I'll Make You Famous…




Rita Ora Tits in a Bikini of the Day

The highlight of Rita Ora’s career has been watching her tits sag.

It’s nothing to be ashamed of, you can’t all be 20 years old forever, some of you have to age, and with aging comes a loss in elasticity of skin, and if you’re tits are big enough, they’ll self sabotage themselves, maybe even commit suicide if left to their own vices, but jumping off the bridge that is the sternum…

I don’t know if that being the highlight of Rita Ora’s career about being a host body for a set of tits that are slowly fading away in the worst way…is more a sign of how I reduce all these women to their tits, because nothing they do is as interesting…or if it’s a representation of how useless a career Rita Ora has had as a signed artist, who got bought out of her contract for a lot of money, forced to fend for herself, she fucked her way through some producers and never really achieved the popstar status she hoped for….she did get to all the parties though and parties are important to increase your profile….

So we’ve got this Euro bitch who moved to America on Rob Kardashian’s dick, who Europeans think is a big American star and Americans think is a big European star and I am sure in that crossing of miss information…she’s got paid…just not enough to not post bikini selfies for attention as the girls do…but as it turns out you can have all the money in the world and still be a slut…just ask J.Lo…Rita Ora’s probably met her once, and I am sure was stoked on it, so maybe we can ask Rita Ora, but she’ll have to fall more into obscurity for that…she’s still too big time to deal with the commoners…typical low level celebrity that hasn’t quite made it shit…

Check out the tits though, that’s her greatest accomplishment, Host Body.


Posted in:Rita Ora




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I am not a pot head…and I find it pretty fucking lame when people are activists about things, even if some things need to be fought for, it is just always the worst people who get onboard for that kind of shit….

I am a drunk…which is basically poisoning myself on the daily, destroying my organs and brain the way society wants me to. I am complicit.

I do know that smoking weed is hardly the same thing as getting inebriated, it’s barely a fucking high, lasts 10 minutes, and in my case helps me relax, focus, forget whatever shit I am watching on the streaming apps trying to manipulate my mind…it even lets me have a good night sleep….

I do not subscribe to it being a bad thing….I do subscribe to it being a medicinal thing that is a threat to the Big Pharma industry and that is the reason it is illegal, not because of any science…and not because of any racism…it was just too hard to regulate so market it as bad…

I did see a study that said that weed causes or brings out Schizophrenia in more instances than previously thought, but we’ve always known that…and maybe the brain issues come from not prescribing weed to the crazies, but instead other checmical compounds shoved down their throats….maybe it’s got to do with all the craziness going on in the world….I mean a lot of people were made to be terrified of a virus, each other and forced to sit at home alone and collect government money…..I mean there’s probably other contributing factors to that stat….propaganda fucks…

So as much as I hate activists, lies, the fact that weed is illegal, I don’t hate that girls see the opportunity to pose slutty with weed for attention and potential influencer status…I mean they all need an angle and if smoking weed is your angle…it’s probably more fun than being a fitness influencer who has to workout on camera daily, or a food influencer who has to cook and share recipes everyday, I mean you just get naked and high in bed and get paid..

I don’t know who any of these girls are….but they are weed girls….so stare at them…


Posted in:Weed




Riley Keough Plays a Hooker of the Day

I am going to assume that this is Elvis’ Granddaughter playing a stripper in Zola, I can’t be 100 percent sure, because I don’t believe in Google, they cancelled me my first 5 months into running the site, they prevented me from making millions of dollars like the other bloggers, and they still don’t send me traffic, because they favor the mainstream sites that are likely their shareholders, because the system is fucking RIGGED motherfuckers…

If it is from Zola…the twitter story that could very well be a fucking lie, because the internet is full of liars, it’s the whole point of the internet…but maybe, it’s just a viral tweet that wasn’t positioned to be a viral tweet, because maybe at the time the story went viral, viralality happened semi organically and wasn’t a pay to play model we have now….yes, nothing you see is organically viral, I am convinced of that…so much money gets pumped into these things, that it keeps the people on top…on top…

But let’s say it was a viral twitter story, what a fucking dream for that tweeter, to now be the origin story of a Hollywood movie, all for a fucking series of tweets, I mean people have wanted movie deals, myself included for decades and they never come…imagine all it took was pretending to be a stripper on a road triop with group of idiots…because that’s all it took for these fuckers…

ANYWAY, Riley Keough, Elvis’ granddaughter is stripping in whatever this is, I am a huge Elvis fan so I am into supporting all his work…most recently his final performance video singing Unchianed Melody….what a star…

So I consider Riley Keough’s ass to be Elvis’ legacy…like Graceland but easier to jerk off on, less security cameras….even though everyone is equipped with at least two security cameras that can be hacked and watched…phone and computer fuckers…so remember to always jerk off like you have an audience, cuz you may.


Posted in:Riley Keough




Madonna Titties of the Day

Madonna may have self professed herself being an Illuminati Princess or High Priestess or some shit on her social media last week, which should set off some warning lights or something, but it would make sense since she’s Madonna and probably created by the industry…

Plus, she’s in her 60s and doesn’t look like a traditonal 60 year old, so I’ll go along with her making sacrifices to the demons she worships, maybe even eating the fetal cells of aborted babies that I think celebrities get…..but maybe it’s just BOTOX…I don’t know…

I guess it also makes sense, seeing as she calls herself a high priestess, that her images would be full of the “one eye”, her hands in triangle form, you know a tribute to the powers that be….

But I don’t know much about any of that, I have been running the site for a long time, I’ve had friends obsessed with secret societies since the late 80s, I just don’t bother caring because it barely affects us, even if it runs the world…we’re the slave class…so I can reduce a very senior citizen Madonna to her tits, because I was around when SEX came out and we saw her tits, and I always thought hey were good tits…I am just not sure how I feel about them now that they’ve aged 30 years…but they are STILL tits and that’s what counts…at least enough to ignore the creepy shit this may represent….if you believe in that kind of shit..


Posted in:Madonna|Madonna




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I don’t think I can leave the house without seeing a girl pull her pants out of her vagina at least once. I don’t think this was as common a thing when I was younger, because I know I would have noticed, since I look at a woman’s vagina before looking at her face in every and all scenarios..it’s just my autism, interests, why look in eyes when you can look at their pussy….

Anyway, I don’t think I can leave the house without seeing a girl KEEP her pants in her vagina, because it’s a style choice, maybe some activism, some “I have a pussy hear me roar” feminist shit…that’s really just being an exhibitionist trying to get attention…probably on an animalistic level of “being the female the men try to impregnate to keep the species alive”…but since everyone is a mindless retard, oftentimes on medication, they don’t connect the fucking dots, they just like walking around with their external genitals pretty much exposed…

I am not complaining, I just watched enough animal nature documentaries to know what’s going on, why else would girls want to use their pussy to get it stared at…it’s beyond just “STYLE”…or “Trends”….or being EDGY….it’s deeper than that…

So here’s some pussy wedgies…I fucking love the cameltoe, I’m a fan, and onboard for this trend.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Jojo Lace Lingerie of the Day

Jojo Lace Lingerie

I was just looking up Jojo and the Vaccine, because I want to document all these celebs that are pushing the vaccine, because they are slaves to the system, but I figure if people start dying off from the vaccine, that is apparently not as effective as they said it was because they’re making you Mask again, when masking has been proven to not work at much beyond making yourself look like a complicit asshole…

Anyway, when all the unvaccinated are killed off, or forced to vaccinate, and the vaccianted have weird ass repercussions from the vaccine, but no one to sue, I figure my legacy will be to give you celebs to point the finger at and lay blame on, because if a celebrity tells you to do something…..then they should be held accountable if what they tell you to do makes you sick…right? Right..

Unfortunatley, the only Jojo vaccine propaganda I found was this:

Which is designed to manipulate the minds of children….redheaded children…who in another time would have been labeled a vampire and put out to pasture, but in our era, are allowed to live amongst us…

I actually read an article about the history of redhead hate and it started with Judas being a Redhead, turned Vampire after killing Jesus, and since then the Redheads have been hated….

In conclusion, Jojo has big tits and is a lingerie model because of those tits, and she wants you to know it.


Posted in:JoJo|Jojo Levesque




Ireland Baldwin Bikini of the Day

Ireland Baldwin is a fucking tank…a tank with a bad paint job thanks to all the graffiti she’s permanently etched into her like she’s been to prison….because maybe her spoiled brat life is a prison because she’ll always be in a shadow of her parents….a very nice prison that probably has a 20,000 dollar a week allowance, you know she has a lifestyle to maintain….

The in and out of rehab big girl brings the bikini, which may lack the golden hit to waist ratio we like, you know maybe she looks a little too much like a bearded biker dabbling in transgenderism and not so much like an entitled raised by celebrity narcissistic rich kid who hates herself….but like an instagram model from the early days of instagram, when the “inked” girls were in, before people realized how fucking ugly tattoos are…back when Ireland was less broke and still on her “beachy” contnet hustle…she’s still in bikini and since we know she’s eaten pussy, not just cuz of her size and dude energy, we’ll look onto this bikini pics as the opening scene to a fisting porn….it makes it more fun cuz porn chicks are never as hot as the vile acts they are committing…


Posted in:Ireland Baldwin




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

I just realized I didn’t post Wet Spot Wednesday to start the day at 2 pm, I like my sleep, fuck off…it’s not like you pay me to do this shit, you didn’t even buy my merch when I had it..so fuck off with your criticism and just be glad I’m here today, because I know you LOVE me….or hate me, either way…I forget to post Wet Spot Wednesday…because I hate Wet Spot Wednesday.

Like this site, I started Wet Spot as a joke to make fun of those lame bro sites like The Chive, who do their picture round-up of ugly chicks that for whatever reason makes them millions of dollars a year…

I love pussy, dirty pussy, wet pussy, inflamed pussy…I am about pussy inclusivity….even pussy that has a dick clit or labia you could fly on like it was the dog in Never Ending Story…you know…the magic carpet ride in Aladin…rub it like it’s the genie and make a fucking wish…RIP ROBIN WILLIAMS.

So I’m pretty well versed in life an in internet pussy, I’ll stare at pussy for hours, but there was just something vile about the wet spot…I wondered why girls thought a picture of the wet spot was hot, when clearly you need to film it getting wet so we know why it’s wet, I mean there are a lot of not so hot reasons for a creamy wet spot, most don’t smell all that good, so here are those wet spots…as a pussy lover and a wet panty lover, I just don’t love the Wet Sports….they are gross and that is why I post them…..


Posted in:WetSpot




Elizabeth Banks Ass in a Bikini of the Day

As much as I don’t think Liz Banks is hot, I am just don’t really have an opinion of her really….besides thinking she’s a fucking puppet who pushes the vaccine on people, even though I have a feeling all these celebs are getting saline solutions, not the actual shot, because it’s an experimental medicine that is unproven and rich people are capable of living life totally normally unvaccinated, you know, no one questions whether their Vaccine Passport is legit, they’re famous…

This is what making 100s of millions of dollars looks like from the backyard of the “she must have sucked dick to get famous cuz I don’t think she’s that hot”…bikini topped and dancing around knowing she’s better than you….

This is what making a shitty movie franchise looks like when you’re in your 40s and worht hundreds of millions of dollars, all because she turned GLEE into a spinoff Movie with Anna Kendrick…..

Sure, her success is a bit of a scam, but I guess isn’t really that big of a scam, because the truth is that if you go to the trouble of writing a shitty movie franchise and it goes viral and it makes billions in theatres, you should get your piece….

It’s just too bad that Hollywood is celebrated as hard as they are for making moderately entertaining content…when really they are just paid liars…well paid liars…

She’s currently pushing some podcast called “My Body, My Podcast” about sex, because we’re all perverts…but hollywood people are substantially more perverted…I guess that comes with being evil.

But she did redeem herself when Bezos went to space and she was mad he came back…or at least for the sake of an LOL…despite probably buying all things amazon and she may even be doing this dance to get their attention to give her a 100 million dollar development deal…cuz all these snakes can be bought and have no semblance of the human they may have been before fame…FACT.


Posted in:Elizabeth Banks




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I am pretty sure I mentioned this the other day, you know as an A.D.D. fuck, my brain cycles nonsense on repeat, making everything one big confusing blur, but I was reading the article on that New Orleans fat fuck who either died of COVID because she was or wasn’t vaccinated, and they didn’t refer to her as a fat fuck, but “large for her age”…she was 33…that shit KILLED ME….the woke keep pushing things into a very dumb place where you can’t even say the word “OBESITY”….or maybe they’ll start to want to change what we consider obese and cancel the word obese for the negative connotations, to replace it with LARGE for her age…

I read some other article, yes, I know how to read, barely…I’m finger under each word, read the same sentence 3 times before realizing it’s the same sentence, but it’s still reading….and it was a first person account from a Doctor on how they need to change the word “Plus Sized” and “XL”….because she gained 15 pounds during COVID, is now 10 pounds above “obesity level” and doesn’t fit in an XL so they referred her to the PLUS sized section which traumatized her and is probably why young girls get eating disorders…

I mean…this shit is crazy, you’re a fat fuck, be a fat fuck, stop trying to train us into thinking fat fucks aren’t fat fucks….

I am pretty sure I mentioned that I remember the movie What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, that mom was a fucking pig of a woman, she may have even got nominated for an Oscar for her perfomance, and everyone was so fucking grossed out by the sight of her greasy, poor, white obesity….and now that’s all you see at Walmart….

You can see 10 Gilbert Grape moms a day if you just leave your house and most will be in spandex…..pretending they’re hot cuz they get fucked on TINDER nightly…or people pay to see them eat Hoagies while fisting themselves…

When all motherfuckers need to do is find fucking fitness, start working out, live a longer, better life…Obesity is the fucking PANDEMIC ya’ll should be worried about…even. if it shows the corporations how good of a consumer you are….it’s bad…now do what I do at the gym and stare at ass…


Posted in:Workout