I'll Make You Famous…




Top 20 Hot Naked Enough Instagram Models for 20% Off Kushly CBD of the day

We’ve partnered up with an AWESOME CBD COMPANY with so many options of products, strengths, etc….called KUSHLY .

I recently read that only 4,000,000 Americans are using CBD. I have a feeling that number will be closer to 300,000,000 Americans using CBD when all the CBD hype makes it officially to the mainstream.

The reason I have that feeling is because….CBD works for me.

I am not a fucking scientist, I don’t know what CBD quality is, or who the best is…I just know that every brand I’ve tried has worked for me. I have used creams, oils, gummies….and all have worked for my needs.

They say it helps for sleep, for inflammation, for pain. They say it helps Autism. They say it helps anxiety…they say it could curve people off opiates…and I believe all those claims. I don’t think it’s snake oil, I think Cannabis / Hemp is a plant that can kill a lot of big industrial companies that are killing us…and that is why it has been illegal so long. It’s not a conspiracy bro…the government doesn’t care about the people they care about money and if something you can grow in your garden with ZERO processing can kill a billion dollar pain medication industry and that is just ONE category of what the plan can do…you’re fucking right they are going to squash it out.

So do your own research, believe what you want, but I am telling you that it works and today I am recommending KUSHLY…who are giving you my dear reader a 20% coupon. Use step20 at checkout…save a lot of money on your purchase…there’s not time like now for you to try it out.

Here are those 20 naked pics of babes on instagram to celebrate CBD deals from KUSHLY

Use step20 For 20% Off CLICK HERE

Use step20 For 20% Off CLICK HERE .

Use step20 For 20% Off CLICK HERE .

Use step20 For 20% Off CLICK HERE .

Use step20 For 20% Off CLICK HERE .

Use step20 For 20% Off CLICK HERE .

Use step20 For 20% Off CLICK HERE .

Posted in:Featured Post




Top 5 “I should Use USA Hangover Patches” Fails of the day

We’ve partnered up with USA HANGOVER PATCHES who have the cure to hangovers, which in the event you didn’t know, last 72 hours for people over the age of 30, a stat I think I read but that I could have made up, I just know that I have the worst fucking hangovers where I can’t move…which could be caused by hepatitis or alcoholism…and overall unhealthiness…but from stories I hear from my friends…not that I have friends…but I read their FB statuses…hangovers are real…but they don’t have to be….at least not according to USA HANGOVER PATCHES ….

To celebrate the hangover cure….here are the top 5 videos of drunk chicks…drinking….who should be wearing their USA HANGOVER PATCHES

1 – Taking In Too Much To Handle…

2- Drying that Pussy

3- The Too Drunk To Stand in the Toilet Stall…

4- The Riding the Fridge Door like it was Frat Dick


The Future of Drinking is Not Getting Hungover So Don’t Get Hungover CLICK HERE

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Hanna Edwinson Greased Up Bikini Photoshoot of the Day

Hanna Edwinson Greased Up Bikini

Hanna Edwinson is an Instagram model no one has ever heard of…who seems like she could be an actual model…from Sweden and her instagram is just an extension of her career as a model because the only way to get really big deals and hired by brands is your following….hence all the ugly sluts who have made a lot of money pretending to be models cuz they have instagram followers and are hired as models.

The whole world is nuts…but here’s a cheesy shoot of this chick to help deal with how nuts the world is.


Posted in:Hanna Edwinson|SFW




Emmy Rossum Pussy Eaten of the Day

Emmy Rossum Naked Getting Pussy Eaten

In honour of the end of Emmy Rossum’s career now that she’s left the tv show Shameless, here is her getting her pussy eaten on tv.

I hate this Emmy Rossum bitch. I don’t know why, but whenever I see anything about her it makes me sick to my fucking stomach. She isn’t hot, compelling, interesting. She doesn’t have a solid stage presence and is totally replaceable. Then there’s the whole whiner, crying over money, cuz she felt she wasn’t getting paid enough thanks to William H Macy, an actual movie star, making more than her…even though the show is based on his character…a show I don’t even want to name, even though I already named it, because it took a great concept of a degenerate and turned it into a Disney ride…with tourettes…just saying bad things, doing bad things, sitting around thinking “How could we make this grimier”….maybe they need some IN FLIGHT TOILET LICKING … cuz you can tell it’s a bunch of rich white people just writing nonsense and not actual people with substance or soul…and it sucks…

But Emmy Rossum sucks more than the show itself…

I don’t know why this pic or GIF is circulating, I just know it is, and fingers crossed this is the last we hear of this trash…even though Hollywood tends to recycle actors…let’s hope they don’t this time.


Posted in:Emmy Rossum




Nadina Vallina Tits Out of the Day

She’s hip, she’s cool…you can tell from the visor…and the pantyhose with panties under it….Nadina Vallina….so on brand, on trend, killing that aesthetic…

That was hip, and cool, 10 years ago when American Apparel commercialized it…only for it to look like some low level version of what they took ownership on.

She must be from Russia or something…you know 10 years behind the rest of the world…but still busting out tits for tits are timeless, they are style, they are class…they aren’t a trend….that can go out of style, while everything else goin on in the pic is. So we focus on that.

Posted in:Nadina Vallina




Iskra Lawrence Flasher of the Day

Iskra Lawrence was born on September 11 so you know she’s up to something….something bad…in a call 911 this bitch is on some ridiculous hustle cuz she wanted fame so bad that involved fattening up and monetizing being fat.

I say that she’s in FAT FACE – faking the fat to get attention…

She even self produced a stupid viral video, the viral video that made her, where she was on the subway in the UK in her underwear shamelessly embracing being fat….which led to getting her work…when it was all a joke to her cuz she’s not naturally fat…she got fat for a role, like she was Christian Bale…or some shit..

So seeing her flash, I see disgusting fat chick, but I also see fucking lies…out to scam marketers…and fat chicks a like to think she’s one of them…when she’s just being an opportunist like them….


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Kether Donohue and JoNell Kennedy Eating Ass on TV of the Day

Kether Donohue JoNell Kennedy Eating Ass

These two eating ass on the TV show You’re the worst….

I don’t know who Kether Donohue is, besides being the one faking eating the JoNell Kennedy ass….I don’t know who JoNell Kennedy is either. I don’t know what this show “You’re the Worst” is either…because I guess I am left in the dark on all things…

Or maybe seeing a fat chick eating ass badly, without seeing the asshole being licked isn’t something I need to see….or get involved in

Which goes to show you that there’s just so much fucking content out there, money is being put into this shit, people are getting paid to produce this shit, millions of fucking dollars cycled through…and people like me, who are on the computer all day, haven’t ever heard of it…

It’s just keeps cycling out to keep the industry alive, like we don’t have enough to watch, between all the options, even though I sit around with nothing to watch pretty much every night…. scrolling through my options, hating all of them….

While shows like this are funded, people are getting paid, and that barely exist…not that I’d like this show..or ver commit to this show…but you get what I am saying….and that is..that ass licking scenes put shows on the map.

Kether Donohue JoNell Kennedy Eating Ass


Posted in:JoNell Kennedy|Kether Donohue




Keke Palmer Booty of the Day

Keke Palmer Booty Shake

Keke Palmer is an actress, I know her because i saw her on STEVE Harvey show…you know digital antennas and not having a job….in fact I think she may be Steve Harvey…or maybe they just have the same level of sex appeal…

I’m just here, being like hollywood, proving that I am not racist, by posting pics of famous black chicks, put them in everything so that people don’t think we’re racists…despite being fucking racists….only I’m not like hollywood in that I am not racist…I hate most people equally, whatever their ethnicity is…and if anything white people are the fucking worst..don’t believe me…look in a mirror and reflect on your life….loser.

Keke Palmer Booty Shake


Posted in:Keke Palmer|SFW




Just a Girl Licking a Plane Toilet Seat of the Day

Her twitter is @Grimsett

Her twitter bio is: “22 – nb (they/them) not a girl – aquarius – sex worker – 18+ ONLY”

She has some “send me cash” bullshit….on her account that has 32k followers.

She’s about to go real viral for licking the plane toilet seat, putting her name on the map…and finally belonging in this world that requires insane stunts to get noticed…

The internet is a wonderful and amazing place to showcase how far people will go for attention….to prove just how they don’t give a fuck…but clearly giving a fuck…cuz if she didn’t give a fuck, she’d be licking this toilet seat without filming it…for people to notice her….

We all know “wild” and crazy girls like this, some were raped by their dads, others wish they were…I find the whole thing pretty boring.

“sex positive” “feminist” cam girls…just trying to get by without actually having a job…

Call me old, cuz I am old, but it’s always more exciting to get the normal conservative girl to open up and tell you all her darkest fantasies, than the annoying exhibitionist girl who just love attention so much she gets more and more wild on camera for attention..

Nothing better than hearing about a CEO or executive into licking toilets in planes as a secret fetish, than seeing some girl do it on video for twitter for attention.

It just cheapens fetishes, we get it, you were raised on porn and you’re wild…but it’s lame…I’m still watching…but it’s lame.

Here are some of her pics…important things happening in our world…

Posted in:Uncategorized




Cynda Mcelvana Pussy Flash Holding Bunny for Easter of the Day

Call animal services, there’s a bunny getting molested from some naked chick named Cynda Mcelvana.

I am pretty sure I’ve done posts on her before, she’s one of those not quite a sex worker, not quite a mainstream model, someone who falls somewhere in between, and who gets naked in photoshoots that she may find high concept, but that are really just an excuse to have her tits out…and I guess her pussy out.

The highlight of this shoot is that you can see her labia…as she holds a bunny…for EASTER…which is just around the corner you chocolate giving pedophiles…

It’s one of those throw in the desert, throw in the RV camper…now you’re in business…producing shit we’ve seen before but who needs concept when you got an exposed pussy.

Posted in:Cynda Mcelvana