I'll Make You Famous…




Leighton Meester Ass For a Surf of the Day

Leighton Meester, the Gossip Girl pussy who may not be the hottest piece of ass around, but she obviously puts out, since she’s had a bunch of kids with Seth from The O.C.

I didn’t watch Gossip Girl, but if I did, I would probably jerk off to her before Blake Lively, since Blake Lively is a monster, but I’ll have to test out that theory one day.

In the meantime, I’ll just stare at Leighton’s ass, since I apparently like middle aged mom ass, especially when I can see it from the front, when out on a surf ….

Her ass looks good, no pock marks or middle aged damage. Where’s the cellulite bitch? Maybe she’s not an actual woman since all mid-30s have that cottage cheese shit…

I’ll assume that it’s because she was born in prison and is hard at her core, hitting the gym like she’s only got 1 hour of rec time a week, like the other prisoners.

Surf’s up.


Posted in:Leighton Meester




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I don’t know the statistics on how many nurses are homewreckers, but I am assuming it’s around 99%, since they all get into nursing for some legitimate decent paid work that allows them to get close to the doctors….who get paid a lot better, allowing them to maximize their common interests and hot nurse look by jumping on that doctor dick, even married doctor dick to get what they deserve so that they don’t have to spend their lives changing old dying people’s diapers all fucking day, but instead go to the spa, shopping, the gym, getting their hair and nails done, with that DOCTOR money….

So here are some nurses, the sex workers of the medical field which is really my kind of girls, since they are sluts and I love sluts…


Posted in:NURSES




Milf Monday of the Day

You may be the kind of guy into MILFs because the only woman who ever loved you was your mother, but you may be the kind of guy into MILFs because your mom never loved you….amnd you still crave a mother….or someone who does mom type things you never had…

You may be the kind of guy who is into MILFs because they are moms and you’ll never get a girl pregnant since it requires fucking, not even the lesbians desperate for sperm to birth their lesbian babies don’t answer your craigslist ads..

You may be the kind of guy who loves MILFs because they are biological women who have been run through and have the proof, unless the kid is dead, in which case she’s a mom with bigger issues than you initially expected from the mom, who you already assumed she had issues because she wasn’t out being a mom, but rather a modern day mom doing sex work shit….

I am into moms for the pussy…

So here are some MILFs…


Posted in:Milf




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I guess I should update this site since it’s late as shit and I haven’t bothered putting up content that no one gives a shit about because I am a failed content producer…

Let’s start with some MILKY TITS on a MONDAY because milk filled tits are tits the way they are supposed to be, you know living their best mom life before being depleted and sad, unless you’re one of those bigot racist misogynist who thinks a tit lives it’s best life at 20 years old, when big and perky in a bikini top at the beach, pool, or even in pics on the internet…you pig.


Posted in:Lactating




Feminist Friday of the Day

I found out that the mainstream had gone perverted – back in 2007 when an uptight feminist who thought men’s magazines were a misogynistic sexist porn mag decided she wanted a threesome or to hook up with girls for feminism because she watched porn and liked it…..

She was the same person who wouldn’t let her husband go out to party with me, because I worked in a porn warehouse but 10 years later she’s trying to produce her own porn for feminism…

We’re 15 years since that era, so shit’s out of control and these may not be feminists, they might be braless chicks, but I bet if asked if they were feminist or if this was empowering to be racy and jerked off to by men on the internet, they’d say they were.

So basically, feminists hate hot chicks who get jerked off to by dudes, until they become the hot chick…works for me, you know since I’m a misogynist who thinks women are just tits and twat and like to objectify them accordingly.

Fascinating..woman logic!


Posted in:Feminist




It’s Friday….Isn’t It? of the Day

Yep…it is….

Posted in:Videos




Brie Larson Slutty of the Day

Brie Larson posted some shameless lingerie pic that’s about as low budget as I’d expect from the trash that is Brie Larson, but not as low budget as you’d expect from someone of her stature.

Brie Larson is packaged as one of the hottest celebrities out there, she even believes the lies and people actually get excited for her to be in their comic book trash action movies despite being a fucking old, weathered pile of shit all thanks to marketing.

It’s like dudes don’t have an opinion of their own, so thanks to people who want high paid stars deciding she’ll be one of those high paid stars, they’ve packaged this try hard as some sort of big deal, and the people who are easily marketed to just sign onto it.

I figure that the people who excel in life, seem to be the loser try hards who try to hard, because that’s the only reason I can imagine tv writing being so bad, the actors are so bad, the pop music is so bad, all while these are pros, the best of the best in pay and in hype, because they actual creative minds fucked off and became insurance adjusters or some shit because no one respected their writing, acting, singing, dancing, business ideas…

Larson came out as a teen girl, not as trans or a lesbian, even though her sex appeal is very lesbian looking and has been trying to work her way through the Hollywood scene until the right dick was sucked or inspired to give her a shot…

Now she’s taking that try hard to social media where her best social media influencer behavior, even with tits out, is pretty shit…


Posted in:Brie Larson




Sabrina Carpenter Upskirt of the Day

Disney kid Sabrina Carpenter has her ass on stage, which isn’t really all that ass, but it’s the illusion of ass which turns out to be enough.

It’s a reminder of something from the Britney Spears archives of a simpler time, when this kind of outfit was a little more shocking and exciting, maybe Sabrina Carpenter is one of Britney’s clone’s they’ve released to the wild. You never know with that creepy big money making industry. Disney imagineers don’t let us know all the tricks that they know in their underground labs….

She is a hugely famous, at least on instagram, with over 1 billion followers, so showing her ass is pretty much all part of the keeping her shit relevant after breaking free from child star by stripping down all those years ago, while still being owned by the same handlers, just a more relatable look for her fanbase to grow with, rather than leaving her doing corny shit for Disney, she can instead do corny shit on stage….


Posted in:Sabrina Carpenter




Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

Thongs are like Barbie, Taylor Swift concerts, Feminism, Transgenderism, tattoos, drag queen story time, experimental vaccines, Fast and the Furious, Kardashians, bikini waxes, being into porn and all the other ridiculous trends that the internet hive mind, or more specifically the female hive mind buy into at such a level because they think they have to buy into those things to exist and because of that, billions of dollars are collectively spent by women who were convinced that they needed to things to fit in.

So women dropped full-back bikini underwear for the pesky tanlines, for thongs to fit in, despite thongs still having tanlines and more importantly were often pulled up just over the low rise pants so dudes have no doubts a thong was on the ass they were staring at.

As it turns out, the thong doesn’t cover the assholes, which turns out to be a bonus for other hive mind activities like slutty selfies, because we can see the asshole without coming across as desperate perverts saying “show me your asshole” which tends to turn off the girl producing the slutty selfies with your direction, because sometimes the coveted asshole pic needs to come together organically….which THONGS can help with…


Posted in:Asshole Behind Thong




Demi Lovato Non Binary Cleavage of the Day

Demi Lovato is showing off her Love/Fear or Fear/Love tattoos on her shoulders to let ya’ll know how edgie the now old as shit child star is…unless this is more about her showing off her cleavage, which isn’t really hot cleavage, more like heroin addict who has bounced around in weight due to her heroin addiction, stretching out the tit into some sloppy fucking mess that requires a tight dress to give it any kind of cleavage…

It’s still cleavage, that would arguably be better if it was dead cleavage, not because I am some gothic necrophiliac that Demi Lovato looks like she’d probably date with this dark past, dark hair, dark dress, tattooed and nose pierced look….I just think that if you/re a heroin addict on the public level with so many kids as fan, having an overdose and then being rewarded for it by being given another chance because she can leverage the comeback as a legitimate comeback, exploiting the overdose as a marketing hook, is not a good moral of the story….

The good moral of the story is dead or vegetative state, not just because it would make her easier to finger bang in the event you were working where she was being housed, but because kids should see their idols die from bad decisions, not thrive as a comeback story, even if people like a good comeback story, heroin overdoses don’t deserve comeback stories…which is why the BAN NARCAN campaign is so important to people who don’t have loved ones who have been saved by NARCAN after a good nod…


Posted in:Demi Lovato