School Boy for the Pedos of the Day

Here are some Tyra Banks dressed like a school boy for all the pedos into volunteering in Africa to help spread the Christina word at the all boys schools cuz there are so many constraints in their pedo activities in first world countries like America or Europe while Africa’s too busy dealing with poverty, AIDS, famine and genocide to notice…

I remember a time when Tyra was actually busty and fun to look at, now she just sucks, except to the 3 humanitarian pedophiles who exist in the world, who can channel this into a fetish…Weird.

Posted in:Tyra Banks




Lil Wayne and his Groupie Pussy of the Day

Here is Lil Wayne on the beach with some groupie trash because girls love famous people….no matter how much the motherfucker looks like a rat muppet…and they will give them their pussy in exchange for being the chosen whore groupie whore of the night and I’m sure her parents are proud….but not as proud as they will be when she turns the condom inside out and impregnates herself….cuz the child support checks are way better than what she’d make working the local video store….

Posted in:Lil Wayne




Angelina from Jersey Shore Does Hip Hop of the Day

This dumpy video vixen from hell is actually Angelina from Jersey Shore….Definitely not a Vixen, but definitely a spawn of all evil…just for being part of that Jersey Shore shit, not that I’ve actually watched the shit, because dumpy trashcan drunk chicks is more of a nightmare to me than something I want to watch on my spare time….but I was emailed this Felony Fame & Red Cafe Hip Hop video and they chose her to be the star of their bullshit, I don’t know why, but I figure that bottom feeder barely a celebrity cameos is better than no cameos or some shit….

To See The Video

Posted in:Angelina




Pippa Middleton Flashes Her Panties of the Day

Pippa Middleton is my favorite world’s jealous sister. You know cuz I’ve seen sisters jealous of each other for the craziest shit, like daddy gave one the car and the other went nuts, or daddy molested one while they were growing up and the other developed a complex, or mommy and daddy just favor one over the other leaving the other depressive, suicidal, even destructive to get noticed, leading to many throat fucks, drug overdoses and other amazing things….and none of those Jealous bitches had as much as this Pippa bitch has to get jealous over…I mean shit…her sister is a future Queen…that’s way more of an accomplishment than landing a good job, or doing well in school, or whatever else sisters rival about…

So it’s only natural bitch would go out and flash her panties to milk her new fame so she too can make something of her life by marrying someone important…

To See The Panties….
Follow This Link

Posted in:Pippa Middleton




The Vagina That Made Coco of the Day

If you’ve ever wondered what kind of whore pussy created the whore entity that is Coco, look no further, cuz these are pictures of her and her mother, or who I like to call the woman who taught her strong morals and values that lead to her being the stripper Ice-T fell in love wit her ridiculous ass and tits which worked out well cuz she fell in love with his Wallet. We call that a win win.

Posted in:Coco




Obama Does The Hitler of the Day

First he pisses off the Jewish people by saying he thinks Palestine should be its own country. Now he’s doing the Hitler. Maybe I’m looking too far into it cuz I showed a jewish person at the coffee shop and he said “what’s the big deal, he’s just waving”….and that my friend, is why I focus on Tits and not Politics…

Posted in:Obama




Richard Simmons Always Amazing of the Day

Richard Simmons is one of those gay dudes who is so gay it doesn’t make you gay if you jerk off to him, you know cuz he’s an honorary woman and even with the biggest penis in those dainty shorts, still has a vagina….at least that’s what I told myself back in the 90s when his work-out show was the only informercial on late night TV for me to jerk off to…I mean once Suzanne Sommers Thighmaster and the late night sex phone lines “we could have a really great time, if you call me, just call me, pick up the phone”….were exhausted…I’m just joking about the jerking off shit…but dude was a fucking ridiculous gay clown before everyone was gay, who pretty much paved he way for Lady Gaga, he was the OG Gaga, and that makes me laugh so I’m posting him anyway…

Posted in:Richard Simmons




stepNEWS of the Day

I don’t know why you’re reading this….It’s official Planking day today…I mean shit…shouldn’t you be off your computer and Planing your Planking….

Here is the stepNEWS….probably not the best weird news on the internet…but it’s good enough for me…

Transgender Woman Attacked….Cuz Transgendered women are weird….

A 32-year-old Fredericksburg, Va., transgender woman is recovering from a beating outside a 7-Eleven on Fall Hill Avenue last Saturday. According to police, at least three people began to argue with and then attacked the victim.

Utah passes ‘too sexy’ law and I’m Guilty as Charged…
Be careful how you act in Utah because acting too sexy could get you arrested

Dentist accused of battering 85 yr old
Virginia Graham says her Deltona dentist battered and bruised her and tried to steal her dentures, so she bit him.

Transsexual Widow Loses in Court Cuz transgendered People are Weird
Nikki Araguz, the transsexual widow of a Wharton County firefighter, will not get a dime from Thomas Araguz’s death benefits.

Coins Stolen from Park Fountain
Police are trying to figure out who stole all the coins from a decorative fountain in a Marietta city park.

Posted in:stepNEWS