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Archive for the Miley Cyrus Category




Miley Cyrus is Back on Tour of the Day

Miley Cyrus is back on tour…in what I call a welcome back from an allergic reaction to whatever drugs she was on when she had the drug overdose heart attack…miracle…that may have been more of a miracle if it ended in death…

The show must go on….especially when it was more a recreational drug use, and not a tormented soul trying to kill herself drug use…her handlers and everyone with their hand in her pockets couldn’t cancel more shows, she’s got money to make, and this is a Disney trained superstar was born ready to jack her leotard in her asshole..…Here’s a bunch of her silliness in concert….

My favorite move is when she queefs not he mike….party tricks!


Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Annoying Dance Party of the DAy

Miley Cyrus is one of the girls you’d punch in the face if you were allowed to punch a girl in the face because she’s got one of those faces, but legally, you can’t punch anybody in the face, even if what they do to you is far worse than you punching them in the face….I’m talking a girl can cheat on you, divorce you and take half your money and your soul with her, causing emotional damage, that leads to you unable to work, causing you to go bankrupt…destroying you…yet when you beat the fuck out of the guy she fucked you over for, you go to jail…

Life’s not fair…not because Miley did any of those things, but because she exists and can’t be punished, and never was punished, but was just celebrated because she made everyone around her too much money…

Here’s her annoying dance you wish ended in a drug overdose heart attack:

And Here it is in Slow motion

I like this Miley better….

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley’s New Naked Video of the Day

Miley Cyurs made a new video with her naked – taped up tits – having a good time covered in what I assume is feces – and the internet didn’t collapse…or care…because Miley, even when having drug overdoses and drug addiction since allergic reactions don’t lead to week long detox in the hospital…

She’s overexposed, she doesn’t matter, maybe it would have been a better stunt to die instead of live and just cancel her tour – cuz she’s peaked….but I still like her scrawny, entitled, bratty, inbred hick with a horrible voice and ass…because I’m like K-Fed.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Hospital Porn of the Day

Am I wrong in thinking that the ideal Miley Cyrus hospital porn takes place in a code blue or whatever it is they call the bitch gone into a flatline, because she’s lived too long, too well, with no respect for the world or herself and that kind of punishment from God, on a religious day like Easter just makes sense…it’s like stop planting santanic demon shit in the mind of our youth, even though we like young girls in leotards jacked up their ass twerking…making me think maybe Miley is onto something, and maybe she did flatline last week, that’s why she’s still in the hospital, and maybe this is her resurrection like she was the Messiah and the world will follow her jiggle her ass like an identity crisis rich kid with no clue…because that is her calling…

Either way, girls debilitated on breathing machines, are porn to you, because it means they can’t outrun you…weirdo.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Drug Overdose of the Day

Miley Cyrus was hospitalized.

The reason was a bad reaction to antibiotics she was taking due to a vaginal infection she got from her pants being jacked up her cunt so hard that it got infected….that has left her in the hospital for another night, because that’s not what happens when you have an allergic reaction to anything, they just epipen you and wait a few hours before sending you home.

I like to think that it was an attempted suicide, or a heart attack from some drug overdose, or anorexia…that probably should have left her dead, but that didn’t because she’s strategic and has a team around her that won’t let her die, even if she wants to because she makes them too much money.

I know that whatever reports we are reading, are all lies, she’s likely not even the one tweeting, they just have a college marketing grad who they pay to write “retarded”…a craft that is funnier than hearing her hick, many voice…

All this to say, who care, she’s better off dead, she offers no good to the world, and has done all she needs to do here…and it’s all fading into obscurity from here…


Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Dancing with her Sister for Instagram of the Day

Miley Cyrus is a good influence on her tween sister. It’s like she’s paving the way to erotic stripper dancing, making it okay for her when she comes up to do something a little more hardcore now that Miley’s exhausted the options. Not to mention, she’s coming to age in a broken home now that Achy Breaky and Stripper mom are split up, and that alone can make for some good times when coupled with trying to outdo the sister, a drug addiction from having too much money and being raised in Hollywood, and all the other good stuff that comes with the recipe for disaster that comes with being Noah Cyrus…

So here’s part one of the demise…the instagram twerk.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Topless Haircut of the Day

Miley Cyrus got a lesbian haircut topless and figured that she should share it in the world, because getting a lesbian haircut topless isn’t something she’d want to do in private, it’s something the fans should be in on, because she’s an attention seeking slut.

Not that I’m complaining, I’m indifferent, it’s just when girls you know do this kind of thing, everyone calls them sluts, when Miley does it, it’s good content…

I don’t get it, in fact it bores me…Miley’s peaked…give me new young starlet to anticipate topless pics from, these one have been done…did.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus for Elle of the Day

There’s something pretty weird about someone like Miley posing for a magazine, in some fashion shoot, all hipster wearing clothes and being subtle, I mean is she trying to fool us into thinking she’s a serious boy wonder and her stage show is just a show, while at home, she is more covered up, you know with a jacket over her leotard, rather than her leotard jacked up her twat…

I don’t know how I feel about her, I’m over it, she’s got as far as she can and now everything she does is boring. She’s like a porn chick who’s already done anal scene before getting started, there’s nothing to work towards…but I’ll post this nonsense anyway….

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




TOP 9 Miley Cyrus Performing in NYC of the Day

Sure they all look the same, but here are the best 9 pics of her show in NYC…that you can masturbate to, if you’re not bored of Miley Cyrus like the rest of the fucking world.










Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Cries During a Performance of the Day

I don’t know why I find girls crying…whether alone in the bottom of a shower, or outside of a bar while drunk, or even while performing in front of thousands of people…highly erotic.

I think it is because I am in tune with my emotions and respect a woman who can really bring out hers, because as you know women never cry….or maybe, just maybe, it is because crying, despite being a natural release, is the gateway to being a broken, battered and letting all that pent up repressed sadness from self-hatred through a sex tape, amazingness.

Highlight of the day.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus