I'll Make You Famous…




Olivia Holt in a Bikini of the Day

Olivia Holt is apparently a singer and and actor but most importantly a trained disney kid designed and tuned or maybe groomed to seduce everyone and win them over….so that their eyeballs ALWAYS land on her. It’s some brainwashing cult shit, but you’d probably have to work for Disney to really grasp it…..and luckily the manipulation always goes back to our basic needs and wants…SEX…because each and every one of their girls sexualizes themselves in weird ways to connect with the audience…

I am not familiar with any of her work because I am a grown up…and I guess so is she, so looking at her now, is not looking at her in 2015 when she got her first gigs…you sick fucks…

Either way, it’s a bikini pic…and that’s what counts…a little girl on girl hugging…in bikinis…tit on tit.

Posted in:Olivia Holt




Kaia Gerber Skinny Ass in Fitness Gear of the Day

Kaia Gerber who has been groomed by her mom to take over the family business in being a “top model”….which is actually a fucking joke these days because the fashion industry is a fucking joke…

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again…the people drawn to fashion are fucking losers, so these losers who intern and end up getting full time jobs in the industry are basically just fucking groupies with no level of creativity of their own…even the designers aren’t the most talented, but rather the most into “fashion” as a lame fucking concept of unnecessary products to kill the fucking world…

So these losers to begin with, groupies if you will, just follow the trends, don’t make the trends, even though fashion is supposed to make the trends…and they use the lamest fucking people to promote their shit because they are drinking the Kool Aids not from the gay designers but in the form of HYPE of losers like the Jenners and the Hadids…who we all know aren’t hot fashion models, but are also TOP fashion models because they can push product like “rich kid” versions of an infomercial…

Basically what I am saying is the groupie fucks drawn to fashion, groupie on the models, want the clout and end up using ugly bitches based on influencer status, not model status, giving all these idiots egos…then Cindy’s daughter comes along, the daughter of a model, who is skinny like a model, and because mom is a legend, sign her up too….luckily Kaia can carry the “model” title unlike the other cunts, but she’s likely just as shit.

What I am saying is that there’s not trend setting, there is no innovation, it’s all just Hollywood fast food and this one’s sitting at the right table….in her athletic workout gear that is tight…


Posted in:Kaia Gerber




Wet Spot Wednesday of the Day

Did you really think I would forget about Wet Spot Wednesday? I mean it’s the single most important content I do to celebrate the vagina as a self cleaning machine that discharges all over panties provided the right circumstances, whether they are sexual from everyone being a fucking pervert, with their butt plugs in for their everyday lives….or just from all the porn they watch…or an infection of sorts….or maybe it’s just normal pussy leakage…the wet spot, my Wednesday Hashtag….matters.

Feel free to email in your best wet spot pics you find the one reader this site has…because Wet Spot pickings are slim and we MUST keep this movement alive…

Posted in:Wet Spot




Mischa Barton Erased her Face for this Titty Selfie of the Day

I know you are all wondering what Mischa Barton is up to, even though you forgot she existed…

The OC which at the time was a revolutionary show that sucked us all into, in an era when TV shows could be that “big” or “important”….making stars out of the actors involved….happened so fucking long ago and Mischa Barton wasn’t even the most compelling actor on the show…so it’s natural for her to barely exist.

I did like the years after the OC where she was really a fucking liability on all kinds of fucking drugs, being a crazy fucking person on the regular. I even had a friendly betting pool that no one participated in called the Mischa Barton Death watch….all while she just got fatter and fatter, dumpier and dumpier until THE HILLS decided that they wanted her in their spin off show, but only for the first season, last season, because she’s not even good enough of an actor for reality TV.

As it turns out, she’s still alive, and she’s posting some thirsty pics of her titties, kind of, if you can see past her weird double chin from this weird angle and the filter you’d expect some 50 year old LARPING woman trying to be hot for her community of LARPERS on facebook, by badly smudging out her fucking face.

I didn’t give a fuck about Mischa Baron when she was at her hottest, I don’t care about her now when she looks like a BOOMER sexting after the divorce, but there’s some cleavage and that should be enough for you mooch fucks.

Posted in:Mischa Barton




Nurses Gone Wild of the Day

I thought the whole COVID thing was over by now, or would be over by now as people just got used to the whole new normal as they like to call these unprecedented times…

I don’t watch the news but I’ve seen states like Florida, Texas and California breaking records in what they are calling the second wave, which could just be the first wave continued because people don’t like their freedoms being breached and they don’t like being told they can’t work or leave the house….over what I guess they consider a cold…or something that god will give them if god chooses to give it to them rather than take logical preventative measures….it’s be a pretty insane time with a lot of idiots and a lot of whining on both sides of the anti-masking fence….

I do however watch nurses who are the sex workers of the health care industry that are now being packaged as heroes, working their double shifts doing whatever it is they do in their slutty scrub uniforms that are really only slutty because of all the disease on them, where the real slutty is what’s under the scrubs…which a lot of these nurses seem to like to showcase for that male attention because they were once strippers, or because they like being jacked off to and the whole nurse thing was an extension of that.

I don’t know the reason for it, I just know A LOT of front line “Heroes” are getting naked, as hospital beds are getting filled up, and naked nurses are the only kind of nurse we need….if anything the healthcare industry would vastly improve if these nurses gave a little of this to more of their pervert patients….I’d be at the doctor daily….for my hemorrhoid checks. No Homo.

Posted in:NURSES




Bebe Rexha Tit Grab of the Day

Bebe Rexha Roots Titty Grab

I was thinking about this Bebe Rexha content when I was taking my 15 pee of the day thanks to diabetes, because like Bebe Rexha, I am a fat fuck dot com, however unlike Bebe Rexha I don’t try to sexualize myself by doing the “FAT GIRL SHUFFLE”….which I guess is better known as the “FAT GIRL TRUFFLE” since they like anything food related….that is basically a term I decided to COIN today….that means using or exploiting their fat tits for attention, to get laid, to get likes and follows….

I realize that we’re a little more adjusted to fat chicks as a people because the world has got fat thanks to all the screen time, laziness and good snacks…so that when they see a Bebe Rexha in comparison to the pigs they see at Walmart, they think “she’s hot, she’s got a waist, that may be 45 inches around, but with the 60 inch hips is the right ratio”….so the big ass jiggle excites them as much as the exploitative titty grab, I am not that person, I like a big ass, but on a skinny girl….obviously…a big ass on a fat chick is just cheating.

ANYWAY, at 30, with an ego for having hit songs for other people, the entitled brat has decided to make hit songs for her self and this is what a fat 30 year old popstar looks like in their attention seeking, like and follow seeking…content.

Bebe Rexha Roots Titty GrabBebe Rexha Roots Titty Grab


Posted in:Bebe Rexha




Caylee Cowan Monster Tits of the Day

Caylee Cowan isn’t really famous, she is probably a great candidate to launch her Only Fans, but I think she’s actually trying to be relevant in the whole Hollywood / Social Media world, which I guess doesn’t mean she can’t have an Only Fans, since it’s trendy and cool to sexualize yourself for money like a private dancer, a dancer for money, do what you want me to do….

She’s got HUGE sloppy tits and an IMDB page, she should be far more followed than the 400k followers she has, in theory…but then you have to consider there’s about 10 million women across the internet or more looking to get that million followers…meaning she’s gotta really learn how to exploit them monster tits better….

With tits like this, there’s no reason for her to not be a bigger deal, becasue as much as they fight misogyny, people, women included, like looking at big tits…

She claims to be a movie producer and an actor, but her social media content that she stars in is hardly where it needs to be, but I guess she’s dipping a toe into it..

With tits this big, an agent, living in Hollywood, why the fuck doesn’t she have 5,000,000 followers, it makes no sense but I’m hopeful the inner slut loving the dopamine release from likes and follows kicks in and takes over…


Posted in:Caylee Cowan




Izabel Goulart Tan Lines of the Day

Izabel Goulart was one of the least famous of the Brazilians human trafficked into America for Victoria’s Secret, owned by Epstein’s biggest ally and fundraiser….so you know they are fucking suspicious.

However, she is probably one of the hottest bodies of the Brazilians human trafficked into America for the brand….

She sort of faded out of Victoria’s Secret work about 10 years ago, saving her bikini body for their Fashion Shows / Infomericials, spending the majority of her time at home in Brazil where she worked out all the fucking time, ate well and had and still has a really fucking toned body….

She’s probably in her 40s or near 40s now, but this fucking ass is ridiculous and a reminder to all the sloppy and lazy photoshopping themselves bitches out there to eat well, exercise and you will still never look this good, but at least you tried.

I like the Tan Lines, because tan lines are a fetish in their own right, as they outline an area once covered in clothing…it’s some incel level of porn…

Then there’s the whole white bikini, another fetish, because as I know first hand, and will never forget, the white bikini when wet becomes the “you might as well be skinny dipping, I can see your inner pussy lips smiling back at me as your clit laughs”….

If you know what I mean…


Posted in:Izabel Goulart




Irina Shayk is Still Good of the Day

In case you were wondering, Irina Shayk’s still looking good.

When she first hit the scene via Sports Illustrated because she was a beard for the gayest yet most famous of Soccer Players, because being gay in Europe isn’t being Gay in America, as Europeans, from Portuguese to Spanish to Italian, despite their tight pants and stylish shoes, are homophobes….maybe because they like jerking off together while watching soccer eating TAPAS is more enjoyable to them then they’d like to admit as they mouth kiss each other as a greeting…..I’ve see euro dudes, I used to work with them, and despite being married, some with kids, they were bigger fags then the fags that I would party with because the Gay Bars had good drink deals and being an ugly fuck, I never got hit on…

Point being….when she first hit the scene she was fucking hot, her Russian spy strategies, her communist work ethic, her amazing look brought her to America, where her mom was probably stoked remember a time she couldn’t get Coca Cola, Levis or Michael Jackson CDs….and in America she had an A-Lister cum inside her for 18 or more years of stability, assuming the kid will use his inheritance after Brad Cooper dies of AIDS, on his mom…..

Point being, it’s a tactic I respect because she still looks hot..

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Pig Chrissy Teigen Instagram VS Reality of the Day

I saw these Chrissy Teigen pics and just ignored them, until I was forwarded her bikini selfie that she blatantly posted on her social media to perpetuate some lie, or some unrealistic body goals, because she’s basically a fucking cartoon character who rebuilt herself using photoshop like all the other little fat influencers who pretend they aren’t, thanks to photoshop filters allowing them to not need to workout, be healthy or even hot…IT IS ALL LIES….

I ignore everything Chrissy Teigen because some pig faced, now pigged body, alcoholic unstable mess of a human that luckily fucked the right wallet and clearly has videos of him fucking his boyfriend Kanye that he doesn’t want leaked, so he sticks with the monster that is Teigen…basically went viral for her drunken mentally unstable tweets and the industry decided to give her TV shows and treat her like a “talking” head or a personality with an opinion we need…

This is a uneducated, clown of a woman, with shitty fake tits, who trapped a rich guy and fucked his wallet, who drops about 50 pounds for her own social media feed to perpetuate her lie when she looks like this:

The fact that she hasn’t been cancelled or that the media thinks she’s valid or worth listening to because she had twitter followers is just another reason why the media is fucking trash and America is trash….celebrating liars and pigs instead of quality people…you’re all fucking idiots.

Not to mention, anyone I’ve met has told me they can’t stand this monster, so who are the people who like her enough to give her work and “relevance”….

This square / rectangular body that looks like an street hooker that has huffed too much fucking gas….trash.


Posted in:Uncategorized