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Archive for the Britney Spears Category




Britney Spears’ Womanizer Video of the Day

I was watching 20/20 or whatever news show they premiered this video on Friday, because I was out of town for Canadian Thanksgiving Turkey dinner at my wife’s aunt’s house and they have TV. So besides getting wasted on wine, making fun of their kid for being a homo when he was dancing around like a girl, getting in a fight with on of their friends who was some angry dude from the Islands about Hockey, because I don’t watch sports and sports seem to be the only thing he does besides stripclubs, talking to the grandpa about lesbian shows at strip clubs and whether they actually lick the pussy or pretend to lick the pussy and learning about the reason tranny prostitutes exist, which is because of a loophole in the law that makes it legal, where paying a girl for blowjobs is illegal, I took the time to watch Britney and all her personalities, naked and in various states of crazy for her new song, that is better played on mute. Here’s that video for those who weren’t as lucky as me to see it when it first dropped Friday Night.

On a side note, I think she looks a lot better than any tranny prostitute I’ve seen, even if fucking her for money is illegal…Kevin Federline.

Posted in:Britney Spears|Womanizer




Britney Spears Does it for the Kids of the Day

I wonder who’s amazing idea it was to let the crazy lady play with innocent, unsuspecting kids. I remember when I was a kid, my foster parents took us on a trip to visit some religious cult in the mountains during the winter. Now I don’t know how familiar you are with religious cults, but they tend to breed insane fucking offspring. Sure the parents are all recovering addicts, fucked up people trying to get reformed, or just molestors figuring attaching themselves to something seemingly normal will distract the other parents from realizing that they like jerking off little boys. One night the parents had some Jesus dance, that was probably an orgy or something else twisted and distorted for God and they left this goth, before goth was really popular, who had been institutionalized numerous times for drugs and attempted suicide and assault and battery, fat 15 year old daughter of one of the families in the group to watch over the 5 kids of the other people in the group. Within five minutes of being left alone with the psycho, she was putting knives to are necks, threatening to burn down the house and even locked me outside in my pajamas to fend for myself because I called her out for being a fucking nutcase and making the other kids cry. In retrospect, I would rather have spent the night with her, than be alone with Britney Spears, despite how financially beneficial Britney is for ever dude who ever sticks his dick in her, she still remains and unstable mess of a person and I am pretty sure her pussy doesn’t smell like roses, unless those roses are dipped in rotting flesh, in which case she may smell like those specific roses, but not the roses you buy your mom on Mother’s Day.

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Sex Tape Rumored Pics of the Day

So everyone knows that whole Britney thing hit yesterday, where the garbage paparazzi have video of her fucking for 20 minutes with some immigrant photographer and he’s shopping it around…well someone sent me these pictures and this email…

Mother of the year, BRITNEY SPEARS, is making headlines, once again for her music… I mean her snatch. Apparently, there are some leaked naked pics of her (shocking), from her days running around with Adnan (possibly even a sex tape)… Anyway, one of my stations posted censored pics… here’s the REAL deal — is this HER? Can you tell from her va-jay-jay?? Classy.

Obviously, these aren’t her, she shaved her head and had ratty extensions and is reportedly wearing a pink wig in the video, but who knows, maybe I’m wrong, considering I’m always wrong according to my wife and my track record. So I’ll post them and let you be the judge.

These are almost NSFW, so if you’re a potential advertiser, pretend you didn’t see this. Asshole.

Posted in:Britney Spears|Sex Tape




Britney Spears’ Titty Action of the Day

I don’t know if these Britney tit pics are old or not, I don’t even know if I’ve posted them before or not, but I am posting them again because I have nothing better to do and because Britney Spears’ crazy tits even if they are old, tired, used up and medicated are better than no tits.

Posted in:Britney Spears|Tits




Britney Spears Owned the VMAs of the Day

Britney Spears dominated the VMAs and I missed her opening act because I was trying to get to my friend’s house to watch the shit and got distracted along the way. He said it was with the dude from Superbad or someshit and that it was kinda funny, but I am too lazy to look for it because my state issued therapist told me that I need to learn how to let go of the past and move on….

I did see her win 2 or 3 awards and the entire time she sounded sane, medicated and polite. I guess her management is serious about getting her back into the scene and have trained her properly to be normal and as each award came, her manager and exloiter, Larry Rudolph got more and more excited as he say the balance in his bank account get bigger and bigger.

She looked better than she has in a while but still needs to hit the gym for another 6 months and despite not being excited about her comeback, I don’t really care, I just liked her better when she was crazy, unwashed and exposing her body parts to the world because she didn’t give a fuck. Playing it safe is boring, embracing your insanity is exciting because you never know what you are going to get and crazy chicks are like porn to me. Either way, here are ssome pics of Britney.

Posted in:Britney Spears|Uncategorized|VMA




Britney Spears in Her Bikini on Labor Day of the Day

So Britney is on some diet to try and get her body back into her original teenage goodness, I don’t think it’ll happen because she’s had a bunch of kids, but I do think she looks better than her sloppy crazy covered in dirt and probably stinky self of a few months ago, despite the fact that I like sloppy dirt covered girls because it usually means they have given up and when a girl has given up she usually lets guys like me inside them, knowing that it’s something they’d never do if they were of sound body as mind, but it makes no difference to me, except for the whole trying to ignore the tears running down their face so I can focus and finish what I’ve started and having the girl I’m inside crying is a buzzkill, but definitely not a deal breaker, once I get going, there’s no way I’m stopping, if you know what I mean.

Britney is actually inspiring and I figure if she can do it, so can I, so yesterday, I decided to do some moderate exercise to start the day in hopes of getting fit so I can leave my wife for some hotter, richer, older lady lookin’ for a Mexican who doesn’t pass out walking up a flight of stairs, so there I was trying to do jumping jacks, naked, with no blinds when my psycho eastern European neighbor who constantly yells at her dog and kids like they were back in communist country and has even threatened to call the cops on me at least 40 times for various insane reasons, saw me. She didn’t turn away, like I would if I got busted lookin at a chick naked from her fire escape, she just stared, laugh and shook her head, I think she even went to get her camera to post the shit on youtube, but I had done my 5 jumping jacks at that point and decided to give up on the whole exercise, but thankfully Britney hasn’t and here’s her new body.

Posted in:Bikini|Britney Spears




Britney Spears Shows Off Her Panties of the Day

I don’t know if this upskirt is old or new, because Britney’s not one for trying to keep her legs crossed, proven with the fact that she’s got two kids and all the pictures that have hit over the last couple years, but she’s wearing underwear, which makes me think they are newer, since her dad does an underwear check before she leaves the house everyday, not because he’s trying to clean up her image, but because he likes seeing the pussy he made, like he’s God or some shit, which is okay since he’s from the South and her pussy is like his pick-up truck, he can ride it anytime he wants.

What he didn’t tell Britney is that she’s got the hairiest backs of her thigh out there, and that’s not really something that makes me think clean, hygenic or shaved. I was walking in the gay part of town lookin’ for some tranny whores last night and one of the latina ones was wearing a mini skirt half way down his ass and no panties, dude was showing about 3/4 of his ass like he was a frat boy mooning the campus as part of his hazing, and his shit was groomed better than Britney’s and dude gives blowjobs in alley’s for 20 bucks, making me think she’s really go no excuse for this disgusting laziness.

Either way, here are the pics….

Posted in:Britney Spears|Panties




Britney Spears Has a See Through Shirt On With a Bra of the Day

I was convinced that something was in the air on Saturday night that made everyone fucking crazy. I am not sure what it was, but maybe I was wasted and having some kind of psychological / paranoid episode where I just thought everyone around me was acting weird, like the time I did mushrooms and ended up trying to take a nap in the middle of a highway before my friend with me saved my life about 30 seconds before I would have got run the fuck over, or the time I did bad E and it put kicked me in the ass and made me sit in the corner of the all nice dance party I was at, scared of everyone who came by because they had skeleton faces and I thought they were trying to rape my soul. I figured it was a full moon or something, but turned out that it wasn’t and when I was out, I saw a bouncer get smashed in the head with a beer bottle by a kid who weighed about 140 pounds and who was quickly taken outside and beaten the fuck up, I saw kids on the street kicking the fuck out of BMW X5 and trying to throw punches at the driver before the driver threw his drink all over them, pulled a U-turn and ran over their feet, I saw the dude I invited home with me in his underwear because he had lost his pants before realizing that I didn’t want a dude in his underwear to be the only motherfucker at my hot tub party and a dude I know had a gun pulled on him because he went home with some guy’s girlfriend and the guy found out, but by far the strangest event that went down on Saturday was that Britney Spears put on a bra under her see through shirt so that no one could see her dumpy, aimin’ to the ground, mom nipples….

Posted in:Bra|Britney Spears|See Through




Britney Spears is in a Brown Bikini of the Day

Britney Spears wears her brown bikini to erase her potential shit stains from not wiping her ass properly which is the same reason why my wife used to wear red underwear for the week of her period back before she gave up on life and would take the time to use tampons instead of what she does now that pretty much makes anywhere she sits or lays down look like a murder scene. I guess this is Britney’s way of telling the world that she hasn’t fully given up yet and there’s still more of her to give us.

The whole thing reminds me of opening my fridge yesterday out of dire hunger and finding absolutely nothing to eat, because my wife beat me to it, but opened the vegetable crisper out of desperation, only to find 2 rotten cucumbers that had probably been there for 6 months, not quite long enough to be dried up and easy to clean. After gagging at the fuckin’ smell that was worse than any rank pussy I’ve met, I figured if I don’t clean it no one will and leaving it there for another 6 months wasn’t condusive to getting my life together. Now I am not the best cleaner or most coordinated person out there so as I tried dumping it into an old grocery bag, I missed and shit exploed all over the floor, polluting the air with rotten cucumber smell and a brown gel like substance that was once nutritious eats. As I scrubbed the floor like the bitch that I am, all I could think about was that this was probably exatly what Britney’s underwear looks like when it isn’t all brown, strategically selected by her stylist to help clean up her dirty little image.

Posted in:Britney Spears|Brown Bikini




Britney Spears Leaving a Gym Wearing a Bra of the Day

Britney Spears has really made a comeback and that upsets me. I was so happy when I found out that she wasn’t this cookie cutter popstar and actually had some mental issues, that I now think were just staged and an extension of being a lazy rich brat and not actual mental illness, and I hate seeing her leaving the gym everyday, slowly getting back to where she once was, becasue I like my women crazy. I am talking feces throwing, running around naked crazy because crazy girls are crazy in bed and well put together, mentally stable girls are just fuckin’ boring. So, I need a girl who pisses herself in public places just because she feels like it and smells like a men’s washroom without a urinal cake at all times because the snowsuit she wears in the middle of summer hasn’t been washed in a decade, just because I know she’ll be too busy punching herself in the face to say no to me.

Posted in:Bra|Britney Spears|Gym