I'll Make You Famous…




Nina Dobrev Butt Shot of the Day

Nina Dobrev has shown some pussy definition in a provocative one-piece bathing suit on her MEXICAN vacation HERE ….

She’s with her boyfriend, superstar billionaire snowboarding mastermind Shaun White, and who she also fucked for the paparazzi in the ocean on her MEXICAN vacation HERE

She is now showing off her ass by the pool in a little bikini, it’s a small ass on some skinny legs, but not a bad ass, and you know, I like skinny legs…

I am not a Nina Dobrev fan, I haven’t watched her show, but as Canada’s own, she’s doing pretty good out there…plus she’s an Eastern European and those genetics that survived communism make her someone you should want to stare at like all the other Easter European and Russian girls half naked on the internet…at 31…from behind is probably her best angle so take it in…faces melt.

Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Stella Maxwell Bra of the Day

Stella Maxwell Hike

Stella Maxwell is the celebrity lady killer, she’s the pussy so hot it turns these weak celebrity women who lack souls and an identity thanks to being sold to the vapid life of fake glamour that is the entertainment industry, so that bikini and lingerie clad immigrant hipster girl can move in on them, as they run in the same circles, and convince them to do some drunken facesitting and scissoring adventures, because if you’re going to have a lesbian experience to fill the void that is your life, you might as well do it with a Victoria’s Secret model, it’s pretty top tier in theory, rewarded and accepted by the world as being hot enough to do Victoria’s Secret, which for people with no souls or identity, it allows them to buy into the idea…plus lesbian, gay, trans is in right now, to be a full person who can act in films for millions of dollars, you need to experience all that is trending to be a fuller version of yourself….at least that’s how I assume Stella Maxwell moves in on these idiots to give them the orgasms that make them come back for more while increasing Stella Maxwell’s profile…

She’s fucked Miley, was in a relationship with Kristen Stewart, she’s probably not even full lesbian, just a pervert or someone who knows how to manipulate idiots…but she’s hot and that’s what it comes down to.


Posted in:Stella Maxwell




Bella Thorne’s Sucks at Only Fans of the Day

If you needed more proof that people are dumb as fuck, this is the kind of content people are paying to see from Bella Thorne on Only Fans, you know for the VIP, exclusive content that she’s singing over to Only Fans, because I am sure that along with the scamming of her fans, who she clearly doesn’t care about, but rather just wants to pull money out of their wallets, even in COVID times by tempting and manipulating them with her celebrity, instead of giving it away for free, even though she’s posted more hardcore shit than this on her IG, this is the proof that people are dumb as fuck.

Do not sign up to fan sites of chicks, celebrity or not, they’ve all got where they got by posting shit for free, they all make money off brands and other fucking projects, they should be giving you this content for free, like they always have and to start charging you now that they are comfy in their level of celebrity is just evil….EVIL…greedy and disgusting..

If Bella Thorne, who is pretending to be a sex worker while ruining it for sex workers, and saying she’s doing it to make sex work more mainstream, without posting only fan girls and saying “sign up to this whore” and “that whore”….but instead taking the money all for her greedy pig self…on top of all the OTHER money she makes…is the worst sex worker around…

Obviously, being a Disney Kid and at the level of celebrity she’s at, money will be made on a platform like Only Fans, it is just a pretty trashy strategy, but trash is what she knows, she’s been whored off by her Only Fans mom for her entire life…and anything that gets attention or money is a good thing to these redneck Kardashians…

Posted in:Bella Thorne




Rita Ora Tits on a Boat of the Day

Rita Ora Vacation

Rita Ora’s got her great tits, that may not be as great as they’ve always been, but that are still large and that counts for something, especially while clothed…

It is not her fault that the elasticity of skin weakens, it’s the natural course of rotting, or aging, or expiring, depending on how you look it….it’s very hard to maintain a great set of tits, especially when turning 30…assuming she’s not already 30 and they lied on her paperwork when they imported her into the UK due to political unrest in her native Yugoslavia….

She’s on a boat, with her tits, posing, because you can’t social distance better than a month and a half long vacation in the Mediterranean…you know because COVIDs getting her down and taking away all her freedoms like a month and a half long vacation in the Mediterranean….and remember can’t hate a great set of tits for turning 30…but you can call her old at 30 despite the activists saying that’s misogynistic, perverted and agism….to tell me I can’t call a bitch old at 30 is taking away my right to free thought believing that a bitch is old at 30…it’s the time to start being a mom age…nothing hot about family planning and responsibility and birthing…

Rita Ora Vacation

She also went to her FIRST event since LOCKDOWN…

Rita Ora’s also got her titties out, but not really, you can see her nipples, at least I assume those are nipples, through her nightgown turned into outerwear thanks to being fashion forward….



Posted in:Rita Ora




Katy Perry Being Gross of the Day

Katy Perry Pregnant and Gross

Katy Perry brought the worst selfie in the history of hysterectomies that failed and brought us a sequel or spinoff to the Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry relationship…

I don’t know if this is pre or post the recent STD that was shat out of her pussy like one of the many things she’s had inserted in her pussy over the years, you know sometimes a girl just wants to feel complete…

I do know she’s got some breast pumping bra on which is luckily not breast feeding videos, because despite staring at tits when bitches breast feed in public, something that’s been going on my whole life, before the internet decided to be activists about something that needed no activism, I don’t like watching pictures of the shit…even though it’s girls using an excuse to pull out the tit they’ve always wanted to do, but couldn’t because their dad is a fake preacher, they started as fake christian music to peddle to the christian audience that is very forgiving to their own, I’ve heard Christian Rock and it’s bad….then there’s the whole mainstream career of channelling a cartoon character not a sex object…so basically what I am saying is that Katy Perry is probably going to post breast feeding pics to show her big tits, even bigger, milk filled…and the only issue in that is how ugly she is…

I guess what I am saying is…I want before and after pussy pics…as I alway do when I find out a woman has given birth to see how good the bounceback is.


Posted in:Katy Perry




Alanna Masterson’s Scientology Cameltoe of the Day

I am only posting this because we can call Danny Masterson a charged rapist, which is only hilarious to me because Scientology is evil from everything I’ve read about it, but they weren’t able to manipulate these rape charges, at least not yet, I am sure they have some judges in their back pockets, and at the same time, you can’t believe all women, especially not when you’re dealing with celebrities or people of importance, because people lie, they believe their own bullshit, and they target these celebs in an already asshole user kind of way in the first place. You know that Danny Masterson was getting hit up by girls daily thanks to his 70s Show fame, and one of those women who breaks through is going to target the motherfucker to get paid or justice or notoriety of her own…so all we can hope is that the trial is fair, not that I care either way, but I don’t like the heavy handed sentences people get because they are celebrities and are being used to show how WOKE the system is….

But yeah, we can call him a charged rapist and that’s always fun, even though his sister or half sister, also a Scientologist, also an actress, who happens to have massive tits and some really tight shorts on…shorts so hungry for Xenu that they are being eaten by her Trementina Base of a pussy in all it’s Dianetic Research glory.

Posted in:Alanna Masterson




MTV Awards Round Up of the Day

Did anyone know that that VMAs happened? I guess with COVID and the fact that Award shows are too labor intensive for the average viewer, who knows that they’ll see the highlight reel if anything of importance happened, and they’ll know all the winners without having to invest any time into it, you know we’re lazy…we get our news from MEMES and such…

But yeah, the VMAs actually happened, no one cared, they were on my free digital antennae CW network and I saw about 3 minutes of it accidentally, assuming it was some re-run or something, and I saw about 3 acts I had never heard of that were lip synching, clearly from TikTok, because everything is computer generated bullshit…but apparently ther was some red carpet action, where these celebrity idiots all posed and performed and spread COviD, assuming COVID exists, at least in the realm of rich people who travel and live life normally….and I am sure barely anyone watched it or cared…because Award shows are a thing of the past, when the generation believes just existing is a win, and everyone must be equal, the idea of awarding one person is against their whole DNA…PARTICIPATION TROPHIES FOR ALL THESE RICH FUCKS WHO HAVE ALREADY WON…it’s the fair way.

Not to mention when VMAS were a “Thing”, it really wasn’t a “Thing” and no one cared then either, they just pretended people did with all the hype around it….and the whole COVID futuristic Green Screen, Augmented Reality version of it was fucking terrifying…the future is bleak…

Miley Cyrus


Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande MTV

Bebe Rexha

Bella Hadid

SEE SOME Belle Hadid at the VMAS

Lady Gaga

Madison Beer


Joey King


Doja Cat


Posted in:MTV




Alejandra Guilmant is Nude with the Tits Out of the Day

I guess this is a big deal, or maybe it is just a big set of tits, of some ambitious Mexican actress trying to make it in America, and who has had some success in America, probably because she immigrated the right way, through rich person work visas, and not by climbing under fences, through rives, or flying in the local airport only to never leave…because she’s a working girl, possibly in more ways than one, but her main claim to fame is being the Mexican in Narcos: Mexico, which makes sense…since she’s Mexican…

When you’re trying to make a name for yourself, get naked and when you have big tits like this, use them… when you’re trying to make a name for yourself and you have big tits like this, it’s this fucking gift from the genetics godzs…how could anyone not pay attention to this…if she didn’t get famous or more famous from showing her tits…than everything I know about the world is a fucking lie…

Posted in:Alejandra Guilmant




Boat Explosion Sends BikinI Woman Flying and Other Videos of the Day

Little Kid Taken by Kite

Just an Idiot Jumping through a Ring of Fire

Doctors Remove Snake – Terrifying

Front Flip idiot

Pissing on the Tarmac

Another Dumb Stunt

Just a Russian Stairwell

South Korea Train Ride

John Wayne Fail

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

So these people are out here trying to tell me what I can and can’t write on my own website, people who have your pronouns on their social media so you don’t mistake their gender, thanks for the fucking tip motherfucker, I needed affirmation that you’re a self involved asshole who thinks people give a fuck about what you want people to refer to you as….

People with pronouns are the billboard or neon sign on a person’s profile, along with their fake activism link to some bullshit cause they know nothign about, that should tip you off that anything they say is bullshit, they are just follower fucks.

Telling me to delete my shit, to just erase it, because you don’t like what I said? That’s fucking nuts. I have no idea where this group authoritarian movement started, but I know it’s bad…the lemmings all jump on some activism to take down free speech and to increase being monitored by the government…by choice…it is probably because they are still on their parent’s cellphone plans and don’t know how to work, survive and spend their days on social media finding themselves….if they were real people, with real lives, they’d be tired and busy….not bored, coddled idiots with too much time on their hands, they wouldn’t bother going nuts over a random blog post….

These are the new terrorists, telling you to delete your thoughts without knowing anything of the context of who you are, what you are saying, what your point is…just a “Fuck you delete this you phobic fuck”….that’s why I need to change my gender of my driver’s license…come at me with your bullshit, calling me a homophobe or whatever, I’ll be legally trans, a “She/Her” and that is the only way to get free reign to have free speech or original thought!

This is why I stay off twitter, it’s incessant, once they deleted me, I just said, fuck it, not doing this anymore….because people are mental…they pretend to care…

My last twitter experience was during the Academy awards when I singled Maya Rudolph out as one of the actresses in a dumb skit with Tina Fey or some shit, only because her name popped up on twitter and Tina Fey’s didn’t when I was writing the tweet, and I wasn’t in the mood to google Tina Fey’s twitter account because I don’t give a fuck, it’s a tweet, a passive fucking thought about how lame SNL is….and because I used the Oscars hashtag, I had all these people calling me racist because Maya Rudloph is half black and I singled her out, when the thought didn’t cross my mind, I don’t care what color a bitch is, she just sort of exists and if I write a about a black or a white girl it’s all fucking random circumstance, not because of anything else…anyway, because I tweeted something someone thought was racist, because they are racist, when it wasn’t even remotely a thought that cross my mind, not to mention I barely view Maya Rudloph as black and I wasn’t singling out the black woman and giving the white woman a pass, the thought didn’t cross my mind, I was just amazed how hard BOTH of them fucking sucked.

Not to mention, I just see her as Jewish and PT Anderson’s wife, who has made some shitty fucking movies since There Will Be Blood, after a really solid early career with Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love and There will be blood, but that’s not anything to do with Maya Rudolph, that’s just a sidenote but I am sure if you were to tweet that PT Anderson sucks now, twitter will decide that it is racist because he’s married to a black woman / barely black woman, her mom died when she was 7 and I assume she was raised by her dad….anyway that’s not the point…the point is… you people are the fucking problem.

What happened to making fun of people? Or laughing at people, instead of being overly accommodating and attacking those who make fun of people….while alienating the people being made fun of….

It’s crazy times, people need to find FUN again….now fuck off.

Adele Breaks the Internet in her Bikini Top – Less Fat

Boat Explosion Sends Bikini Clad Woman Flying

Rams Head Coach has the Hottest Sports Fiance.

Fastest Woman to Break Watermelon’s Between her Legs

Bella Hadid – See Through at the MTV Awards

Flight of the Bumblebee on a Toy Piano

Paige VanZant – Thirst Trapping

Kardashians Abduct TikTok Slut and Steal her Soul

NASCAR Hooter girlfriend in the Running for a Calendar!

R.Kelly Got Beat Down


Posted in:stepLINKS