I'll Make You Famous…




Bella Thorne’s Double Watch Erotica of the Day

What time is it Bella Thorne?

Here’s some Bella Thorne smutty content from a Disney Kid turned huge social media starlet and likely still a Disney Kid stripping down and being slutty, because everyone’s slutty….

I just saw a guy with visible panty line and thought…wow…men can have visble panty lines…thanks to the fact that they wear briefs like a bunch of faggots or jocks in the 80s who didn’t know better…..but this guy, in briefs…just showing his pantyline like a middle aged mom in FULL BACK panties….

I got into a conversation with someone after the Visible Panty Line guy walked by and made me feel uncomfortable about how cruel it is to put kids in masks based on the fact that they don’t really get sick or die of COVID…THIS was not a conversation about the VACCINATING of kids…but probably should have been because that’s obviously way worse than masks…

Anyway, I said to the person that it’s abusive to put these kids in masks, the science says they don’t need masks, the masks actually do more damage than good on 100 levels, and they don’t get the social cues needed by being around a bunch of masks…

I also said that it’s pretty insane that someone we don’t know, or a group of people we don’t know are making these rules for people….they don’t know us, we’re our own people, we can make our own decisions…

Not that I give a shit about kids traditionally, if anything I’ve always been terrified of them, but this is the future of our world….so I do fucking care that they are normalizing abuse….

This person’s argument for masks is “the kids don’t mind”…to which I said, they’re fucking kids, of course they don’t mind, they don’t have developed brains, they just do what they are fucking told by the abusers masked as teachers…

If anything, someone who doesn’t like kids, caring about the kids, when people who care about kids, don’t….is the REAL concern here….but what can ya do….I’m not a social justice warrior, I just find it pretty dark times…but I guess you’d have to expect that when evil people run the show…RIGHT…right…

Anyway, here’s Bella Thorne for the kids, I mean she is a Disney Kid after all, and you CAN see her panty line…it’s VISIBLE….because she’s not wearing pants on those strong trunk legs….and there could be visible nipple too…which I guess is all that matters.

Posted in:Bella Thorne




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

I saw some local propaganda about how the vaccine passport will be removed in March 2022,…which is obviously a tactic to get people to subscribe to the vaccine passports despite them seemingly being against everything they believe in…because as a people I’d say we were against that whole segregation shit before everything became about race, which has turned out to be more racist than anything….but I am wrong, we are not against segregation since there’s vaccine passports being introduced everywhere….you can’t even LEAVE CANADA ON A PLANE, or travel inter-provincially on a TRAIN without a vaccine passport…YET sure it’ll be removed in March 2022…LIARS…

Anyone who subscribes to this is a fucking BIGOT.

They will NEVER remove vaccine passports, no matter what science comes out, despite the vaccine still not being FDA APPROVED until 2026…and even with people mass protesting the shot because it’s not for them.

I still can’t believe that people are subscribing to this fucking scam of all scams, fear mongered to shit, it’s pretty embarrassing to see how fucking dumb people are.

They literally LIE to you all day and you just buy into it….Vaccines are 99 percent effective, to they are 3% effective, but 99 percent effective for kids, despite being 3% effective for adults…I mean…the VIRUS was created in a lab and they’ve admitted to it…and NO ONE finds that menacing or suspicious…HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A MOVIE? I mean….EVIL LIVES….and it is coming for your kids.

Everything is a tactic to get people to comply like the slaves that they are….even if you don’t need a vaccine, it’s basically a flu, it has a 99% survival rate, most people don’t end up in hospital, all the deaths they’ve recorded are padded, and are “all deaths”, and all the vaccine injuries are throttled to the point where people I personally know have been diagnosed with cancer since the vaccine, but don’t think it has anything to do with the vaccine, but instead went and got the booster, despite people saying “you don’t even know what’s in that shit”….

Then there’s young people getting heart inflammations, young people are dying at higher levels than ever, but can’t be because of an experimental shot…that’d be CRAZY…

The fact that they are fighting natural immunity, proven treatments from reputable doctors, vaccine injuries, and blatantly just LIE to everyone about it is crazy, but not as crazy as people subscribing to it.

So militant, to the point where the WOKE government loving vaccine people, who will DIE for the shot….LIVE FOR THE SHOT, DIE FROM THE SHOT….modern day heroes are totally ANTI-HUMAN freaks who want the unvaccinated to die, whether from COVID, which won’t kill most of them, unless the virus mutates enough or the team over at public health release new variants…or from starving to death, because they took your fucking job, before trying to take your house, children and everything else…..mainly FREEDOMS…

They think you are fucking idiots and you are….

So yeah, in this TEMPORARY, only until March 2022, VACCINE PASSPORTS that are TOTALLY not for population control, digital currency, social credit score, climate credits like you’re a big corporation who doesn’t manufacture in CHINA, when you’re just a lowly citizen trying to get buy….

Buy yeah…>TEMPORARY vaccine passports NEED an On/Off feature, because if you’re going to get microchipped, do it for the TITS.


Posted in:OnOff




Anna Camp Short Shorts of the Day

I can say with confidence that I do not give a fuck about some 40 year old actress named Anna Camp….I didn’t watch True Blood and I was too busy jerking off to Fat Amy in the Pitch perfect series to even notice her.

But I do notice the shorts….

As it turns out she’s a good South Carolinian and member of the Demoncratic Party…so you know she’s into satan….did a little SELLING OF HER SOUL to get this fame…she’s claimed to have “Long Covid” so you know she’s pushing agendas and full of fucking shit…but you may only catch on when she decides she’s transgender after her 12th vaccine….when she starts visiting your kids at their schools for some Pitch Perfect Tour brought to you by Pfizer to help the vaccinating baby program that will likely kill a lot of babies….FULL OF SHIT…maybe that’s why her ass looks so full.


Posted in:Anna Camp




Madison Pettis Got Them Titties On of the Day

I saw something about Halloween being cancelled because it is racist because black kids can’t afford the same costumes as white people, which sounds pretty fucking racist for a reason to not do Halloween..at least it’s not because of COVID…right….

I don’t know about you, but I am old as shit and I don’t remember ever buying a costume, I’d fucking cut a hole in a sheet, put red back-up on my face, you know real bootleg shit…I wasn’t buying 100 dollar made in china movie themed costumes like the kids of today….

Not to mention, there are broke people of ALL colors and races, and even some RICH kids don’t have parents who are willing to buy garbage costumes at the department store…so fuck off with your make everything about race you dumb fucks….

I also saw something that was “real” news that was pretty fucking insane, they’ve released the Halloween rules locally and they state that Kids can’t yell TRICK OR TREAT this year, you know because of COVID..


Likely the same ones willing to inject their kids with AIDS because they are told to….

Kids are so braindead, zombies, socially awkward confused genderless freaks…

“Where’s my tablet…Can I watch this on youtube instead…”

They don’t stand a fucking chance, however, neither do the rest of us, society is fucking doomed…

But at least we have some Disney Kid you never heard of, at least not until she did Rihanna’s lingerie modelling, you know to increase her profile, in the form of Madison Pettis…


Posted in:Madison Pettis




Frog Butt Friday of the Day

I do not thing the above picture is of an official frog butt, I mean she’s doing it all wrong, yet it looks pretty right, even with her weird looking tit from that angle, I’m more about the ass with the aerobic leg warmers…it’s a fetish when they aren’t being appropriated by fat lesbians who knit, like reading, cats and Twilight fan fiction…you know the lonely type….

I do think that the frog butt, which has such a silly name, it’s almost hard to believe it’s an actual thing, and it is an actual thing, since I am not the one who coined it…I would have just said “ARCHED BACK AND ON THEIR KNEES”….I guess I’m not the best marketer…and with titles like FROG BUTT it becomes an actual thing that people can hop the fuck onto.

I don’t think it’s the worst thing to have group mindset when it comes to producing nudes, I don’t expect people to be all that original or creative anymore, their critical thought and creativity has been reduced to “do what works for others”….and when it’s an “arched back on their knees” butt shot…who cares…when it’s everything else, it’s terrifying…NO BRAIN OF YOU OWN…holy shit….the foundation of TikTok…dance the same way others dance and win….DANCE IN UNISON….DANCE TOGETHER BUT ALONE FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME…to matter…DO NOT GO AGAINST THE GRAIN SLAVE.


Posted in:Frog Butt




Lily Mo Sheen Hot as Shit of the Day

Lily Mo Sheen is Kate Beckinsale’s hot college aged daughter who was a shocker when I found out that Kate Beckinsale had a daughter because Kate Beckinsale is this tight packaged old lady who is drinking the right serum of stem cells to delay her aging process, especially when factoring in that she’s from the UK, where most women who aren’t Glamour Models essentially rot away in their grey skin faster than their teeth fall out, you know all that working class coal smoke chimney sweeping in a Dickens Novel, or Cornation street….

ANYWAY…the daughter is hot, has tits, and clearly didn’t get AIDS from her dad CHARLIE….which is a pretty good deal.

I have had lawyers make me take down her previously hot leaked nudes, so I’m running with this was intentional self promoting brand building, since everyone’s trying to be low level influencers, which is OBVIOUSLY embarrasing and mindless zombie shit, even people who should do better things, higher budget things, are just doing dumb embarrassing dances for TIKTOK…since SOCIETY has basically fucking collapsed.

All this to say, she’s hot and doing whatever she’s doing pretty right. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK COLLEGE.


Posted in:Lily Mo Sheen




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are a reminder of how effective propaganda works….if you’re open to seeing that you’re being manipulated by marketing…because you are.

They push their agenda in all the shit you are exposed to because people know you’re a fucking braindead shill they can manipulate, if you’re not they’ll destroy your soul, your beliefs, your core values…they will BREAK YOU DOWN…so that you join their bullshit….because people are too scared to PUSH back…

BUT I was always VERY clear on the lies, from BALD PUSSY to FAKE tits, I understood they were trying to create demand to sell product.

So when they turned their back on full back panties, when they dragged the full back panty through the mud, making it look like some fat chick had worn them for a solid 4 weeks cuz fat chicks had limited underwear options before the masses became fat…but yeah…they totally slammed and destroyed the FULL BACK PANTY…even naming it a FULL BACK PANTY…or a GRANNY PANTY…when we just knew them as PANTIES…and girls would consistently say “I hate that word, it’s slimey”….to which I’d say “take em off let’s make you slimey”….

You get what I am saying, full back panties are back, maybe they never fully left, and the idea that they were seen as less hot than they are….is just lunacy.



Posted in:Fullback Panty




Dove Cameron Hard Nipples and Slit Wrists of the Day

I’ve been saying that Dove Cameron’s a scary fucking soulless personality that crawled out of the Disney offices like she was a vaccine mandate…

I’ve been saying that there’s something really dark about her and her content that creeps me out, but what the fuck do I know, I’m not invited to the mind controlling seminars they put these kids through, I just know that they are not a normal breed of human because they’ve been raised in the industry, which really may be as menacing and fucked up as it gets, you know just being famous when young when not being normal….but I like to think that when the level of money goes into making a famous person, because it requires money, there’s probably a lot of behind the scenes deals made along the way….ones that could VERY likely destroy a person at their core, maybe even make them not realize who they even are, as they wait on their next orders…

They need these people to push agendas..and I am not sure what Dove Cameron’s agenda is, I just know she’s posting some hard nipple underwear selfies, with what look like bandages on her wrist, in some cry for help, or maybe a little symbolism for those who know, I’m not an expert, I just look at the tits, and I guess the face, because she’s DOPEY looking as fuck….so many injections, not enough time…

She’s a fucking muppet….she’s a FUCKING muppet…that CAN’T BE A REAL face…it’s not a face…it’s a MUPPET face because she knows that’s her role as an industry puppet….but the kind of doll you’d probably want to jack off on…which isn’t saying much…since you jack off on dolls nightly already and they aren’t even famous Disney Kids.


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Fishnet Friday of the Day

Here’s a round-up of babes in fishnets for fishnet friday where we remind ourselves that fishnets are hot, not that the girls in fishnets don’t think they are hot, that’s precisely why they are wearing them in their photoshoots, and I doubt it really has to do with toxic masculinity or misogyny, but rather chicks still liking the idea of being hot to men….you know that male energy gives them female boners….

I just like to play it up that the fishnet is clearly an oppressor, because it’s literally a tool used to capture a free and happy fish, pulling it away from it’s fish family, like it was an unvaccinated fish, only to be EATEN by a man….

I like to throw fuel in the feminist fire, but know that ugly chicks are really the only ones whining and I have no idea why they gave people a voice….because ugly people ruin everything and should not have friends unless theya re cool ugly people who wouldn’t yell at people about bullshit like fishnets, you know creating issues with everything and making everyone cater to their crazy….like one of those peanut allergy situations, if one kid has an allergy, probably from vaccines, the whole school can’t eat peanuts, to which I say…I’ll eat my damn peanuts and if you die, it’s cuz you’re week, I mean a fucking peanut can kill you, pussy…do you really need to be alive….TRUST ME…a life without PEANUT BUTTER…is a life not worth living and if you can die from peanut butter, I don’t want you on my fucking team….LOSER.

I do want fishnets though.


Posted in:Fishnets




Girl and her Halloween Pole Dance and Other Videos of the Day

Camerman Fail

Wheelchair Karen


Mark Dice Analysis….

Grandma Not Playing

Cops Killing a Story

Car Parking Win

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos