I'll Make You Famous…




Britney Spears Cowboy Bikini of the Day

Britney Spears was allowed out of the walled compound she lives in to visit the ocean, she wore a tiny blue bikini and a cowboy hat and danced around because that’s what southern girls do when their handlers let them out on their own. Plus the whole country being popular now that Diplo approves it and everyone is a fucking drone fuck means Cowboy hats are the way to be on trend and relevant.

Britney is a fucking legend and can do no wrong as far as I’m concerned. I am just disappointed with the WOKE culture forgetting that she was abducted in plain site for so fucking long. I mean I’ve been calling her a prisoner crying for help subliminally on her social media for years. I’ve said that she’s all medicated like out of a movie just trying to escape the grip of her father, their family business and the billions she’s brought in all these years because she’s Britney Spears…but no one listens to me…I guess Britney have that in common…only Britney’s out here winning being Britney…and I’m here staring at her mom turning 40 tits like they were still 18 asking to be hit one more time.

What I am getting atis that she’s lookin’ good.


Posted in:Britney Spears




Justin Timberlake’s Side Bitch in Tulum of the Day

Justin Timberlake Side Bitch Alisha Wainwright

Justin Timberlake was humping up against this girl in New Orleans, which put her on the map for being someone who matters, a great PR move really. So when you’re a girl and you’re goal is to get known, find yourself an a-lister to attach yourself to, whether as his public girlfriend or as the woman who he stupidly came inside and made a baby, it will work out for you, one way or another because the world like people associated to famous people….even when they are obviously just trying to get famous.

The fact is the this temptress seduced Timberlake, knowing he was married to make it work for her, but she wasn’t the married one, so is that all wrong? I don’t know the world only gives you limited opportunities and when you don’t take them, you feel like an idiot down the line, in a “I should have taken that shot”….especially when you’re a woman with a limited window of opportunity.

So here she is in a bikini showing you the ass that Timberlake publicly humilated himself and possibly ruined his marriage over. It’s pretty funny.


Posted in:Alisha Wainwright




Kiernan Shipka Bra and Panties of the Day

Kiernan Shipka BRa Panties

I don’t find Kiernan Shipka hot at all…even in her bra and panty set…which is weird.

Instead of being like “Half naked actress from some dumb CW show and I like half naked actresses”…..I think “Damn I really don’t find Kiernan Shipka hot at all”.

But Why? I don’t have the answers.

In fact I think that it’s too bad I don’t like her half naked because she’s half naked and that should theoretically be enough for me.

There’s nothing specifically wrong with her body. There’s nothing I can point to and say I don’t like Kiernan Shipka because of her dick clit, or her fucking fat thighs, or her fucking full retard face….there’s no defects of deformitites, if anything she looks fit…so maybe it’s a “It’s me, not you” situation…..

If you saw pics of girls I’ve found hot half naked over the 35 years or more of looking at half naked chicks, you’ll definitely know it’s “Me” not “her” situation. I have found some real fucking monsters hot.

SO I post these confused. Why can’t I buy into this hype. I just don’t know.


Posted in:Kiernan Shipka|SFW




McKayla Maroney Headstand of the Day

McKayla Maroney was the Gymnast who went viral for becoming a meme when she was underage and ya’ll Olympic Gymnast fans who are already rearing up for this year’s Olympics, were all about her.

It led to her sexualizing herself in bikinis and other things that only gymnasts could do, which as things unfolded we realized that she was sexualizing herself because she was a victim of abuse from that Gymnast doctor who would finger bang the girls to fix their sore ankles….something their parents should be arrested for allowing to happen…because they chose to believe in the dream of their kid’s talent and wouldn’t do anything to screw that up. Being an Olympian is a huge accomplishment, what’s a little diddling from the doctor gonna hurt….

Well, as it turns out not only was she a victim of his assault, but also paid to keep her mouth shut, which I guess makes her a sex worker in some capacity….a sex worker paid to get fingered or to not testify against him…which ended up causing some backlash…but she’s a survivor and out here with her tits and ass in various gymnast poses…recovered from the trauma of being that victim who got paid off….to sexualize herself yet again…for another day…because that’s what surviving is about….


Posted in:McKayla Maroney




Sydney Sweeney Titty Dress of the Day

Sydney Sweeney is the “it” girl according to me which is the only opinion that matters on this website seeing as I am the only one on this website…my personal journal like I was some sort of teen girl….like the one Sydney Sweeney plays in Euphoria where she pulls out her LARGE natural tits any chance she gets to remind us what it means to be a celebrity in this era of porn.

She’s been positioned to be this “it” girl by her management who got her a bunch of solid jobs building up to Euphoria, like Handmaid’s Tale which is huge and that other show with Amy Adams that had a lot of hype but that I can’t think of because I really only got interested in Sydney Sweeney when I realized just how big her tits were. I’m cheap and easy like that. If a girl who is being packaged to be the next celebrity in a world where everyone is a celebrity has secret tits like Sydney Sweeney’s tits….I’m going to support that propaganda.

So here she is getting invited to events and such because the world has been turned onto her…via her tits….and when your tits are as substantial as hers…they should be the number one go-to tool to make those dreams come true.

While other girls are out on instagram trying to rope dudes into paying to see them masturbate. This one’s on HBO(oobs). Doing it right enough….even if watching her jerk off on snapchat for 10 dollars a month would be more lucrative…it’s always an option when the whole celeb thing collapses..

Sydney Sweeney Slit Side Boob

Sydney Sweeney Slit Side Boob


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Victoria Clay Nipples of the Day

Victoria Clay Nipples

I don’t know anything about Victoria Clay other than that she was on some British Reality show, that I am assuming was the British Bakeoff, but that could have also been Ru Paul’s Drag Race….you know because in this era she could be a man doing that whole woman thing and it would explain how liberal she is with her nipple….even though it is trendy for women to be liberal with their nipples. Who can be certain of anything besides the fact that we are all going to die as the world is fucking ending…which when put into perspective makes Victoria Clay’s nipple seem far less important than the already not very important it is.

So as tribute to her name, I suggest making a sculpture out of your semen as if it was clay…..maybe a bust of her….it’s the right thing to do.


Posted in:Victoria Clay




Viki Odintcova Nude Photoshoot of the DAy

Viki Odintcova Nude

Viki Odintcova is some Russian instagram girl who has her tits out in some photoshoot as she does because she has 5 million followers, possibly fake followers, but followers nevertheless on instagram. So she must be important. This is her INSTAGRAM

After doing some research, very little research, just staring at her tits in this shoot was enough research for me. It turns out that she almost died doing this stunt for an instagram post:

Which makes pulling her tits out hardly that dramatic, or intense, or crazy. This girl goes the fucking distance for Insta, in true Russian psychopath glory and I support that behavior….but prefer when the tits are out.


Posted in:Viki Odintcova




Wendy Richard in Vintage Erotica of the Day

Vintage Erotica Wendy Richard

Wendy Richard was a british actress who died in 2009 but she lives on through the various vintage erotica of her in a bra and panties like this photoshoot.

I figure some RIP motherfucker tribute pictures is always a good time thanks to the legacy that lives on forever thanks to the internet.

So girls out there taking your nude selfies remember…the internet never forgets.

This is also for those of you who have been known to dig into only family albums to jerk off to vintage bikini pics of people you pretend you don’t know, but who you are very well aware are your dead granny on her beach vacation.

Jerking off to the dead, some may find it gothic and dark, others a tribute to their memories….to me…even those alive doing these nude shoots have no souls so it’s all the fucking same.


Posted in:Vintage Erotica




Zoey Deutch Getting Slutty of the Day

Zoey Deutch Slutty Tits Photoshoot

Zoey Deutch is one of our goto celebrity brat kids trying to make it on social media using every fucking connection they have thanks to who their parents are.

I am a big fan of celebrity kids and their entitlement or the fact that they don’t really have to try as hard as other girls to get work, to get rent paid and to get where they want to go.

Their celebrity upbringing pretty much secures them with room and board, a trust fund and all the meetings they want or need with anyone they want and need it with.

SO…when they get nude or half nude for photoshoots, there’s this level of not needing to do that but really doing it for the sheer love of being slutty in photoshoots and I find that hot.

Zoey Deutch is the daughter of Howard the Duck’s Lea Thompson and some producer / director who did Pretty in Pink named Howard Deutch, not to be confused for Howard the Duck….

Point being…Zoey Deutch is good.


Posted in:SFW|Zoey Deutch




Elsie Hewitt – The Tits Ryan Philippe Beat of the Day

Elsie Hewitt who you can follow on instagram at @ELSIE , is one of those big natural titty girls from instagram who was able to amass a following by using her tits to get noticed or to be taken seriously by rich dudes.

I don’t know her end goal or how much of a sugar baby she actually is, because I don’t actually care.

I just know that her claim to fame, or the biggest shit she’s done, is accuse Ryan Philippe of beating her when they were “dating”.

It is another one of those stories of if you’re a famous dude, you have a lot of exposure, and this generation of woman is a clever opportunist who is entitled and thinks they deserve everything because they have over 500k instagram followers. They have a distorted perception of sex, relationship and rape and sexual assault. They don’t have brains, they just have memes and half information from reading headlines and not really grasping how the world works. They’ve been coddled their whole life, they can’t fail in elementary school, everyone gets a participation prize. The world their oyster.

Anyway, she was clever enough to sue Philippe for a million dollars, cash in when things don’t work out for you, and who will believe him in this #metoo era. Good timing. Take advantage of exploiting the highest profile dick you can seduce on IG.

That’s not to say Philippe is a good guy, or that he didn’t punch her when she was out of control at his house, throwing a tantrum….it’s just to say he’s a fucking idiot…these tits aren’t worth that headache…not tits are worth the headache yet all these motherfuckers get caught up in this shit. Idiots.

Well these are those tits in a photoshoot.

Posted in:Uncategorized