I'll Make You Famous…




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

As a support argument to my last “RATIO POST” you’ll see if you scroll down….someone was giving me shit for posting what he felt were “ratchet” girls and despite “ratchet” girls sounding like the kind of girl you’d want working at your tire shop….it actually means trashy girls…that for whatever reason has rebranded as “ratchet”….I don’t make the words up, I don’t even use them…but I’ll assume it’s kind of the vibe Miley was inspired by when she took the getting naked on social media thing seriously….

So I figure, if that guy feels Ratios, and stepLINK headers are Ratchet, or trashy, instead of amazing, which they are…he’ll really LIKE WET SPOTs where natural vaginal discharge on panties is celebrated.

Long gone are the days of throwing up after masturbating to your mom’s dirty crusty panties you found in the corner of the laundry room, now that dirty panties are all over the motherfucking internet and we document some of the best gut churning ones each week in this post I hate.


Posted in:WetSpot




The Ratio Tuesday on a Wednesday of the Day

Someone told me that I’ve gone too RATCHET with the site….which I thought was funny because the site is called DrunkenStepfather and I have basically trying to drag all good things through whatever closest gutter I can find…it’s been my life work that for many reasons that I won’t list…never actually went viral or got me any street cred…where is the book DEAL SIMON and SCHUSTER…don’t you want 150 pages of me rambling on incoherently about shit I know nothing about that doesn’t actually matter….

I guess that person was referencing my stepLINKS header pics and these round-up pics I post of girls from the internet….to which I would say that “did you think this was a premium fashion magazine”….or “you realize I just document what’s going on out there, I’m not responsible for producing what is going on out there”….

The Ratio, if anything, is scientific research…there are studies stating that waist to hips are hotter with a more dramatic ratio…and this is THE only way we can find out if that’s true.

What do you think, dear Russian Spam Bot?



Hypothesis confirmed.


Posted in:The Ratio




Pug Puppy Sitting in the Food Bowl and Other Videos of the Day

Sausage Party!

When Lockdown Makes You Officially Insane

Iguana Wants a Snack

Queen of the Dog GETS Busted

Rope Swing with a Bull Dog

More Too Much Time On Your Hand Insanity

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

RIP Norm Macdonald. I felt genuine sadness when I heard that Norm Macdonald died of cancer, I was told by my friend Steve that he had cancer for 10 years or something but was just private about it, which I am sure I would be too if I was in his position, but as a whinning blogger, it would be my duty to bore you with my cancer stories all day until it was over and not because I was expecting a movie like that girl who blogged about Julia Childs’ recipes, but because I am a whiner.

I will say that in the 90s, we didn’t have cable and we’d watch SNL, and Norm’s Weekend Update was always my favorite, I guess the other options weren’t that great, but he was solid….not that SNL is solid…

I typically find comedians to be weird nerds who tell the same joke, but just a few weeks ago I was watching some best of Norm clips and he was pretty pretty much the anti-comedian comedian….far better than most comedians because he was smarter than most….we’ll call him a Canadian hero who we can only hope has gone to a better place…

Now, in light of death, let’s focus on some escapism and save the news and politics for other people..

We are a site about the tits…so let’s stick to the tits.

The ultimate anti-depressant is turning off the news, not paying attention to what’s going on, because it’s above our pay grade….so let’s just reduce ourselves to looking at tits.

Here are some Morning Links!

One of Norm Macdonald’s Best Jokes

Madison Pettis Feeling Blue

Ellie Goulding CROC LEG

Stripping FC Fighter

Fat Suspect on a Bike

The Sad Story of a the Pizza Delivery Boy

Caitlyn Jenner’s 1% of Votes

Posted in:stepLINKS




Britney Spears Bikini and Heels of the Day

There is some bullshit storyline that Britney Spears is free, that her boyfriend has proposed to her, like he’s not an actual actor that the family hired to play the boyfriend roll after talking to a few agents…

I don’t spend too much time researching Britney Spears or the weirdness that is her parents that have held her in captivity, I just know that I always found it pretty fucked up that fans would line up, blinded by the celebrity and the dancing monkey aspect of her existence and not caring that she was a fucking prisoner slave being forced to be that dancing monkey cuz it made the family too much money to let her go off and be a nutjob child star…

What I do know is that her parents let the boyfriend in as a “personal trainer”…but then when watching some TV show or streaming show I saw he was one of the actors and RED FLAGS went off…and it all made sense…HE’s on a Job….

Since being ‘fake freed’, she’s been posting half naked 40 year old content and it’s Britney Beach, still worth looking at…even if it’s melting….


Posted in:Britney Spears




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

The Tight Pants are Upon Us….

Just leave your house, if you’re into that kind of thing….you know because you’re not some chicken shit pussy scared of catching some COVID thing since you realize there are about 1000 things that can kill you including but not limited to a heart attack while jerking off to porn, balls deep in your pocket pussy, some offbrand fleshlight you rigged with cold cuts and a paper towel roll, which isn’t really that impressive if you were to use actual ruler measurements, but that’s as good as you can get…

But yeah, if you leave your house, cuz you’re not scared to live, there are tight pants everywhere, from GYM to casual mom getting her steps in, and tight pants make asses look better, even on fat chicks…

So here’s a bunch of tight pants to inspire you in any way it inspires you…


Posted in:Tight Pants




Sara Sampaio Side Boob of the Day

Here’s some Portuguese Princess, who may not be a Portuguese Princess, I don’t know if Portugal even has royalty, maybe they were just the fisherman supplying actual Euro-Royals their fish…I guess I could google it, but I don’t pride myself on being historically accurate…..I don’t even pride myself on posting facts..

What I do do…doo doo….omg HILARIOUS..

What I do do is post pics of slutty models who don’t look all that great in skimpy outfits since everyone dresses like a Miami stripper….it’s FASHION motherfuckers..

This could be for the VACCINATED ONLY SEGREGATION MET BALL….since Anna Wintour is a TYRANT…but who gives a fuck about those snobby fucks alienating each other, like they’ve alienated the simple minded middle of the road people who aren’t rich, famous and glamorous, but they are the people buying shitty VOGUE magazine.

Fuck these cunts….or stare at their side tits…either works.


Posted in:Sara Sampaio




Victoria Beckham Fitness of the Day

Here’s some old lady Posh Spice, not quite expired, spices last forever, I mean I still use oregano I found in a dumpster 30 years ago because waste not want not or some shit…

The only funny thing about this is the idea that Victoria Beckham does fitness, that shit is for the soccer husband or maybe the entitled brat rich kids, but not for posh…since I always took her for the kind of girl who just starves herself, but maybe that’s just what she wanted us to believe in her emaciated state of fancy over the last few years…

I’ll assume this regal rich kid turned pop icon from the UK is getting paid to whatever brand is across her old lady tits….because none of these people do anything for free…not even pretend to do fitness.


Posted in:Victoria Beckham




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

Tiny Tits are TITTIES too…

I will never subscribe to the idea that big tits are any better than small tits, even if sometimes a big set of tits is a gift from god that may make you believe in religion again, now that evil is hard at work and it is obvious and after realizing that there has been an attack on relgion the last 50 years as they try to turn people into the heathens that they are…

So yes, big tits can be life changing to stare at, or inspiring at the very least, but that doesn’t mean that small tits don’t pack a punch…

They sit nicer, they look nice, they are manageable, they don’t have gross nipples, they don’t sag and the bodies they come stock on are usually tight…not soft…

There is a perkiness that may mean I am not a tit guy, but I love tits, so that can’t be it, I just like all tits, not specific tits, which is probably part of being a man….as men who are selective of the kind of tits they like are a little fucking queer….especially when they call small tits little boy tits as they do…how can anyone look at a woman breast and think of boys…unless they are queer.




Posted in:TINY TITS




Miley Cyrus Fake Vegan of the Day

Here’s some Miley eating some Fried Chicken because she’s southern like that, despite probably promoting veganism incessantly when she was a vegan, since none of these idiots are consistent, their messaging completely contradictory and confusing, because they are shells of humans, who push whatever they are told to push….

I guess she hasn’t got the Memo that the future is not so bright for meat eaters, but at the same time, that will never apply to her, because she’s one of their ambaassadors, heroes, front people, puppets, agenda pushers….who pretends to be edgy and anti establishment, but who is the fucking establishment….

The good news is that I find Miley hot…and she’s got mini short shorts on with her tits in a crop top…looking a little thicker than usual…but so are most people…I go outside and this COVID shit has made so many people FAT AS FUCK..

The tragedy in all this is not seeing how fat her pussy’s got…where is that cameltoe hiding..


Posted in:Miley Cyrus