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I am – stepLINKS of the Day

My computer fell on the ground today and almost ended my internet career. I was pretty pissed off because I have yet to seduce a woman on the internet like most people I know have. I don’t know what is stopping me, maybe it’s my impotency, maybe it’s my wife, but it’s probably because I […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

Today was a day for walking. I realize that I am getting pretty much no where with with the site. My stepdaughter asked me to get her tickets to see Bloc Party so I emailed the cocksuckers at Vice who told me there would be no way to get me on the list. Nice fucking […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

Today has been an exciting day of not being allowed to vote because I am not on the voter’s list and only finding that out after waiting in line for over 45 minutes. Today has been about trying to get money from my wife to buy a cigar but not finding any in her purse, […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I said I would do the stepLINKS and I did them and that isn’t really saying much since you don’t actually click the fucking links. It’s like I scour the fucking internet lookin for decent shit to link up fo no fucking reason and I guess that’s pretty much the story of my life. I […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

Here’s the kind of emails I get because my site is so fucking classy…. Dear drunkenstepfather.com, I’m emailing you today to request a link exchange between our website and yours. I found your website http://www.drunkenstepfather.com by searching Google for “Genital Warts”. I think our websites have a similar theme to your’s, so I am interested […]




I am – Lohan in GQ of the Day

Lohan is my kind of girl. She’s up on cool shit like smoking opium and hipsters and she just doesn’t give a fuck about pretty much anything. She fucks with the media, she goes to rehab only to come out of rehab and continue what she is doing, while pretending that she’s not doing it […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I have 2 DVDs to giveaway. I am really big time now, because I am giving away a straight to video movie you’ve never heard of, but it means I am a success to me. When I first started this I couldn’t even get a free coffee at the local coffee shop, even though all […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I just did these stepLINKS while sitting on the toilet because it is the only place I find privacy I was never into taking long shits and never understood the people who make a ritual out of siting, brining in magazines, books, ipods, videogame consoles, drinks and whatever else they do, but today everyone in […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

It’s the weekend. Here are my links. I just chugged 6 Japanese beers and I think I am drunk. I’d have more to say but some drunk guy is screaming at me from outside my apartment. I am supposed to go see naked chicks at some underground club he heard of. I am pretty sure […]




I am – America’s Next Top Models are Naked of the Day

My stepdaughter is all up on this America’s Next Top model shit and so is every fag I come across in my day who says that shit is “Fierce”. I have never seen it because I don’t have a TV but I did have these pics from tonight’s show sent to me and they are […]