I'll Make You Famous…




Meadow Walker Nipple of the Day

I hold a warm and delicate spot in my heart for the WALKER family, so it is my DUTY to support Paul Walker’s daughter, the heiress to his empire, who is out here hard at work, because this is what they call work in this lazy fucking pig generation….blame communism…or I guess marxism…even though that will just end with all these people in work camps…but for now…they can lay out posing like they are being painted in a renaissance painting…tits out like some slob with too much money…

Anyway, the warm and delicate spot for the ORPHAN WALKER comes from convincing TMZ well into my years of being cancelled to link to this site on their links, so long as I provided them safe for work links, which I did….HOWEVER…one of those links was “PAUL WALKER WAS A SEX OFFENDER”…you know hard hitting journalism because his last wife or girlfriend was someone his daughter’s age who he started dating when she was 16 or some shit….

They didn’t ban me as a LINK TRADE partner because the story was fake, I mean I was just repeating some other story that was getting no attention….as I do….

They banned me because they were owned by WARNER BROS and WARNER BROS didn’t want to taint their FAST AND THE FURIOUS franchise with scnadal…THEY MAKE TOO MUCH MONEY OFF IT.

So some celeb gossip site, owned by the celebrity machine that employees the celebs, is the source to people into celeb gossip, despite the conflict of interest?

I mean you could say “Maybe Warner Bros doesn’t get too involved in the editorial voice of their TMZ brand”….but the guy who saw the link was a top exec at Warner Bros…so they clearly monitored that shit and created propganda and lies around it…..NOTHING YOU SEE IS REAL…it’s all strategic and by design…thanks to people far smarter than you or me….

Needless to say, TMZ could have MADE all my dreams come true, that WARNER BROS exec if he wasn’t such a bitch could have given me a production budget to green light the WORST MOVIES to ever be made…but instead…backed into a corner left to die…THANKS WARNER BROS..

I blame PAUL WALKER and his teen fucking dead dick….

In conclusion, TMZ is owned by FOX now, so RUPERT MURDOCH, when you get Mick Jagger’s ex wife to stop peeing on you, give us a call. Not that she pees on him, but rich 90 year olds are into weird shit….like Paul Walker’s daughter’s nipple cuz you FAST AND FURIOUS THAT FUCKING HARD…


Posted in:Meadow Walker




Rowan Blanchard See Through of the Day

Much like all the young Disney created talent that was probably too young to be thrown into a really disgusting industry, but luckily had parents who understood the big picture “IT WILL MAKE US RICH”…has been working in the industry since she was 5 years old. She’s 20 now.

When she turned 18, you know, 13 years of influence on her fragile celebrity mind, they decided to send her to NYC to be an NYC hipster who produced low level hipster nude content to prove top the world she’s no longer a little kid, she’s a sexual being now…and not just a traditional sexual being, one who is a sexual being with other girls…cuz she’s so progressive and has an agenda to push….

We’ve seen it with everyone from LOHAN to BELLA THORNE and every teen star in between….the annoying bubbly targeting the young people for the Disney brainwashing machine….only to become this edgy, theoretically off the rails, mental case pervert…all by design…because if they really went off the rails to identify their new adult version to maintain the fans they’ve built…they wouldn’t get actual mainstream work again. Instead, it’s a right of passage….

They have too much invested in her to not keep her around, so even with her RACY HIPSTER IN NYC bullshit content she put out to her contrived social media, she’s still getting cast in other shit…MEANING…it was all just propaganda…but great propaganda…I mean I’d rather see a starlets tits than not…so keep up the good formula!


Posted in:Rowan Blanchard




Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

You have to ask yourself if the THONG was designed to show off the asshole when bent over, or was that just a bonus….was the THONG inventor an asshole fetishists just so into the asshole knowing it was the window or gateway to the soul…or was he just tasked with creating, normalizing, and marketing through propaganda a PANTY LINE killing panty….you know get it on celebs, shame women with panty lines, cancel the full back panty, rebrand it the GRANNY PANTY, so no young girl trying to be hot will ever buy a full back panty…they’ll NEED THE ASSHOLE SHOWING THONG….

I know I say the same thing every week, but I need to know was the asshole flash part of the design? Or an added bonus that slut monetizing their content figured out….

Does it matter? No….we like looking at the asshole…it’s the GATEWAY TO THE SOUL….even if the panty’s not the most efficient in absorbing asshole drips…like a ROASTING PAN you’d probably want a panty to be capable of achieving…because you want to catch all those DRIPPINGS to make that GRAVY….


Posted in:Asshole Behind Thong




Inka Williams Abs of the Day

Inka Williams is some hot bodied model out of BALI who does the whole influencer on instagram bullshit, which basically involves wearing bikinis in amazing tropical places, I mean she lives in BALI, what else is she to do….

Unlike the other influencers taking hot bikini content in BALI, this one is actually born and raised there, went to school there, may actually have a passport and citizenship there, so FUCK YOU phony DIGITAL nomads trying to pollute her beach and kill the turtles like they were PLASTIC straws…

She’s skinny, which is what I am looking for in a bikini pic….I am interested in the THONG ass in the second picture….WHO IS SHE an what is she up to…probably getting her own INSTAGRAM content, hence the THONG, these girls are out of control…

I know you perverts like the sloppy tits, but you can’t have a body this tight with a set of sloppy tits, so stop being so close minded…HOTNESS is an attitude…except when fat chicks try that attitude…they can’t pull it off…but they can eat a lot which is something…you know there’s a fetish for that…save the bikini modelling for the hot chicks…save the fat fetish shit for the DARK WEB.


Posted in:Inka Williams




Faith Schroder Wet of the Day

Ricky Schroder’s hot bodied daughter has been doing this instagram influencer shit for a while now. I guess she’s got something to prove because she was raised in LA amongst other rich and entitled celebrity kids and for the majority of her life he wasn’t really the teen heart throb he was, more a washed up teen heart throb…but the nice thing about celebrity is that you only need one hit to become rich as shit, and when you’re rich as shit, you just need to get equity in exchange for your celebrity to get a piece of the action, so some of these motherfuckers are worth 100s of millions of dollars, so that their daughters can live their best instagrammable life, to feel like they matter….and MATTER they do cuz they know bikini pics get more engagement, are good for the algorithm, grow that audience, kill that ratio…INSTAGRAM is life….

It’s just funny that these people don’t have any ambition beyond this, maybe they could work on changing the fucking the world, or do something meaningful, but why bother when they can just not work and pose in bikini pics….

The good news is, she’s got a hot body you’d want to see in a bikini, which is what it comes down to…it’s what it’s all about…JUST DON’T TELL THE FAT CHICKS…THEY’LL CANCEL YOU for your HATE crime…because they don’t like the TRUTH…so they must SUPPRESS it.


Posted in:Faith Schroder




Titty Drop Thursday of the Day

Someone told me I write anti-establishment shit, too much of it, blame punk rock…I mean my high school year book caption was something about my worst fear being a corporate shill, and I’ve lived up to that….my greatest dream was to create a suprior race in my image, but they censored that out, but now that I know that’s called EUGENICS, I figure it’s not as great a plan, plus I fucking hate kids and don’t need a superior race in my image, I just wouldn’t mind cycling through the multiple hot pussy I need to achieve some things….

The point is, I am not anti-establishment, I am anti- corruption and feel like we’re pretty fucking deep in corruption, and the world is fucking doomed because of it….and as a broke ass old ass motherfucker, the establishment’s never been all that great to me…

TITS on the otherhand are awesome, so titty drops inspiring girls to flash their tits, because it’s a thrill, a game, a sense of the easiest to achieve accomplishment…and I’m down for front row seats, it’s better than that HOMO EROTIC UFC shit….TITTY DROPS…the only sport I want to bet on…


Posted in:Titty Drop




Eva Longoria Leggings of the Day

I have always got the vibe that Eva Longoria is the kind of celebrity who exploits her cultural heritage, while doing nothing for her cultural heritage, except maybe hire some of them to do her domestic work, because it’s an ego thing…an “I AM BETTER THAN YOU BECAUSE I AM THE ONE WHO PAYS THEM”…

I don’t know if there’s any truth to that, but the first generation Texan Mexican was likely raised like a lot of the first generations I know, with parents who wanted them to have that American Dream, or in my case the Canada dream…which is basically to white wash the fuck out of them, some don’t even know how to speak their origin language, as their parents struggle to give them the best life possible, raising total fucking brats…

I know cab drivers from Lebanon forced to flee in the 80s, when they didn’t necessarily want to leave, but because they were Christian they had to leave, and in leaving they left behind insane careers as doctors and engineers to work 12 or more hours a day as a cab driver….before UBER destroyed them…but yeah…their kids, totally unaware of the struggles, so that they can grow up to be a vapid mall dwelling cunt like the others…WHERE IS THE WHOLE FOODS AT?

So people fucking love Eva Longoria, on an international level, I’ve met people from all parts of the world in bars while drunk and on more than one occasion they’ve told me they love Longoria…and don’t see it…she’s some midget scam but her tits are out in some matching spandex gear on and I guess old ladies in fitness gear getting their steps in can be hot, it happens…


Posted in:Eva Longoria




Dove Cameron Side Boob of the Day

Dove Cameron Side Boob

Dove Cameron creeps me the fuck out, I don’t really know why, because she checks off all my pervert boxes. A weird young celebrity with a muppet face in skimpy clothing showing 60 percent maybe 65 % of her tit for some soulless selfie knowing she needs to sexualize her hot body, she’s got it for a reason, and it best make her some money or at least allow her to compete with all the other sluts out there, we’re a nation of fucking perverts and perverts like pervert content…especially when it comes down from the top, or from the mainstream celebrity world, knowing that’s what it takes to compete for likes and follows, because it means we’ve found a great place to be in terms of a society…one who doesn’t really care about talent or success or really a prolific career already at her young age…we care about tits….REDUCE THEM ALL TO TITS they say….except when I do it, I’m a misogynist toxic masculine male which is funny due to my low testosterone and tits…like if this is what MACHO has become….a 51 year old broke ass married to a fat chick who writes a blog like a teen girl about celebrities….we’re doomed….but you already knew that.


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Tanline Thursday of the Day

Tanlines, when they aren’t some toxic creams being sprayed on a stripper before strip night….are a sign of healthy, getting all that vitamin D from the sun a motherfucker needs, while highlighting the good parts..

I don’t know about you, but there’s a lot of GREY SKINNED demons around me on the regular….whether that’s because of COVID lockdowns or not, .you know fear of going outside now that there’s a great excuse to be inside….YOUR HEALTH relies on it…so you don’t get that VIRUS….avoid it at all costs….or maybe people are just lazy slobs in general and it has nothing to do with pandemics at all…just a general screen addiction….

Whatever the reason, grey skinend motherfuckers scare me….so TANLINES are the reminder that some people still go outside and that’s healthy and thus exciting…I bet their pussies smell better than the slob alternative….

In conclusion – it highlights the good parts..


Posted in:Tanlines




Mowing Idiot and Other Videos of the Day

Parachute Hero

Free Chocolate Bar or Free Silver Bar

Angry Shopper

Walking to Hospital While in Labor

Girl Pranks her Brother

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos