I'll Make You Famous…




Suki Waterhouse Pussy Print of the Day

Suki Waterhouse Pussy Print 2

I figure that since I did a post on IRINA SHAYK’s vagina, I should do one on
Suki Waterhouse…..Because Brad Cooper was cast in Suki’s marketing of herself back when she decided to go into acting, after an uneventful model career…she paid him with pussy…but I guess he figured her tactics out….and ditched her for the much hotter Irina Shayk…who was so committed to the cause like a Russian would be…no ways she’s going back to War Torn Slovenia or wherever the fuck she’s from….that she sacrificed her vagina….

So now Suki’s moving in, being like “I got my unscathed, not a mom yet pussy, and you’re welcome to come home daddy”…..only it is scathed….all famous pussy is scathed or scabbed…same same…


Posted in:SFW|Suki Waterhouse




Irina Shayk Boring me to Death in a Silk Dress of the Day

Irina Shayk Braless Silk Dress

Irina Shayk braless in a silk dress with a high slit, boring.

Speaking of High Slit, she was smart enough to use he slit on likely high Brad Cooper…you know all celebs are addicts…

Shit that Russian imports are willing to put up with, since it is not nearly as bad as what Russian women are used to putting up with, you know by being Russian to bein with…..

So despite all the bad press dude had from other women, mainly his ex wife…he was a big enough star to send tabloid clippings back home for all of her down to see how far little Irina had gone in America….

So he came in her enough to knock her up, and now she’s an older looking, more damaged, mom pussy in her 30s, than the hot model taking over who she was before Brad Cooper entered her uterus…but she’s got guaranteed income the next 18 years which helps her budgeting – so that’s nice….I guess.

Irina Shayk Red Silk Dress boring


Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Jessica Szohr Bra and Panties and Face of the Day

jessica szohr bra panties

Jessica Szohr who reminds me of Herpes because of how you pronounce her weird name, but also because she for sure has them….is out promoting bras because a girl needs to make a living…and tits help…

She was on Gossip Girl, she didn’t get the career that her Co-Star Blake Lively got, it could have something to do with her face being terrifying…but she still has been on some shit, and she still gets acting work at 35 years old, in things like Kingdom (never met it) and Orville (never met it – unless they mean the Microwave popcorn, in which case, I fucked that shit last night….but they don’t mean that popcorn…)…nothing relevant…

She says she is from Wisconsin, that she is half black / half Hungarian….has 22 tattoos and some I guess some titties…

This is pretty lame, but as a 35 year old has been, what do you expect….

jessica szohr bra panties


Posted in:Jessica Szohr|SFW




Josephine Skriver Still Hot in a Bikini of the Day

Josephine Skriver Erotica Bikini

Josephine Skriver is hot in Bathing Suits cuz she was created in a lab…as a reverse abortion…make life from nothing, instead of ending life from sluts who like cum in them while not on Birth Control….

I am not a religious man, so I don’t know if jerking off requires an end goal to Christians, but I figure it must be confusing for a religious person who is taught that a man should not masturbate.

I guess they see it as a wasted load, since no attempts at breeding are in the mix as you violate yourself to reruns of the Golden Girls or whatever it is that weird religious freaks jerk off to.…

It is spilling your seed for the sole purpose of personal pleasure, which I guess isn’t very Christian at all. There is not SelfCare Sunday in Church motherfuckers…that’s just for instagram..which is arguably the new generations couch…what they all live by….but that isn’t really a church..

So I am guessing the religious folk, tempted by all the porn they see are out there making life out of their jerking off, so they give it to lesbians on Craigslist… creating a new fetish of knocking bitches up while creating new life. Masturbate with purpose….for God…

In Josephine Skriver’s case, her dad jerked off and created her, a designer baby thanks to biology…he was a marine biologist…which is way weirder than what you do with your cum…you know smearing it on your chest and/or eating it…but I guess some people are more motivated at jacking off.

Josephine Skriver Erotica topless


Posted in:Josephine Skriver|SFW




Emily Agnes Nude of the Day

Emily Agnes Nude Fully Pussy

EMILY AGNES is some Playboy Model from a few years ago who I don’t remember ever hearing of…because Playboy sucks and doesn’t make these instagram sluts famous anymore. It’s all just such low grade garbage.

Not to mention, there are so many sluts out there that it is impossible to keep track of all of them, even if you were so pathetic that you felt inclined to keep on top of all of them, let’s say because you were a Rich LA exec who dates all these low levels, you wouldn’t be able to remember all of them, because so many women get naked on the internet now…a good problem to have I guess…at least when we are losers like us…cuz it’s the only way we’ll see these bitches naked…

Angnes is naked…full cunt exposed like a lady…proving she’s a lady…even though she may identify as a man. We don’t know her and therefore don’t know…

She is known for Dating the little Britain comedian with too much money who was previously married to Lara Stone and who had his lawyers fuck with us over dull honeymoon pics..so fuck that guy and this girl who has been fucked by that guy….

Emily Agnes Nude Fully Pussy


Posted in:Emily Agnes




Eiza Gonzalez Panty Flash of the Day

Eiza Gonzalez Upskirt Panty Flash

Eiza Gonzalez is some pussy that was Josh Duhamel’s new pussy after years of being married to Fergie who is likely without a pussy, because those Meth Addicts are always the mentally unstable ones who may or may not be trans…..

Before trans was a preschool issue, you know tell your kid who just stopped wetting the bed that he can live his life as a girl, all he needs to do is take these hormones, so that the family can feel progressive and part of the narrative of social media….and before trans was a high school issue for the weird kids trying to find a community to be a part of…it was a thing of drug addict prostitutes like Fergie..

Not that this is about Fergie, just about her husband’s comeback to pussy, his pussy homecoming, unless of course this one is trans too…can’t tell cuz panties are in the way



Posted in:Eiza González|SFW




Bella Thorne Slutty Cheerleader of the Day

Bella Thorne Slutty Cheerleader 2

My computer broke down this weekend, so I had to pull up an old one that I had retired long ago, because it also broke, but figured a little wipe down with some rubbing alcohol would help with the AIDS I’m sure I literally gave it…you know…your computer…your masturbation station….your access to such weird and sexy darkness….wall while a front facing camera films you.

Anyway, this isn’t some nerd computer tech post, it is to say that in 2015 or 2016 when my old now current computer was last used had a bunch of Bella Thorne starting her slutty antics for social media…it was fresh, a Disney Star with daddy issues who you could tell was molested just by how she carried herself….

But in the last 3-4 years of incessantly feeding us this shit, she’s an old pile of last week’s kitchen garbage trash….and anything she does is just fucking boring, try hard and shit…

So this is as shit as I’d expect it to be…she is not even hot…in pool being annoying, or in costume being annoying, she is just annoying…

Here she is topless…
Bella Thorne Topless

Here she is having a pool party by herself, until her crack dealer shows up.

Bella Thorne Wet Bikini

Bella Thorne BikiniBella Thorne Bikini


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Ashanti Erotica of the Day

Ashanti Erotica

ASHANTI just turned 39, and stripped down for the celebration of almost being 40…last year of her 30s…let’s do this as slutty as we can…because soon it will be too late…

As it turns out – it has also been 39 years since Ashanti has done anything memorable in music or acting….since her Ja Rule hit…it’s been a dud of a career….but 8 million people did watch her play Dorothy in The Muppet Wizard of Oz…so there’s that…I just don’t know what “that” is…Fuck off.


Posted in:Ashanti|SFW




Katy Perry Photoshopped and Wet of the Day

Katy Perry Wet

Somebody call PETA cause this PIG in a BIKINI is animal ABUSE.

She so clearly photoshopped her gunt out of this picture.

The whole #MeToo thing really didn’t cover real rape, like the rape from Katy Perry through her perverse music no one asked for. Why do we know her top 10 hits by heart after Never listening to her.

We’ve established that rape doesn’t need to be penetration from a man, it can be anything, like jerking off in a hotel room or on the phone….but for some reason No One has said “by putting lyrics in your mind without consent”…

We should do what we do to all rapists…and have her exiled…

Katy Perry Wet


Posted in:Katy Perry|SFW




Demi Moore Dancing in a Leotard For Old Lady Pervs of the Day

Demi Moore has done more thank just breed some pretty ugly children, who have carried on her ex husband Bruce’s nam, and neither of their legacies of being big in the 90s actors, because they were raised rich, and as Demi and Bruce’s kids, with no need to want a legacy, but rather just a coast through life being as useless as possible….and nothing wrong with that. If anything, they are the celeb kids I like best, because despite some level of shamelessness, like when the hip one does nude content with the middle one, or when Rumer pretends to be as singer, we know…they just do that for jokes, and not for any real ambition…

Not that it matters, this is about 66 year old Mom Demi, not doing Whippets like she did the night that dude died in her pool, but then again this dance may be what Whippets make an old bitch do when trying to find energy to do a shoot…like she did when she was 30 years younger – before all the plastic surgery….

I guess her lack of a waistline, despite all the plastic surgery, is more about her being the human version of a menopausal dried up bloodless tampon.

Posted in:Demi Moore|SFW