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I am – stepLINKS of the Day

My site is running slow.. but I need to post these links…so this took me an hour to get up and they are fucking awesome, if awesome to you means shit…because I suck at steplinks…I am forced to watch the OC as I go through all of this pain of being the coolest site on […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

So Raymi the Minx wins the blogger awards, possibly because of your voting on her from here. Let’s face it I have had a huge part in making this girl famous over the last 2 years. Unfortunately, like all people who think they’ve “made it”, they leave the small guys in the dust. Since the […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day – Full Screech Sex Tape

I cater this site to the virgins..because I assume 96% of people on the internet are virgins who come to the internet to jerk off to the 4% of sluts who post pics of themselves but every once in a while, I email someone who has read the site before and that said person, virgin […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I missed Oprah today and that really upsets me. It’s thrown off my whole trying to live like a housewife plan. The highlight of last week’s Oprah is when she started talking about the shape of her shit, she said that some of her shits were C-shaped and some of them were S-shaped…it was pretty […]




I am – Kim Kardashian’s Big Boobs of the Day….

I went out for a sandwich cuz the sandwich guy gives me free sandwiches. He knows I am a hurtbag. I got pretty fucking annoyed because they didn’t have what I wanted and I feel like beggars should be choosers, otherwise they’ll always get second best. I went to starbucks to get a free coffee […]




I am – Kim Kardashian's Big Boobs of the Day….

I went out for a sandwich cuz the sandwich guy gives me free sandwiches. He knows I am a hurtbag. I got pretty fucking annoyed because they didn’t have what I wanted and I feel like beggars should be choosers, otherwise they’ll always get second best. I went to starbucks to get a free coffee […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I love that out of the 10 people who read this site, 5 of you email me asking to hang out and you are dudes. I generally don’t meet men off the internet…so you may be out of luck. I do however meet men who take me to movies, but not in a gay way, […]




I am -stepLINKS of the Day

This is a message I came across on Facebook: hey love! Just checking up on you… wanted to know if theyve cured that nasty rash you know where! Remember im here for you no matter what std you may be sporting babe xoxox These are my links: Some Really Hot Girl Who Obviously Knows What’s […]




I am – DrunkenstepLINKS of the Day

Those fuckers at TMZ refused to link me when they first started and now I know why. They are fucking huge. I just watched local news and they were on it for the Kramer video. These fuckers land all the HUGE videos and if I was them, I wouldn’t link to me either….On the positive […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I know my posts were not celebrity/nudity influenced today and that traffic is going to really suffer because all 10 of you are here to see Paris’ latest nip slip. I know that all I had today was a video of some jackass dancing and an Interview by some dude pretending to be Abi Titmuss…but […]