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Archive for the Britney Spears Category




Britney Spears Probably Still Dead of the Day

Here’s another video of Britney, or an actor playing Britney, or a clone of Britney, or someone in their best Britney latex mask costume, maybe it is a AR filter from SNAPCHAT, I mean, we’ve seen how that work, all acting like a cracked out crazy Britney…..

I don’t know what the objective with this weird Britney content is, maybe to make people think she’s still alive and unwell, maybe to justify why she wwas in captivity with her off her rocker, but there’s no way that Britney is creating this content, at least not in the present, this is some ghost of Christmas past shit…..

Maybe it’s to build up the storyline about when they announce her death like she was Aaron Carter, you know when these industry people go off the rails and become unmanageable and capable of blowing the lid off how corrupt and dark their industry is, they gotta go, for the benefit of the whole industry.

They say she is free, despite her only posting old content up from whatever prison she lives in, which in this case is her “old house again”.

This is not her new house, it is her old house and this is not new footage, it can’t be, it’s just so shit quality……

Her fans on Twitter are saying that tattoos are missing on the actor that they are using as Britney, why the gapped tooth Britney?

So where is the real Britney, is she really Free, was that all just a show,…to distract people?

Where are the paparazzi capturing her since she’s free and traveling from old house to knew house?

I guess, who cares, we can watch a cracked out person playing Britney shake her ass like a nutjob.

This is the mental caption that I doubt Britney Wrote

I’m dancing in time now Victoria … yes … nerve damage on the right side of my body … there’s no cure except God I guess … nerve damage is caused sometimes when you don’t get enough oxygen to your brain … your brain literally shuts down ? … blah blah blah old story … in that place I didn’t breathe when I was there … nerve damage causes parts of your body to go numb. I wake up like 3 times a week in bed and my hands are completely numb … nerves are tiny and it feels like pins and needles from the right side of my body it shoots up to my neck and the part that hurts the worst is my temple on my head … it stings and it’s scary … the last 3 years since I got out of that place I’ve been in a mild unconscious state … I couldn’t face it ?. It was like it was too scary to be here … although my instagram has been not up to par to most … hey hey hey it gave me existence and got me here … it’s funny though when I dance I don’t feel the pain ? … it’s like my mind literally goes to a place of my inner child. And although I don’t move like I use to … I truly believe my faith in it gave me strength … by the grace of God I finally found a medication where I actually feel oxygen going to my brain and through my neck ? … my eyes are more open now and I can hold my head up correctly ?? … I’ve done a good job trying to pull it off. Either way I’m getting a lot better, I can breathe … I feel smarter because well, Jesus I can breathe now … either way, I’m breathing now and I can dance in time, Victoria … I send all my love to every single one of you … this is me this morning ?? … I’m gonna vacuum now !!!

Interesting how she has nerve damage now, step one to death, step one to hospitalization, step one to medicating her…..it’s all so weird, but BREAD AND CIRCUS baby…..

This shit is fake as fuck.

Posted in:Britney Spears|Videos




Britney Spears Probably Dead of the Day

If you’ve been following the Britney coverage, which isn’t really coverage, more like I get reminded that people are a bunch of fucking suckers to think that Britney is freed and not held hostage or having her social media updated by her handlers…

That whole “Free Britney” movement and her conservatorship being dropped was a load of bullshit, after 15 years of no one caring she was in captivity, all of a sudden the world cared and she was freed, it only works like that when it’s fake….I mean they are entertainers….and she is an earner that has a lot of money invested in her and that pays out in dividends….there’s just no fucking way she’s free.

Her whole content stream on social media looks a decade old, the Britney they’ve given us has a gap tooth and doesn’t look like the real Britney, the paparazzi don’t capture any pics of her, it’s just a lot of bullshit….and to make it seem even faker, today she posted content from her “old house” because why would she post from her new house…if she’s DEAD or institutionalized…

Who fucking knows what is real out there, but I’ll still look at Britney or the actor playing Britney’s old momma tits…

Her caption:

I’m visiting my old house right now ? !!! I adore my other home but I have land and horses here ? !!! This is me today ??? !!! I know I’m being a complete idiot in my living room but the lighting is kinda nice ?? !!! I’m obviously playing and bored as freaking hell ??? !!! What else am I supposed to do ?????????????????? !!! Psss I know the video is too long !!! Psss my yellow banana purse ???? ? ??????? !!!

The other caption:

I messed up ??? !!! I posted the wrong video before !!! FEELING MYSELF ????????? !!! Psss my yellow banana purse ???? ? ??????? !!!

What in the fucking nut job fake and gay shit is this….I guess they left the Clone out of the fridge too long and this is what we’re forced to deal with….

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Topless Hostage Video of the Day

I am still convinced that Britney Spears is no longer with us, that these are archive clips of her, in some weird humiliation ritual that leaves me feeling uneasy, however she could just be institutionalized somewhere, still in captivity like she’s been all these years, but based on the quality of her weird, awkward, instagram erotica that doesn’t make sense to me, since she has access to actual talent who could help make her OnlyFans the most important one to ever exist, but instead we get this weird dungeon videos that give the feeling of those terrorist beheading videos, or some other weird, dark, snuff film of the past! Creepy!

I think Britney is great, she’s still hot even if the content she puts out is creepy, assuming the Britney we’ve seen is even her, and her whole idea of stripping down topless and in skimpy bathing suit bottoms for the ram, is really all the content we need from her, it’s just leaves me feeling uncomfortable, which is probably the point, but not overly uncomfortable since I’ve come to terms with her captivity when it fucking happened 15 years ago!


Posted in:Britney Spears|Britney Spears




Is this really the Elton John / Britney Spears Official Video of the Day

I am of the school of thought that the Britney conservatorship being dropped was fake. I even think the free Britney movement was fake, or at least ignored for decades until it was needed to become a viral movement when people were locked in their houses bored.

I do not believe that Britney is free, or even alive, I don’t believe she got married, and the people interviewed about her wedding were all industry plants, liars, part of the fucking lie.

I do believer he husband is a bought actor, because he’s an actor and playing the role of Britney husband is huge, especially for a gay like him, meaning he can lie about the whole thing, so long as he gets paid!

It’s just too fucking easy!

Well, to keep the whole Britney is Free and money making while she’s a hot, marketable ticket item, all these retards lining up to support her because they just don’t know the truth, they’ve dropped a Britney/Elton John dance song that they claim is Britney singing, but it’s robot music!

Apparently, this was recorded in 2015 and they sat on it, so why not pretend it’s hot off the presses!

To make the whole lie seem more obvious, like they are mocking us, I saw this clip of what they are saying is the official music video, a Palm Springs pool party!

The kicker, Britney and Elton are played by actors. Two people who are huge stars, on camera all the time said “I’ll sit this one out”, maybe because Britney is in a fucking dungeon somewhere!

At least that’s the conspiracy, believe what you want, who really cares about these rich fucks celebrated for their shit music, I’m more into watching the bikini bitches who could have been hotter, but whatever!

Posted in:Britney Spears|Videos




Britney Spears is Being Humilated of the Day

And now for the humiliation part of the show…here’s some Britney Spears from instagram, shot in what we’ll assume was 2010 on her Sidekick camera, or some fucking similarly weird device, since this top star’s instagram looks like it’s straight from a prison camp…..

Which brings up a very good point, one I’ve been saying for a long time, and that is how horrible her fans were for going to her shows in Vegas, her tours, all that shit for their own Britney Fandom, all while knowing she was being held in captivity, medicated, abused, brainwashed…

I mean, if you’re K-Fed getting that payout, fine, but the average fan watching this unfold and instead of protesting, they’re front of stage hoping she accidentally squirts on them, when her bladder gives out from all the muscle relaxants she’s on…..

But who cares about any of that prisoner in plain site shit, we’re here for the Britney Experience that leaves me feeling depressed every time, and I’m not even a Britney fan, it’s just the equivalent of an ISIS beheading video of LIVELEAK days…..byt with a popstar.

The weirder thing in the humilation, besides the weird dancing, is the weird nudes….all unflattering, all should be sold on OnlyFans, knowing that she’d break records with it….but instead her “team” that isn’t her team at all, but rather her handlers hired to control her….post this shit to make her look psychotic…

It’s pretty dark, but that’s the entertainment business for you, innit.

Could be worse, she could be Denise Richards (see next post).

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Nude Hostage Pics of the Day

I am a firm believer that mental health issues aren’t real, but manufactured by whining people, or the people around people who need to be controlled, or by doctors who are aggressive on the prescription pad…and that the real epidemic, other than us living in some prison lie, is the over prescribing of MIND ALTERING DRUGS to normies who feel sad, unmotivated or anxious in a society designed to keep them sad, unmotivated or anxious….I mean, go on social media that shit is fucked…

I saw that the USA is the highest rate of SSRI that don’t actually help these self proclaimed crazy people, they just make them retarded versions of themselves, now with diagnosed mental health issues to whine about, but never ever solving the actual mental health issue, weak, mental, retard, fucks…

So I don’t think Britney was ever mental, but saying she was and getting the judge on board was pretty effective at locking her down to produce money instead of dipping out because she was done with this shit…

There are rumors that Britney’s no even alive anymore, or she’s institutionalized, and the OLD AS SHIT pictures that they pretend she is posting are pretty clear evidence of that…

She’s Britney Spears and her sexts are obviously expected to be FAR better than this shit, you know, since all the phone and camera companies likely gift her the LATEST and greatest tech….but instead we get this shit shot on a fucking VCR…or original NINTENDO…it’s weird.

Maybe they upload them to humiliate her, to push that she’s lost her mind….for the Free Britney movement to buy into and think “maybe she needs her handlers”…..or maybe these are pics she send her fake actor husband when trying to sext him a few years ago that they’re re-purposing to distract you from her being institutionalized…she claims to be in London….where are the paparazzi pics….I thought London had the most aggressive paparazzi….SUSPICIOUS….

Her captions for this content in no specific order are;

??? When’s Halloween ???? ?

Not sure … tea or coffee ??? ???? I held my phone up with a book and a remote control to shoot this …

Waking up in London ?? with my Cabo thong

Who cares when she’s holding her tits and spreading her censored ass, plus a bitch’s mental health or level of crazy never turns me off, it just means shit’s about to get a lot more entertaining…..even though I don’t believe in Mental health as a concept that needs meds, I do know that people are fucking nuts….but this is pretty fucking weird….so something different to try to jerk off to!

Now, some naked underwater from the other day, since it’s Britney, a clone, a body double pretending to be Britney, which are all good enough for me to stare at…


Posted in:Britney Spears|Britney Spears




Britney Spears Wet in Bikini Hostage Video of the Day

I don’t believe that this is really Britney Spears on her Honeymoon as they are pretending it is….

I am a firm believer that Britney, the original Britney is dead, replaced or institutionalized.

I don’t think she’s really married, or if she is, that it was a real wedding. Her husband is a hired actor…..

Her social media content is just so fucking fake. I don’t think she’s even updating it herself, because I don’t believe she’s ever been set free from the trap they had her in. I also don’t think she knows how to use social media or update captions….I don’t think she knows how to take bikini pics…

All her pics look like they were shot on an early generation iphone, and I know they would never give Britney any access to the internet, so if she’s actually taking the pics, then it’s likely one of the old person flip phones we should all be using because SMART PHONES are the devil and will destroy our fucking existence.

This is Britney Spears, big business, big budget, all her bikini selfies should be top tier SI shoot quality…..

I’ll still look at her being a whore in bikini pretending she’s free, its’ a funny and heart warming storyline of fans who didn’t care she was in captivity so long as she was on stage for them, until all of a sudden they did care in the height of COVID and it made for GOOD tv, like the fake Johnny Depp / Heard trial everyone CUCKED over while the powers that be did other criminal shit they do.

But I’ll still look at her being a whore in a bikini to keep the distraction alive….as they TURNED on CERN to recreate the big bang and reach the FIFTH dimension without any real knowledge of what demonic shit they’ll unleash….AWESOME!

The world is fucked, so maybe it’s best to be in bikini or staring at bikini since we’re useless eaters who have no ability to save anything, not even ourselves, and definitely not the world.

Either way, the Britney storyline is pretty weird, whether bikinis are involved or not.


Posted in:Britney Spears|Britney Spears




Britney Spears Bikini Hostage Video of the Day

I am not convinced that the Britney Spears they present us with is actually Britney Spears.

I am also not convinced that Britney Spears is free or released from the prison they have her in.

I am also not convinced that Britney Spears is even updating her own social media, but it is weird enough to be Britney Spears….

I am not convinced that Britney Spears is doing all that well, especially after seeing that weird fucking wedding of hers that featured weird celebrity guests some of whom she never met before.

All of her pics seem to be shot on the first iPhone, maybe she only has one of those old people phones that only text and call out to certain numbers and this is the phone quality…

But you’d assume her hired actor husband, would have the most up to date tech for his gay hook-up apps in his mansion next to the Kardashians that they moved into the day after the wedding, because hired actors are always so trustworthy when they are playing a role.

The point is that Britney’s been let down by her fans, family and the industry…and her mom bikini pics are not that great….but her hard nip in a bikini works for me as the distraction it is meant to be…..look everything’s fine people….totally normal over here….she’s even busting a smile so she can’t be medicated, it can’t be a body double, their can’t be black eyes behind the mirrored aviators….this is Happiness…freaks..


Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Bikini Sway of the Day

Here’s your daily dose of Britney Spears, or the actress they’ve hired to play Britney Spears, dancing around half naked in what appears to be her rich person dungeon, back in the early 2000s, at last that’s what the quality of this weirdness feels like, and like every other Britney Spears, or as I like to call this new version of her, Briterny Spears, creeps me the fuck out.

I don’t believe that she’s free, or that she had miscarriages, or that she even handles her acccount, it’s possible, but I would expect her to creative direct something better, even being as out of touch as she would be being in captivity slaving away all these years she has a budget and team and no real excuse for this horror movie level shit.

That said, her tits look pretty good for someone who just shat out a miscarriage, allegedly…..

I figure if they want to distract people….they have to tap into old celebs that people still care about, while no one cares about new celebs, they have to dig up old stories….but if anyone buys that this is a Free Britney, you’re the fucking problem, but at least she’s half naked.


Posted in:Britney Spears|Britney Spears




Britney Spears Bikinis of the Day

I don’t know when this Britney Spears fucking the sandy beach pics dropped on her social media, but I feel like I already posted it. I’m lazier than you are, so I’m not going to bother looking to see if I posted it, but rather pretend that this is actually Britney Spears, that she’s actually shot this on her modern day phone, that she’s actually uploaded it to the internet with what I assume is a insane caption….even though my gut tells me that it’s all a fucking scam, all a fucking lie, like her miscarriage / pregnancy, they’ll do all they can to rook you in….

They don’t like that people have lost interest in celebs now that everyone is a micro celeb and can’t be bothered with actual celebs, so they are doing anything they can to get people to buy into their distraction, whether it is turning celebs into lame ass influencers and youtubers, super fucking desperate, or it’s bringing back nostalgia like Britney, Ben and Jen or Johnny Depp and Kate.

Maybe it’s because more people are into politics, now that they’ve personally been fucked over by the system, and they don’t like all eyes on them….so they ar going to their old tricks, who fucking knows but Britney’s definitely mental.

Posted in:Britney Spears