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stepLINKS of the Day

I haven’t been doing the stepLINKS daily, and it’s been the best thing in the fucking world…. It’s summer, it’s nice outside, the ladies are half naked, I get inspired by all the tits I see, which is weird because you’d think at this point in the game, I’d be over it, you know jaded […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s nice to see that the people are starting to speak up about the insanity that they’ve normalized… Whether it’s drag queen shit, child trans shit, and all the brands that we support or consume hoping on the trend to appease a smaller percentage of freaks on the internet who whine about the injustices they […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The funny thing about the internet giving everyone weird WEBMD mental health issues….or makes them self diagnose weird mental health issues…. Self proclaimed autistic bi-polar anxiety schizos, using all the clinical terms while medicating for said self diagnosed issues…. Being the most annoying people on the internet, with their libtard blue hair vaccine breath gender […]




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I find it insane to see how many medical workers get naked on the internet…. It’s almost as if they aren’t even medical workers, because I would assume medical workers were really responsible humans with real and demanding jobs who have no time to take nudes between shifts, or on shifts…. I’d think it’d be […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Watch out for the anti-christ this weekend, since he’s definitely upon us.. There’s no way this world’s not going the wrong way in a bad way fast….from the news, to the culture, to the bastardization and distortion and corruption of the American dream….destroying impressionable half retard medicated minds along the way…..it’s fuckin’ crazy and we […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I saw some reputable person post something about mental health and social media use, where they’ve read studies that people who tend to engage in trolling also rank high in traits of psychopathy, low empathy, sadism, narcissism….etc. I guess they were coming to a realization that the trolls they deal with are actually just nut […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The system is rigged….but that doesn’t mean it can’t be rigged in your favor…it just generally isn’t rigged in the favor of people who cry about how the system is rigged…because the people who the system is rigged for are too busy having a good time in this simulation…. FUCKERS. Here are some stepLINKS…. Cam […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am actually shocked by those who live amongst us…. I am the first to admit I live in this weird internet celebrity bubble of hermit-tude and I have for almost 2 decades…. But when I talk to people, even people I know, or have known for over 20 years….I feel like I am in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Funny how the ugliest ones are the most vain…. Funny how the people who present themselves as the stereotype of what they pretend to be…it’s kinda racist, sexist, weird….especially when the world buys into the troll.. Day 1 of being a hamster, I shit in wood chips, drink water off a ball bearing and run […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Are you ready for another grocery store story, it’s all I got…. Well, I was in the dairy aisle buying my wife some cheese products to shut her fat ass up, and there was a young couple, all well dressed and sophisticated, and they were both wearing one of those duck bill COVID masks like […]