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Archive for the Nicole Scherzinger Category




Nicole Scherzinger Shows Off Some Pussy Definition of the Day

Nicole Scherzinger is showing off her pussy definition in some tight outfit to snuff out any rumors that her she may actually have a cock, because based on that hard face, you’d automatically think she was a tranny, especially now that trannies are all South American and Asian and hotter than most white American women, but in their defense a bucket of shit usually has a tighter body than 80 percent of America and you can thank fast food on every corner for that….

As a dude married to fat pig of a woman, I’m not sure if fucking her is more twisted than fucking a dude dressed like a girl, I haven’t taken the time to find out, just like I haven’t taken the time to find out whether Nicole Scherzinger is a chick or not, but as far as I’m concerned, with a body like this, she’s good enough either way….no homo….

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Nicole Scherzinger|Pussy




Nicole Scherzinger’s Body is Better than her Face of the Day

Nicole Scherzinger has a horrible face. Bitch looks like some kind of monster coming to suicide bomb my babies. Maybe it’s the fake tan. Or the fact that I think she shouldn’t be allowed out of her house without a burka covering her up..but her body is solid and even when she does some seriously faggot shit promoting Dancing With the Stars, I got no choice but to look and almost enjoy that shit and that depresses me more than you know…it means my life has come to this and apparently so has yours…

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Hot Body|Nicole Scherzinger




Nicole Scherzinger’s Stomach Leaving the Gym of the Day

One of the most exciting days in my life was when I accidentally snuck into an event and was right next to Nicole Scherzinger…but it had nothing to do with being in the same room as this Pussycat Doll twat or her Girlicious crew, but everything to do with open bar….an invention that has made weddings something I wish I had the confidence to crash, but the one time I did crash a wedding was at some ghetto reception hall and by the time I worked my way in there, it turned out that it was an Asian wedding and I was the only non asian there, who was politely asked to leave before they pulled some ninja on me, but luckily before they did, I managed to grab a beer….ever since then, even after seeing the movie, I can’t bring myself to do it, but instead I just sit here dreaming of it, instead of finding a way to make money so that everyday feels like open bar…even when it isn’t, not that you care, but maybe you will care about Nicole Scherzinger’s tight body, cuz despite looking way too much like a Kardashian black man urinal, and just as cheesy as the Kardashians, she’s still worth noticing, I guess….

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Gym|Nicole Scherzinger|Stomach




Nicole Scherzinger Has a Purse Holder of the Day

The Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger has a hired assistant who looks like a man who she carts around with her to make herself feel better about herself, you know a paid person you can treat like shit and make feel like they are a fucking worthless nobody who depend on you to live the goodlife or to have access to the goodlife, so that it is in her best interest to eat your shit, or else you’ll send them back where they belong, and little stunts like making the manly lookin’ assistant carry her purse out of events is just a little trick in dominance to let her assistant and the world know her place, because Scherzinger is not on the top of the charts anymore, and she knows that she can still buy that superstar feeling of everyone sucking her dick, now that she’s got the taste for it and this is just the proof….cuz we all know Scherzinger’s not too busy or too tired to carry her own purse….pretty obnoxious.

Here are some pics of her doing some Dancing with the Stars training, which is pretty much proof that she’s a latch on nobody who doesn’t have the right to be such a high maintenance cunt….

Pics via PacificCoastNews
Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Cunt|Dancing With the Stars|High Maintenance|Nicole Scherzinger




Gerard Butler on the Beach with Nicole Scherzinger of the Day

Gerard Butler, also known as the guy who plays Jennifer Aniston’s boyfriend in the tabloids, because he made the bad drunken decision to fuck her one night, making her attach herself to him and forced the producers of their recent movie to make him pretend to be her boyfriend, otherwise she wouldn’t attend publicity events, making them lose out on millions of dollars, was on the beaches of Rio with Nicole Scherzinger, because like all British sex addicted rich people weirdos, he can never say no to trannies…..and Brazil is the new Thailand for UK tranny lovers….and Nicole Scherzinger is the new Rupaul when it comes to trannies. This dude really is at the top of his game.

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Beach|Gerard Butler|Nicole Scherzinger|Rio|Tranny




Drunkenstepfather’s Fashion Report of the Day

Today’s fashion report is about leather leggings. The reason you see whores in the shit is because it turns out to be the only fabric that prevents them from being forced to smell their own rank pussies everytime they sit down. This shit may not be indistructable and probably has to get thrown out after being worn once because of the acidity of their cunts burning holes in the shit, but latex is what condoms are made of, the shit fight AIDS, PVC is what pipes are made of the shit prevents shit from ending up all over your fucking basement and leather is what cows and motorcycle saftey gear is made of, so when cotton can’t stand the heat of a rotting vagina, these pants come in fuckin handy.

They also do a good sturdy job of supporting the vagina and keeping everything in place like a second skin when the first skin is too battered to do it’s job. You know like duct tape on the hole in your couch because nothing is more embarrassing than when a loose whore’s uterus falls out of her gaping hole and drags behind her like some kind of unwanted fuckin’ tail, especially in public.

Here are the whores in question for today:

Nicole Scherzinger:

Paris Hilton:

Posted in:Leather Leggings|Nicole Scherzinger|Paris Hilton




Nicole Scherzinger’s Got Some Rubber Pants to Match Her Rubber Tits of the Day

Nothing says Christmas Spirit like throwing some Christmas themed event and booking the Pussycat Dolls to perfom in their PVC outfits that you wouldn’t see at a fucking strip club, mainly because strippers can’t afford these expensive constumes, but also because the shit is a pain in the ass to peel off and the only thing it’s really good for is festering some interesting rancid smells from a sweaty pussy in a fabric that doesn’t breathe, and I know that’s been on the top of my Christmas list for years, tis the fucking season…..

Posted in:Latex|Nicole Scherzinger|PVC|Tits




Nicole Scherzinger Dance Lesson of the Day

So the Pussycat Dolls are all about false advertising. They do these stripper performances in stripper outfits and they never actually take off their clothes and just sing and dance instead. It reminds me of the time I went to a stripclub during the day a few years ago and the girl on stage had a headset mic set up like she was Britney Spears or Madonna and as she was twirling around the pole, she broke into song. I thought to myself that this was both the weirdest concept I had seen at a strip club, even weirder than the girl who had a dildo attached to a remote control car and her assistant would let the audience try to drive it in her, and the funniest thing I had seen in a strip club, even funnier than the time in the 90s when a friend of mine in white pants came out of the lap dance area with a shit stain on his knee. I guess, the real reason I liked it was because of the broken dreams I knew this girl had, with enough confidence to sing on stage, I knew she would have rather been performing in her clothes in front of a real audience as a recording artist and not as a girl some old pervert is going to pay 10 dollars to touch. The crying in her voice made the whole experience that much more believable and that is why people like Nicole Scherzinger and the Pussycat dolls piss me off. They mock girls like the singing stripper I once saw and I take it personally, but not as personally as the stripper who I heard killed herself by taking too many sleeping pills…..

But that’s not the point of this post, the point is that we can all learn a few things from Nicole Scherzinger and her catalog of dance moves, and today’s lesson is the “Dog Piss Kick”. All you gotta do is squat then kick…..and once you master that you are one step closer to impressing girls in the club by busting out this move as part of your best Nicole Scherzinger impression, and by impressing girls, I mean making a fool of yourself.

Posted in:Nicole Scherzinger|Pussycat Dolls




Nicole Scherzinger in a Tight Slippery Dress of the Day

Nicole Scherzinger went to an event in some fetish gear that she’s passing off as fashion because she’s classy like that. The truth is that I never understood the logic behind dudes with PVC obsessions, I thought it was really kinda creepy and comic book collecting of them, you know with this whole second layer of skin kinda vibe, but I spoke to the dude who owns American Apparel once in a bar, he has a place in the city I live in and he has a line of shiny and slippery clothes and I asked him why they were so popular and he told me because of how amazing it looks when you watch your cum slide off of it.

I don’t know if that’s what the love for this kind of fabric is all about, but I do know Nicole Scherzinger is half Filipino and if I was rich I would have no problem hiring her to clean my house and run errands for me while mistreating her for very little money because if she acts up, I’ll report her ass to immigration. Unfortunately, she was born in the USA and those are the Filipinos you can’t fuck with, but I am guessing her mom was the kind of hired help you can knock up when your wife is at the tennis club and that’s the reason why we have these Scherzinger pics today.

Posted in:Ass|Nicole Scherzinger|Tight Dress




Nicole Scherzinger’s On a Yacht in a Bikini of the Day

Nicole Scherzinger is in a bikini and reminded me of a conversation with an older stripper who gave me some discount dances because keeping up with the young girls wasn’t really doing good for her bank account. She tried to claim that there are dudes who go in there and who want 45 year old mom tits in their face, but I knew she was just trying to lure me into a dance and it was a sales tactic to make me think that there was something wrong with me for not wanting 45 year old tits in my hands for 10 dollars a song, it’s something I feel isn’t too hard to make happen in real life for free, so I’m better off going with 18 year old sluts.

Either way, she won me over with her obvious desperation, something I could relate to and we got to talking about the next step for her career. I told her she should start a pole dance class for suburban moms because they eat that shit up and she could make a killing doing it since stripping has pretty much dried up and she laughed at my idea….I haven’t figured out where I am going with this, but I do know that Scherzinger and her Pussycat Dolls are just lucky strippers who don’t need to get naked, which is a real waste considering how good the black light and smoke machines would make her haggard face look.

Posted in:Bikini|Nicole Scherzinger|Yacht