I'll Make You Famous…




Miley Cyrus In Some Shorts of the DAy

Miley is not quite 18 yet so she still get you all excited and all she really has to do is show off a little shoulder skin and leg and you’re spent. That’s all we fucking need from her and it is all because she is under 18….but I do have faith that her 18th birthday will not do what Demi Lovato’s did to her…and that Miley has the right amount of fame hungry and knowledge of how to sex things up enough to push boundaries and stay relevant…but I guess that doesn’t matter, cuz we still have some criminal time with her that we might as well take in as much as we can cuz they all grow up so fast…don’t they…you sick fuck….

To See The Pictures of Her Mom’s Hot Fat Fake Tits and her 7 Year Old Sister in a Push Up Bra – Follow This Link – Cuz I’m Not About to Post the Shit – Too Hardcore for Me….

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Demi Lovato Young Pussy of the Day

Demi Lovato is officially 18…so I figured I’d post these pictures of her to show you just how ugly a birthday can make a pussy….What used to drive you crazy and lead to you masturbating all over yourself in shame in your basement…is now pussy that is pretty uninteresting showing off leg and a little tit…that just 2 months ago would have made you lose your mind and drive out to the local park where you know the teens hang at night to try to convince one to let you touch her tit…but now…it doesn’t do much for you….one birthday can take it all the fuck away….and that’s why Demi Lovato needs some pussy pics….cuz seriously…these aren’t cuttin’ it for me…but it is amazing just how an 18th birthday can pretty much ruin sex appeal and a career…here are the pics to prove it…

Posted in:Demi Lovato




Mel B’s Big Tits of the Day

Scary Spice was showing off some of her stupidly big tits I used to jerk off to before she was a mom, back when she was the hard nippled in music videos when I was stealing cable and before I had internet, leaving me little options to get off…it was a simpler time when throat fucking porn wasn’t the norm and people had to get creative in their masturbation…when it meant drilling a peep hole into your adopted sister’s room, using Victoria’s Secret catlogs, National Geographic or breast cancer awareness pamphlets with surivior pictures, and I am sure many worse things if I tried to think about it, you did what you had to do…and as her baby daddy, comedian Eddie Murphy, who wanted nothing to do with her can atest to, Mel B was unfortunately one of those things…

Posted in:Mel B




Eliza Dushku’s Big Vagina Amazes Me of the Day

Whenever I am reminded that Eliza Dushku gets fucked by negro dick….I am seriously amazed by it…It’s like even if dude has a micro cock compared to the rest of his body…he’d still split her in half….I mean just his fingers alone are bigger than an average grown man’s cock…and that shit gets slid inside her…making me think her pussy either has a lot of fucking give, or shit’s just big and either way, I think I kinda like how much of a dirty slut that makes her…partially cuz I know just how angry this makes her family, fans and every other racist that thought she was wholesome and their dream girl after seeing her in that one movie she was in and not as a colored lovin’ plantation owner’s daughter…if you know what I mean…and partially cuz I like watching white chicks get railed by black dudes…probably cuz I’m not white.

Posted in:Eliza Dushku




stepNEWS of the Day

Sometimes, I hate the stepNEWS too….so you can keep your hate mail to yourself…cuz they are staying cuz every once in a while there is something amazing….today is just not one of those days…

Teen ‘Bully’ Accused Of Toilet-Tipping

Police in Delaware have charged a 14-year-old after they say he forced a 7-year-old inside a “Port-O-John” and intentionally knocked it over

Caught on Tape: Transformers 3 Crash w/ Real Police Vehicle

One of the Transformers cars, Bumblebee, crashed into a DC Police SUV while filming in Washington, DC. Filming resumed at a different location later in the day

US Airways Flight Attendant Busted for Cocaine in Indianapolis

A US Airways flight attendant was seen with bags of cocaine strapped to her body after walking through a full body scanner, initially saying they were tampons.

Posted in:stepNEWS




Mark Zuckerberg Billonaire Gets Shitty Pussy of the Day

You’d think Mark Zuckerberg would use his 25 percent of 25 billion dollar Facebook or at least take advantage of the fact that he can log into anyone’s account and read all their messages, and see all their pictures, and use his robot skills to behavioral target ideal pussy worth fucking, but instead he ended up with this weird Asian shit that looks like he dragged her out of his special olympic Asperger’s group therapy session…and I guess who really cares, cuz when dude has 6 billion dollars at the age of 27 or whatever the fuck age he is, no social skills, his virginity and a robot brain that lead to no friends or pussy growing up, any pussy that gives him the time of day is good pussy..even if he could get any pussy he wanted but the pussy he chose looks like this…and as logical a dude he is…that just makes no fucking sense…

I know he probably thinks he owns the world and he pretty much does but I’m ready for something new to step in a replace it like it was Myspace. They’ve deleted my profile 4 times and I think it’s time for the world to stop using them and making assholes like this who don’t even use the money we make him for good sex….that pisses me off.

Posted in:Mark Zuckerberg




Candice Swanpoel in a Bikini of the Day

I was about to get excited about this Candice Swanpoel bitch in pictures in her bikini, but then the girl I am sitting next to, who has huge amazing tits that I keep trying to grab, said that she looks like Katherine Heigl and now I can’t stop looking at her and seeing Katherine Heigl and I fucking hate Katherine Heigl so I’m all confused….

What was going to be a post celebrating South Africa’s accomplishments in making such decent looking pussy I want to eat despite having a high AIDS rate that would normally throw me off a pussy.has turned into a hateful feeling about Katherine Heigl and now I am sad….hold me…

Posted in:Candice Swanpoel




HBOoobs of the Day

HBOobs has an image to maintain in terms of being the cable network most like watching actual movies because they swear and show a little tits…So I like to do a round-up whenever I get sent the clips in emails of all the lastest HBO tits that I am missing cuz I don’t own a TV….sure it’s an obvious tactic and maybe even gratuitous but tits are tits and here are this weeks HBOobs…

Here’s Gretchen Mole and Some Other Twat…..in Boardwalk Empire

Some Bitch Named Emily Meade in Boardwalk Empire….

Julie Atlas Muz in Bored TO Death Doing Some Crazy Fat Chick Burlesque Shit

Posted in:HBOobs




Gisele’s Mom Body in her Bikini of the Day

Gisele brought her implant tits, her adopted baby she faked a pregnancy with…and tucked her cock in nice and good at the beach because she’s a dude who is trying to maintain an image for both her modeling career and her man’s football career…cuz if the whole world knew the truth that her name is Ricardo the little Portuguese Brazilian who was raised by his mom in a house full of sisters who took to dressing like a bitch and living life as a bitch cuz it was all her knew…before getting recruited by Victoria’s Secret, only to get fireed by Victoria’s Secret a few years later cuz we were onto them….

I saw Sleepaway Camp, I know how this shit goes….and the sad truth is that dick or not…If it’s attached to a body like this…I’m pretty fucking down…No Homo….just working off percentages and as far as I’m concerned most of her looks like a chick and that’s more than I can say about chicks I’ve actually stuck my dick inside…who were actual chicks…

Posted in:Gisele Bundchen




Jessica Simpson’s Ass in Denim of the Day

Someone needs to get this bitch a pair of really high heels, a few harnesses and straps, some better fitting pants, like she was Kim Kardashian….the expert at making a fat dumpy ass on a lazy 5 foot 2 girl look like something I want to eat for lunch, instead of something that looks like it’s eaten way too much for lunch and it’s ready to explode into a fat, donut filled mess…if you know what I mean….

I am sure in your small town hell you live in, you wish girls were this fit, but instead they just eat up the snack food rack at the Walmart they work at during lunch break, but to someone who is around fit women on the street regularly, I can say…there’s nothing good about this ass….except for maybe how it looks like it’s about to eat itself as targeted canibalism could really save this bitch and her quest to getting pregnant….if she isn’t already pregnant and has been the last 22 months like some kind of human elephant her ass appears to be……

Posted in:Jessica Simpson