I'll Make You Famous…




Ashanti Pussy Dance of the Day

Ashanti Wet Bikini Pussy Dance

Ashanti is still around and proving that the PUSSY DANCE…an instagram sensation…for girls who don’t know what to post but who are half naked and don’t want to miss the miss the opportunity….to show the world her pussy dance….all the pussy shaking on social media all the time…cuz all motherfuckers the same….

Ashanti Wet Bikini Pussy DanceAshanti Wet Bikini Pussy Dance


Posted in:Ashanti|SFW




Halle Berry Nipples of the Day

Halle Berry Nipples

I think the meme script behind this picture of 90 year old Halle Berry….is:

“Tries Instagram Once”….

Because girl, who was off limits and exclusive for so fucking long, is now out there quickly adapting to the way all the peasant women who aren’t celebrities build up a fan base and celebrity…by busting out here tits…

It’s really that easy, almost laughable, and I am sure that is what celebrities look at influencers as…the peasants stealing their money and reducing their value after years all for just showing her tits….so this is reclaiming the tits….the celeb tits….which aren’t anymore exciting than regular tits, but richer is a bigger sense of purpose….and self importance….but not really cuz all bitches think they are Halle Berry…..and have that same self importance.


Posted in:Halle Berry|SFW




Halsey is a Hooker of the Day

Halsey Hooker

Halsey is full of shit….but people in LA seem to be drawn to bullshit stories…from their castles they live in, it’s like they are connecting with real people, something they crave in their industry…so they end up connecting with idiots like this….

She’s got this whole storyline of being a homeless drug addict, who was actually just a party girl who didn’t have an apartment and crashed on people’s floors…

She eventually made it into the VIP room and connected with some DJs who she laid vocal tracks for and all of a sudden mattered..

But if that hadn’t worked out for her, she now says she considered sex work…


She didn’t want a real job, and was willing to suck dick for money instead of geting a real job, with a schedule and hours and responsibility…

I actually don’t even believe the story, a few months ago, she was all about being a black chick, cuz her dad is black apparently…and now she’s a homeless sex worker….

I mean it’s all nonsense marketing, gets people talking, and we know girls her age from Instagram…and know they are all fucking sex workers…that’s how they live without a job.

Halsey was just lucky to get in with someone who could make her famous, sucking the right dick with her sex work, so that it isn’t even called sex work.

I find this story ridiculous…but I also hate this lazy trash…and all it represents..

Here are some throwback pics of her being a hooker

Halsey Throwback Hooker



Posted in:Halsey|SFW




January Jones Naked of the Day

January Jones Naked

Hey January Jones, keep it in your pants…otherwise you’ll end up pregnant with another kid who doesn’t know who his dad is because your vagina is like a smoothie of sperm from various men you’ve fucked that day, swirling around trying to find your womb….OR…she’s just a slut, who knows who the baby daddy is and took a pay off to keep his name out of the press, because he’s either high profile, or married…either way…she gets paid and that makes life more fun, it allows her to do all the things she wants to do…like post shitty content to her social media for her fans…cuz it’s not like this bitch actually works as an actress…I haven’t seen her in anything ever…

This is likely from a photoshoot, not from a selfie, but we can collectively say “SHOW US MORE MOM PUSSY”….because that circus freak pussy you get from being a mom…you know th clown car pussy people climb out of – is the whole basis of being a mom….so I say show it to the fucking world….like you’re PT BARNUM…


Posted in:January Jones|SFW




Lais Ribeiro Topless of the Day

lais ribeiro topless

I don’t know why Lais Ribeiro is doing the same titty dance as Jennifer Lopez …..maybe it’s some Latin based memo that I wasn’t included on…

J.Lo the New York born Puerto Rican….and Lais Ribeiro the single mom from Brazil…not quite from the same time of Latin…but doing the same titty jiggle dance..

Maybe it’s just a lack of creativity, when backed into a wall and in need of updating the social media, all women respond the same – with a TITTY JIGGLE…

Maybe this is some deep rooted DNA coded primal instinct women have when faced with a camera, danger, or whatever.

Maybe we just uncovered some missing link in Anthropology…that no one has ever mapped out cuz they are too busy jacking off to the titty jiggle…

Or maybe it’s just basic bullshit from a whore who is paid to be half naked trying to be sexy…on some sex worker level of talent…

Either way…a Single Mom from Brazil who is paid a lot of money a year by a panty brand…shaking her tits…is fun.

lais ribeiro topless


Posted in:Lais Ribeiro|SFW




Jennifer Lopez Erotica of the Day

Jennifer Lopez Dancing Bra

Jennifer Lopez shaking her 50 year old tits was the alternate title….

She just goes to show you that no matter how much money you have, if you’re programmed to be a shapeshifting egotistical cunt who has crawled her way out of the gutter to reach the level of celebrity that she has, by tricking people to think she has talent, totally understanding how to market to people like a Kardashian, while lasting in this entertainment career for over 20 years….you’ll be an exhibitionist, attention seeking slut forever.

There is no need for J.Lo doing slutty dancing she will probably blame on her latin roots…

Yet…she’s out there producing content of herself doing slutty dancing…like some low level stripper because out of all the things we have learned on the internet…women fucking love getting watched whilst doing slutty things…they fucking LIVE for it…it’s so common it isn’t a generalization..

We’re in a position where people will say “not all women are sluts you misogynist”…which for the record I truly don’t identify as, so you can’t call me one…

If dudes can identify as women and the general population accepts that as fact, I can identify as someone who isn’t a misogynist….and be accepted as that…

I just say all women are sluts because statistically they are…

Just like all men are pigs…

Cuz statistically we are….

Deal with it. While watching an old lady try to stay youthful and hip shaking her tits….when she knows it is the J.Lo diaper ass we care about. What is this with her always evolving her manipulation tactics…

JLO wet and shit


Posted in:Jennifer Lopez|SFW




Kate Moss Nipples for British Vogue of the Day

Kate Moss British Vogue Topless

I just finished a post about LOTTIE MOSS …that wasn’t necessarily a good post about Lottie Moss…it wasn’t as hard hitting as I’d like it to be. It revealed no exclusive stories about her first sexual experience or what she masturbates to…in fact it was pretty flimsy and a waste of time…but it happened….about 3 minutes ago…and here I am looking at Patient Zero of the Moss family, the one who actually matters..the legend and the icon….Kate Moss….with her tits out like old times…because she is old and has been around a long time and in those old times she used to always have her tits out…..

She also was a party girl, rockstar fucker, wild scenester icon…who had all kinds of dicks and drugs in her…and who had even took ownership of her ripping lines in video when Cellphones were first invented and someone filmed her ripping lines…because who gives a fuck…

Well, she’s still alive and still topless, and I think it’s great…you know work well into your retirement with your tits out cuz what the fuck else are you going to do with your time..


Posted in:Kate Moss




Lottie Moss Topless of the Day

Lottie Moss Topless

Lottie Moss taking after her fake sister Kate Moss and busting her tits out…

She’s one of those people who either adopt their famous friend or relative’s last name to give themselves more credibility, or she is in fact Kate Moss’ dad’s other daughter with a different mother, but either way, she has been milking her legendary sister’s success and celebrity for what must be her entire life, even though there’s a huge age difference and she’s likely only met Kate Moss a dozen or so times..

This is the kind of girl who is like “Do you know who my sister is”…every time she tries to get into a club or restaurant or some other high end and exclusive thing all these idiots are drawn to…

She is also the kind of girl who gets model work, just because of her last name, which is weird, and she may or may not be on a reality show…but she does spend time in the USA where I guess she’s trying to launch a more lucrative career of being Kate Moss’ sister.

Either way, her tits out is a good sign…of good things to come..because despite being Kate Moss’ sister, she’s got a bigger set of tits, which I guess is the one thing she’s got over Kate and that she is apparently into using.


Posted in:Lottie Moss|SFW




Miley Cyrus Erotica of the Day

Miley Cyrus Booty

Miley Cyrus is a fan of Ellen Von Unwerth, a celebrity photographer that does some “high concept” sleazy photography.

She’s one of those overhyped people, but her pictures don’t bother me that much, I just don’t think she’s the creative genius she is paid to be….but people are idiots and buy into anything with any hype…and she does do sexual content and has been since the 90s….so it makes sense why a celebrity like Miley would turn to her to take all the slutty pics of Miley that ever come out.

They are like creative partners, Miley Unwerth’s muse, only because to be a celebrity photographer means you’re some soulless fuck who sucks up to celebs, like a chameleon who can scam them out of money…everyone an opportunist…

I can spot an Unwerth photo a mile away – I’ve seen a lot of them – and the reality is if she’s in there getting celebs naked for bullshit high concept that really isn’t all that high concept…I got no complaints…keep it coming so we can keep things coming….in our soiled sweatpants.

Miley Cyrus Booty


Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Cami Romero Naked in the Kitchen of the Day

I originally saved these pics thinking they were Cami Marone, Leo DiCaprio’s hired girlfriend who makes him look straight, but that is really some weird marketing hustle because they are her mom’s friends…her mom is in the scene, some passed around actress…

Either way, it’s not Cami Marrone, but rather some other set of tits, posing in the kitchen, reminiscent of a better time when women knew their role and were happy to be housewives, something that may be slowly happening again, now that women can sell off themselves so they don’t have to work, like this Cami bitch is doing…because working fucking sucks, especially when you got a set of tits you can use to make money by not working…

Feminism. So strange. All this fighting to end up in the same place you were in 1950s Leave it to Beaver Era…just with more cocaine and sexual partners…

Posted in:Cami Romero