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stepLINKS of the Day

The way I see it, either you’re pro freedom or a demonic, satanic hybrid who loves being enslaved and hates seeing other people free… If you are against freedom then you have no respect for the human experience because freedom is everything and basically worth fighting for.. It’s dark times for FREEDOM today, especially in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Get in blackface like your fearless leaders to celebrate Black History Month like a true LIBERALS….yet they are the one calling people racists…MAKES YOU WONDER….and it reminds me nothing makes sense…that’s the point… I’ve been seeing Gay people with their triple vaccines pushing the narrative of exclusivity, keep the heathen anti-vaxxers out of society, like […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I have been having a lot of conversations with relatively confused people around here because the vaccine passports are happening and they don’t really make sense based on anything I read, other than for social control or population control from an evil totalitarian regime that wants to manage your every move because society or the […]




Rita Ora Bikini Dance of the Day

Rita Ora is a funny personality, .I mean not comedically funny, but funny in a QUEER way…but queer in its traditional form of “weird” not in its current form of “weird”….you know what I mean… She’s queer, but not queer, but maybe queer cuz she did have a threesome and she is here with some […]




stepLINKS of the Day

If you want proof that technology makes us dumber, try to remember the phone numbers of the people you talk to, I know you’l have a few in there from before cell technology cuz we’re old fucks, but any new numbers in your life, you probably don’t really remmeber…. There was a time, your phonebook […]




Annalynne McCord Cold Plunge of the Day

I think I saw AnnaLynne McCord went viral for claiming to have multi-personality disorder or some other crazy shit that you’d expect from an actor because with every role they have they lose part of their souls, unless they are just the kind of actors who play themselves in every movie, in which case they […]




stepLINKS of the Day

How’s the brainwashing treating all you fools? The biggest risk for the traditional government is probably that the middle class and the bottom of the barrel class get rich or at least financial security….because financial security is true freedom or some shit….they want to keep you all oppressed man…open your eyes man…division is power man…don’t […]




stepLINKS of the Day

All I know is the sound of whatever construction going on outside is giving me flashbacks of trying to have sex with my wife’s sand paper, cat tongue-like pussy….back when she first hit menopause and was a creeky barn door pussied bitch…. So today’s , I tied leaving a comment on Facebook…. It was about […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Remember that the new generation of women hate men more than the last generation of women and the last generation of women hated men a lot….so you’re all pretty fucking screwed if you are into women…which may be why men are turning into women, you know to finally get laid as women, knowing that the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The world may be a horrible place, at least on the internet, everything is just nuts and not in a bust a nut kind of way you’d expect with all the hot chicks getting naked but in an intense and crazy and political and combative way…it’s really outrageous…. Well to make things worse, or even […]