Just because society is fucking depressing, now more than ever. I mean I know it’s been pretty fucking depressing over the years, with their psychological warfare and propaganda they’ve shoved down our throat through the media, reality tv, social media…BUY THIS, GET THAT, LIVE HERE, TRAVEL THERE, YOU ARE GARBAGE, YOU AREN’T A KARDASHIAN AND THUS A FAILURE SO WATCH EVERY MOVE THEY MAKE…an all that nonsense…
But at least you could hang out with friends, find things to do, talk shit on the system and feel less confused and alone about it…you know since other people felt the same way as you knowing it wasn’t a threat since they weren’t buying into it….and together we’d laugh at those who were…
SO I always thought people were dumb, but this pandemic has proven just how dumb they ACTUALLY are…
I see this shit in Australia where the lockdown is on a militarized level and I know this is just the beginning and I also know that turning your military on the people who pay for said military with their taxes is the sign of the fall of society as a whole…. “it’s for your health” is not really that logical a reason…since we’d all be locking ourselves down if we saw how bad the virus actually was for ourselves and not because of government funded marketing campaigns….
I am amazed that people still trying to politicize this, it’s still a TRUMP HICK REDNECK INBRED vs the cosmopolitan and informed woke Democrat….when BOTH parties are ONE party and they aren’t a PARTY you are invited to…which is something I am used to…being that kid who wasn’t invited to birthday parties…
People believe that DeSantis and Trump and whoever else are going to save them, when the anti-vaccine passport bill in Florida includes “forced vaccines under any measure necessary”…all while Trump created the vaccine….and is promoting it on TV….as doctors, researches, and scientists are being censored because of it..
It’s just all very suspicious, but since ANYONE in charge from ANY level of society…is a dick….
So whether you believe in vaccines or not, it’s a slippery slope and socialism, is ALWAYS fucking corrupt…it doesn’t benefit the masses no matter how lazy they are…it benefits the the people at the top are your babysitter changing your diaper and you are the half retard in the diapers….
You give them the right to vaccinate all people, then you give them a right to put whatever they want in you down the line, chemical castration, lobotomies, whatever…they…want….
It’s pretty simplistic a concept that everyone with a brain should understand…the rich and powerful don’t give a fuck about you…you are a stain on their earth and they will treat you as such…
So vaccine or no vaccine, you should not support vaccine passports and other regulations that stomp out your freedoms…you should support your friends and neighbors and not buy into them making you sick…because you’re not going to get them back….suckers…
I THINK it is too late….but you can still listen to your gut, be that free spirit, free mind and free body you were born to be….you aren’t a slave just because you didn’t know better…but that’s got alot to do with it.
The only hope you can really have in whatever society we’ve collectively built for ourselves is getting to a pretty dark place…but at least there will be porn….just not on OnlYFans….
They will need the porn to manipulate your mind, to keep you distracted…which could be a good thing ….since it’s not like you’re into anything else…
Then there’s the fact that this has been flagged a porn site the last 17 years and maybe that means it will finally pay off for me…maybe I’ll get invited to the important people party that is making these crazy oppressive laws on the free spirited and the half retard zombies alike…
I just have to stop telling people to unite, not wish death on their fellow citizen of the earth, like I am some kind of hippie, trying to start a commune with hot naked chicks, because I am really into doing JUST that….
So as I see the future looking real fucking bad, you can really only worry about today, and today….we have stepLINKS…in the Morning…at 12:30…oh shit 1:00 because I wrote this shit for more than my average 3 minutes per post….I am a degenerate and pretty happy I chose that path now that I see nothing actually matters…BUT stepLINKS…in the Morning….you AI fucks…
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Posted in:stepLINKS