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The Golden Globes Happened of the Day

To prove my theory that the Golden Globes don’t matter, since Hollywood is a fucking joke, a bunch of masturbating assholes sitting on too much money, lazily putting together shit that the masses consume because they are scat fetishists so long as they are told to be, fucking drone retards who just want to consume […]




Love Calendar Keeps On Delivering the Dog Shit of the Day

Weak…I know Kim Kardashian is a fucking monster, but having her walk in slow motion in front of a green screen showing Northern Lights…is just weak. I could recreate this in my fucking basement apartment, I just don’t know any shit colored trannies with sloppy tits that I could use…but I should parody this, to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Does anyone off jerk off to old pictures of your wife – thinking about a time when her pussy didn’t make you throw up – or gag – because it’s old and disgusting and not what it was 20 years ago when you made the worst decision of you life – even if her disability […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So we’ve established that asking a girl to show you her Turkey Wattle in her panties is a fail and her outty pussy will never be exposed to you. Well it turns out that fisting a Turkey while talking about how this is the last Thanksgiving for America as a country and how the fall […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Kendall and GIGI both turned 21….and I ate out a 21 year old girl from tinder who was on her period… Milestones…that are both things are equally irrelevant…unless this turns me into a vampire….in which case – watch out… Here are some stepLINKS… Girls Who Aren’t Wearing Bras CLICK HERE Charlie Sheen as Wild Thing […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Lesbians are always so angry – and they get really mad when you make reference to them being angry due to not getting enough cock…they find it misogynistic because it assumes that I think cock makes the world a better place, or that I think cock makes the world go round, when really I just […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The only thing upsetting about Twitter deleting vine is that they aren’t killing off all the vine stars it created…but they are fucking multimillionaires now…so they don’t fucking care… There was a time when VINE had this after dark thing, and girls would use it to show their vaginas, like a giant collective of girls […]




The EMMYS Happened of the Day

I don’t watch TV…I also don’t watch celebrity award shows anymore. I just know that it’s a pile of bullshit that doesn’t actually matter. It’s an internal scam to position and celebrate these idiots amongst these idiots while the world watches on like it matters. It doesn’t matter. Some bullshit opinion of an industry that […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I just had a spiritual experience with a hummingbird that flew in the house…I garnered it’s trust with my kind eyes, and it eventually perched on my finger and i took him outside… It really put life in perspective, like when you see instagram sugar babies posing with local black kids on their Exclusive 5 […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The highlight of my day is always when I end up at a counter of a coffee shop or take out spot and the girl serving me has massive – fake looking – but too young to be fake – tits – it always leads to me spending more of my wife’s money than I […]