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Archive for the Miley Cyrus Category




Miley Cyrus Zit Cream Being Weird Because Weird is Cool and Relevant of the Day

A video posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

Miley Cyrus is Bisexual because it is trendy to embrace all sexuality and refer to yourself as QUEER, even if QUEER was a derogatory term in the 60s..she even told some high school paper her coming out story to her mother who was probably like “I used to eat pussy for 20 dollars at the strip club I met your dad out”…”good job”….

To which Miley said “my PR team thought it was a good idea, you know we did the Disney thing to get into people’s mind, then slowly released scandal, then went hip hop, and now we’re tumblr feminist weird, they public feel they are really growing with me, I mean last week I dyed my armpit hair and people celebrated, these idiots I rob of their money are real fucking idiots aren’t they”…

To which her mom said “that is why we are rich and winning at life.”

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Naked in Paper Magazine of the Day


So Miley Cyrus got naked and covered in randon shit in Paper Magazine, like she was still a hick headed to her grandfather’s house for a sleep over…

Because Paper magazine figured out the formula of getting media / tabloid whores that don’t actually matter naked…even though they are always naked…and presenting it as news, or something interesting, when it is really just distraction for overworked assholes with little time or energy to put into things, and this is more entertaining than the fact that the Government is raping us like a bunch of fucking idiots…

So let’s focus on distractions like this, or sexuality and gender issues, or nipples…instead of saying “hey taxes are fuck, the federal reserve is not owned by the country, ISIS and Bin Laden and Sadam all created by the west, why are we such drone idiots”…or…we care about Miley’s fucking nipples…that aren’t even that new, exciting or hot to look at in her lesbian hustle…

Fuck this noise, it is just noise…but here is that noise anyway…because that’s just the kind of hypocrite I am..This is what breaks the internet…a tool you’re all being tracked on..

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|NSFW




Miley Cyrus’ Vagina on Instagram of the Day

A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

I think it is funny that I have to flag my MILEY CYRUS NAKED IN PAPER as NSFW! because I got alcohol to buy and people who think this site is a porn site because of it…

Yet Miley Cyrus can post her MILEY CYRUS NAKED IN PAPER on her social media…because she’s Miley Cyrus….

I don’t love that I am writing about Miley Cyrus…like she matters, topless or showing pink pubes and I love pubes or not..cuz she’s a hippie cunt that is as hippie as a millionaire pop star can be..

I also don’t love that I’ve been banned off instagram 6 or 7 times to date – @drunkenstepfatherdotcom and @step_GIRLS …and my pics get reported constantly…with girls clothed and in thong..

But I realized the hypocrisy in big business, ad agencies, and the media..back when I started blogging like a teen girl…to get in with the teen girls…always eighteen even though 14 was legal…I’m a creep but not that much of a creep or as much of a creep as Miley in this bullshit that I’ve already done 2 posts on…because I am watching TV and this is the low hanging fruit…


A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Paper Magazine’s Miley Cover Tries to Break The Internet Again of the Day


Paper Magazine is just mocking us now….they are showing you just how easy it is to go viral with the right starlet naked on the cover of their magazine…

I almost feel bad for the generation of kids growing up now….

There is absolutely nothing to be inspired by, it’s all just vapid low level noise…with very little substance but lots of fucking views…putting importance on everything that doesn’t actually matter…leading to a dumber fucking society, like the government wants…

Miley is a pig, posing with a pig…this isn’t news, interesting, news, anything…but the wild pics drop tomorrow…

Thanks Paper Magazine, Kim K’s ass balancing champagne wasn’t enough for you to prove your point that media is a joke…and the millions you made that day was enough to say “hey let’s do it again”…


Here’s some pics from her instagram..

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Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Miley Cyrus in the Pool of the Day

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The exciting thing about pictures of girls underwater when not shot with the right camera is how distorted and stretched out their bodies are…reminiscent of something we used to call scramble porn…back before digital TV and the internet…where cable companies would block out the peope who didn’t buy porn with a scrambled picture…but audio feed that would lead people like me into the dark world of pornography…with one stretched out blue tit in the top left of the scream set to the sountrack of fake porn orgasms..

Well this is the pool picture of that…Miley in a bikini..but where’s her nipple and where’s her vagina…or is this about her face…or is this more erotic for people with a drowning fetish thanks to that one time at camp….where they came holding their breath while skinny dipping with their camp councillors…or some shit…

All this to say, who fucking cares…I’m not posting this cuz I care…seriously…I’m trying to do other things here but I’m stuck in a trap I call DrunkenStepfather…not to mention, I’ve seen this vapid Miley cunt naked before..why would some selfie in the pool be something I find exciting….stop judging me.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus in a Bikini of the Day

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Miley Cyrus is in a bikini…because she likes to get as even a tan as possible…let’s hope she’s wearing some sunscreen, we’d hate for her to get skin cancer and die a horrible death, because she’s such a great contribution to society…always encouraging girls to be the best they can be…while doing whatever it is she can for attention….to make money…whatever that may be…like a puppet…

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Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Today in Miley Armpit Hair of the Day

Miley - Armpit

In case you were wondering, Miley Cyrus, is still gender bending because that’s the nature of the youth today, that’s what the kids are into, you know all serious about gay, queer, bi, tran…defining what makes a woman, what makes a man, intensity that is a waste of time to focus on, all presented in a life that looks like it is Tumblr, filled with bright, colorful weirdness comedy…that isn’t all that weird…but rather strategic…

I assume she is not authentically into any cause, or using her celebrity to promote for the sake of change, but rather using that as a platform to maintain her celebrity…

Miley Tongue

So here’s her armpit hair that we can assume was an initiative by her team…and here’s her shout out to Disney…because Disney created her…and probably still own her…that’s how corporations like Disney work..

Miley Disney

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Selfie Pose of the Day

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Miley Cyrus took a few wig wearing selfies, in what is one of those standard selfie poses, chin relaxed and aimed upwards, mouth half opened, lips pouted…in what reminds me of sex, but only because of her half open eyes, because that’s just the kind of sex I’ve had…we call it “half dead”…but not dead enough to be considered a necrophiliac…but dead enough to be considered a rapist if you’re a feminist, and a “grey area” rapist…if you’re a normal person…

That said, she’s in wigs, doing some tranny things, topless and in tank top, with some titties…all being weird with zit cream…and there’s a fetish in here…because I want to lick whatever this is…but in my defence I’m a Miley fan…I think whatever she is doing…is good.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus’ 3D Glasses of the DAy


Here’s some Miley Cyrus in 3D, for those of you who haven’t had enough of Miley Cyrus and her attempt and being weird, because that’s what her marketing team read the kids are into…and that they used tumblr to support their claims…

I just find it offensive…that she’s censored her tits…when showing her tits is all she’s good for…what an asshole move on her part…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus is Not Nearly Slutty Enough on Vacation of the Day


Miley posted some vacation pictures of herself because her life isn’t a fucking vacation as it is…and she needs to go to tropical places to really understand what being relaxed is…and I guess it gives her a chance to just be herself…which is a clothed Disney Starlet…who doesn’t need to pretend she’s weird because that’s what the hipster mainstream and the label wants…and she doesn’t have to show her nipples because that’s what I want..and she can just be normal…with a group of black guys who she’d want you to think are gang banging her but who are probably…

Suck this pussy just like you should…in this weird Dolly Parton style ho down where the square dancing caller is aggressive about pussy eating…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus