I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Britney Spears Category




I am – Britney Spears Cleavage Pics of the Day


I am not that interested in Britney Spears, because I am convinced this bitch is doing all this for record sales. I am talking her custody battle, her head shaving and all that vagina slipping.

I am pretty interested in the 2 ambulance drivers who were in line for coffee in front of me, not cuz I am a fag but because they were. They were both flaming queers and I didn’t realize that flaming queers do much more than being ridiculously fabulous at their cocaine sex parties. I was a little confused how they ended up in this line of work, I figured that maybe it was the hope of saving other fags from drug overdoses on the night shift, or maybe the fact that they get to see lots of men half naked, or at least they can get men naked when they are trying to save their lives. I was also confused as to how they both ended up on the same shift, because if I was a boss, I’d never let the queers work that closely together unsupervised because within the first few minutes they’d be sucking each other off….but then I realized that maybe all the downtime of waiting for old people die is a great gig to have if you can work with someone who will suck you off.

Speaking of fags, here’s some Britney cleavage pics because I’d totally fuck her tits up the ass.

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Posted in:Boobs|Britney Spears|cleavage|Unsorted




I am – Britney Spears Vagina Shot of the Day


I am pretty slow on this because I am pretty fucking hungover. I guess that’s what happens when you drink but drinking shouldn’t be an excuse for me because I try to always be drunk.

I decided that I want to do a video of doing things sober and proving that I can do the same task while drunk…like important shit like performing surgery on someone, operating heavy machinery and whatever else you consider important. I probably won’t do it because I hear the camera adds 10 pounds so I wouldn’t fit in the frame but lucky for you, Britney’s vagina does.

I am not going to write the standard shit about how it probably smells like cheetos or that she’s so dirty and gross because I don’t care what people say and it looks pretty nice and well contained to me and because I am sure the women reading this have way grosser shit going on in their pants and have probably had a lot more unprotected cock than Britney ever has, but you just don’t realize that you’re a slut because you don’t want to admit that shit to yourself and because all your friends are sluts too and because you let the guys wine and dine you while the whole world isn’t watching you so you think you have self-respect. But we know what’s really going on with your meaty fucking junk.

I overheard some chick ranting about Britney replacing the words to the song “Gimme More” with “I’m a Whore”, I felt like my brain had just been raped by her bad joke that she thinks is genius and probably dropping to everyone she sees like she just found the cure to cancer…speaking of rape now you can live out those Britney rape fantasies with a picture of her box, instead of that useless drawing you made on the back of a cocktail napkin.

Some Recent Britney Upskirt Action
Britney Spears Side Lip Vagina Shot
Britney Spears Vagina Shots
Britney Spears Almost Vagina Shots

Posted in:Box|Britney Spears|Cunt|Shaved|Uncategorized|Unsorted|Upskirt|Vagina




I am – Some Britney Spears Upskirt Action of the Day


I guess Britney’s so desensitized to the paparazzi that she don’t mind flashing them her panties or nipples, because they have pretty much raped her life the last few years and she’s in a position of no privacy. I guess it could also be because she’s medicated, attention craving, or just a trashy bitch that doesn’t know how to keep her vagina in her dirty pants, but I like to think it’s the same reason why you’ve made the move to tranny porn. Sure you were always into chicks but you watched so much normal porn that shit just doesn’t do it for you and seeing a tranny getting her titties sucked just gets you going. I could be wrong, it does happen you know, probably a lot more than me being right, but I’ll never admit that to anyone cuz that would show weakness.

Here are those Britney Upskirt and Nipple pics:

Bonus –
Watch Jamie Lynn Spears Bitching Out the Paparazzi

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Britney Spears Upskirt Pictures

Posted in:Ass|Britney Spears|Nipple Slip|Panty|Unsorted|Upskirt|Wedgie




I am – Britney's New Video Gimme More Leak of the Day

The only leak I expect coming from Britney was one that came from her rancid vagina or maybe even her asshole that she’s lost complete control of since the babies, not because she’s got a medical issue, but because she’s lazy.

So as the number 1 song in America right now, this new video is a big deal, almost as big of a deal to the world as her going to rehab, losing her kids but getting visitation rights, or that she got her driver’s license on Tuesday but refused to do a drug test and some dude’s shopping around her sex tape….

Reality is that we really shouldn’t give a fuck about this mess, but I know that whenever you hit up a club and this shit drops, every girl in the place is going to slut dance, and despite having no respect for club sluts, I got no issue with watching them dance around or cumming on their faces or at least pretending that I am cumming on their faces when I in reality I am just creepin’ out in the corner cuz I am really just too drunk to walk.

Here’s the video.

Posted in:Britney Spears|Gimme More|Leak|Unsorted|Video




I am – Britney’s New Video Gimme More Leak of the Day

The only leak I expect coming from Britney was one that came from her rancid vagina or maybe even her asshole that she’s lost complete control of since the babies, not because she’s got a medical issue, but because she’s lazy.

So as the number 1 song in America right now, this new video is a big deal, almost as big of a deal to the world as her going to rehab, losing her kids but getting visitation rights, or that she got her driver’s license on Tuesday but refused to do a drug test and some dude’s shopping around her sex tape….

Reality is that we really shouldn’t give a fuck about this mess, but I know that whenever you hit up a club and this shit drops, every girl in the place is going to slut dance, and despite having no respect for club sluts, I got no issue with watching them dance around or cumming on their faces or at least pretending that I am cumming on their faces when I in reality I am just creepin’ out in the corner cuz I am really just too drunk to walk.

Here’s the video.

Posted in:Britney Spears|Gimme More|Leak|Unsorted|Video




I am – Possibly the Britney Spears Sex Tape of the Day

Britney Spears Sex Tape

So I was emailed saying that this is the Britney Spears sex tape that is rumored to exist but that probably doesn’t exist. I don’t really know how to recognize people very well and everyone kinda looks the same to me but I thought Britney would be fatter and more disgusting smelling. I’d also would have though she would make more barnyard sounda and possibly piss and shit herself and take a break for snacks and drinks. There’s no way a dude would ever go down on her and despite this chick being a lazy fuck, I still call bullshit. There’s no way this is Britney Spears, it’s just some other slut who lets herself get filmed because she thinks no one will see it or because she thinks it’ll make her famous, but watch for yourself and decide because I am usually wrong and based on that logic that means that this is actually Britney. I felt obligated to post it because that’s what I am here for and because her new video is about to drop so I figure drawing more attention to herself being a disaster is good for sales, she’s already Billboard’s Top 3 songs, and the world’s number 1 digital download, proving that insanity does sell records…Britney isn’t crazy she’s just a marketing genius.

Watch the Britney Sex Tape that I Don’t Think is the Britney Sex Tape…

Posted in:Britney Spears|Fake|Sex Tape|Unsorted




I am – Britney Spears Uses a Handicap Public Bathroom of the Day


Here are some pictures of Britney Spears using a public bathroom for Handicap people because no matter how big you are, literally and figuratively, you are never too important to use the bathroom, because when you gotta go, you gotta go. The big surprise in this is that there’ no toilet paper hanging out of her dress, or dragging along the ground stuck to her shoe and all I keep wondering is not whether she washed her hands, but whether she even bothered wiping….Was she the kind of girl who hovers over the seat, or the kind who doesn’t even bother putting the seat down, did she take a pee, or a poo or was it a drug stop….or was she just going in to check herself out in the mirror to make sure who wig was on proper…because keeping up appearances is one of her hobbies. I guess the real health concern in all this is that the poor fucker who uses the toilet after her, may have some serious issues in 4-8 weeks.

I hate public bathrooms, sure I have passed out in my fair share, but I would never use a public toilet, I’d rather shit myself. I don’t care what all those studies say about the impossibility of getting an STD from the shit, because I know one night while high on GHB with a group of friends in a club 10 years ago, we all got the shits. And had no choice but to go….and coincidentally every single one of us got crabs. I know do crabs even exist. they are like the mythical pubic hair creatures used as a scare tactic, but after getting them, I can safely do exist and they are fucking assholes.

Either way, here are the Britney Public Bathroom pics.

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Posted in:Bathroom|Boots|Britney Spears|Legs|Public Washroom|Unsorted




I am – Helping Make Some Fake Britney Fan's Fake Britney Cry For Help Famous of the Day

Some homosexual kid in the corner of someone’s classroom that no one talks to because they don’t know whether he has a penis or a vagina and because he creeps them the fuck out everytime he applies his makeup when they are trying to learn, is on a quest to make him/herself famous by making a video defending Britney Spears. The reality of all this is that within an hour this dude is going to be more famous than me and potentially the next William Hung from American Idol, making appearances all over mainstream media because of one whiney homosexual video he/she made defending Britney that probably took him 5 minutes to conceptualize, film and upload because mainstream media don’t know what the fuck they are doing.

The internet annoys me because it gives people like this the chance to be famous in about 5 minutes, when they really should be “Boys Don’t Cried” in their small middle american town for being different…instead dude’s going to have an acting contract, agent and scripts sent to him within a week.

I need a viral stunt that will get me views and on the news but I think if I tried to do this, even with my highschool drama class skills I was forced to learn, I’d still never make it because I am not as weird as this asshole and because my ideas would never be this simple adding more reason to why I suck at life. It always surprises me that the people who you think suck at life harder than you because they are hemphrodites who like performing, always end up making it.

It’s just one of those things and it is worth a laugh because it is ridiculously bad, so here I am helping this cocksucker make it to where he wants to be, but luckily I only have 5 useless readers who won’t have any impact on the internet fame he’s about to receive…..

Here’s the freakshow making his parents who probably left him in a dumpster at their prom but he managed to survive proud while singing Britney’s Gimme More…

Here’s the Party Monster Talking About Pubic Hair

The Bell Video That Proves Dude’s Not Trying Way Too Fucking Hard…

Here he’s dancing to Fergie

I hate people like this because there’s nothing wrong with being a low key fag, you don’t have to be a theatrical annoying piece of shit everyone hates except your one fag hag who thinks you’re fabulous because she’s too fat to get real cock….

That’s more than enough on this cartoon character than I can handle….I had no choice but to post it but hope it ends very fucking soon.

BONUS – Youtube needs to ban this guy now….this shit is offensive…

This motherfucker was sent to me via richandbrainless but all his videos have tons of views so you’ve probably known about him for a while, remember you’re not gay if no one sees you jerking off to gay porn….or gay guys who are over the top and theatrical to justify why they love cock in their mouths…..CUDDLES….

Posted in:Britney Spears|stepFAME|Unsorted|viral




I am – Helping Make Some Fake Britney Fan’s Fake Britney Cry For Help Famous of the Day

Some homosexual kid in the corner of someone’s classroom that no one talks to because they don’t know whether he has a penis or a vagina and because he creeps them the fuck out everytime he applies his makeup when they are trying to learn, is on a quest to make him/herself famous by making a video defending Britney Spears. The reality of all this is that within an hour this dude is going to be more famous than me and potentially the next William Hung from American Idol, making appearances all over mainstream media because of one whiney homosexual video he/she made defending Britney that probably took him 5 minutes to conceptualize, film and upload because mainstream media don’t know what the fuck they are doing.

The internet annoys me because it gives people like this the chance to be famous in about 5 minutes, when they really should be “Boys Don’t Cried” in their small middle american town for being different…instead dude’s going to have an acting contract, agent and scripts sent to him within a week.

I need a viral stunt that will get me views and on the news but I think if I tried to do this, even with my highschool drama class skills I was forced to learn, I’d still never make it because I am not as weird as this asshole and because my ideas would never be this simple adding more reason to why I suck at life. It always surprises me that the people who you think suck at life harder than you because they are hemphrodites who like performing, always end up making it.

It’s just one of those things and it is worth a laugh because it is ridiculously bad, so here I am helping this cocksucker make it to where he wants to be, but luckily I only have 5 useless readers who won’t have any impact on the internet fame he’s about to receive…..

Here’s the freakshow making his parents who probably left him in a dumpster at their prom but he managed to survive proud while singing Britney’s Gimme More…

Here’s the Party Monster Talking About Pubic Hair

The Bell Video That Proves Dude’s Not Trying Way Too Fucking Hard…

Here he’s dancing to Fergie

I hate people like this because there’s nothing wrong with being a low key fag, you don’t have to be a theatrical annoying piece of shit everyone hates except your one fag hag who thinks you’re fabulous because she’s too fat to get real cock….

That’s more than enough on this cartoon character than I can handle….I had no choice but to post it but hope it ends very fucking soon.

BONUS – Youtube needs to ban this guy now….this shit is offensive…

This motherfucker was sent to me via richandbrainless but all his videos have tons of views so you’ve probably known about him for a while, remember you’re not gay if no one sees you jerking off to gay porn….or gay guys who are over the top and theatrical to justify why they love cock in their mouths…..CUDDLES….

Posted in:Britney Spears|stepFAME|Unsorted|viral




I am – Britney Spears Pussy Picture of the Day


In attempt to right a wrong, Britney Spears has decided to divert all attention from her really shitty career shattering performance by unleashing her cunt to the world. Despite all stereotypes that bloggers are either faggots or virgins, reality is that I know what a pussy looks like and I have seen pussy of all ages, all walks of life, all races, all general health levels and I know that this mess of a box may be waxed and bald but isn’t an actual babyhole. It is the ruins left over from her baby factory ass and her over-eating…so what you see is most likely her gunt, and less likely her labia. Either way, you can look at this shit cross-eyed and pretend it’s the real deal, because it’s not like you’re doing much else right now.

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Posted in:Britney Spears|Pictures|Pussy|Shaved|Unsorted|Upskirt|Vagina