I'll Make You Famous…




Amy Schumer is Disgusting and wants you to call her of the Day

Amy Schumer Disgusting

Amy Schumer is freezing her eggs so that scientists can discover how such a disgusting creature was made and take steps to prevent it from happening again. She also posted her phone number and wants you to call and text her 1 (917) 970-9333….I can’t guarantee that is her number, but I can guarantee that she’s over hyped dog shit, that no one in their right mind would knock up, except maybe a gay dude who got caught up in the adoption system and has been unable to have a kid of his own, because he sees value in having kids with someone rich and famous…plus he’s used to fucking shit, literally…which is basically what SCHUMER is.

I despise anyone who finds her funny and her breeding brings me hope of the apocalypse…let’s just hope she doesn’t get brought to MARS with GRIMES and her BABY on Elon’s nerd Spaceship….to create the next generation of MARS DWELLING HUMANS after our earth explodes…even if bitch already looks fucking alien.



Posted in:Amy Schumer|SFW




Britney Spears Bikini of the Day

Britney Spears Bikini

Britney Spears looks like she just got back from WWIII with all the Millennials who the OK BOOMERS were mad at, even though she’s too old to be a Millennial as she pushes 40….

What I am trying to say in my drunken state is that she’s looking rough, but at 40, that’s ok…what the fuck do you expect for a girl who’s been hopped up on pills for the last 20 years, in order to keep producing money for the empire that is based on her producing money…

She’s in her bikini, looking tired, rocking some near pussy hip tats which I am sure she wishes K-Fed used as a target for his orgasm….instead of her CERVIX / UTERUS….but that iconic “knock up a broken bitch and be set for life”….is sweet redemption for all the women who played the same tactic on rich guys….

I generally don’t like 40 year olds…but it’s Britney Bitch…deal with it.

Britney Spears Bikini


Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Halsey Fucks the Floor of the Day

Halsey Cowgirl Nudity

Halsey is a cow, and she’s showing off her cow tits that she bought with her popstar trash money, because she’s manipulated the industry into thinking she’s good, and the industry has manipulated the fans into thinking she’s good, despite just being some DJ slut at an EDM concert who sucked the right dick. I am not a fan.

I remember when she first came up and people were praising her for being “almost homeless” and a “drug addict”….bitch was a party slut but bitch knew how to polarize that shit HARD…and people bought in.

She also plays up that her dad is black, which in and of itself is BLACK FACE in its own right, you know the whole “I’m so victimized, feel sorry for me, connect with me, feel for me, the plight of this ethnicity is my plight too”….garbage…she so white…

Then there’s the whole resurgence of COUNTRY music, something I’ve listened to forever and something I’ve written off people for extended periods of time for spitting back the scripted “anything but country” response to “What music do you like”….people, with no brain or knowledge of anything just denounced an entire GENRE of real fucking music, with real fucking stories, talking about real pain and real hardship, cuz they were trained to say that….I fucking hate you.

I can assure you that both DIPLO and HALSEY and even LIL NAS X all at one point in their lives said “anything but country”….

But country music PAYS the fucking bills, so now it’s cool, trendy, it goes viral..jump on it like it’s a record exec…or in Halsey’s case…a DJ at the club’s dick.

Her bolt on tits are shit, her sleazy country angle is a lie…she is a lie…and lies must be taken out back and shot…

Halsey Cowgirl NudityHalsey Cowgirl Nudity

Halsey Cowgirl NudityHalsey Cowgirl Nudity

Halsey Cowgirl NudityHalsey Cowgirl Nudity

Halsey Cowgirl NudityHalsey Cowgirl Nudity

Here she is last week humping a boat on vacation with Evan Peters..
Halsey Spreading Legs Bikini



Posted in:Halsey|SFW




Beatrice Bouchard Got Ass of the Day

Beatrice Bouchard Ass

Hometown Hottie Check….Beatrice Bouchard is the TWIN sister of Tennis pro who probably makes a lot of money as a Tennis pro…allowing her TWIN to just sort of chill as she builds up her audience with bikini pics on instagram….that she can monetize and even if she can’t she can get on payroll from the sister’s tennis career…you know they are twins afterall….

I think it’s funny knowing that one sister had to be disciplined, taken out of school to make it to the level of tennis she’s at…while the TWIN…just sort of said “have fun with that, I’ll travel to all the exclusive places you go and wear a bikini when I do it”….it’s like why bother working towards tennis at the pro level, when you can be the sister of tennis at the pro level, so you can spend your 20s in the party, at the club, doing the bikini thing…it makes so much sense to me….not to mention she’s hot…

So hometown hottie check…straight from the Mean Streets of Montreal…pay some attention to this Bouchard…she’s good.

Beatrice Bouchard Ass


Posted in:Beatrice Bouchard|SFW




Hailey Baldwin Tits for Jesus of the Day

Hailey Baldwin Tits for Jesus

Hailey Baldwin is some bullshit money grubbing famewhore from a d-list celebrities SOBER HOUSE, because her dad Billy Baldwin found Jesus in recovery and you know when you’re an A Personality Narcissistic actor with a substance abuse problem, who replaces that substance abuse with religion abuse…weird things happen…like Hailey Bieber…

So the conflicted daughter who just wanted to be a vapid Kardashian or HAdid and did anything she could to be with them at all times to get some of their shine, which I guess worked, as it got her invited to Bieber’s birthday party when she was 16….and when he fucked her for the first time…as girls raised in some weird variation of the church, thanks to her dad being a weird religious dude in recovery…and the rest of their romance is a modern day love story history….

Two broken entitled empty rich kids, turning to some weird pastor, or sect to find each other and to do the good American Wholesome family thing like getting married without a prenup….

So now she’s officially set for life. Like some Pop Culture royal family only not quite a Meghan Markle level of Royalty, because that hooker infiltrated the actual royal family, and she’s not even that good of an actor, but I guess she’s that good with her pussy, where as Hailey Bieber didn’t need to act her way into her “position” like a prostitute…she just sort of moved in on it…used God to bait dude…and now together they share the EPTEIN BARR virus..in GOD’s eye…or something.

ANYWAY…she walks around with her tits out, sexualizing herself, trying to be a celebrity or instagram model, all in the name of her CHURCH…or personal gain, we haven’t figured that one out…but we have figured out that she’s trash.


She had her tits out earlier in the week too…

Hailey Baldwin Tits Out for Jesus

Here she is at the Golden Globe Awards last night


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin Bieber|SFW




Barbara Palvin Boring Underwear Catalog Shoot of the Day

My one complaint about these catalog pics, no pussy.

It’s like if you’re going to wear panties, pull them up inside you like they are a vibrator you can’t afford but simulate by gripping them and gyrating….you know a little MY PUSSY IS HUNGRY LET ME EAT THESE…or AT LEAST….show some pussy definition…instead…smoothed out, lit and photoshopped. Fuck that.

Even when wearing those high waisted big girl cotton and comfortable panties, I expect to see more meat and potatoes. If you know what I mean……..I’m just spitting it off…you know a little riffing…you know…blogging is my soundcloud mumble rap.


Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Madison Beer Tight Leggings of the Day

Madison Beer Tight Leggings

Madison Beer may be some trash that crawled out of the gutter of YOUTUBE with millions of views from pervert old men who use YOUTUBE for it is intended purpose….to creep on girls…by making it a place the seemingly seems safe for girls to upload content….and that is encouraged by their parents…because they want to be Biebers too.

Using those views she got that record deal, so that she can now call the paparazzi anytimes she’s feeling cute to either show off her tits, or show off her round ass in leggings, because the paparazzi are so desperate, they show up everywhere they are told…just trying to make a dollar in this internet generation of all their pics get posted to social media in 3 minutes of taking them by Madison Beer or whoever fans around the world….impossible to control…

As it turns out, asses in leggings are wonderful.

To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE


Posted in:Madison Beer|SFW




Naked Models for a Boring Calendar of the Day

Naked Models for a Boring Calendar

This is some BORING fucking content….

Not to mention, V Magazine is the fucking devil. It is some scammy bullshit that people just assume is relevant because models do shoots with them, it’s all an inside job, clickbait bullshit likely owned by Victoria’s Secret or the Kardashians or some other scenester shit in NYC…because look who they used for their bullshit Calendar no one gives a fuck about….

I wrote about them last week when I posted the shitty GIGI pic, basically they did a male model search that I applied to be in, using the picture in the header of this site, because I’m a stud…..and I beat out all the queer topless male model dudes like looked like women….

I beat them by THOUSANDS of votes…I am sure I could find the link….hold up… THIS WAS THE ORIGINAL POST CIRCA 2011

Needless to say, I won, but they didn’t acknowledge it…..so fuck them motherfuckers and the garbage model sluts they used in 2020….9 years after they broke my spirits down….

You can see Gigi Hadid’s shoot here

Naked Models for a Boring Calendar

Naked Models for a Boring Calendar 3


Posted in:Half Naked Model|SFW




Woman Knocked Out WTF?…and Other Videos of the Day

Basejumper Gets Caught on a Balcony

Man on Phone Falls in FIsh Tank…

Customer Blasts Armed Robber

Flash Flood

Ukrainian AIr Getting Shot Down

Man Breaks Into Taco Bell

Posted in:stepNEWS




Miley Cyrus Hard Nips of the Day

Miley Cyrus nips are circulating the internet like she’s never shown her tits before, because I guess she took a break from showing her tits to get married, but now that she’s divorced, the nips are back….and the wholesome fake country girl, you gotta remember she’s an LA rich Disney kid first, meaning she can act her way through “HICK”….to connect to that audience knows exactly what she’s doing. Too much money is on the line for her to not know what she’s doing. All calculating, hostess twinkie, middle of the road, basic shit…but braless in a wifebeater and the way it reminds me of 90s punk shows I’d drink too much piss beer at…works for me.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW