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I am – Paris Hilton's Fiance: Rich and Greek

Greek people know shipping, and lucky for Paris Hilton’s fiance, daddy knew it well, leaving him a trust fund that allows her to see past his dirty greek looks and his afinity for fucking little boys up the ass. It’s true, all Greek people like anal sex, it’s not just a stereotype, and rumor has […]




I am – Paris Hilton Nip Slip

We have all seen her nipples so many fuckin times, and we know that it’s really not at all interesting, but I will post them anyway, because all nip slips lack a whole lot on the stimulation front, and by stimulation I don’t mean erection, I mean that we are de-sensitized, nip slips are so […]




I am – Sucking Paris Hilton’s Dick

Nicole Richie is out of the Simple Life show, thank god, she’s too good for that shit. I have said it before and will say it again Nicole Richie is better than that whore Paris, and all her trust fund uselessness has to offer. Anyway, the point of this post is to say that now […]




I am – Sucking Paris Hilton's Dick

Nicole Richie is out of the Simple Life show, thank god, she’s too good for that shit. I have said it before and will say it again Nicole Richie is better than that whore Paris, and all her trust fund uselessness has to offer. Anyway, the point of this post is to say that now […]




I am – Paris Hilton’s Pants

I am not actually her pants and why would I want to be. I have seen this girl fuck, and it’s about as interesting as watching a Bridge Tournament at an old folks home. I know all you people reading this are like “why post Paris, she’s so played out” and you need to know, […]




I am – Paris Hilton's Pants

I am not actually her pants and why would I want to be. I have seen this girl fuck, and it’s about as interesting as watching a Bridge Tournament at an old folks home. I know all you people reading this are like “why post Paris, she’s so played out” and you need to know, […]




I am – Paris Hilton in the club

I am really not too sure what they hell Paris is up to, but I don’t know if I mind. Any girl in a club, showing off her ass, willing to make out with girls on her camera phone topless, and even release a sex tape, is someone who exudes a certain level of confidence. […]




I am – Paris Hilton Email

Well if you thought this scandal would end with the topless lesbian cell phone pictures, celebrity phone book and personal notebook then you would have been wrong. The scandal surronding the hacking of Paris Hilton’s sidekick is about to get bigger. Everyone it seems forgot that she has those t-mobile email/text messages on the server […]




I am – Nicky Hilton Nose Pickin’

Upset with to constant phone calls and emails, Nicky Hilton runs to the store to buy some comfort food and fish last night’s cocaine out of her nose. I remember when I was hitting coke on the regular back in the early 80s, I would always go diggin after a hard night, looking for a […]




I am – Nicky Hilton Nose Pickin'

Upset with to constant phone calls and emails, Nicky Hilton runs to the store to buy some comfort food and fish last night’s cocaine out of her nose. I remember when I was hitting coke on the regular back in the early 80s, I would always go diggin after a hard night, looking for a […]