I'll Make You Famous…




Rihanna New Lingerie of the Day

Rihanna New Lingerie

Rihanna may be fat now, she’s older, it happens to all women, not just black women, you racists, why don’t you go loot a grocery store.

She clearly has all kinds of money and can buy all kinds of snacks thanks to selling her soul to the devil that is the entertainment industry.

In her laziness, she has decided to focus on her e-commerce business, like all those FB ads you see about how to start your own work from home business, only in Rihanna’s case, it actually makes money for her because she’s Rihanna.

Why bother touring and cashing in when you have all you need, you’re Rihanna, and your lingerie company can float your life instead..

I’ve been told she was an underage sex worker in the tropics, like she was at Epstein’s house, only on a different island, because why else would someone import her into NYC at 15….a lot of paperwork is involved in doing that…all while she barely had any talent…it is all so confusing….

I’ve been told that she beat herself up and not Chris Brown, but that could be a lie, but if it wasn’t a lie, what a genius strategy to fully pivot her career and really shine, because pre-Chris Brown beating she wasn’t really that HUGE of a deal, it went viral / exponential after that….and I am sure if that is the case Chris Brown is still on her payroll for life because of it…

I’ve been told she’s a cunt to all the locals in Barbados, like she treats them worse than the white guests do, because she likes to assert her superiority from being a poor ass girl no one gave a shit about, to being the pride of the island….reminding us that race is less of an issue than money, it’s a rich vs poor fight we are fighting…not a color vs color….

I don’t know what to believe, but I do like trying to figure out her pussy definition in her lingerie….because it’s Rihanna and she’s hot.

Rihanna New Lingerie


Posted in:Rihanna




Bella Thorne Titty Pop of the Day

Bella Thorne Cleavage

Bella Thorne posted up this smut the other day, you know before she was posting up black squares because it’s just a thing going around the internet and the people who initiated that thing want to know who the suckers they can easily manipulate are….it’s a way to vet the idiots…who are just full of misinformation and feel the social pressure to participate in some bullshit idea like posting a black square on their instagram….because they don’t want backlash for not posting it…even if they don’t actually care….and even though it basically makes a meme out of a real fucking cause.

The idea is “Let the voices be heard” but instead everyone’s like “Who the fuck are these idiots with their black squares” doing the DUMBEST and least amount for a cause, passively posting to feel better about taking action, when that level of action is beyond useless and isn’t even a fucking action. It’s just selfish…

Well, luckily before she decided to pretend to go silent, by making a post, that is not silent…she had her tongue out like a whore licking an asshole, so as she sits waiting for a time she can post on social again, this is what she’s left you with..

These people don’t care about anything but themselves.


Posted in:Bella Thorne




Lady Gaga Bra and Leggings of the Day

Lady Gaga Bra Tight Leggings

Here’s some catchy music making brain washing scam that is Lady Gaga…

I guess she was Head to Head with Katy Perry because they were from the same generation of shitty pop music…

Some rivalry on the level of Britney and Christina, only in Lady Gaga’s case, it was hard to lose to a talentless hack like Katy Perry….but I guess that rivalry needs to exist to make people fight harder and win….

So in her core, she’s got a target on Katy Perry’s head, knowing she’s better than her, but that’s just how rivalry works…the new pop stars can’t be her rivals, there are in different categories, so it will always be the person who came up at the same time as you.

Clearly, Gaga’s doing her part to compete with Pregnant Katy Perry, because of that Rivalry, by rockin’ her gunt like it’s full of FETUS too…you know the worst thing women can compete with each other over…a fat gut…but when you get closer to 40…that’s just how it goes.



Posted in:Lady Gaga




Madison Beer Post Protest Breakout of the Day

Madison Beer Post Protest Breakout

Clearly making this about herself, to monetize the protests, Madison Beer is out here pretending she cares.

So some big titty youtube girl with a record deal thanks to her parents exploiting her teen tits on a YOUTUBE channel for those who weren’t rich enough to EPSTEIN teens, but instead had to sit through their tedious youtube videos, to get what Epstein got from his 200 dollar teen massages…you know…

She’s hopped on the PROTEST trend by offering her voice and her body to the cause….walking around with signs that read “Black Lives, Black Trans Lives, Black Mental Health, Black Gay Lives, Black Voices Matter…..which is better than just sitting at home not getting involved…but I don’t buy it….

The reality is she’s getting positive feedback from her black fans, they are pumped she cares about them or whatever…but she just cares about herself….

She wrote some bullshit like:

i have been given not only white privelage (not privilege), but the privelage (not privilege) of reaching a massive audience, if i can help in ANY WAY to get this message out and let it be heard. i am going to. if i can get out and protest with people fighting for the same thing i am, i’m going to.

i will be fighting and standing with you until the end.

I don’t know if using her public forum to write terribly is the best thing for the future generation. I mean use a capital, get a spell check. If bitch can’t spell, like she’s a 10 year old, which is probably when they pulled her out of school to focus on Youtube….I don’t care about her opinion on anything!

What a fucking mess….but bitch can take a titty selfie to get a lot of money, which I guess is what is important to these superficial fucks…

She got hit by tear gas, that she claims was unwarranted, she couldn’t breath for 10 minutes, like she was GEORGE FLOYD or something…but she survived…

Making this about your IG feed bro…that’s fucked up and what you’d expect from these idiots.

Here she is protesting
Madison Beer Protesting


Posted in:Madison Beer




The Hottest Black Girls Because Black Lives Matter of the Day

Hot Black Girls Black Lives Matter

I want to say that I hate all people and when movements like this happen on social media…it reaffirms how fucking dumb the people of social media are…follower fucks.

I don’t hate hot women of any race, cree, gender (lol). If you are hot, we are all good. Even if you’re not that hot but I csam stare at your tits, we are all good. I’ve NEVER really thought anything of someone’s color even after I got mugged by 3 big black guys when I wad 15, because I am not a victim and they could have been white because I only hate people based on their behavior…those muggers were assholes, not cuz they were black but because they mugged me.

Apparently, they are saying it is racist to say that you aren’t racist…you have to see color to appreciate color but not judge by color despite giving preferential treatment for their color…..I didn’t do too much digging as to why, it was more a rolling of my eyes and moving on with my day…that luckily isn’t polluted with all this shit…because I don’t fuck around on social media….where all this brews.

Obviously, black lives matter and obviously the system is designed to be racist and obviously cops target black people and that’s some bullshit…but I find it weird that 3 black people die by cops daily and all of a sudden, after a pandemic, where the government stole your jobs, bailed out Wall Street, printed money….a cop mistreating a black guy causes this massive fucking uprising…when really ya’ll should be protesting the government for fucking you if you’re going to protest anything…

Protests always appeal to destructive people, who destroy the personal property of other people, who are probably fighting the same cause…because those protestors just like the rush of destruction.

I would assume that 99 percent of decent people, who were raised right, would say “that’s fucked up, cops shouldn’t do that to people”….and that most of us want justice for all…and that most of us aren’t racist…except maybe those on social media posting a black square to belittle a cause by making it about them and to reduce a systemic situation to a silly social media challenge, trend or meme that everyone is doing because they are in fact racist, self involved assholes…Fuck all of ya’ll…

Here are some hot black girls, cuz hot chicks is what matters and black girls are hot.

Hot Black Girls Black Lives Matter

Hot Black Girls Black Lives Matter

Hot Black Girls Black Lives Matter

Hot Black Girls Black Lives Matter


Posted in:Featured Post




Girls in PPE of the Day

I guess since COVID is over, I should do this post on girls in Riot Gear, but the reality is that sluts are pretending to care about black dudes because they’ve sucked a black dick or two in their quest to be influencers, so they need to post up BLACK SQUARES so the real voices can be heard, so brave, and bold, and strong…you sheep follower fucks don’t even know what you are protesting..

So I am not going to let COVID die, I am going to keep it alive in my heart forever….I enjoyed every day feeling like a SUNDAY….I enjoyed the transition from bar and restaurant and retail worker to CAM GIRL slut who gets naked online for money…I enjoyed the fun masks, the PPE and the silly things people did….so COVID…lives in our hearts forever…plus riot gear isn’t naked enough….and at home protesting things these spoiled brats doesn’t understand takes away from the “we are all going to die narrative”!

Here’s that PPE!!

Girls in PEE

Girls in PEE

Girls in PEE

Girls in PEE

Girls in PEE

Girls in PEE

Girls in PEE

Girls in PEE

Girls in PEE

Girls in PEE

Girls in PEE

Girls in PEE

Girls in PEE

Girls in PEE

Girls in PEE

Girls in PEE

Girls in PEE

Girls in PEE

Girls in PEE


Posted in:Featured Post




Naughty Nurses Done Gone Wild of the Day

I guess to keep this relevant, I should kick these COVID nurses who are totally inappropriate off the site….

You know, COVID is over, they got the lockdown, the bailouts, and the unemployment rates to a place where they want it, you know to keep unrest in society….so throw them a new topic to focus on, so that they don’t actually protest the government fully….make it a race war…not a “You lied about COVID and FUCKED my life war”….

So these COVID nurses are no longer heroes we celebrate, throw them out like last week’s kitchen garbage, divert the whole “Health Care Workers are Heroes” narrative, and forget that “health care workers are also sex workers” who post insane nudes from the job to the internet for their pervert needs, because Health Care workers don’t matter, we are all ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER RITALIN babies….we’re bored of that….

So as the their fans to get off to their nurse fetishes…while giving these nurses that positive reinforcement they like…especially while riding the high of being called heroes….making their exhibitionism that turn their exhibitionists on so much…and the whole thing is wild, no fear of being fired, this is the world now? Weird.


Posted in:stepFEATURES




The Best Cameltoe on Instagram of the Day

As the COVID lock down, job losses, bankruptcies, unemployment go up…gets replaced by the sheep of social media fighting for Black Lives today, like they fought for #MeToo last year, and like they fought for Black Lives 5 years ago, before forgetting the cause and jumping on the next trend for their feed…while black people still got killed by cops….

I am here doing the important work on days where instagram is being blacked out by idiots posting black squares to pretend they care while all they care about is the selfie….

That important work is posting up cameltoe pics from instagram…because these are the kinds of people we are dealing with….the social media stars, or aspiring social media stars…who really would rather just post up pics of their front butt…or whatever it is they call pussy hugging, pussy definition, cameltoe pics so you can see they got pussies…the modern cleavage since you can’t be too sure amongst all the trans….which was also a huge activism on social media last year while black people were getting killed by cops and no one was paying attention because they were busy fighting for pronouns…

Best Cameltoe Instagram


Posted in:Cameltoe




I fucking Hate Snakes and Other Videos of the Day

Amazon Truck Gets Looted

Curious Bear

Mercedes Dealership Gets Torched

Looters Getting Stuck Behind

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I am so glad I don’t use social media.

I just heard that all these idiots who don’t care about anything beyond the selfie, or how much they get paid for the selfie, because of this illusion that they are Oprah as they sell bullshit product to their “fans” while going on these epic free influencer trips, are posting up a Black Square to show their solidarity with Black Lives Matter, to black out the Instagram to give the illusion of giving people who need their voices heard a chance to be heard, even though they will be shamed for trying to be heard, for not posting the black square….

So these idiots, who don’t care about anything, are pretending to care about something, for fear of being shamed for not caring, because they don’t care, but need to pretend to care, meanwhile they themselves are fucking racist.

This is worse than “some of my best friends are black”…..

I always took the internet for what it was, a joke, filled with trolls…it was separate to real life…it’s just the internet…but for some reason, the younger generation think internet IS life, so all their relationships are internet based, all their friends, internet based, and when they are out in real life, all they are doing is internet lifing, from real life, to get pics to seem interesting for internet life…

They have all this information to make intelligent choices, yet they don’t dig for information, they jump the bandwagon trend to fit in, despite not believing it, and they just spew misinformation to their followers…because they are negligent idiots spreading fucking lies…

I am all for protests, anarchy, freedoms, equal rights and change…black squares on social media don’t do shit for anyone but say you’re a fucking asshole who is probably a fucking racist and has no real grasp of the issues at hand, but feel like the black square is doing enough of your part to continue influencing guilt free for ALL people….the HUMAN people…

I am not for idiot loser racists who don’t fucking care pretending to care by jumping on bandwagons for fear of being shamed….

I just think social media has peaked and people are going to stop dropping out, because if the pandemic has taught us anything, none of this shit matters, so stop encouraging the idiots who think they matter….

Not to mention, everyone jumps the fucking gun, they don’t even know if George Floyd was a real person, a real actor, and not just a viral video staged next to a pallet of bricks for angry protestors to throw bricks…not to discount cop killers or killing cops or black people killed by cops…but statistically 1000 black people were killed by cops, 2 per day, since the last BLM protest from when Garner got killed….2 per day, yet this is the one that pops people off?

Why did this one go viral? Why do people all of a sudden care? What about the other people killed by cops…..maybe it’s a diversion from the fact that a virus that barely killed anyone led to economic shut downs and bail outs, you were LOOTED like you were a target with a pallet of bricks left out, but instead of fighting the REAL fight, you’re fighting for some cause….

Some cops are racists, America is racist, most people are racist…so fight for change, your black square won’t do shit, beyond brand you as the follower idiot with no soul we already KNEW you were because you are an “Influencer” instead of doing something meaningful, self involved cunts. Every where.

Unless racism is now fixed because emrata posted a black square….the best thing in all this is how racist the rich people who are pretending to not be racist are, they think listening to rap music or partying with TYGA or some other Black Athlete or other black influencers who are basically just white or accessible like Halle Berry….means they aren’t racist…even white people with black kids are the first to throw their kids under the bus to prove how not racist they are…

You’re all dumb fucks with zero self awareness, being sheep, following trends, reminding me that I need to figure out a viral product that everyone buys, because you might as well exploit this opportunity of everyone mindlessly following the fucking leader, not knowing who the fucking leader is, but assuming it’s someone since everyone is doing it!

Don’t trust the internet.

Here are some stepLINKS…

Ashley Graham Breast Feeding

Sara Sampaio’s Backyard Photoshoot

Lulu Got her Tits Out with her Surf Board…

A Brief Explanation Of How Differential Steering Works!

Mackenzie Dern Made Women’s UFC History

Dismantling a Paypal Scam

Irish Farmers Creates Friendships With Foxes During The Lockdown

This Is How The Cat Reacted To The New Treadmill!

Guy Creates And Chomps Down On A Water Sausage!

Kevin Lustgarden’s Amazing VFX Compilation!

Get Some Tropical Print Masks for Mandatory Mask Stores

Posted in:stepLINKS