I'll Make You Famous…




Ariel Winter Ass of the Day

Ariel Winter Ass

Here’s the problem with a fat chick losing weight….she can’t control what part of her is going to get thin first and often times, it’s going to negatively affect her fat ass…which at the time of it’s fattest wasn’t great but sure as fuck better than this weird, still soft and sloppy, looking thing that seems to be getting sucked into her asshole like it’s the hottest director in the industry and she’s on his casting couch doing what he asks cuz despite not needing the money she’s been trained to want approval.

I am all for fat girls getting skinny, but this awkward body stage of whether she’s actually skinny, or just some lollipop looking body….top heavy like a cartoon…it’s strange.

Maybe she should be in the form fitting pants that make her look like she’s got an ass until she’s figured out how to build up her ass musculature proper…

But I guess even at her worst she dressed like this, so she doesn’t really care, especially with all the recent weightloss endorphines pumping through her….

Either way, the ass showing jean shorts – aren’t always nice.



Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Miley Cyrus Got her Tits Out Again of the Day

If you find that sweet spot that works, you know if you find that marketing hook that hooks people in, why bother changing it.

The biggest thing for MILEY as an independent (meaning detached from Disney) was that she did the nudity thing, the hipster cam girl, sex is cool, I’m naked thing….partially to piss off the man she eventually married…but also because girls are exhibitionists who like attention

The best move was putting her tits out there, she made a shit ton of money, found a new audience of perverts and inspired a lot of other girls to get naked on the internet cuz they are dumb followers but sometimes dumb followers are a good thing when they are following girls by showing tits…

The whole reinventing herself to be a serious country star, fuck that, bring back the tits…

The people spoke

She listened.

Now back to the basics…she’s got the tits out.

Don’t ruin a good thing girls…if showing your tits works and it does..keep it up.

Posted in:Uncategorized




Hannah Kleit Sounds like Clit’s Hot Shoot of the DAy

Hannah Kleit sounds like Clit….and that’s good enough for me…

All posing dramatic like – in some very important photoshoot that features at least one nipple, which is the star of the shoot…and a reminder that she should push things a little harder even though we noticed these pics…they’d be better spread eagled.

I am sure that the normalization of spreading your ass and pussy on instagram is around the corner, and I am sure EVERY girl takes that pic for her internet boyfriends she is cheating on her husband with….

I am from an era before girls posted bikini pics, and bikini pics were a huge deal and you’d say “I didn’t know she had a body like that”…..

We are now in an era of posting tits pics being as mainstream as McDonalds…

But I’m waiting for that social norm to be applied to spread ass and pussy.

It just makes girls more interesting when you can see their clit, rather than their name just sounding like clit…at least the way I’m reading it…which is probably wrong…cuz I’m dumb.

Posted in:Hannah Kleit




Sloppy Katy Perry Must Have ad her Face Injected of the Day

It doesn’t surprise me when people tell me that Katy Perry is hot, because I know how dudes thing and for the most part, they think anything is hot….not all dudes are as judgmental and critical of a bitch…and not all dudes focus on all that is wrong with a bitch from her thick cankles to sloppy stomach..inability to dance…ability to annoy through shitty fucking song….

I just don’t understand it…cuz I can’t look at Katy Perry and not think she’s the worst thing in the entertainment world…who didn’t deserve the career she got…due to her lack of talent but who went viral and scammed everyone who has no opinion of their own into thinking she has something to offer.

I don’t understand how a set of tits is enough for you to accept a monster as a babe, even though I’ve seen it over the years…often times at 3 am at the bar…but still…a “did you see the tits on that one”….where “that one” is one I wouldn’t waste my time having sex with, easier to jack off…and this is coming from someone who has paid some really gross women for sex….but it’s different when you’re paying…I am cost conscious and go for what I can afford…when you’re actually trying to connect with a real women to fuck..I just avoid the pigs…I mean I married one…but other than that I avoid.

What I am trying to say is I guess I fuck dog shit too, but I don’t try to convince myself it’s not dog shit.

Katy Perry…is Dog Shit.

Posted in:Katy Perry




Ireland Badlwin See Through Bathing Suit of the Day

Ireland Badlwin is the miscarriage Alec Baldwin wish he had instead of the one with his New Wife / New Life….

Ireland Badlwin the girl he called pig publicly at a young age and scarred her cuz she was his first try at kids with Kim Bassinger…before realizing the new wife did it better.

Ireland Baldwin the instagram model before everyone was an instagram model who got left in the instagram model dust….and was forgotten while her cousin and friends took over.

Ireland Badlwin who broke down, went to rehab, became a lesbian, got prison tattoos….is still on instagram and you can see her nips in this white bathing suit, while white bathing suits are a fetish to me…because they get see through when went and I have seen on more than on occassion full wet pussy thanks to white bathing suits…so if anything…this 7 foot tall monster may not be your thing but I trust you can focus on what matters….WHITE BATHING SUIT…

Posted in:Uncategorized




Rat Cow Bikini of the Day

I am taking back my misguided TRUCE with this Rat Cow with her Rat face and Cow tits….

I was distracted by the fact there was a pug in the pic…a BLACK pug…like my only friend and soul mate…who has been my guide and who I credit for saving my life the last 11 years I’ve had him..

The fact remains that this Rat Cow, is a shameless pig bitch who thinks she’s more important than she is because she can’t see that she just lucked out in timing and hustle on instagram with her marketing tactics..

She can pretend she’s important, famous, that people care about her…but the fact is that she’s garbage..

Her tits are good, her ass looking better and her face a pile of dog shit injections…but let’s all remember follower count or not she’s on the Z-List…and no one fucking cares about her unless she’s topless.

So get topless pig bitch…TRUCE OFF…you remain a waste of fucking space, make room for the hotter girls you try to hard scammer…report her to the police..she’s stealing marketing dollars for girls who are more worthy of it that aren’t sex workers..

In conclusion…good tits though..


Posted in:Uncategorized




Christine McGuinness Big Titty Yoga of the Day

Christine McGuinness Big Titty Yoga

Christie McGuinness knows how to do yoga…

I am not sure if she’e Charlotte McKinney’s sister, but they do share the shame initials…DD…

Get it.

Cuz they have big tits.

I am going to kill myself now.


Christine McGuiness Big Titty Yoga 11



Posted in:Christine McGuinness|SFW|SFW




Eva Longoria Swimsuit of the Day

Eva Longoria Swimsuit

I thought Eva Longoria was too old to be pregnant….

But it looks like she’s pregnant…

Or maybe, she’s just morphing into every Mexican 50 year old at any taco stand across America…with a big belly from taking bites of all that corn all day..whilst making Tortillas…

I would think most vain people would think “I’m not looking my best, maybe I’ll avoid the beach and stick to my fucking mansion and its private pool”…but I guess vanity means even when you look like shit you think you look fucking hot…or is that Narcissism…I didn’t go to school I don’t know these things but I can tell Eva Longoria knowing she’s Eva Longoria…the spoiled Mexican first generation DREAM baby who didn’t get locked up and separated by her family…but who instead was raised whiter than white, so white she’s likely racist to Mexicans….thinks she’s hot, looking hot, even when fat and lazy…cuz she’s Eva Longoria…

What will always amaze me about her – is that internationally people fucking love her, she’s a huge fucking star….while in America…she’s been on one TV show and sure she’s rich and all but ultimately…who give a fuck about Eva Longoria…especially now…gut out…like a fucking lazy pig in a trailer park tanning her tits before eating a bag of chips…



Posted in:Eva Longoria|SFW




Jordyn Jones Still Slutty of the Day

Jordyn Jones Still Slutty

Tom Jones and January Jones’ baby Jordyn is starting to figure out this social media, instagram shit….

Get half naked, put it out there, let it ride, people will like you better than when you are in clothing cuz we are all fucking perverts…but don’t give the people to much nudity cuz then they’ll see what they want to see, the tease over, the shamelessness replaces the excitement and all of a sudden the people hate you, despite still loving the nudes…

So the key to success in slutty on social media is to keep your SLOP HOLE in your panties, but show your panties….with silly captions like “which panties should I wear today”…or “just chilling”…or “no filter”…or “woke up like this’….or who the fuck cares…COCKTEASE into success.

Jordyn Jones Still Slutty


Posted in:Jordyn Jones|SFW




Leigh Anne Pinnock Bikini of the Day

Leigh Anne Pinnock Bikini

Apparently Leigh Anne Pinnock is from the pop band Little Mix….

A very important group of sluts who danced around and created garbage pop music….

Their leader is some trash named Perry Edwards and the one time I went “Viral” on twitter, before they deleted my account of many fucking years, was because I posted her nudes and all her fucking people went nuts..

So I guess that makes them well liked and a reminder to all that there’s no need for talent or quality to have fans – you just need marketing and some sluts….

Where the sluts at? Come make me some money.


Posted in:Leigh Anne Pinnock|SFW